Maven deploy artifact - apache2

I am using mvn deploy:deploy-file to upload a artifact to the remote repository.
I am having -
Apache2.2 and Maven-3.0.3
Following is the command I am using -
mvn -X deploy:deploy-file -Durl= -DrepositoryId=repo-mine -Dfile=temp.jar -DgroupId=com.yagnaiq -DartifactId=temp -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dclassifier=test -DgeneratePom=true -DgeneratePom.description="My POM" -DrepositoryLayout=default -DuniqueVersion=false
My settings.xml contains an entry for repositoryId as-
</server> </servers>
I am getting following error -
Caused by: org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException: Failed to transfer file: Return code is: 500
Need help on this!

Error 500 means something went wrong on the remote server. You should check the logs on the server. (Maybe it's out of disk space or something).


Unable to run setup:upgrade command- Scandipwa

Installing scandipwa after cache changes to varinsh cache.
I'm Facing an error while running setup:upgrade command.
Error flushing Varnish server. Host: "scandi.pwa". PURGE response code: 500 message: Internal Server Error
using apache. Can we fix this on apache without using nginx?

Solr: 404 error with getting admin page

I've installed Solr on my Ubuntu to this path
After installing I started Solr:
sudo bin/solr start from /opt/solr/solr-4.10.2 directory
As I can understand it started successfully
Waiting to see Solr listening on port 8983 [/]
Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=8385). Happy searching!
But when I try to get to admin page
I got 404 error:
Problem accessing /solr. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://
Do you have any suggestion what's going wrong and where to look in order to fix this problem?
Since this error can be caused by a lot of things, you need to access the log file and debug the execution.
First of all, open your Node log file, located in /opt/solr/solr-4.10.2/node1/log and look for something weird (Shift+F for Errors).
Generally, this error occurs when you have a mismatch between the Solr required Java JDK and your current Java JDK.
When I had this problem, I found in the log file the following error message java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/apache/solr/servlet/SolrDispatchFilter : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 and realized the problem was the java version.
To solve this, try to change the current JDK, using the command sudo update-alternatives --config javac.
If the error still occurs, try to uninstall all unused JDK's, because Solr is getting the wrong path.
The final solution to this issue is to open the file /opt/solr/solr-4.10.2/ and edit the SOLR_JAVA_HOME, writing the right JDK path (e.g /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0)
Disclosure: the secret is look in the log file and figure out what is causing the issue.
[solr's web.xml]

Unable to deploy profile to JBoss Fuse 6.1 using fabric8:deploy

I am trying to deploy a simple Camel route to my local instance of JBoss Fuse 6.1 (GA release). I am trying to use the fabric8-maven-plugin to do so, but everytime I run fabric8:deploy, I receive the following error
Failed to execute goal io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:1.0.0.redhat-379:deploy (default-cli) on project filemover: Error executing: IO-Error while contacting the server: org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: The target server failed to respond
Here is my current plugin-definition from my pom file
My ~/.m2/user/settings.xml file contains the following server definition
And I am executing the following mvn command
mvn fabric8:deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true
(I realize I am skipping the tests, but I am trying to just deploy a profile at this time)
I can log onto the management console just fine and can see the root container no problem. Have I missed something in the configuration of Fuse to enable this?
I just spend some hours in the same problem.
Just change the version to 1.1.0.CR5 and you can deploy using mvn fabric8:deploy
Best Regards
are you sure you are trying on the correct server? Just put the fabric URL server where you want to deploy. I'm using that plugin version and it works correctly.
I know may be it's too late, but just for let you know, you can deploy in any server with
mvn clean fabric8:deploy -Dfabric8.jolokiaUrl=http://localhost:8181/jolokia

tomcat is throwing "deploy upload fail - no space left" while deployment of war file

I am trying to deploy a war file on tomcat server via tomcat manager. but each time I am getting this error:
FAIL - Deploy Upload Failed, Exception: Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. No space left on device
There is plenty of space on the server. I have only tomcat server and MySQL server running on the server, nothing else.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong and what is the workaround?
It might be you have a permission problem here.
You can try
chmod 777 /opt/apache-tomcat-X.X.XX/work/Catalina/localhost/manager
and maybe additional
chmod 777 /opt/apache-tomcat-X.X.XX/webapps/sample
where sample is your app directory ofc.

How can I disable apache2 error logging?

In /etc/apache2/apache2.conf I have uncommented the following line:
# ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
Which resulted in the following:
serv:/var/log/apache2# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting (2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /etc/apache2/logs/error_log.
Unable to open logs
Action 'start' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
How can I disable error logging of virtual hosts that contain no ErrorLog/CustomLog directive?
As you can see apache can not open log file. In this case you must change
This resolution it can be see in stating apache ubuntu forum.
Try starting apache using the following command
service apache2 start
