Wicket: How to Use Weekly Calendar - calendar

I use Wicket framework and I would like to know if there is a component which has weekly calendar feature.
Also, I would like to add appointments on runtime without using any other calendar services.
I mean something like that
I have googled it already but I haven't found a component which suits me.

You are looking for Wicket + FullCalendar: https://github.com/42Lines/wicket-fullcalendar


Storybook in Salesforce Lightning or alternative

Recently I've joined a new job and they are working with Salesforce. They have all pages with APEX and I propose to migrate to Lightning components.
I've created the first 7 components and I'm using Atomic Design Methodology (https://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/chapter-2/) to develop these components.
I want to implement stories (with Storybook) or another similar library to document and put examples of each web component.
My question is... Is it possible? I try to install Storybook in the project and isn't working. The question is simple, whether or not you can. And if not, if you know any alternative to it.
Thank you!
In order to use Storybook, you will need to follow the provided Storybook documentation for lightning "Web Component" rather than the other available options like React and configure your VS Code to work with your SF Environment. Also, you might want to look into downloading the lwc-services, lwc-webpack-plugin and mo-dx-plugin dependency.

AngularJS Bootstrap Calendar - Mwl - connecting e.g with Outlook

I use this calendar in my AngularJS 1.5.8 application:
AngularJS Bootstrap Calendar
My question now is maybe a little bit strange but I need a connection of this calendar with the Outlook calendar in that way that the events in my AngularJS Bootstrap calendar should be synchronized with outlook (so that the events are also shown in outlook) and maybe also in the other direction.
Have someone done anything in that direction?
I have downvoted your question, because it looks like you haven't tried anything at all.
This community aims to help you when you run in to errors and difficulties during development. We are not here to do the work for you.
I do understand that while you are developing you might run into issues, when you do, try and provide us with a MCVE which is short for Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example.
That being said:
You should check out the outlook API, they will tell you how to retrieve and post events. Once you have your data, you should transform it into models your calendarComponent understands. Once this is done, you should simply be able to render all events.

Use backbone routing without changing url

I have developed a webapp using backbone.js and more importantly a backbone router. Now I have been asked if this app that changes the URL depending on what section you visit, can be used within a single div as mini module on a website. Almost like a widget within a dashboard.
Any ideas how I could quickly implement this..... I feel like i'm missing a simple solution here.

Add a simple calendar in my website synchronized with AirBNB *.ics

I'm building a website for flat rental. I need to include in it a calendar (small, basic, only month dates busy/free) synchronized with the AirBNB one for the same property. AirBNB offers me a link with a *.ics file making use of Ical protocol (same as Google Calendar AFAIK).
I'd be updating the AirBNB calendar from their site and would like to have the calendar in my website synchronized with it simply showing which dates are free/busy to be rented.
I'm developing the website making use of PHP and jQuery. I'm thinking of a solution making use of any/both of them but an <iframe> solution or similar would do the trick too.
I've googled all over and believe I simply can't understand whether they're solutions to my problem or kind of the opposite (update by importing into AirBNB calendar).
Any idea, suggestion, more than welcome. Thank you in advance,
I would reverse engineer airbnb's rest calls on their mobile/web app and make the same calls to update calendar after you log them in.
Using PHP/jQuery is irrelevant to the matter here.

Create Calendar with backbone

I need ideas or directions to create calendar in backbone.js Has anyone already do this or has ideas how to do this like in Android Calendar
I am interested in this week view so I could display Events. Thanks.
I have a Backbone App that has a calendar and I use FullCalendar jQuery plugin to show and create the events. When fetching I translate from my collection to the format expected by the plugin and vice versa.
Once you got it running it is very nice and easy to use. The documentation is also good.
