Restlet GWT in a Google Gadget - google-app-engine

I am developing a GWT app for the Google Apps marketplace. I am using AppEngine with Restlet on the server side. Client side I use the GWT edition of Restlet. This is a great combination. I have my domain objects shared between client and server and as such no need for DTO's or proxies and so on. On the client side I can simply call Restlet resources :
CustomerResourceProxy customerResource = GWT.create(CustomerResourceProxy.class);
customerResource.retrieve(new Result<Customer>() { .... }
No need to parse the underlying XML or use JSNI to interpret incoming JSON.
BUT... part of the app is a GMAIL contextual gadget, and I cannot simply use the above code because all communication between a Gadget and the server must pass through GadgetsIO makeRequest.
So... just for the gadget, I will have to make the effort of parsing the XML or using JSNI to interpret the incoming JSON.
Is it überhaupt possible to hack the Restlet GWT client to pass all communication via GadgetsIO and what would it take ? Any pointers very welcome !

I managed to get Restlet resources to work within a Gadget using GWT by making some changes to the Restlet GWT edition :
In GwtClientCall I replaced the standard GWT requestbuilder by the GadgetRequestBuilder (which will IoProvider.makeRequest), like this :
public GwtClientCall(GwtHttpClientHelper helper, String method, String requestUri, boolean hasEntity) {
super(helper, method, requestUri);
Reference requestRef = new Reference(requestUri);
if (requestRef.isRelative() || requestRef.getScheme().startsWith("http")) {
this.requestBuilder = new GadgetsRequestBuilder(method, requestUri);
this.responseHeadersAdded = false;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only HTTP or HTTPS resource URIs are allowed here");
In the gadgetsrequestbuilder, I had to make some changes so it would pass the headers in the request :
private GadgetsRequest doSend(String requestData, final RequestCallback callback) throws RequestException {
final RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.newInstance();
if (requestData != null && requestData.length() > 0) {
final GadgetsRequest gadgetsRequest = new GadgetsRequest(getTimeoutMillis(), callback);
IoProvider.get().makeRequest(getUrl(), new ResponseReceivedHandler<Object>() {
public void onResponseReceived(ResponseReceivedEvent<Object> event) {
gadgetsRequest.fireOnResponseReceived(event, callback);
}, options);
return gadgetsRequest;
the gadget container by default strips the response headers, so i manually add the MediaType.APPLICATION_JAVA_OBJECT_GWT
public Series<org.restlet.client.engine.header.Header> getResponseHeaders() {
final Series<org.restlet.client.engine.header.Header> result = super.getResponseHeaders();
if (!this.responseHeadersAdded && (getResponse() != null)) {
Header[] headers = getResponse().getHeaders();
for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
if (headers[i] != null) {
result.add(headers[i].getName(), headers[i].getValue());
result.add(HeaderConstants.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, MediaType.APPLICATION_JAVA_OBJECT_GWT.toString());
this.responseHeadersAdded = true;
return result;
A lot of dialogboxes for debugging later, it works :-)


Get file size of an URL without download

To get the file size of an URL without download, I wrote:
public static long getFileSizeWithoutDownload(String url) {
ConnectionRequest cr = new GZConnectionRequest();
NetworkManager.getInstance().addProgressListener((NetworkEvent evt) -> {
if (cr == evt.getConnectionRequest() && evt.getLength() > 0) {
return cr.getContentLength();
It seems to work on Simulator, Android and iOS with a testing URL of my Spring Boot server.
Anyway, I consider this code as a workaround, as I couldn't find an API that directly gives me the file size without starting the download first. Starting the download and then killing it works, but maybe there may be a better way to get the same result. By the way, the condition && evt.getLength() > 0 may never be satisfied in some cases (depending on the headers received), so it would be better to read only the headers, in which "Content-Length" may be present or absent.
So, my question is if, with Codename One, there is a way to download only the response headers, without starting the download. Thank you.
Using the HTTP head request should give you the content length header that you can then use to get the size of the file without triggering a download. Your code might not follow through on the download but it does physically happen so a head request would be superior.
Unfortunately while there's a nice wrapper to head in Rest. This wrapper isn't very useful since there's no API to query response headers. That would make sense as an enhancement. You would need to derive ConnectionRequest and read the server response headers to get the content length.
Thank you Shai, your answer led me in the right direction. cr.setHttpMethod("HEAD"); simplifies the code and prevents the download from starting:
public static long getFileSizeWithoutDownload(String url) {
ConnectionRequest cr = new GZConnectionRequest();
return cr.getContentLength();
However, as you wrote, I can override ConnectionRequest for a more precise control of the headers. This other method performs the same function as the previous one, but it also guarantees me that the server supports partial downloads. In fact, if the server does not support partial downloads, the information about the content length would be useless for my purposes:
* Returns -2 if the server doesn't accept partial downloads, -1 if the
* content length is unknow, a value greater than 0 if the Content-Length is
* known
* #param url
* #return must be interpreted as a boolean value: if greater than zero than
* partial downloads are supported (the returned value is the Content-Length),
* otherwise they are not supported.
public static long getFileSizeWithoutDownload(String url) {
// documentation about the headers:
Wrapper<Long> result = new Wrapper<>(0l);
ConnectionRequest cr = new GZConnectionRequest() {
protected void readHeaders(Object connection) throws IOException {
String acceptRanges = getHeader(connection, "Accept-Ranges");
if (acceptRanges == null || !acceptRanges.equals("bytes")) {
Log.p("The partial downloads of " + url + " are not supported.", Log.WARNING);
} else {
String contentLength = getHeader(connection, "Content-Length");
if (contentLength != null) {
} else {
Log.p("The Content-Length of " + url + " is unknown.", Log.WARNING);
return result.get();
The readHeaders and getHeader methods are implementation dependent. I have verified that they work as desired on Simulator, Android and iOS.
Lastly, the Wrapper class is so implemented:
* Generic object wrapper, as workaround for the issue "Local variables
* referenced from a lambda expression must be final or effectively final".
public class Wrapper<T> {
private T object;
public Wrapper(T obj) {
this.object = obj;
public T get() {
return object;
public void set(T obj) {
this.object = obj;
I hope this detailed answer will help those who need to read HTTP headers with Codename One.

Codename one application is not able to connect with server using https request

We have created codename one application which using https request.
I have not made any changes in code.
Earlier the request could be sent using https but now their is a problem and i am unable to connect to the server using https request but i am able to connect same https url using postman.
The connection code snippet is following please refer it
new APIHandler().PropertiesLoad();
ConnectionRequest req = new ConnectionRequest() {
protected void handleErrorResponseCode(int code, String message) {
if (code != 200) {
// do something
req.addArgument("FirstName", fName;
req.addArgument("SecondName", sName);
req.addArgument("BirthDate", bDate);
req.addArgument("Password", pWord);
NetworkManager.getInstance().addErrorListener((e) -> e.consume());
byte[] data = req.getResponseData();
if (data == null) {
result = new String(data);
} catch (Exception e) {
//get nullpointer exception because result get null
result = "";
return result;

How to retrieve all instances on the JHipster API for entities

When calling the generated api when using a paginator, is there any way i can call the generated REST-api to retrieve ALL instances of an object, insted of only the first 20,30,40 etc?
I find that since i am using pagination for my entity-creation and management, when i want to utilize these entities in other views (self created), then the API does not provide all the instances when calling the entity.query() in angular/js.
Is this a limitation to JHipster, or can i call the REST-API in any other way supplying info to discard the paginator?
You can modify existing rest controller for that entity. Here is an example with a Center entity.
I return all centers if there is no value for offset and limit.
#RequestMapping(value = "/centers",
method = RequestMethod.GET,
produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<List<Center>> getAll(#RequestParam(value = "page" , required = false) Integer offset,
#RequestParam(value = "per_page", required = false) Integer limit)
throws URISyntaxException {
if(offset == null && limit == null) {
return new ResponseEntity<List<Center>>(centerRepository.findAll(), HttpStatus.OK);
} else {
Page<Center> page = centerRepository.findAll(PaginationUtil.generatePageRequest(offset, limit));
HttpHeaders headers = PaginationUtil.generatePaginationHttpHeaders(page, "/api/centers", offset, limit);
return new ResponseEntity<List<Center>>(page.getContent(), headers, HttpStatus.OK);
Then in angular, you just have to call Center.query(); without params.
It's an old question but for anyone who's looking for easy solution. You need to override default PageableHandlerMethodArgumnetResolver bean:
public class CustomWebConfigurer implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver resolver = new PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver();

How to achieve mp3 stream using java Servlet

Goal: build a servlet so that when I type in browser, I can instantaneously start the playing of this mp3 file. Previously if I put the file on goDaddy as a static file, I can do that. My software can play it right away.
Using Servlet, I can ignore what is after ?, just want this page to return the mp3 dynamically (because in the future I may return any other files). What I got is a long wait (>20 seconds), and then got the player to play it.
I followed some examples, and noticed "attachment" in the example. However, if I remove it, the mp3 won't got played even. I am usign Google App Engine though, but just use the input/outputstream to return the http request. Anyone can help?
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException ,IOException {
OutputStream os = res.getOutputStream();
res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="" + "a.mp3";");
FileService fileService = FileServiceFactory.getFileService();
boolean lockForRead = false;
String filename = "/gs/" + BUCKETNAME + "/" + FILENAME;
AppEngineFile readableFile = new AppEngineFile(filename);
FileReadChannel readChannel = fileService.openReadChannel(readableFile, lockForRead);
InputStream is = Channels.newInputStream(readChannel);
int BUFF_SIZE = 1024;
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFF_SIZE];
try {
do {
int byteCount =;
if (byteCount == -1)
os.write(buffer, 0, byteCount);
} while (true);
} catch (Exception excp) {
} finally {
} catch(Exception e){
Few notes:
You are not doing "streaming". Just a plain file download.
To do blob (file) serving, you do not need to read the blob from BlobStore as you do with AppEngineFile. Just serve it directly with blobstoreService.serve(blobKey). See Serving a Blob for an example.
You can get the BlobKey needed in 2. via fileService.getBlobKey(readableFile).
Just realized you are using Google Cloud Storage, not BlobStore.
In GS, if ACLs are properly set, files are publicly visible via:
Since you are not doing any authentication, you could publicly share the file on GS and then in your servlet just do a 301 redirect to public URL of the file.

How to set in Silverlight WebClient timeout?

I use WebClient in a Silverlight Appliction to access REST Services. Its an unknown amount of asynchronous calls.
The cool thing is, you can order your requests and responses! the responses are matched to theirs requests! This is necessary, because you do not know in what order the responses will come back.
But how do i get a "timeout" for my calls with WebClient? lets say 15 sec
I would like kinda to stick to WebClient/this code with delegates/lambda. I know there is a timeout property with WebRequest class, but i am not sure if just can replace WebClient with WebRequest but keep the functionality.
int maxRequests = list_S.Count;
// amount of URI
foreach (string item in list_S)
bool isValid = Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(item, UriKind.Absolute);
Uri uriTest;
if(isValid) //if it is valid Uri, send request
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, args) =>
if (args.Error == null)
dict.Add((int)args.UserState, args.Result);
//here you test if it is the last request... if it is, you can
//order the list and use it as you want
if (dict.Count == maxRequests)
var orderedResults = dict.OrderBy(a => a.Key);
wc.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(item), i++);
MessageBox.Show("Uri FAIL!: " + item);
The WebRequest does not provide a means for managing request timeouts either.
The approach you need to take is to use WebClient in conjunction with your own code based on a DispatcherTimer that will call the WebClient CancelAsync method.
