Restore SQL Server DB without transaction log - sql-server

Given a SQL Server 2008 .bak file, is there a way to restore the data file only from the .bak file, without the transaction log?
The reason I'm asking is that the transaction log file size of this database is huge - exceeding the disc space I have readily available.
I have no interest in the transaction log, and no interest in any uncompleted transactions. Normally I would simply shrink the log to zero, once I've restored the database. But that doesn't help when I have insufficient disc space to create the log in the first place.
What I need is a way to tell SQL Server to restore only the data from the .bak file, not the transaction log. Is there any way to do that?
Note that I have no control over the generation of the .bak file - it's from an external source. Shrinking the transaction log before generating the .bak file is not an option.

The transaction log is an integral part of the backup. You can't tell SQL Server to ignore the transaction log, because there is no way to let's say restore and shrink the transaction log file at the same time. However, you can take a look at DBA post to hack the process, although it is not recommended at all
Alternatively you could try some third party tools for restoring, particularly virtual restoring process that can save a lot of space and time. Check out ApexSQL Restore, RedGate Virtual Restore, Idera Virtual Database.
Disclaimer: I work for ApexSQL as support engineer

No, the transaction log is required.
Option 1:
An option may be to restore it to a machine that you DO have enough space on. Then on the restored copy change the logging to either bulk logged or simple, shrink the logs, do another backup operation on this new copy and then use that to restore to the target machine with the now much smaller transaction log.
Option 2:
Alternatively, perhaps the contact at the external source could shrink the transaction log before sending it to you (this may not work if the log is large due to a lot of big transactions).
Docs on the command to shrink the log file are available here.

This is really a question for the ServerFault or DBA sites, but the short answer is no, you can only restore the full .bak file (leaving aside 'exotic' scenarios such as filegroup or piecemeal restores). You don't say what "huge" means, but disk space is cheap; if adding more really isn't an option then you need to find an alternative way of getting the data from your external source.

This may not work since you have no control over the generation of the .bak file, but if you could convince your source to detach the database and then send you a copy of the .mdf file directly, you could then attach the .mdf and your server would automatically create a new empty transaction log file.
See sp_detach_db and sp_attach_db (or CREATE DATABASE database_name FOR ATTACH depending on your sql server version).

I know this is an old thread now, but i stumbled across it while I was having transactional log corruption issues, here is how I got around it without any data loss (I did have down time though!)
Here is what I did:--
Stop the sql server instance service
make a copy of the affected database .mdf file and .ldf file (if you have an .ndf file, copy that as well!) - Just to be sure, you can always put these back if it doesn't work for you.
restart the service.
Log into sql management studio and change the database mode to simple, then take a full backup.
Change the database type back again and once again take a full backup, then take a transactional log backup.
Detach the database.
Right click on databases and click on restore, select the database name from the drop down list, select the later full database backup created (not the one taken from the simple mode) and also select the transactional log backup.
Click restore and it should put it all back without any corruption in the log files.
This worked for me with no errors and my backups all worked correctly afterwards and there were no more transactional log errors.


How the unallocated space in SQL Server affects copying to another SQL Server

I am a newbie in SQL Server, I have a task to move the whole SQL Server to another.
I am trying to estimate how much space I need in the new SQL Server.
I ran EXEC sp_spaceused
And the following came up:
When I look into the output, it seems that the Database is using ~122GB (reserved), but when looking in the total database size (mdf + ldf) it is ~1.8 TB.
Does that mean when I copy the Database from the existing SQL Server to a new one I will need ~1.8 TBs into the new?
I am thinking about creating a back-up and copy the back-up to the new Server. How does the back-up takes into consideration the unallocated space? Does the back gets closer to the reserved or the database_size? I understand that this is without taking into consideration the uncompressed in the back-up, which will improve the file size.
Thx for the help.
The backup file will be much smaller than 1.8TB, since unallocated pages are not backed up. But the log and data files themselves will be restored to an identical size, so you will need 1.8TB on the target in order to restore the database in its current state.
Did you check to see if your log file is large due to some uncontrolled growth that happened at some point and is maybe no longer necessary? If this is where all your size is, it's quite possible you can fix this before the move. Make sure you have a full backup and take at least one log backup, then use DBCC SHRINKFILE to bring the log file back into the right stratosphere, especially if it was caused by either a one-time abnormal event or a prolonged log backup neglect that has now been addressed.
I really don't recommend copying/moving the mdf/ldf files (background) or using the SSMS UI to "do a copy" since you can have much greater control over what you're actually doing by using proper BACKUP DATABASE and RESTORE DATABASE commands.
How do I verify how much of the log data is being used?
If you're taking regular log backups (or are in simple recovery), it should usually be a very small % of the file. DBCC SQLPERF(LogSpace); will tell you % in use for all log files.
To minimize the size that the log will require in the backup file itself, then:
if full recovery, back up the log first.
if simple recovery, run a couple of CHECKPOINT; commands first.

What is the best possible way to tackle SQL Server transaction logs filling up disk space?

I need the best shortest possible way to handle SQL Server transaction log files as my disk will be having a problem in saving them, in future. I don't know how to tackle this Low Disk Space issue, as my drive's free space is already in MB's.
Now, I don't know that whether the logs will be lost or affected if I move them to some other drive or will it effect the transactions or how to save the future logs depending on some previous transactions, if the disk space is completely full. Someone please help!!
Lets first take something off the table: do not delete or move any database mdf or ldf file. You'll end up corrupting and loosing the database.
You need to investigate why is the log growing. Go read Factors That Can Delay Log Truncation. Follow the steps in the article to identify why is the log growing.
If the reasons is anything else but 'LOG_BACKUP', post an update with the reason you discovered and we can take give further advise.
If the reason is LOG_BACKUP then we can proceed. You have a database in non-SIMPLE recovery mode which is not being backed up correctly. You need to answer a question: Why is the database not in SIMPLE recovery mode? This is a business decision question so we cannot possibly know the answer.
If you don't know the answer to above or if you realize that SIMPLE recovery mode is acceptable, then we can do the quick fix. Change the recovery model to SIMPLE then run DBCC SHRINKFILE to shrink the log.
If you need a non-SIMPLE recovery model then you need to set up a proper log backup plan and start taking log backups. Read Transaction Log Backups and Use the Maintenance Plan Wizard. See See How to shrink the SQL Server Log to understand why you need to take repeated log backups until the SHRINKFILE is effective, due to the circular nature of the log.
First, you should read the excellent answer written by Remus Rusanu.
At the beginning, he wrote:
Lets first take something off the table: do not delete or move any database mdf or ldf file. You'll end up corrupting and loosing the database.
To clarify: It is possible to move the log file to another drive in order to free space on the current drive.
It's just that you can't/shouldn't just move the file in Windows Explorer while the database is in use by SQL Server.
Disclaimer: You probably won't need to do this if you follow the steps in Remus' answer.
But it's possible that you still may want to move the log file to a different drive.
Either for performance reasons (SQL Server ist faster if database and log file are on two different physical drives, because there are lots of writes to the log file), or if you still have a disk space problem (even if you shrink the log file or back it up regularly, some day the database size will grow so that the drive is too small to hold both files).
To move the log file (or the database file) to another location, you need to:
detach the database from SQL Server
move the file(s)
re-attach the database and specify the new file location(s)
Here are two tutorials with screenshots how to do this:
Move SQL Server transaction log files to a different location via TSQL and SSMS
Move SQL Server transaction log to another disk

Recovering transaction log from corrupt SQL Server database

We have a database that is backed up weekly in simple mode. Yesterday, we had a crc error corrupt the mdf file and we were unable to save it. I restored the backup from last week, but now we have a gap from the time of the backup to the time of the restore. Since I have the ldf file from that database, is there any way to "replay" that transaction log to fill in the gap?
I have tried reattaching the ldf file to the recovered mdf file, but SQL Server will not allow me to do that. (It just creates a new ldf file with a different name when I reattach the database.)
Any ideas would help. This is a lot of data to lose and although it is not critical data, I'd like to get it back (as well as learn as well as learn how to do it.)
If you follow the instructions from MSDN -How to: Restore to a Point in Time (SQL Server Management Studio) you should be good. I will not reproduce them here as they are quite long. There is also MSDN - How to: Restore a Transaction Log Backup

SQL Server backup/restore vs. detach/attach

I have one database which contains the most recent data, and I want to replicate the database content into some other servers. Due to non-technical reasons, I can not directly use replicate function or sync function to sync to other SQL Server instances.
Now, I have two solutions, and I want to learn the pros and cons for each solution. Thanks!
Solution 1: detach the source database which contains the most recent data, then copy to the destination servers which need the most recent data, and attach database at the destination servers;
Solution 2: make a full backup of source server for the whole database, then copy data to destination servers and take a full recovery at the destination server side.
thanks in advance,
The Detach / Attach option is often quicker than performing a backup as it doesn't have to create a new file. Therefore, the time from Server A to Server B is almost purely the file copy time.
The Backup / Restore option allows you to perform a full backup, restore that, then perform a differential backup which means your down time can be reduced between the two.
If it's data replication you're after, does that mean you want the database functional in both locations? In that case, you probably want the backup / restore option as that will leave the current database fully functional.
EDIT: Just to clarify a few points. By downtime I mean that if you're migrating a database from one server to another, you generally will be stopping people using it whilst it's in transit. Therefore, from the "stop" point on Server A up to the "start" point on Server B this could be considered downtime. Otherwise, any actions performed on the database on server A during transit will not be replicated onto server B.
In regards to the "create a new file". If you detach a database you can copy the MDF file immediately. It's already there ready to be copied. However, if you perform a backup, you have to wait for the .BAK file to be created and then move it to it's new location for a restore. Again this all comes down to is this a snapshot copy or a migration.
Backing up and restoring makes much more sense, even if you might eek out a few extra minutes from a detach attach option instead. You have to take the original database offline (disconnect everyone) prior to a detach, and then the db is unavailable until you reattach. You also have to keep track of all of the files, whereas with a backup all of the files are grouped. And with the most recent versions of SQL Server the backups are compressed.
And just to correct something: DB backups and differential backups do not truncate the log, and do not break the log chain.
In addition, the COPY_ONLY functionality only matters for the differential base, not for the LOG. All log backups can be applied in sequence from any backup assuming there was no break in the log chain. There is a slight difference with the archive point, but I can't see where that matters.
Solution 2 would be my choice... Primarily becuase it won't create any downtime on the source database. The only disadvatage i can see is that depending on the database recovery model, the transaction log will be truncated meaning if you wanted to restore any data from the transaction log you'd be stuffed, you'd have to use your backup file.
EDIT: Found a nice link;

The log file for database is full

So our SQL Server 2000 is giving me the error, "The log file for database is full. Back up the transaction log for the database to free up some log space."
How do I go about fixing this without deleting the log like some other sites have mentioned?
Additional Info: Enable AutoGrowth is enabled growing by 10% and is restricted to 40MB.
To just empty it:
backup log <dbname> with truncate_only
To save it somewhere:
backup log <dbname> to disk='c:\somefile.bak'
If you dont really need transactional history, try setting the database recovery mode to simple.
Scott, as you guessed: truncating the log is a bad move if you care about your data.
The following, free, videos will help you see exactly what's going on and will show you how to fix the problem without truncating the logs. (These videos also explain why that's such a dangerous hack and why you are right to look for another solution.)
SQL Server Backups Demystified
SQL Server Logging Essentials
Understanding Backup Options
Together these videos will help you understand exactly what's going on and will show you whether you want to switch to SIMPLE recovery, or look into actually changing your backup routines. There are also some additional 'how-to' videos that will show you exactly how to set up your backups to ensure availability while managing log file sizing and growth.
ether backup your database logs regularly if you need to recover up to the minute or do other fun stuff like log shipping in the future, or set the database to simple mode and shrink the data file.
DO NOT copy, rename, or delete the .ldf file this will break your database and after you recover from this you may have data in an inconsistent state making it invalid.
I don't think renaming or moving the log file will work while the database is online.
Easiest thing to do, IMO, is to open the properties for the database and switch it to Simple Recovery Model. then shrink the database and then go back and set the DB to Full Recoery Model (or whatever model you need).
Changing the logging mode forces SQL Server to set a checkpoint in the database, after which shrinking the database will free up the excess space.
My friend who faced this error in the past recommends:
Backing up the DB. The maintenance plan includes truncation of these files.
Also try changing the 'recovery mode' for the DB to Simple (instead of Full for instance)
The transaction log swells up due to events being logged (Maybe you have a number of transactions failing and being rolled back.. or a sudden peaking in transactions on the server )
You may want to check related SO question:
How do you clear the transaction log in a SQL Server 2005 database?
Well you could take a copy of the transaction log, then truncate the log file, which is what the error message suggests.
If disk space is full and you can't copy the log to another machine over the network, then connect a drive via USB and copy it off that way.
You have the answer in your question: Backup the log, then it will be shrunk.
Make a maintenance plan to regularly backup the database and don't forget to select "Backup the transaction log". That way you'll keep it small.
If it's a non production environment use
dump tran <db_name> with no_log;
Once this has completed shrink the log file to free up disk space. Finally switch database recovery mode to simple.
As soon as you take a full backup of the database, and the database is not using the Simple recovery model, SQL Server keeps a complete record of all transactions ever performed on the database. It does this so that in the event of a catastrophic failure where you lose the data file, you can restore to the point of failure by backing up the log and, once you have restored an old data backup, restore the log to replay the lost transactions.
To prevent this building up, you must back up the transaction log. Or, you can break the chain at the current point using the TRUNCATE_ONLY or NO_LOG options of BACKUP LOG.
If you don't need this feature, set the recovery model to Simple.
My dear friend it is vey important for a DBA to check his log file quite frequently. Because if you don't give much attention towards it some day it is going to give this error.
For this purpose you have to periodically take back up so that the logs file would not faced such error.
Other then this the above given suggestion are quite right.
Rename it it. eg:
Then the SQL server can use a new empty one.
