Whitelist IFrames from e.g. YouTube with AntiXSS - antixsslibrary

Is it possible to whitelist e.g. IFrames with the source set to YouTube, when retrieving the content with GetSafeHtmlFragment from microsofts AntiXss library?

No - the HtmlSanitizer safe list is not customisable.


Dot Net Nuke: How to add DNN's Captcha Control in .cshtml (Razor Host Module)

Is there a way to add DNN's Captcha Control in a .cshtml file (Razor Host Module)?
I found a variety of examples in ascx files, but not a single one using .cshtml.
ASCX example: http://mitchelsellers.com/blogs/2008/01/27/implementing-captcha-in-a-dotnetnuke-module.aspx
Is it possible to do that?
Thanks in advance.
In the same blog post you shared above, there is a comment by the author that suggests that you cannot use the DNN Captcha control in an MVC/SPA/WebAPI context, as it is a deprecated Telerik WebForms based control.
Since you are using Razor, I'm assuming you are developing an SPA/WebAPI module.
Have you considered using Google's ReCaptcha instead, as Mitchell Sellers suggested in his comment?

I am looking to scrape the name and URLs of all videos in a Vimeo channel. Is this possible?

I am building a website where video sermons are located on a Vimeo channel ... hundreds of them. I would like to scrape the videos in this channel an get from the the title of the video and the URL.
Any ideas?
Thank you very much!
You should use the Vimeo API instead of scraping for content. Scraping may result in getting banned from Vimeo, especially if you want metadata on hundreds of videos.
More information about the Vimeo API can be found on the developer site below, but as another user mentioned you should provide more information about what your intent is, what you've tried, and the programming languages you're comfortable using.

Crawling a website that uses angular routes

I have a personal website that I use for some of my motorbike racing. I created it recently using node and angular. I decided to try angular routes for my page navigation etc. I think it worked well but I'm annoyed that my website isn't showing on google search.
When I've looked into how to get google to find your website I've followed many suggestions with meta names etc but when I came to a sitemap I discovered that most crawlers etc have problems finding any links on my website to other pages.
You can see my website here - MPC Racing
I have tried using this automatic sitemap creator and it can't find anything apart from my main page - XML Sitemap
Do you have any suggestions on how I can my website more easily found by search engines?
For example, a design company designed all my graphics for my bike and if I type into google "Webstep Racing Team" I get the link to their website as the first hit but nothing at all on my website. What is it they are doing and I'm not? - Webstep Racing Team
In Google Webmaster tools there is an option to 'Fetch as google'. So you see what google sees when it crawls your angular app. It gives you an image of what google sees.
However for me the problem is that the crawler does not crawl the angular links within the app.
By default the hashes are getting ignored by search engines, because normally they refer to parts of the same page.
You can follow google guidelines for ajax crawling urls to get the hashed url indexed by Google. The same standard also supported by Bing according to searchEngineLand post.
And because you are using angularJs, you might find Matias Niemela's post on how to have your AngularJS application indexed very useful. Demo and source code.

In Built Video Streaming Facilities Available in DOTNETNUKE?

In Built Video Streaming Facilities Available in DOTNETNUKE?
DNN hasn't got any build-in video streaming. There are a number of modules that allow you to hook up to a video, show a (categorized) video library. You can store these video's locally on your site, or on some kind of service.
Personally, I have good experiences with vimeo (plus version). E.G. with Vimeo you can tweak the private settings in such a way that the video can only be played from you own site.

Widget Lifecycle?

Alot of phone OSes are starting to support W3C widgets, or something very similar.
I am still a little confused about what exactly widgets can do?
All the example widgets I have seen have just a 'index.html' page. Are widgets allowed to have multiple pages they can navigate between?
Also do widgets have any mechanism to run in the background?
Any good online documentation about W3C widget lifecycle? or blackberry widgets?
Widgets can do most things a native mobile application can do when augmented with support for the W3C Device API specs or the WAC profile that includes everything from accelerometers to roaming status.
Without these extensions, Widgets can still use local storage, preferences (a special type of HTML5 storage), app cache and other HTML5 goodies.
W3C Widgets can also package localized content, so one Widget can be deployed for all locales.
Also, there are other types of W3C Widgets implementations - for example desktop (Opera) and for web widgets (Apache Wookie)
This will probably not answer your question, but I can give you an example of an application that was developed for the mobile using W3C widgets. Here is a blog post that describes their use:
