Hot Patching A Function - c

I'm trying to hot patch an exe in memory, the source is available but I'm doing this for learning purposes. (so please no comments suggesting i modify the original source or use detours or any other libs)
Below are the functions I am having problems with.
vm_t* VM_Create( const char *module, intptr_t (*systemCalls)(intptr_t *), vmInterpret_t interpret )
MessageBox(NULL, L"Oh snap! We hooked VM_Create!", L"Success!", MB_OK);
return NULL;
void Hook_VM_Create(void)
DWORD dwBackup;
VirtualProtect((void*)0x00477C3E, 7, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwBackup);
//Patch the original VM_Create to jump to our detoured one.
BYTE *jmp = (BYTE*)malloc(5);
uint32_t offset = 0x00477C3E - (uint32_t)&VM_Create; //find the offset of the original function from our own
memset((void*)jmp, 0xE9, 1);
memcpy((void*)(jmp+1), &offset, sizeof(offset));
memcpy((void*)0x00477C3E, jmp, 5);
I have a function VM_Create that I want to be called instead of the original function. I have not yet written a trampoline so it crashes (as expected). However the message box does not popup that I have detoured the original VM create to my own. I believe it is the way I'm overwriting the original instructions.

I can see a few issues.
I assume that 0x00477C3E is the address of the original VM_Create function. You really should not hard code this. Use &VM_Create instead. Of course this will mean that you need to use a different name for your replacement function.
The offset is calculated incorrectly. You have the sign wrong. What's more the offset is applied to the instruction pointer at the end of the instruction and not the beginning. So you need to shift it by 5 (the size of the instruction). The offset should be a signed integer also.
Ideally, if you take into account my first point the code would look like this:
int32_t offset = (int32_t)&New_VM_Create - ((int32_t)&VM_Create+5);
Thanks to Hans Passant for fixing my own silly sign error in the original version!
If you are working on a 64 bit machine you need to do your arithmetic in 64 bits and, once you have calculated the offset, truncate it to a 32 bit offset.
Another nuance is that you should reset the memory to being read-only after having written the new JMP instruction, and call FlushInstructionCache.


Is Ghidra misinterpreting a function call?

When analyzing the assembly listing in Ghidra, I stumbled upon this instruction:
CALL dword ptr [EBX*0x4 + 0x402ac0]=>DAT_00402abc
I assumed that the program was calling a function whose address was inside DAT_00402abc, which I initially thought it was a dword variable. Indeed, when trying to create a function in the location where DAT_00402abc is in, Ghidra wouldn't let me do it.
The decompiler shows to me this line of code to translate that instruction:
(*(code *)(&int2)[iVar2])();
So I was wondering, what does it mean and what's the program supposed to do with this call? Is there a possibility that Ghidra totally messed up? And if so, how should I interpret that instruction?
I'm not at all familiar with Ghidra, but I can tell you how to interpret the machine instruction...
CALL dword ptr [EBX*0x4 + 0x402ac0]
There is a table of function addresses at 0x402ac0; the EBX'th entry in that table is being called. I have no idea what DAT_00402abc means, but if you inspect memory in dword-sized chunks at address 0x0402ac0 you should find plausible function addresses. [EDIT: 0x0040_2abc = 0x0040_2ac0 - 4. I suspect this means Ghidra thinks EBX has value -1 when control reaches this point. It may be wrong, or maybe the program has a bug. One would expect EBX to have a nonnegative value when control reaches this point.]
The natural C source code corresponding to this instruction would be something like
extern void do_thing_zero(void);
extern void do_thing_one(void);
extern void do_thing_two(void);
extern void do_thing_three(void);
typedef void (*do_thing_ptr)(void);
const do_thing_ptr do_thing_table[4] = {
do_thing_zero, do_thing_one, do_thing_two, do_thing_three
// ...
void do_thing_n(unsigned int n)
if (n >= 4) abort();
If the functions in the table take arguments or return values, you'll see argument-handing code before and after the CALL instruction you quoted, but the CALL instruction itself will not change.
You would be seeing something different and much more complicated if the functions didn't all take the same set of arguments.

How do I call hex data stored in an array with inline assembly?

I have an OS project that I am working on and I am trying to call data that I have read from the disk in C with inline assembly.
I have already tried reading the code and executing it with the assembly call instruction, using inline assembly.
void driveLoop() {
uint16_t sectors = 31;
uint16_t sector = 0;
uint16_t basesector = 40000;
uint32_t i = 40031;
uint16_t code[sectors][256];
int x = 0;
while(x==0) {
for (int p=0; p < 256; p++) {
if (readOut[p] == 0) {
} else {
x = 1;
kprint("Found sector!\n");
kprint("Loading OS into memory...\n");
for (sector=0; sector<sectors; sector++) {
for (int p=0; p<256; p++) {
code[sector][p] = readOut[p];
kprint("Done loading.\n");
kprint("Attempting to call...\n");
asm volatile("call (%0)" : : "r" (&code));
When the inline assembly is called I expect it to run the code from the sectors I read from the "disk" (this is in a VM, because its a hobby OS). What it does instead is it just hangs.
I probably don't much understand how variables, arrays, and assembly work, so if you could fill me in, that would be nice.
EDIT: The data I am reading from the disk is a binary file that was added
to the disk image file with
cat kernel.bin >> disk.img
and the kernel.bin is compiled with
i686-elf-ld -o kernel.bin -Ttext 0x4C4B40 *insert .o files here* --oformat binary
What it does instead is it just hangs.
Run your OS inside BOCHS so you can use BOCHS's built-in debugger to see exactly where it's stuck.
Being able to debug lockups, including with interrupts disabled, is probably very useful...
asm volatile("call (%0)" : : "r" (&code)); is unsafe because of missing clobbers.
But even worse than that it will load a new EIP value from the first 4 bytes of the array, instead of setting EIP to that address. (Unless the data you're loading is an array of pointers, not actual machine code?)
You have the %0 in parentheses, so it's an addressing mode. The assembler will warn you about an indirect call without *, but will assemble it like call *(%eax), with EAX = the address of code[0][0]. You actually want a call *%eax or whatever register the compiler chooses, register-indirect not memory-indirect.
&code and code are both just a pointer to the start of the array; &code doesn't create an anonymous pointer object storing the address of another address. &code takes the address of the array as a whole. code in this context "decays" to a pointer to the first object. (for this).
You can get the compiler to emit a call instruction by casting the pointer to a function pointer.
__builtin___clear_cache(&code[0][0], &code[30][255]); // don't optimize away stores into the buffer
void (*fptr)(void) = (void*)code; // casting to void* instead of the actual target type is simpler
That will compile (with optimization enabled) to something like lea 16(%esp), %eax / call *%eax, for 32-bit x86, because your code[][] buffer is an array on the stack.
Or to have it emit a jmp instead, do it at the end of a void function, or return funcptr(); in a non-void function, so the compiler can optimize the call/ret into a jmp tailcall.
If it doesn't return, you can declare it with __attribute__((noreturn)).
Make sure the memory page / segment is executable. (Your uint16_t code[]; is a local, so gcc will allocate it on the stack. This might not be what you want. The size is a compile-time constant so you could make it static, but if you do that for other arrays in other sibling functions (not parent or child), then you lose out on the ability to reuse a big chunk of stack memory for different arrays.)
This is much better than your unsafe inline asm. (You forgot a "memory" clobber, so nothing tells the compiler that your asm actually reads the pointed-to memory). Also, you forgot to declare any register clobbers; presumably the block of code you loaded will have clobbered some registers if it returns, unless it's written to save/restore everything.
In GNU C you do need to use __builtin__clear_cache when casting a data pointer to a function pointer. On x86 it doesn't actually clear any cache, it's telling the compiler that the stores to that memory are not dead because it's going to be read by execution. See How does __builtin___clear_cache work?
Without that, gcc could optimize away the copying into uint16_t code[sectors][256]; because it looks like a dead store. (Just like with your current inline asm which only asks for the pointer in a register.)
As a bonus, this part of your OS becomes portable to other architectures, including ones like ARM without coherent instruction caches where that builtin expands to a actual instructions. (On x86 it purely affects the optimizer).
It would probably be a good idea for your read function to take a destination pointer to read into, so you don't need to bounce data through your readOut buffer.
Also, I don't see why you'd want to declare your code as a 2D array; sectors are an artifact of how you're doing your disk I/O, not relevant to using the code after it's loaded. The sector-at-a-time thing should only be in the code for the loop that loads the data, not visible in other parts of your program.
char code[sectors * 512]; would be good.

Kernel Dev: Setting ES:DI in real mode

I'm working on a toy kernel for fun and education (not a class project). I'm starting work on my memory manager, so I'm trying to get the memory map from BIOS using an INT 0x15, EAX=E820 call while still in Real Mode. I'm adapting my function from the osdev wiki (here, in the section "Getting an E820 Memory Map"). However, I want this to be a function I can call from my C code, so I'm trying to change it a bit. I want it to take two arguments: a pointer to where to store the map entries, and a pointer to an integer which will be incremented by the number of entries in the table.
According to the wiki, ES:DI needs to be pointing at where the data should be stored, so I split my first argument into two (the segment selector, pointer_to_map / 16, and the offset, pointer_to_map % 16). Here's part of C code:
typedef struct SMAP_entry {
unsigned int baseL; // Base address, a QWORD
unsigned int baseH;
unsigned int lengthL; // Length, a QWORD
unsigned int lengthH;
unsigned int type; // entry type
unsigned int ACPI; // extra data from ACPI 3.0
} SMAP_entry_t;
SMAP_entry_t data[100];
kprint("Pointer: ");
kprint_int((int) data, 16);
int res = 0;
read_mem_map(((int) data) / 16, ((int) data) % 16, &res);
kprint("res: ");
kprint_int(res, 16);
Here's part of my ASM code:
; performs a INT 0x15, eax=0xE820 call to find the memory map
; inputs: the pointer to the data table / 16, the pointer % 16, a pointer to an dword (int) which will be
; incremented by the number of entries after this function returns.
; preserves: no registers except esi
mov es, [esp + 4] ; set es to the value of the first argument
mov di, [esp + 8] ; set di to the value of the second argument
That's all I'm pasting in because the program triple-faults and shuts down the VM there. By moving ret commands around, I found that the function crashes on the very first line. If I comment out the call in C, then everything works as you'd expect.
I've read through Google that there's almost never a reason to set ES:DI directly, and in the code that I've found which does, they set it to a literal. How should I set ES:DI and if I shouldn't set it directly, how should I make the C and ASM interact in the correct way?
Each of the segment registers (on 80x86) have a visible part, and several hidden fields (the segment base, the segment limit and the segment's attributes - read/write, privilege level, etc).
In protected mode; when you load a segment register the CPU uses the visible part as an index into either the GDT or LDT, and loads the segment's hidden fields from that descriptor (in the GDT or LDT).
In real mode; the CPU does something completely different - it only sets the segment base to "visible part * 16" and doesn't use any (GDT, LDT) table.
Given the fact that you're using a 32-bit pointer to the data table and a 32-bit stack pointer (e.g. mov es, [esp + 4]); I assume your C code is in 32-bit protected mode. This is completely incompatible with real mode, partly because segment loads work completely differently and partly because the default operand/address size is 32-bit and not 16-bit.
All BIOS functions are designed for real mode. They can't be used in protected mode.
Basically; I'd recommend:
pass the pointer to the data table to your assembly as a 32-bit integer/pointer (and not 2 separate 16-bit integers)
call a "go to real mode" function (which will be slightly tricky, as you'd also be switching from a 32-bit stack to a 16-bit stack and will need a "32-bit return instruction" in 16-bit code).
split the pointer to the data table into its segment and offset in assembly, and load the segment (which should work correctly as you're in real mode now)
call the BIOS function (which should work correctly as you're in real mode now)
call a "go to protected mode" function (which will be slightly tricky again, including a "16-bit return instruction" in 32-bit code).
return to the (32-bit protected mode) caller
Instructions for switching from real mode to protected mode, and switching from protected mode to real mode, are included in Intel's system programmer's guide. :)

pointer to baseAddress through CONTEXT.Ebx+8

I am trying to implement the known method of "Dynamic Forking of Win32 EXE", which is knows as RunPE.
My problem is that i am can't get the right result of the "base address" as it mentioned in the 3rd point at
This is my code:
DWORD* peb;
DWORD* baseAddress;
GetThreadContext(hTarget, &contx)
peb = (DWORD *) contx.Ebx;
baseAddress = (DWORD *) contx.Ebx+8;
_tprintf(_T("The EBX [PEB] is: 0x%08X\nThe base address is: 0x%08X\nThe Entry Point is: 0x%08X\n"), peb, baseAddress, contx.Eax);
and the output is as follwos:
The EBX [PEB] is: 0x7FFD4000
The base address is: 0x7FFD4020
The Entry Point is: 0x00401000
I think that my problem is with the implementation of my baseAddress pointer, but i can't figure out exactly what is the issue. Or could be that i havn't understand the above article correctly and baseAddress isn't ImageBase, if so what is baseAddress ?
I have tried to run it under Win 7 64b and Win-XP and on both i am get the same incorrect results.
Note that the instructions say "at [EBX+8]". The brackets mean the value at that address location. There are several problems with
baseAddress = (DWORD *) contx.Ebx+8;
First, the compiler doesn't pay attention spacing, only to parenthesizing, so this means
baseAddress = ((DWORD *)contx.Ebx) + 8;
which is wrong because the 8 is counting DWORDs, rather than bytes. You want
baseAddress = (DWORD *)(contx.Ebx + 8);
but this just gets you the address where the baseAddress is stored, not the value of the baseAddress. For that you need
baseAddress = *(DWORD *)(contx.Ebx + 8);
However, this only works if contx.Ebx refers to an address in your process, but every process has its own address space, and you need to access the address space of the suspended process; for that you need to use ReadProcessMemory ( ):
ok = ReadProcessMemory(hTarget, (LPCVOID)(contx.Ebx + 8), (LPVOID)&baseAddress, sizeof baseAddress, NULL);
You're just doing pointer arithmetic, you're not actually dereferencing the memory, in this line:
baseAddress = (DWORD *) contx.Ebx+8;
You're just adding 8*sizeof(DWORD) = 32 to the value of contx.Ebx. What you really want to do is read the data at the address of contx.Ebx+8 in the new process's address space. In order to do that, you need to use ReadProcessMemory, and don't bother to cast -- you want to use raw offsets, not offsets multiplied by sizeof(DWORD), which is what happens when you do pointer arithmetic with DWORD* values.
However, I'd strongly caution you against digging into implementation details like this, which can and do change between different versions of Windows. Keep in mind that the article you linked to was written in 2004, and it was just a proof-of-concept, so there are likely to be lots of hidden gotchas and unexpected problems in Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and future versions.
The Windows API does not have a function that behaves like Unix's fork(2) function, and as a result, you should try as much as possible to avoid needing to fork -- use CreateProcess instead of fork+exec etc. The Cygwin implementation of fork is ugly and slow, and it can fail unexpectedly due to DLL memory mapping issues.
In addition to what others have said, there is a much simplier way to retreive the base address of the process's PEB structure. Use NtQueryInformationProcess() instead, setting its ProcessInformationClass parameter set to ProcessBasicInformation. The output will be a PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION structure:
PVOID Reserved1;
PPEB PebBaseAddress;
PVOID Reserved2[2];
ULONG_PTR UniqueProcessId;
PVOID Reserved3;
The second member is what you are looking for.

C - How to create a pattern in code segment to recognize it in memory dump?

I dump my RAM (a piece of it - code segment only) in order to find where is which C function being placed. I have no map file and I don't know what boot/init routines exactly do.
I load my program into RAM, then if I dump the RAM, it is very hard to find exactly where is what function. I'd like to use different patterns build in the C source, to recognize them in the memory dump.
I've tryed to start every function with different first variable containing name of function, like:
char this_function_name[]="main";
but it doesn't work, because this string will be placed in the data segment.
I have simple 16-bit RISC CPU and an experimental proprietary compiler (no GCC or any well-known). The system has 16Mb of RAM, shared with other applications (bootloader, downloader). It is almost impossible to find say a unique sequence of N NOPs or smth. like 0xABCD. I would like to find all functions in RAM, so I need unique identificators of functions visible in RAM-dump.
What would be the best pattern for code segment?
If it were me, I'd use the symbol table, e.g. "nm a.out | grep main". Get the real address of any function you want.
If you really have no symbol table, make your own.
struct tab {
void *addr;
char name[100]; // For ease of searching, use an array.
} symtab[] = {
{ (void*)main, "main" },
{ (void*)otherfunc, "otherfunc" },
Search for the name, and the address will immediately preceed it. Goto address. ;-)
If your compiler has inline asm you can use it to create a pattern. Write some NOP instructions which you can easily recognize by opcodes in memory dump:
MOV r0,r0
MOV r0,r0
MOV r0,r0
MOV r0,r0
How about a completely different approach to your real problem, which is finding a particular block of code: Use diff.
Compile the code once with the function in question included, and once with it commented out. Produce RAM dumps of both. Then, diff the two dumps to see what's changed -- and that will be the new code block. (You may have to do some sort of processing of the dumps to remove memory addresses in order to get a clean diff, but the order of instructions ought to be the same in either case.)
Numeric constants are placed in the code segment, encoded in the function's instructions. So you could try to use magic numbers like 0xDEADBEEF and so on.
I.e. here's the disassembly view of a simple C function with Visual C++:
void foo(void)
00411380 push ebp
00411381 mov ebp,esp
00411383 sub esp,0CCh
00411389 push ebx
0041138A push esi
0041138B push edi
0041138C lea edi,[ebp-0CCh]
00411392 mov ecx,33h
00411397 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
0041139C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
unsigned id = 0xDEADBEEF;
0041139E mov dword ptr [id],0DEADBEEFh
You can see the 0xDEADBEEF making it into the function's source. Note that what you actually see in the executable depends on the endianness of the CPU (tx. Richard).
This is a x86 example. But RISC CPUs (MIPS, etc) have instructions moving immediates into registers - these immediates can have special recognizable values as well (although only 16-bit for MIPS, IIRC).
Psihodelia - it's getting harder and harder to catch your intention. Is it just a single function you want to find? Then can't you just place 5 NOPs one after another and look for them? Do you control the compiler/assembler/linker/loader? What tools are at your disposal?
As you noted, this:
char this_function_name[]="main";
... will end up setting a pointer in your stack to a data segment containing the string. However, this:
char this_function_name[]= { 'm', 'a', 'i', 'n' };
... will likely put all these bytes in your stack so you will be able to recognize the string in your code (I just tried it on my platform).
Hope this helps
Why not get each function to dump its own address. Something like this:
void* fnaddr( char* fname, void* addr )
printf( "%s\t0x%p\n", fname, addr ) ;
return addr ;
void test( void )
static void* fnaddr_dummy = fnaddr( __FUNCTION__, test ) ;
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
static void* fnaddr_dummy = fnaddr( __FUNCTION__, main ) ;
test() ;
test() ;
By making fnaddr_dummy static, the dump is done once per-function. Obviously you would need to adapt fnaddr() to support whatever output or logging means you have on your system. Unfortunately, if the system performs lazy initialisation, you'll only get the addresses of the functions that are actually called (which may be good enough).
You could start each function with a call to the same dummy function like:
void identifyFunction( unsigned int identifier)
Each of your functions would call the identifyFunction-function with a different parameter (1, 2, 3, ...). This will not give you a magic mapfile, but when you inspect the code dump you should be able to quickly find out where the identifyFunction is because there will be lots of jumps to that address. Next scan for those jump and check before the jump to see what parameter is passed. Then you can make your own mapfile. With some scripting this should be fairly automatic.
