Where is declaration for get_pc() in GNU ARM? - c

I'm building legacy code using the GNUARM C compiler and trying to resolve all the implicit declarations of functions.
I've come across some ARM specific functions and can't find the header file containing the declarations for these functions:
I have searched the web and only came up with source code containing these functions without any non-standard include files.
I'll also settle for the function declarations.
Since I will also be porting the code to the Cygwin / Windows platform, what are the equivalent declarations for Cygwin GNU GCC?

Just write your own if you really need those functions, asm is easier than inline asm:
.globl get_pc
mov r0,pc
bx lr
.globl get_sp
mov r0,sp
bx lr
.globl get_cpsr
mrs r0,cpsr
bx lr
At least for arm. if you are porting to x86 and need the equivalents, I have to wonder what the code needs with those things anyway. the cpsr in particular you would likely have to change any code that uses the result as the status registers across processor vendors/families pretty much never match. The x86 equivalents should still be about the same level of effort, takes longer to do a google search and read the results than it is to just write the code (if you know the processor).
Depending on what your application is doing it is probably better to just comment out any code that calls those functions and/or uses the return value. I can imagine a few reasons why those items would be used, but it could get into architecture specific stuff and that is more involved than just porting a few register read functions. So what user786653 asked is the key question. How are these functions used? Not where can I find them but how are they used and why do you think you need them.

Are you sure those are functions? I'm not very familiar with ARM, but those sound like compiler intrinsics to me. If you're moving to GCC, you might be better off replacing those with inline assembly.


Placing SVC handler in SVC vector in Arm Cortex M0

I have a function that I want to put into the SVC exception vector, but I can't seem to find the syntax necessary to put the function's address into that vector. Can anyone suggest a resource to help?
A good tutorial has been writen by valvers for bare metal raspberry pi programming.
Despite the CPU is not the same, the underlying concept of exception, is the same. You should definitely have a look there.
A former colleague of mine has written an HAL for Cortex M4. In it, he sets interrupt handlers in C, without any assembly calls, just using symbol's location. You should also have a look on RFLPC.
Assuming you have a symbol called your_function_name the following code would branch to it.
EXTERN your_function_name
ldr r0,=your_function_name
bx r0
As a rule though the handlers are usually weakly linked so having a function void SVC_Handler(void) should end up linked rather than the handler defined in the startup file.
Too vague this is very specific to your code, and there are a number of ways to implement the cortex-m vector table and use GNU tools, so you have not provided enough information, and while finding that information for us it should become obvious where your table is. You can start by disassembling the elf version of your binary and find label names in the vector table area then grep your code base for those names.
If you are riding on top of a bunch of someone elses libraries, etc it may be even more painful to deal with there may be function calls etc runtime that you use to register the handler.
There are a million ways to solve this and all may work, which one are you using?

Making assembly function inline in x64 Visual Studio

I know that MSVC compiler in x64 mode does not support inline assembly snippets of code, and in order to use assembly code you have to define your function in some external my_asm_funcs.asm file like that:
my_asm_func PROC
mov rax, rcx
my_asm_func ENDP
And then in your .c or .h file you define a header for the function like that:
int my_asm_func(int x);
Although that solution answers many concerns, but I am still interested in making that assembly code function to be inline, in other words - after compilation I don't want any "calls" to my_asm_func, I just want this piece of assembly to be glued into my final compiled code. I tried declaring the function with inline and __forceinline keywords, but nothing seems to be helping. Is there still any way to do what I want?
No, there is no way to do what you want.
Microsoft's compiler doesn't support inline assembly for x86-64 targets, as you said. This forces you to define your assembly functions in an external code module (*.asm), assemble them with MASM, and link the result together with your separately-compiled C/C++ code.
The required separation of steps means that the C/C++ compiler cannot inline your assembly functions because they are not visible to it at the time of compilation.
Even with link-time code generation (LTCG) enabled, your assembly module(s) will not get inlined because the linker simply doesn't support this.
There is absolutely no way to get assembly functions written in a separate module inlined directly into C or C++ code.
There is no way that the inline or __forceinline keywords could do anything. In fact, there's no way that you could use them without a compiler error (or at least a warning). These annotations have to go on the function's definition (which, for an inline function, is the same as its declaration), but you can't put it on the function's definition, since that's defined in a separate *.asm file. These aren't MASM keywords, so trying to add them to the definition would necessarily result in an error. And putting them on the forward declaration of the assembly function in the C header is going to be similarly unsuccessful, since there's no code there to inline—just a prototype.
This is why Microsoft recommends using intrinsics. You can use these directly in your C or C++ code, and the compiler will emit the corresponding assembly code automatically. Not only does this accomplish the desired inlining, but intrinsics even allow the optimizer to function, further improving the results. No, intrinsics do not lead to perfect code, and there aren't intrinsics for everything, but it's the best you can do with Microsoft's compiler.
Your only other alternative is to sit down and play with various permutations of C/C++ code until you get the compiler to generate the desired object code. This can be very powerful in cases where intrinsics are not available for the instructions that you wish to be generated, but it does take a lot of time spent fidgeting, and you'll have to revisit it to make sure it continues to do what you want when you upgrade compiler versions.
Since the title mentions Visual Studio and not MSVC, I recommend installing Clang via the Visual Studio Installer. It can be used just like MSVC without needing to configure custom build tasks or anything and it supports inline assembly with Intel syntax and variables as operands.
Just select "LLVM (clang-cl)" in Platform Toolset from the General section of the property pages in your project and you're good to go.
Yes you can. Assemble your procedure as shellcode and extract the bytes, then include it in a buffer with RWX memory protection in your code. Call the code.

Can I write (x86) assembly language which will build with both GCC and MSVC?

I have a project which is entirely written in C. The same C files can be compiled using either GCC for Linux or MSVC for Windows. For performance reasons, I need to re-write some of the code as x86 assembly language.
Is it possible to write this assembly language as a source file which will build with both the GCC and MSVC toolchains? Alternatively, if I write an assembly source file for one toolchain, is there a tool to convert it to work with the other?
Or, am I stuck either maintaining two copies of the assembly source code, or using a third-party assembler such as NASM?
I see two problems:
masm and gas have different syntax. gas can be configured to use Intel syntax with the .syntax intel,noprefix directive, but even then small differences remain (such as, different directives). A possible approach is to preprocess your assembly source with the C preprocessor, using macros for all directives that differ between the two. This also has the advantage of providing a unified comment syntax.
However, just using a portable third party assembler like nasm is likely to be less of a hassle.
Linux and Windows have different calling conventions. A possible solution for x86-32 is to stick to a well-supported calling convention like stdcall. You can tell gcc what calling convention to use when calling a function using function attributes. For example, this would declare foo to use the stdcall calling convention:
extern int foo(int x, int y) __attribute__((stdcall));
You can do the same thing in MSVC with __declspec, solving this issue.
On x86-64, a similar solution is likely possible, but I'm not exactly sure what attributes you have to set.
You can of course also use the same cpp-approach as for the first problem to generate slightly different function prologues and epilogues depending on what calling convention you need. However, this might be less maintainable.

Is `__asm nop` the Windows equivalent of `asm volatile("nop");` from GCC compiler

In Windows, can __asm nop be swapped for asm volatile("nop"); (used in GCC compiler) and yield the same result?
I have read that volatile() (in GCC) guarantees the call will not be optimized away. However, it doesn't port directly to Windows, and I was curious if it can simply be removed or if it needs to be replaced with a similar construct.
The __asm keyword implementation is quite simplistic in MSVC. It always emits the machine code unaltered and the optimizer doesn't touch it. Nor does it make any assumptions about machine state after the __asm, that has a knack for defeating other optimizations.
So, no, nothing similar to volatile() is required, it can't disappear. Plain __asm { nop } will always survive unscathed and is equivalent to the GCC assembly.
Do keep in mind that inline assembly is not a good long-term strategy, support for it was removed completely in the x64 compiler and is pretty unlikely to ever come back. You'll have to fall back to intrinsics or link code written in assembly and compiled with, say, ml64.exe. That does defeat NOP injection, but code alignment is already well taken care of by the optimizer and doesn't need help. Also the reason you probably should not do this at all.
For the Microsoft compiler, use the __nop() intrinsic function to emit a nop instruction without handicapping the compiler's optimizer. This would also be cross-platform across all Windows targets (32 bit ARM V7, 64 bit ARM V8, IA32, X64).

how to integrate assembly code when i am designing a compiler in c?

i am designing a compiler in c . but for certain problems like big integers i have to code in assembly code . so how can i integrate assembly code in c?
i am wrting my code in dev cpp.. which i suppose uses gcc ... in windows..!!..
pls give me instructions for linux too
using asm
Good article : GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO
Use the 'asm' instruction, e.g.
asm("movl %ecx %eax"); /* moves the contents of ecx to eax */
Don't you compile the runtime with your own compiler?
Note that another option is to use an external assembler (like AS). Less optimal, but the principle is portable. (though assembler syntaxes vary wildly)
Our own little compiler (which is GCC linking compatible) used AS for most of its assembler, and only acquired an own internal assembler after 8 year or so.
P.s. if you implement an internal assembler, have a look at NASM, their tables of assembler instructions and their addressing are really clean and can be often get converted (and used for regular updates for new instructions)
