Linking with GCC and -lm doesn't define ceil() on Ubuntu - c

I am currently using GCC to compile and I need to use <math.h>.
The problem is that it won't recognize the library.
I have also tried -lm and nothing.
The function I tried to use was ceil() and I get the following error:
: undefined reference to `ceil'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I am using the latest Ubuntu and math.h is there.
I tried to use -lm on a different computer, and it worked perfectly.
How can I solve this problem?
I did include <math.h>. Also, the command I used was:
gcc -lm -o fb file.c

Take this code and put it in a file ceil.c:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("%f\n", ceil(1.2));
return 0;
Compile it with:
$ gcc -o ceil ceil.c
$ gcc -o ceil ceil.c -lm
One of those two should work. If neither works, show the complete error message for each compilation. Note that -lm appears after the name of the source file (or the object file if you compile the source to object before linking).
A modern compiler might well optimize the code to pass 2.0 directly to printf() without calling ceil() at all at runtime, so there'd be no need for the maths library at all.
Rule of Thumb: list object files and source files on the command line before the libraries. This answer shows that in use: the -lm comes after the source file ceil.c. If you're building with make etc, then you typically use ceil.o on the command line (along with other object files); normally, you should list all the object files before any of the libraries.
There are occasionally exceptions to the rule of thumb, but they are rare and would be documented for the particular cases where the exception is expected/required. In the absence of explicit documentation to the contrary, apply the rule of thumb.

I just wanted to mention that Peter van der Linden's book Expert C Programming has a good treatment on this subject in chapter 5 Thinking of Linking.
Archives (static libraries) are acted upon differently than are shared objects (dynamic libraries). With dynamic libraries, all the library symbols go into the virtual address space of the output file, and all the symbols are available to all the other files in the link. In contrast, static linking only looks through the archive for the undefined symbols presently known to the loader at the time the archive is processed.
If you specify the math library (which is usually a static one) before your object files, then the linker won't add any symbols.

Try compiling like that:
gcc -Wall -g file.c -lm -o file
I had the same problem and it was solved using this command. Also if you installed your Ubuntu the same day you had the problem it might be an update problem.


How do I use an external library with gcc?

I am attempting to compile this code:
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
int main() {
return 0;
Using this command in MSYS2 on Windows 10:
gcc -Wall runVulkan.c -o runVulkan
as well as this:
gcc -Wall -Llibs/glfw runVulkan.c -o runVulkan
libs/glfw is where I downloaded the library to.
For some reason I keep getting this:
runVulkan.c:1:10: fatal error: GLFW/glfw3.h: No such file or directory
1 | #include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
It seems like I'm getting something very basic wrong.
I'm just getting started with C, I'm trying to import Vulkan libraries.
Run pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-glfw to install GLFW.
Then build using gcc -Wall runVulkan.c -o runVulkan runVulkan.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs glfw3`.
The pkg-config command prints the flags necessary to use GLFW, and the ` backticks pass its output to GCC as flags. You can run it separately and manually pass any printed flags to GCC.
Note that any -l... flags (those are included in pkg-config output) must be specified after .c or .o files, otherwise they'll have no effect.
For me pkg-config prints -I/mingw64/include -L/mingw64/lib -lglfw3.
-I fixes No such file or directory. It specifies a directory where the compiler will look for #included headers. Though it's unnecessrary when installing GLFW via pacman, since /mingw64/include is always searched by default.
-l fixes undefined reference errors, which you'd get after fixing the previous error. -lglfw3 needs a file called libglfw3.a or libglfw3.dll.a (or some other variants).
-L specifies a directory where -l should search for the .a files, though it's unnecessrary when installing GLFW via pacman, since /mingw64/lib is always searched by default.
#include are just headers, for declarations. gcc, as any compilers, needs to know where those .h should be searched.
You can specify that with -I option (or C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable).
You'll also need -L option, this times to provide the library itself (.h does not contain the library. Just declarations that the compiler needs to know how to compile codes that use the library function's and types).
-L option tells the compiler where to search for libraries.
But here, you haven't specify any libraries (just headers. And I know that it seems logical that they go together. But strictly speaking, there is no way to guess from #include <GLFW/glfw3.h> which library that file contain headers for (that is not just theory. In practice, for example, the well known libc declarations are in many different headers)
So, you will also have to specify a -l option. In your case -lglfw.
This seems over complicated, because in your case you compile and like in a single command (goes from .c to executable directly). But that are two different operations done in one command.
Creation of an executable from .c code source is done in two stage.
Compilation itself. Creating .o from .c (many .c for big codes), so many compilation commands. Using command such as
gcc -I /path/where/to/find/headers -c mycode.c -o mycode.o
Those are not related to the library. So no -l (and therefore no -L) for that. What is compiled is your code, so just your code is needed at this stage. Plus the header files, because your code refers to unknown function and types, and the compiler needs to know, not their code, but at least declarations that they really exist, and what are the types expected and returned by the functions is the headers files.
Then, once all the .o are compiled, you need to put together all compiled code, yours (the .o) and the libraries (which are somehow a sort of .zip of .o) to create an executable. That is called linking. And is done with commands like
gcc -o myexec mycode1.o mycode2.o -L /path/where/to/search/for/libraries -lrary
(-lbla is a compact way to include /path/where/to/search/for/libraries/ or /path/where/to/search/for/libraries/libbla.a)
At this stage, you no longer need -I or anything related to headers. The code is already compiled, headers has no role left. But you need everything needed to find the compile code of the libraries.
So, tl;dr
At compilation stage (the stage that raises the error you have for now), you need -I option so that the compiler knows where to find GLFW/glfw3.h
But that alone wont avoid you the next error that will occur at linking stage. At this stage, you need -lglfw to specify that you want to use that library, and a -L option so that the compiler knows where to find a

Compiling cmocka on windows

I'm trying to compile a simple unit test on my windows machine.
When I'm trying to compile my test I'm using the shared library flag.
gcc -c -L./bin/ -lcmocka .\Test.c .\src\some_module.c
gcc .\Test.o .\some_module.o -o main
But the second line throws this error:
undefined reference to `_cmocka_run_group_tests'
However, if I'm compiling using directly the cmocka.c file which I downloaded from their git it works fine:
gcc -c .\lib\cmocka.c .\Test.c .\src\some_module.c
gcc .\Test.o .\some_module.o .\cmocka.o
What am I doing wrong in the first compilation?
In addition, I would happy to understand the difference between the two compilations. Which one is the better practice?
Thank you
In order to compile your code, the compiler does not need to know where to look for the library. It's enough if the compiler "finds" the declarations of the functions which are usually in the header files provided by the library.
This step is done in the first line of your compilation procedure (maybe you need to specify the folder to the header files by adding -Ipath/to/headers/):
gcc -c .\Test.c .\src\some_module.c
The library itself is "combined" with your code during the linking step, which is done during your second compilation step. Here you need to specify the library (and its path via -Lpath/to/library, if the linker does not find the library on its own):
gcc .\Test.o .\some_module.o -o main -L./bin/ -lcmocka
You should definitely not use your second approach and compile the library by yourself.

How to write common functions for reusing in C

I was trying to write a common function for other files could reuse it, the example as following, I have three files:
The first file: cat test1.h
void say();
The second file: cat test1.c
void say(){
printf("This is c example!");
The third file: cat test2.c
include "test1.h"
void main(){
but when I ran: gcc -g -o test2 test2.c
it threw error as:
undefined reference to `say'
Additionally: I knew this would work:gcc -g -o test2 test1.c test2.c
but I don't wanna do this, because the other team would use the server, and I hope them directly use my binary code not source code. I hope that just like we use printf() function, we just need include .
You can build yourself a library from the object files containing your useful functions, and store the header(s) that describe them in a convenient location. You and your colleagues then compile with the headers and link that library with any executables that use any of those functions. That's very much the same general mechanism that the C compiler uses to include the standard headers and automatically link with the standard C library.
The mechanics vary a bit depending on platform (Windows vs Unix being the primary distinction, though there are differences between Unix platforms too), and also on the type of library (static archive vs dynamic linked / loaded libraries — also known as shared objects or shared libraries).
In broad outline, for a Unix system with a static library, you'd:
Compile library object files libfile1.o, libfile2.o, … using (for example) gcc -c libfile1.c libfile2.c.
Create an archive from the object files — using for example ar r libname.a libfile1.o libfile2.o.
Copy the headers to a standard location such as /usr/local/include.
Copy the library to a standard location such as /usr/local/lib.
You'd compile any code that uses the library functions with -I/usr/local/include (if that is not already a standard compilation option).
You'd link the programs with -L/usr/local/lib -lname (you might not need to specify -L… but you would need to specify -lname).
Including a header file does not make a function available. It simply informs the compiler that the function will be provided at a later time.
You should compile the file with the function into a shareable object file (or a library if there is more than one function that you want to share). Mind the switch -c which tells gcc not to build an executable file:
gcc -o test1.o test1.c -c
Similarly, compile the main function into its own object file. Now you or anyone else can link the object file with their main program:
gcc -o test2 test2.o test1.o
The process can be automated using make.
Other programmers can use compiled object files (`*.o') in their programs. They need only to have a header file with function prototypes, extern data declarations and type definitions.
You can also wrap many object files into the library.
On many systems you can also create the dynamic linked libraries which do not have to be linked into the executable.
you also need to compile test1:
gcc -g -o test2 test1.c test2.c.

How to use shared object file in c compilation

I'm trying to use this C library using gcc Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1) on macOS Sierra. I've done the following steps:
Copied into my project directory
gcc -o quirc_test quirc_test.c -L. -l
It produces the error:
quirc_test.c:1:10: fatal error: 'quirc.h' file not found
#include <quirc.h>
1 error generated.
#include <quirc.h>
This is the first time I've tried to do anything in C and other related questions about compiling with the link flag didn't seem to help as seen above.
C is somewhat primitive. Shared object libraries do not contain the declaration of the API they implement - at least not in enough detail or a form that the compiler can understand.
You'll need the header file quirc.h somewhere you can find it. You could just copy it into the current directory just like the library, but you'll need a minor adjustment to the include statement.
#include "quirc.h"
If the included file is surrounded by double quotes instead of angle brackets, it will first look in the source code directory instead of the system header directories.
An alternative is to install the library somewhere e.g. /usr/local. Your library would go in /usr/local/lib nd your header in /usr/local/include. If you do that, use the -I directive on the compiler command line to tell the compiler where to look for the header e.g.
cc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lquirc quirc_test.c

Can IAR produce a static library that GCC can link to?

There is a vendor whose software I'd like to work with. They have a code base which they can only compile using IAR Embedded Workbench (as far as I know, their code does not compile with GCC). Unfortunately their hardware only works with their software stack, so I don't really have a choice about whether or not I'd like to use it. They distribute this code as a .a static library file (and accompanying headers) compiled for the ARM Cortex-M4 CPU. (They don't want to distribute sources.) For the sake of this discussion, let's call it evil_sw_stack.a.
I'd like to use this piece of code but I don't have an IAR license and have zero expertise with IAR. I'd like to use GCC.
Is there a way to make IAR produce such a static library that GCC can link to? What kind of compiler option would the vendor need to use to produce such a binary?
(I would guess that the ABI of the resulting binary can be somehow specified and set to a setting which statisfies GCC. )
Example usage of GCC
Their default software stack is very GCC-friendly, this specific one is the only one in their offering which isn't. Generally, I can compile a simple piece of example code if I have the following:
startup_(devicename).S: GCC-specific assembly file
(devicename).ld: linker script
Some header files for the specific device
For example, I can compile a simple piece of example like this:
$ arm-none-eabi-gcc helloworld.c startup_(devicename).S system_(devicename).c -T (devicename).ld -o helloworld -D(devicename) -I. -fno-builtin -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mno-sched-prolog -Wl,--start-group -lgcc -lc -lnosys -Wl,--end-group
So far, so good. No warnings, no errors.
How I try to use the static library
For the sake of this discussion, let's call it evil_sw_stack.a.
This is how I attempted to use it:
$ arm-none-eabi-gcc evil_sw_stack.a helloworld.c startup_(devicename).S system_(devicename).c -T (devicename).ld -o helloworld -D(devicename) -I. -fno-builtin -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mno-sched-prolog -Wl,--start-group -lgcc -lc -lnosys -Wl,--end-group
Unfortunately this complains about multiple definitions of a bunch of functions that are defined in system_(devicename).c. Maybe they accidentally compiled that into this library? Or maybe IAR just compiled it this way? Now, if I try to remove system_(devicename).c from the GCC command line and simply link to the .a file, I get these errors:
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.2.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: warning: thelibrary.a(startup_chipname.o) uses 2-byte wchar_t yet the output is to use 4-byte wchar_t; use of wchar_t values across objects may fail
undefined reference to `__iar_program_start'
undefined reference to `CSTACK$$Limit'
undefined reference to `__iar_program_start'
Poking the file with readelf gets me nowhere:
$ readelf -h evil_sw_stack.a
readelf: Error: evil_sw_stack.a: did not find a valid archive header
Interestingly though, this seems to be getting somewhere:
$ arm-none-eabi-ar x evil_sw_stack.a
Now I've got a bunch of object files which do have ELF headers according to readelf, and yup, they did compile a startup file (of another of their devices) into the library... I'm wondering why, but I think this is a mistake.
This also works:
$ arm-none-eabi-objdump -t evil_sw_stack_objfile.o
So now the question is, is it safe to try to compile these object files into my own application using GCC? According to this other SO question, the object file formats are not compatible.
I assume that the startup code is mistakenly compiled into the library. I can delete it:
$ arm-none-eabi-ar d evil_sw_stack.a startup_(otherdevicename).o
$ arm-none-eabi-ar d evil_sw_stack.a system_(otherdevicename).o
Now I get an evil_sw_stack.a which gcc can accept as an input without complaining.
However, there is one thing that still worries me. When I use the object files instead of the static library, I get these warnings:
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.2.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: warning: evil_objfile.o uses 2-byte wchar_t yet the output is to use 4-byte wchar_t; use of wchar_t values across objects may fail
/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.2.0/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: warning: evil_objfile.o uses 32-bit enums yet the output is to use variable-size enums; use of enum values across objects may fail
So it seems that evil_sw_stack.a was compiled with (the IAR equivalents of) -fno-short-enums and -fshort-wchar. GCC doesn't complain about this when I use evil_sw_stack.a at its command line but it does complain when I try to use any object file that I extracted from the library. Should I worry about this?
I don't use wchar_t in my code so I believe that one doesn't matter, but I would like to pass enums between my code and the library.
Even though the linker doesn't complain, it doesn't work when I actually call some functions from the static library. In that case, make sure to put the libraries in the correct order when you call the linker. According to the accepted answer to this question, they need to be in reverse order of dependency. After doing this, it still misses some IAR crap:
undefined reference to `__aeabi_memclr4'
undefined reference to `__aeabi_memclr'
undefined reference to `__aeabi_memmove'
undefined reference to `__aeabi_memset4'
undefined reference to `__aeabi_memset'
undefined reference to `__iar_vla_alloc2'
undefined reference to `__iar_vla_dealloc2'
undefined reference to `__aeabi_memclr4'
I've found out that the __aeabi functions are defined in libgcc but even though I link to libgcc too, the definition in libgcc doesn't seem to be good enough for the function inside evil_sw_stack.a.
EDIT: after some googling around, it seems that arm-none-eabi-gcc doesn't support these specific __aeabi functions. Take a look at this issue.
Anyway, after taking a look at ARM's runtime ABI docs, the missing __aeabi functions can be trivially implemented using their standard C library equivalents. But I'm not quite sure how __iar_vla_alloc2 and __iar_vla_dealloc2 should work and couldn't find any documentation on them online. The only thing I found out is that VLA means "variable length array".
So, it seems that this will never work unless the chip vendor can compile their static library in such a way that it doesn't use these symbols. Is that right?
I'd prefer not to disclose who the vendor is and not to disclose which product I work with. They are not proud that this thing doesn't work properly and asked me not to. I'm asking this question to help and not to discredit them.
