What does -(XYPoint *) origin; mean - objective-c-2.0

I am new to Objective-C and I am working hard to understand how it works. I get the basic idea with pointers, but this thing has me stumped:
-(XYPoint *) origin;
What does it mean when they add the * after the Class name inside of parenthesis?

This means that the method origin will return a pointer to an instance of XYPoint.


Does C have a version of JavaScript "this"?

I've use quite a bit of JavaScript so far. If you were to use an object constructor in JavaScript, you have access to the this constructor.
So my question relates to trying to use a similar concept in C. I created a struct that I want to be able to self reference:
struct Storage {
void (*delete)();
So if I were to allocate a Storage class:
struct Storage *myStruct = malloc(sizeof(struct Storage));
Let's say I'm trying to delete myStruct. If I have some delete function that I point to (with myStruct->delete = deleteStructure), I would like to do something like this:
which would then free() the struct through a self referencing variable inside of said delete function. I'm wondering if there would be a way to have the delete function look like:
void deleteStructure() {
free( /* "this" or some equivalent C self-reference */ );
My assumption from research so far is that this is not possible since this is usually only in object oriented programming languages. If this is not possible, I'm wondering what would be the semantically correct way to do this. I'm hoping to make the usage of this delete functionality rather simplistic from a user interface perspective. The only way I understand this to work would be passing a reference to the structure like:
void deleteStructure(struct Storage *someStructure) {
which would then require deletion to be done as follows:
To sum up: is there a way to make a delete function that uses self references in C, and if not, what would be the most semantically correct way to delete a structure in the most user friendly way?
No. You cannot even define a function for a struct.
struct Storage {
void (*delete)();
simply stores a pointer to a void function. That could be any void function and when it is being called, it has no connection to Storage whatsoever.
Also note that in your code, every instance of the struct stores one pointer to a void function. You could initialize them so that they all point to the same function, in which case you would simply waste 64 bit per instance without any real benefit. You could also make them point to completely different functions with different semantics.
As per #UnholySheep's comment, the correct semantical use of a struct with connection to a C function will follow the structure:
struct Storage {
/* Some definitions here */
void deleteStructure(struct Storage *someStructure) {
free( /* all inner structure allocations */ );
Here's more about passing structs by reference.

'Binding' Function Pointers on Load

So I've been tinkering around with object orientism in C by making a simple little stack using a 'class' struct and a typedef'd 'instance' struct. The class struct is simply full of function pointers that operate on pointers to instance structs. When I first went about it, I said to myself "I'll just bind the pointers when I initialize the instance struct!" You might guess that this didn't work, since my initialization function was actually a pointer that still had not been assigned a value yet.
(it's currently almost 5AM - closer to wakeup time than bedtime)
So, I am asking if there is any way to effectively bind the function pointers of the at runtime such that I don't need to explicitly call a function that binds them - I was thinking maybe some sort of counterpart to atexit.
If the 'class' struct is always the same, you can initialise it statically:
void do_x_to_instance(instance *);
struct class_type {
void (*do_x)(instance *);
} myclass = {
This is how the Python C API works to define extension types, for example.

How can this object reference itself

I've been tinkering with some code in a effort to understand OOP using c.
I really like this style and want to use it. The code sample works great if another class creates an instance of FooOBJ.
How can FooOBJ reference itself to change its own variables?
Do I need to make a copy of foo in the constructor or something like that or am I wandering away from the right way to use this methodology?
struct fooobj {
int privateint;
char *privateString;
FooOBJ newFooOBJ(){
FooOBJ foo=(FooOBJ)malloc(sizeof(struct fooobj));
bzero(foo, sizeof(struct fooobj));
return foo;
void setFooNumber(FooOBJ foo,int num){
if(foo==NULL) return; /* you may chose to debugprint something
void setmyself(int val)
//this->privateint = val
Well, any function operating on an instance of your "class" will have to take a pointer to the instance. This happens automatically and implicitly in C++, but in C you'll have to pass a "this" pointer everywhere.
What this means is that your setFooNumber has the right signature for a "member function", whereas setmyself does not.
There's a reason C++ and other OO languages have an implicit parameter to instance methods. The only way this can be done is if you explicitly pass a this pointer. A function doesn't have access to something that isn't declared in an appropriate scope: locally or globally (parameters being local).
To understand OOP in C, you'll need to understand how to simulate pure OO code in a procedural way.

How to handle an array of pointers in Objective-C

I figured out the answer to this question, but I couldn't find the solution on here, so posting it for posterity.
So, in Objective-C, how do you create an object out of a pointer in order to store it in objective-c collections (NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet, etc) without reverting to regular C?
NSValue *pointerObject = [NSValue valueWithPointer:aPointer];
This will wrap the pointer in an NSValue. To get it back out later use NSValue's instance method (pointerValue:)
An alternative solution is to define a class that has methods that access/manipulate the contents of the pointer, then add instances of that to the array.
Don't bother subclassing NSValue as it really adds nothing to the solution.
Something like:
#interface FooPtr:NSObject
void *foo;
+ fooPtrWithFoo: (void *) aFoo;
.... methods here ...
I specifically chose an opaque (void *) as that tells the client "don't touch my innnards directly". In the implementation, do something like #define FOOPTR(foo) ((Foo *) foo) Then you can FOOPTR(foo)->bar; as needed in your various methods.
Doing it this way also makes it trivial to add Objective-C specific logic on top of the underlying datatype. Sorting is just a matter of implementing the right method. Hashing/Dictionary entries can now be hashed on foo's contents, etc...

Accessing structure through pointers [c]

I've got a structure which holds names and ages.
I've made a linked-list of these structures, using this as a pointer:
aNode *rootA;
in my main.
Now i send **rootA to a function like so
Because i need to pass rootA by reference so that I can edit it in other functions (in my actual program i have two roots, so return will not work)
The problem is, in my program, i can't say access the structure members.
*rootA->age = 4;
for example doesnt work.
Hopefully you guys can help me out.
It's hard to tell from your question but it looks like the type of rootA in the last sample is aNode**. If so the reason why it's failing is that -> has higher precedence than *. You need to use a paren to correct this problem
(*rootA)->age = 4;
See full C Operator Precedence Table.
If the type of rootA is instead aNode*. Then you don't need to dereference in addition to using ->. Instead just use -> directly
rootA->age = 4;
I suspect you need to pass a pointer to the rootA variable, and not dereference it twice.
