Set background image to 100% width in Netbiscuits - mobile

Has anyone managed to set the background image to 100% width on Net biscuits?

This isn't possible in Netbiscuits. The NB image converter will not process / scale a background image


How to keep transparency of PNG image for ScaleImageLabel?

I've added a PNG with transparent background as MultiImage to a theme and tried to use it for ScaleImageLabel:
ScaleImageLabel logoLabel = new ScaleImageLabel(theme.getImage("sign-up--logo.png 1"));
The Codename One Designer shows the image as it should be, with transparency:
But simulator paints the transparent area white:
What should be done to keep the background of the PNG image transparent?
Generally the opacity comes from the Label UIID so you can style Label to have a transparency value of 0.

Canvas background color not as white as I need

I am setting the background color of my Canvas as 'white'. However when I compare my canvas with a vendor application, their canvas is 'whiter', which is the color I want for my canvas too. I have looked at all the color choices available for canvas background color but nothing makes my canvas any whiter than it is. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Simple solution:
Use one of the browser plugins to get the actual "white" color of their app.
One example of a color-picker is Chrome plus the ColorZilla extension:

How to set an image size in pixels in WPF?

I am using 32x32 pixels images in a toolbar in WPF. How can I set the width of the images to be exactly 32x32 pixels instead of DPI system ?
See the reference of the size properties, you can qualify them.

Picturebox transparency

can anyone help me how to apply transparency on picturebox on Winforms? I have a panel as a main container having a background picture, and I have a picturebox which overlapped on it. So all I need is to have a transparency on picturebox.
Set the Backcolor property of the PictureBox to Transparent.
Ofcourse, make sure that the image you're using is transparent as well (i.e. no background color).
Go to the properties of the PictureBox and set the Back Color to "Transparent".
With code you can do it like:
pictureBox1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

Fade image to grayscale in silverlight

I'm using expression blend and can't figure out how to go about fading a color image to grayscale. Can I do it in the xaml or do I need to handle this in my C#?
Couple ways to do it.
1) pre-compute gray-scale image; place it on top of the color image; animate opacity of the gray scale image from 0 to 1 to get the desired effect.
2) use pixel shader. wpf shader library might have one
