TextBox Partially Editable - wpf

Is it possible to make the contents of a TextBox or a RichTextBox parially editable? For instance, I would like to have something that looks like the following:
<TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap" AcceptsReturn="True" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" FontFamily="Courier New" Margin="10,0">
This text and anything before it isn't editable.
This Text is Editable
This text and anything after it is not editable.
or something like this:
<RichTextBox AcceptsReturn="True" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" FontFamily="Courier New" Margin="10,0">
<Paragraph>This text and anything before it is not editable.</Paragraph>
<Paragraph>This text is editable.</Paragraph>
<Paragraph>This text and anything after it is not editable.</Paragraph>
Ideally, I would be able to style the editable text different than the uneditable text. Before anybody tells me I shouldn't do this, I have a valid reason for doing it.
Thanks in advance.

You should be able to encapsulate the three controls into a scrollable region and resize your editable field as needed (i.e., the editable field has no scrolling, only the containing region).
It's not very pretty, especially if there isn't an easy way of doing it with XAML (I've never used it, so I can't say), but I would content it's far better than trying to hack this thing into (Rich)TextBox.

A textBox with its Template overrriden to hide its border and 2 textblocks of same look and feel put ahead and post the textbox in that Template can achieve what you seek.
Default textbox template which you can override is here...


XAML - Relatively Position Control Outside of Document Flow

I'm looking to create a UI element in a WPF XAML UserControl with something that looks and works roughly like Google Suggest - a TextBox with a ListBox that appears beneath it showing suggestions that match the text entered in the TextBox. In simplified form, my XAML looks like this:
[...controls above...]
<TextBox ... />
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding SearchHints}"
Visibility="{Binding HasSearchHints}" MaxHeight="100" />
[...controls below...]
What I'm struggling to achieve is I want the ListBox to float above any content that may come below it, much like the dropdown part of a ComboBox does. Currently it pushes any controls below it downwards. I figure this must be possible because the ComboBox control essentially does exactly what I want to do. In CSS it would be a matter of setting the element to position:relative but there doesn't seem to be an immediately obvious equivalent in XAML. Any ideas?
Used Icepickle's comment - the element did exactly what I wanted.

Hyperlink in WPF Richtextbox

I load WPF Richtextbox contents from Xaml string in which there are some Hyperlinks. When it is loaded into control, Hyperlinks are not clickable! I want to click on them and their associated URL shows up.
No freschx, it's about WPF. A WPF RichTextBox, unlike the one in WinForms, does not have a DetectUrls property. And it's weird you wrote a Xaml code for that, even weirder there is someone who thought it useful.
Check this post out where JHubbard80 and me had two different approaches to solve this problem.
To make the Hyperlink, or any inline UIElement in general, available for hit testing, we must set RichTextBox.IsDocumentEnabled to true.
To make the Hyperlink clickable without pressing the Ctrl key, the Hyperlink must be made read-only e.g., by wrapping it into a TextBlock or by making the complete RichTextBox read-only (by setting RichTextBox.IsReadOnly to false).
<RichTextBox IsDocumentEnabled="True">
<Run Text="Some editable text" />
<Hyperlink NavigateUri="https://duckduckgo.com">
Ensure the DetectUrls property on the RichTextbox is set to true. You can then attach an event handler to the link clicked event and do what you wish.
<RichTextBox DetectUrls="True" />
Potential duplicate thread. Credit goes to Sam Meldrum from this thread.
For an even deeper analysis you may wish to try this article.

silverlight validation on textbox inside usercontrol

As the title states, I have a usercontrol with a textbox inside. The purpose of the user control is to add a spell check button and character count below the textbox. But for the most part, I'm using it just like a normal textbox:
<controls:SuperTextBox Text="{Binding Accomplishments, Mode=TwoWay, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors=True,NotifyOnValidationError=True}"
Height="200" EnableCharacterCounting="True" EnableSpellChecking="True" AcceptsReturn="True"
TextWrapping="Wrap" />
The problem I'm having is that I no longer get the nice red border when validation fails for the field. What do I need to do to reenable that behavior?
What you need to do here, it's to relay the validation of your UserControl back to the textbox.
I did answer a similar question here.

WPF: Use SpellCheck On Read-Only TextBox

I'm looking to display text with the wavey red lines where a word is misspelt, but I only want the text to be selectable, not editable. If I set the TextBox's IsReadOnly property to True or IsEnabled to False, the wavey red lines disappear and I can't get around it by putting something transparent as this will prevent the user being able to select sections of the text.
Is there anyway I can keep the red lines, allow the text to be selectable but prevent the actual text being modified?
You could hook up to on the text change event of the text box, and just reject the new text. It would have the same effect of readonly without graying out the textbox or getting rid of the spell checking.
Thanks David. I'm currently looking at 2 possible solutions, yours and the following:
I've created a custom control which is based on the standard TextBox, but effectively has 2 textboxes laid on top of one another in this manor:
<TextBox Name="tbxBack"
<TextBox Name="tbxFront"
I think it's pretty straight forward what's going on here, but I'm concerned about the potential overhead this will cause.
The reason I'm looking into the double TextBox solution is that I'm worried if I try and cancel the event, it could end up with some sort of flashing in the control when the text is changed.

Display images in TextBlock (WPF)

I'm working on a simple chat application. Currently the messages are binded to a custom-styled listbox like this (simplified XAML):
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding MessageCollection}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}"/>
Now I would like to be able to put images (like graphical smileys) into the displayed message text. Is there any way to achieve this using TextBlock (or any other standart component) or do I need to use some special control for this?
Thanks in advance
Just use the InlineUIContainer.
<TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">
<Run>Some text.</Run>
<Image Source="http://sstatic.net/stackoverflow/img/apple-touch-icon.png" Height="20"></Image>
<Run>Some more text.</Run>
The Content of a TextBlock is always just a series of Inlines, so you should use the InlineUIContainer. You can insert this container as one of the Inlines in your TextBlock wherever you want an Image to appear, alternating with text Runs. You could parse a message and at the same time keep adding the tokens (either text or images) that you find to the Inlines collection of the TextBlock.
If you want the Images actually inside the text (like an emoticon), then you are going to have to do some work. This sounds like one of the few times I would actually want a User Control, the point of which would be one that scans the Text looking for emoticon values and building a Data Template on the fly.
Remember that anything you can do in XAML you can do in code, so the code I'm thinking of would follow this general idea:
Scan text for emoticon values and
create a list of values for data
Create a DockPanel.
Foreach element in the List, add
either a TextBlock or an Image
(based on value).
Set this.Content to the DockPanel.
I think something like this is actually what you are looking for, but if you want just an Image, then the ValueConverter suggestion would work.
You could use a value converter to convert the text to another type which has a list of segments which are composed of either text or the smiley face (in the order in which they appear).
Then, you can use a data template to bind to that new type and display the text and smiley faces appropriately.
I also encountered this problem recently and I overcome this by
Creating an ListBox ItemTemplate containing an ItemsControl that has a WrapPanel in the ItemsPanelTemplate and then binding my string to the ItemsSource of the ItemsControl with a IValueConverter that houses all the logic.
Split out your words and query/search your emoticons strings, hyperlinks etc and create your TextBlock, Image, Hyperlink, Button elements and set your values and event handles.
In the function create a List<UIElement> and populate the List with the controls you have generated and return the List as the object in the Convert function of the IValueConverter.
Because you have the WrapPanel in there you get your wrapping done.
Use the Image element instead of the TextBlock and use a Converter to map the text value to the smile image.
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding MessageCollection}">
<Image Source="{Binding Text, Converter={StaticResource MyImageConverter}}"/>
