What is the advantage of having a .bss section? - c

What is the benefit of having 2 sections - .data and .bss for process scope variables. Why not just have one? I know what each section is used for. I am using gcc.

.bss consumes "memory" but not space within the executable file. Its sole purpose is to hold zero-initialized data (as you know).
.data (and related sections such as rodata) do actually consume space within the executable file, and usually holds strings, integers, and perhaps even entire objects.
There is a lot of zero-initialized data in a typical program, so having that data not consume extra space in the output file is a significant bonus.
As for the multiple .*data sections... .rodata/.data can be used as a hint for memory protection (disallow overwriting .rodata, allow read/write to .data).


Why is there no content for the .bss section in an object (ELF) file?

This question confused me a lot. As far as I know, .bss section is for saving data that initialized but not used yet. But I don't understand what 'content' here mean and why there is no content here?
Thanks for any helps!
The quick response is: Well, there's no content to fill the .bss with, so there's no sense in putting any data on the executable in relation to that section. Only the positions of the variables are stored, but that belongs to another ELF section.
.bss section is where your program has all the uninitialized variables (by default all initialized to zero) The linker only needs to know the actual size of this region and the actual variable positions, but not the values, because its contents are obvious, independently of the nature or the distribution of the variables put there.
When your program is loaded, the kernel normally assigns a read-only segment for the unmodifiable text of the program (.text section) and also puts in that segment the contents of the initialized const variables (.rodata section) so in case yo attempt to modify something there, you get an exception. Then comes the initialized data section with the initial values of all the initialized variables of your program (.data section) and the uninitialized ones (.bss section)
The data segment (look how I call different a section and a load segment) is given more space, the sum of .data and .bss sections, to hold all the variables (both are included, so that's the reason it uses its length) but while the contents of the .data section have to be filled from the file, the contents of the .bss section don't, because all are zeroed by the operating system, before allowing the user process to access the allocated segment. That's not true for small systems, where the operating system doesn't fill the data with zeros... but there, the compiler adds some code to zero all the .bss segment, so again, there's no need to copy any data from the executable file.
The historic (and main) reason for this behaviour is that the pages the kernel assigns that have to be loaded with your program, are cleared to zero for security reasons (so you cannot luckily get a page full of other users' passwords, or other sensible information) so there's no reason to fill it with zeros again and nothing has to be copied there, there's no reason to put anything on the executable file. The pages the kernel maintains normally are zeroed only when they are going to be given to a user, but maintain (as they are designed for that purpose) the information until they are overwritten.
There's no content in the BSS (Block started By Symbol) section because it would be wasted storage. The contents of the BSS is all zeros and it is cleared by the startup code before main is called. Think of the BSS as a run-length compressed block of bytes. All you need to know to uncompress that block is the value (0) and the length, which is stored in the ELF entry for the BSS.
Your notion of "data that [is] initialized but not used yet" is a bit off. Consider that all sections in an ELF file are somehow "not used yet". The text segment may or may not become used (it may contain dead/unreachable code). The data segment may or may not be used at all (you can define objects never used by code).

Memory layout of a c program

I am reading this article http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/memory-layout-of-c-program/,
it said " Uninitialized variable stored in bss", "Initialized variable stored in Data segment"
My question is why we need to have 2 separate segments for variables? 1. BSS 2. Data segment?
Why not just put everything into 1 segment?
BSS takes up no space in the program image. It just indicates how large the BSS section is and the runtime will set that memory to zero.
The data section is filled with the initial values for the variables so it takes space in the program image file.
To my knowledge, uninitialized variables (in .bss) are (or should be) zerod out when entering the program. Initialised variables (.data) get a specific value.
This means that in the executable of your program (stored on disk), the .data segment must be included byte per byte (since each variable has a potentially different value). The .bss however, must not be saved byte per byte. One must only know the size to reserve in memory when loading the executable. The program knows the offset of each variable in .bss
To zero out all the uninitialized variables, a few assembler instructions will do (for x86: rep stosw with some register settings for instance).
Conclusion: loading and initialisation time for .data is lot worse than for large .bss segments, since the .data must be loaded from disk, and .bss is only to be reserved on the fly with very few cpu instructions.

why .bss explicitly initialize global variable to zero?

I am generating mips disassembly in order to simulating it. I need to have big data to work on it but I don't want to have big assembly files so I wanted to work on a big uninitialized array (and then possibly initialize it in my simulator...). So I need this array to be global. And global variables seem to be put on the .bss section to be initialized when the page is actually accessed.
The problem is in my binary the array is in the .bss section, but is explicitly filled with zero...This is not the behaviour expected if I understood correctly what I have found on internet...Is there a way for saying to the compiler (or linker, or loader...I don't understand well which one do what for that) to not really put zero in this array ?
Or alternatively, can we have an option while compiling, or a C instruction for saying we don't want this array for being initialized with 0 ? (I tried to change the array section with attribute but it is still initialized with 0).
By the way, I am generating my disassembly file with objdump, and it normally skip blocks of zeroes, but I really need the other blocks of zeroes to be disassembled, so I using the "-z" option.
What I really don't understand is that everywhere I looked, it was said that .bss section didn't really put zero in the binary file...
The data for the .bss section isn't stored in the compiled object files because, well, there is no data—the compiler puts variables in that segment precisely because they should be zero-initialized.
When the OS loads the executable, it just looks at the size of the .bss segment, allocates that much memory, and zero-initializes it for you. By not storing that data in the executable file, it reduces loading times.
If you want data to be initialized with certain data, then give it an initializer in your code. The compiler will then put it in the .data segment (initialized data) instead of .bss (uninitialized data). When the OS then loads the executable, it will allocate the memory for the data and then copy it in from the executable. This takes extra I/O, but your data is explicitly initialized how you want it.
Alternatively, you could leave the data stay in the .bss segment and then initialize it yourself at runtime. If the data is quick and easy to generate at runtime, it might be faster to recompute it at startup rather then read it off of disk. But those situations are probably rare.
I suspect that using the -z option is causing objdump to show you zeroes for the .bss, even though the zeroes are not actually in your binary. Try using od -t x4 to get a simple hexadecimal dump of what is really in the binary. If od shows you blocks of zeroes, then they really are in the binary.

Location of variables in C

I'm trying to understand how C allocates memory to global variables.
I'm working on a simple Kernel. So far it can't do much more than print to screen and enable interrupts. I'm now working on a basic physical memory manager.
My memory manager is a bitmap that sets a 1 or 0 if memory is allocated or available. I need to add the memory that my Kernel is using to the bitmap as 'allocated', so nothing overwrites it.
I can easily find out the start of the Kernel, as it's statically loaded to 0x100000. Figuring out the length shouldn't be too difficult either. The part I'm not sure about is where global variables are put in memory?
Let's say my Kernel is 12K, I can then allocate these 3x 4K blocks of memory to it for protection. Do I need to allocate more to cover the variables it uses? Or are the variables part of that 12K?
Thank you for your help, I hope I am making enough sense.
have a look at
your globals mostly are in the BSS
As the previous answer says, most variables are stored in the .bss section but they can also be stored in the .data or .rodata section depending on if you defined the global variables as static or const. After compiling you can use readelf -S kernel.bin to see exactly how much space each section will utilize. For the .bss section the memory is only occupied when the binary is loaded in memory and does not take any space on disk. This means that your compiled kernel binary will be smaller than the actual size it will later use when brought into memory (by grub usually).
A simple way to figure out exactly how much data your kernel will use besides using readelf is to place the .bss section inside the .data section within your linker script. The size of the kernel binary will then be the same size both on disk as in memory (or actually it will be a bit smaller in memory since not all sections are copied by grub) but then at least you know the minimum amount of memory you need to allocate.
I'd recommend using a custom linker script (assuming you use gcc): it makes the layout of kernel sections explicit and customizable (to read more about linker scripts, read info ld). You can see an example of my OS's linker script here.
To see the default linker script use -v/--verbose option of ld.
Mostly global variables are located in .data.* and .rodata.* sections, variables initialized with 0 go in .bss.

where should the .bss section of ELF file take in memory?

It is known that .bss section was not stored in the disk, but the .bss section in memory should be initialized to zero. but where should it take in the memory? Is there any information displayed in the ELF header or the Is the .bss section likely to appear next to the data section, or something else??
The BSS is between the data and the heap, as detailed in this marvelous article.
You can find out the size of each section using size:
cnicutar#lemon:~$ size try
text data bss dec hex filename
1108 496 16 1620 654 try
To know where the bss segment will be in memory, it is sufficient to run readelf -S program, and check the Addr column on the .bss row.
In most cases, you will also see that the initialized data section (.data) comes immediately before. That is, you will see that Addr+Size of the .data section matches the starting address of the .bss section.
However, that is not always necessarily the case. These are historical conventions, and the ELF specification (to be read alongside the platform specific supplement, for instance Chapter 5 in the one covering 32-bit x86 machines) allows for much more sophisticated configurations, and not all of them are supported by Linux.
For instance, the section may not be called .bss at all. The only 2 properties that make a BSS section such are:
The section is marked with SHT_NOBITS (that is, it takes space in memory but none on the storage) which shows up as NOBITS in readelf's output.
It maps to a loadable (PT_LOAD), readable (PF_R), and writeable (PF_W) segment. Such a segment is also shorter on storage than it is in memory (p_filesz < p_memsz).
You can have multiple BSS sections: PowerPC executables may have .sbss and .sbss2 for uninitialized data variables.
Finally, the BSS section is not necessarily adjacent to the data section or the heap. If you check the Linux kernel (more in particular the load_elf_binary function) you can see that the BSS sections (or more precisely, the segment it maps to) may even be interleaved with code and initialized data. The Linux kernel manages to sort that out.
