SQL server query processor ran out of internal resources - sql-server

update mytable
set mycol = null
where id in (
... (50000 more)
The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not
produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for
extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large
number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you
believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer
Support Services for more information.
My query is very simple,
how should I write it so it works ok?

Insert the list of values into a #temp table then use in on that.
As explained in this answer a large number of IN values can cause it to run out of stack as they get expanded to OR
See also related connect item

If you find this error in SQL Server 2016 or later then try to change the database compatibility level to a lower version 120 or 110, etc. (link)


I can't get Oracle execution plan in prod database

I'm connecting to a production database with a read-only separate account (no DBA privileges), and I can't get the execution plan for a query. When I try:
explain plan for
select * from my_table where id = 10;
select plan_table_output from
I get different plans for unrelated queries every time. I guess there are so many queries per second that the plan gets immediately replaced by other ones.
Then, I tried adding a "statement ID":
explain plan set statement_id = 'st1' for
select * from my_table where id = 10;
select plan_table_output from
but I get the error:
Error: cannot fetch plan for statement_id 'st1'
What's the easiest and consistent way of retrieving an execution plan in a highly concurrent db?
This is late but I found this via an internet search on the error. First issue is the explain itself fails because is invalid. With a short query like the above you would see the error but on a longer query where you script the explains and query you might miss the error messages. Second, set serveroutput being on or your disabling it between the explain and results query will block getting the results. Hope this helps somebody.

Large difference in performance of complex SQL query based on initial "Use dB" statement

Why does a complex SQL query run worse with a Use statement and implicit dB references than with a Use master statement and full references to the user dB?
I'm using SQL Server Std 64-bit Version 13.0.4466.4 running on Windows Server 2012 R2. This is an "academic" question raised by one of my users, not an impediment to production.
By "complex" I mean several WITH clauses and a CROSS APPLY, simplified query structure below. By "worse" I mean 3 min. vs. 1 sec for 239 Rows, repeatably. The "plain" Exec Plan for fast query will not show, however, the Exec Plan w/ Live Query Stats runs for both, analysis further below. Tanx in advance for any light shed on this!
USE Master versus USE <userdb>;
with1 AS
( SELECT stuff FROM <userdb>.schema1.userauxtable ),
with2 AS
( SELECT lotsastuff FROM <userdb>.dbo.<views w/ JOINS> ),
with3 AS
( SELECT allstuff FROM with2 WHERE TheDate IN (SELECT MAX(TheDate) FROM with2 GROUP BY <field>, CAST(TheDate AS DATE)) ),
with4 AS
( SELECT morestuff FROM with1 WHERE with1.ChartID = #chartID )
SELECT finalstuff FROM with3
with3.TheDate BETWEEN with4.PreDate AND with4.AfterDate
AND with4.MainID = with3.MainID ) as AvgCross
The Exec Plan w/ Live Query Stats for slow query has ~41% Cost ea. (83% total) in two ops:
a) Deep under the 5th Step (of 15) Hash match (Inner Join) Hash Keys Build ... 41% Cost to Index Scan (non-clustered) of ...
b) Very deep under the 4th Step (of 15) Nested Loops (Left Semi Join) -- 42% Cost to near-identical Index Scan per (1) except addition of (... AND datediff(day,Date1,getdate() ) to Predicate.
While the Exec Plan w/ Live Query Stats for fast query shows an 83% Cost in a Columnstore Idx Scan (non-clustered) of quite deep under the 9th Step (of 12) Hash match (Inner Join) Hash Keys Build .
It would seem that the difference is in the Columnstore Idx, but why does the Use master stmt send the Execution down that road?
There may be several possible reasons for this kind of behaviour; however, in order to identify them all, you will need people like Paul Randall or Kalen Delaney to answer this.
With my limited knowledge and understanding of MS SQL Server, I can think of at least 2 possible causes.
1. (Most plausible one) The queries are actually different
If, as you are saying, the query text is sufficiently lengthy and complex, it is completely possible to miss a single object (table, view, user-defined function, etc.) when adding database qualifiers and leave it with no DB prefix.
Now, if an object by that name somehow ended up in both the master and your UserDB databases then different objects will be picked up depending on the current database context, the data might be different, indices and their fragmentation, even data types... well, you get the idea.
This way, queries become different depending on the database context, and there is no point comparing their performance.
2. Compatibility level of user database
Back in the heyday of the 2005 version, I had a database with its compatibility level set to 80, so that ANSI SQL-89 outer joins generated by some antiquated ORM in legacy client apps would keep working. Most of the tasty new stuff worked too, with one notable exception however: the pivot keyword.
A query with PIVOT, when executed in the context of that database, threw an error saying the keyword is not recognised. However, when I switched the context to master and prefixed everything with user database's name, it ran perfectly fine.
Of course, this is not exactly your case, but it's a good demonstration of what I'm talking about. There are lots of internal SQL Server components, invisible to the naked eye, that affect the execution plan, performance and sometimes even results (or your ability to retrieve them, as in the example above) that depend on settings such as database' compatibility level, trace flags and other similar things.
As a possible cause, I can think of the new cardinality estimator which was introduced in SQL Server 2014. The version of the SQL Server instance you mentioned corresponds to 2016 SP1 CU7, however it is still possible that:
your user database may be in compatibility with 2012 version (for example, if it was restored from 2012 backup and nobody bothered to check its settings after that), or
trace flag 9481 is set either for the session or for the entire SQL Server instance, or
database scoped configuration option LEGACY_CARDINALITY_ESTIMATION is set for the database, etc.
(Thankfully, SQL Server doesn't allow to change compatibility level of the master database, so it's always of the latest supported level. Which is probably good, as no one can screw the database engine itself - not this way, at least.)
I'm pretty sure that I have only scratched the surface of the subject, so while checking the aforementioned places definitely wouldn't hurt, what you need to do is to identify the actual cause of the difference (if it's not #1 above, that is). This can be done by looking at actual execution plans of the queries (forget the estimated ones, they are worthless) with a tool other than vanilla SSMS. As an example, SentryOne Plan Explorer might be a good thing to begin with. Even without that, saving plans in .sqlplan files and opening them with any XML-capable viewer/editor will show you much more, including possible leads that might explain the difference you observe.

Stable SQL Server stored procedure unusual drop in performance

I'm experiencing a very strange issue in SQL Server 2005.
Yesterday users reported slowness in a specific part of our database app. I am not sure how pervasive the slowness is - it's definitely not everywhere, as this is the only part of the system reported - but I isolated the relevant stored procedure which used to run in 2-3 seconds and is now consistently running in 50-60 seconds.
It's a complex query -- multiple layers of subqueries. It returns only 42 rows in 16 columns.
The query looks like this:
select col1,2,3,4,5,...
( select .... ) t
I started picking apart the query to find out what was slow and found that removing the final ORDER BY clause brought the performance back in line.
This is highly mysterious. I could not replicate the problem on our DEV server. It's only 42 rows so the order by clause should be inconsequential. Execution plans are identical w/ and without the order by, and on the two servers.
Any brainstorming about what could have changed on our production server would be much appreciated!
ALTER INDEX ALL ON BiggestTableInQuery
Did the trick! It was horribly fragmented, 55-98% on 5 indexes, clustered 55%. So now I'm going to review other large tables as well.
Thanks simon at rcl and Tab Alleman!

Slow query with cfqueryparam searching on indexed column containing hashes

I have the following query that runs in 16ms - 30ms.
<cfquery name="local.test1" datasource="imagecdn">
SELECT hash FROM jobs WHERE hash in(
If I execute the same query but use cfqueryparam it runs in 500ms - 2000ms.
<cfset local.hashes = "[list of the same ids as above]">
<cfquery name="local.test2" datasource="imagecdn">
SELECT hash FROM jobs WHERE hash in(
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#local.hashes#" list="yes">
The table has roughly 60,000 rows. The "hash" column is varchar(50) and has a unique non-clustered index, but is not the primary key. DB server is MSSQL 2008. The web server is running the latest version of CF9.
Any idea why the cfqueryparam causes the performance to bomb out? It behaves this way every single time, no matter how many times I refresh the page. If I pair the list down to only 2 or 3 hashes, it still performs poorly at like 150-200ms. When I eliminate the cfqueryparam the performance is as expected. In this situation there is the possibility for SQL injection and thus using cfqueryparam would certainly be preferable, but it shouldn't take 100ms to find 2 records from an indexed column.
We are using hashes generated by hash() not UUIDS or GUIDS. The hash is generated by a hash(SerializeJSON({ struct })) which contains the plan for a set of operations to execute on an image. The purpose for this is that it allows us to know before insert and before query the exact unique id for that structure. These hashes act as an "index" of what structures have already been stored in the DB. In addition with hashes the same structure will hash to the same result, which is not true for UUIDS and GUIDS.
The query is being executed on 5 different CF9 servers and all of them exhibit the same behavior. To me this rules out the idea that CF9 is caching something. All servers are connecting to the exact same DB so if caching was occurring it would have to be the DB level.
Your issue may be related to VARCHAR vs NVARCHAR. These 2 links may help
Querying MS SQL Server G/UUIDs from ColdFusion and
nvarchar vs. varchar in SQL Server, BEWARE
What might be happening is there is a setting in ColdFusion administrator if cfqueryparam sends varchars as unicode or not. If that setting does not match the column setting (in your case, if that setting is enabled) then MS SQL will not use that index.
As Mark points out it is is probably got a bad execution plan in the cache. One of the advantages of cfqueryparam is that when you pass in different values it can reuse the cached plan it has for that statement. This is why when you try it with a smaller list you see no improvement. When you do not use cfqueryparam SQL Server has to work out the Execution Plan each time. This normally a bad thing unless it has a sub optimal plan in the cache. Try clearing the cache as explained here http://www.devx.com/tips/Tip/14401 this hopefully will mean that the next time you run your statement with cfqueryparam in it'll cache the better plan.
Make sense?
I don't think cfqueryparam causing issue. As you have mention big hike in execution it may be index not going to use for your query when trying with cfqueryparam. I have created same scenario on my development computer but I got same execution time with and without cfqueryparam. There may be some overhead using list as in first query you are passing it directly as test and in second coldfusion need to create from query parameter from provided list but again this should not that much. I will suggest to start "SQL Server Profiler" and monitor query executed on server, this will give you better who costing another 500 ms.

sql server 2005 sp3 insufficient memory to run query problem

I am trying to execute a humongous query with close to 200 inner joins on a database. It gives me the following error
Msg 701, Level 17, State 123 Line 1
I am running the database on a Dual core 2.7 GHz machine with 2GB of RAM.
Is there any way I can get this query to execute?
This sounds like a table design issue, what on earth are you doing joining in 200 tables? that is most likely the problem, which can only be cured with a redesign.
Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server
Columns per SELECT statement 4,096
REFERENCES per table 253
Tables per SELECT statement Limited only by available resources
200 joins is actually very common if you fall into the EAV trap. If you have one entity with 200 columns, there's 200 joins for you!
Of course, SQL Server has no problem with 200 joins, but quite possibly it's miscalculating the amount of memory needed. This is especially likely for hash joins, which trade memory for better performance. So a first step would be to replace all joins with loop joins, for example inner loop join. A loop join requires very little memory.
If that doesn't work out, look at the execution plan. The real plan will probably not make it past a memory error, but you can see the estimated execution plan:
From the documentation:
Server returns execution information
for each statement without executing
it, and Transact-SQL statements are
not executed
This could give a clue about what SQL is planning to do.
Just out of curiosity are all your FK fields indexed?
Is there some way you can split this up into mutiple queries with fewer joins? For instance if you are doing an insert can you insert just the main fields that ensure uniqueness of the record and then do separate updates to get the rest of the information?
