Deploying multiple applications on google app engine and amazon aws - google-app-engine

Can i develop multiple applications on Google app engine or Amazon AWS??
Does it violate any of the Google app engine and Amazon AWS rules??
Plz advice me on this topic

Yes, you can have multiple applications. But for Google there is a limit of 10 applications per developer. In Amazon there is no limit (other than capacity) of number of servers you can buy and no one really asks how many applications are there, unless you perform illegal actions with it (eg. spam).

on Google AppEngine you can't use multiple applications as a way to avoid fees for you application.
So your applications should be different, and you can't deploy many instances of the same application so you get more 'free' allocation.
From the GAE terms of service
4.4. You may not develop multiple Applications to simulate or act as a single Application or otherwise access the Service in a manner
intended to avoid incurring fees.


Hosting web applications on GAE using several free tier

I have several web applications, and I would like to host them on Google App Engine. Recently, it seems to me the pricing has changed and the free tier is now based on quotas. I have thought about the following:
Considering the applications requirements and the new quotas, the free tier on GCP should allow me to freely host only one webapp. What about giving to each of my clients a billed GCP account, and hosting his webapp on his own google project using his account, to get as many free tier as webapps ? Am I missing something ?
The standard runtime apps on app engine free tier have always been quota-based and that applies to each app engine app per project.
If you're on app engine standard, it shouldn't matter much as each project is entitled to a free tier. The number of projects per account is limited though but can be increased upon request.

Are there performance improvements to Google services APIs if your server is hosted on Google App Engine?

We are currently hosted on Amazon's AWS platform, however our server makes extensive use of many of the Google services API's including:
Google Maps
Google Static Maps
Google Places
During normal usage, some of these API requests can take over 1-3 seconds and that's not exactly great for user experience. I wonder if there are any performance gains if we were to host our server on top of Google App Engine instead. An example would be getting better performance if you make use of as many AWS platforms for your system rather than spreading them out between multiple cloud services provider.
Yes the roundtrip to call the api will be faster but not the actual api. It can make a noticeable difference if you are calling many google apis on the same servlet call.

hosting multiple apps under single google account in GAE

is it possible to host multiple apps in GAE using single google account.
You can host as many as ten application on GAE for a single account for free. Each application can have n number of serving version provided they don't go beyond free usage quota. To know more about free usage quota in GAE. You can have a look here
As far as I remember you can have max 10 projects per account in your appengine. The trick is you can configure your applications to communicate with each other and exchange data through some REST integration they way most web services work either xml or json are solid solutions for the proble. Send more specific inquiries if you have.

How to Build a Facebook-like Platform on Google App Engine?

I am interested to build a platform on Google App Engine where one Master App provides common functionality to several child Apps (Web portals).
Master App:
Offers Common Social Networking features
Common user database
Interacts using Web services API
Child Apps (Web Portals):
Connects to Master App for user database and social networking features
Uses Local business logic for local features
My Design plan is:
Master and Child Apps will be
individual Apps on GAE Appspot (for
easy management)
All will communicate via REST/JSON?
I will enable billing for all Apps so
nothing is against Google's usage
Will use SSL for login into Master App, later use a token
(cookie) for further interactions
Could anyone kindly spot risks and suggest any improvements?
Your "Master/Child" concept will be hard to maintain, introduce issues with cross-site-scripting and most importantly be completely against Google App Engine's terms of service for combining multiple apps into one.
4.4. You may not develop multiple Applications to simulate or act as a single Application or otherwise access the Service in a manner intended to avoid incurring fees.
You could use multiple app versions (defined on app.yaml) to deploy different codebases to the same subdomain, and access them like, for "versions" app1 and app2. You could even have one version running on Java and another one on Python.
They'll all share the same datastore, although you'd be able to use namespaces to separate them if necessary.
For the distributed nature of the architecture you proposed, I'd suggest having a deep look at Facebook's graph API and Twitter's API. They both use oAuth for authentication/authorization and already have a proven implementation of what you're trying to accomplish.

Appengine without google apps?

I was using GAE with Gapps on my domain, however it seems that is unavailable in China.
How can I use GAE on my domain without Gapps?
Edit: A solution I'm considering is using something like a proxy. This way the firewall doesnt see google. By the way, my site is not banned because of its content, it can be acessed normally using appspot. The problem comes from google apps redirections.
Any ideas how I can setup something like this?
According to this answer you cannot.
Petition your government for redress of grievance? Yes, I know that's not such a hot idea in 中華人民共和國.
Google is quote interested in access to their services generally, but isn't (yet) in a position to tell governments what to do directly.
AppScale is an open-source implementation of the Google App Engine cloud computing interface. It is being developed by researchers in the UC Santa Barbara RACELab.
AppScale enables execution of Google App Engine (GAE) applications on virtualized cluster systems. In particular, AppScale enables users to execute GAE applications using their own clusters with greater scalability and reliability than the GAE SDK provides.
Moreover, AppScale executes automatically and transparently over cloud infrastructures such as the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Eucalyptus, the open-source implementation of the AWS interfaces.
