Convert Silverlight App to WPF - wpf

I need to convert a Silverlight App to WPF (to finally run it on Microsoft Surface 1.0).
I didn't write the original solution and it is quite big. I've never worked with Silverlight and I'm just a little bit familiar with WPF.
Can you offer some advice on completing this project?
Here's my current plan (high level view):
Recreate all Silverlight projects in WPF (User Control in Silverlight = WPF User Control Library ?)
References are not the same so I'll need to make some changes ... I think :)
Hope all controls are compatible with WPF ...
Have I missed something big? Is something wrong? Incomplete?
I'm open to all your suggestions and advice!
Any development tips ?

I recently converted a Silverlight app to WPF. You can find my notes on how I did it here:
Hope it helps you.

"User Control in Silverlight = WPF User Control Library ?" Not exactly.
which version of silverlight do you use? Most difficult issue I have faced while porting WPF to Silverlight was with converters. Silverlight 4.0 or lower doesn't support Ancestor RelativeSource Binding. But supported in Silverlight 5!
Hope this link will help you. WPF and Silverlight 2 Compatibility


XAML, WPF and Windows 8

I'm hoping someone here can explain to me the difference between WPF and XAML exactly in this context:
I have an application (an XBAP specifically) written in VB.NET using MVVM & Repository Pattern, implementing the the usual INotifyPropertyChanged, OLEDB etc etc.
The front end of the application is written in XAML.
From what I understand there is nothing specifically "WPF" about this application. In my view its XAML + VB.NET; where does the WPF come in? Given windows 8 and the "death of Silverlight/WPF" that I keep hearing about, what should I be doing to "upgrade" my application to ensure its future?
I would greatly appreciate someone clearing up this confusion for me.
XAML + your code behind is WPF. You are using WPF. XAML is the markup used for defining the interface in WPF.
And I wouldn't worry too much at this point about "the death of Silverlight/WPF". Just because Windows 8 supports HTML5/JavaScript doesn't mean WPF has gone away. At least, not yet.
See also.
An XBAP (XAML Browser Application) is a kind of WPF XAML application, that runs in the browser. Nothing more, nothing less.
WPF isn't going away anytime soon; in fact, it received a number of enhancements in .NET 4.5. Windows 8 will continue supporting WPF whether it's run on the desktop or as an XBAP. There's no need to "upgrade" your app, but if you want to take advantage of the Windows Store and the new user interface, it's not difficult to port your WPF XAML to WinRT XAML.
See, WPF can be called as the Successor of WinForms . In WPF WE have this XAML that is simply XML but Is more powerful and has greater properties .
WPF isn't dead !
Talking about Windows Store Apps, Silverlight has lots to do with WPF and XAML
Your XBAP application uses WPF : XAML for the UI and VB.NET for the code behind.
If you want to be sure, check if the namespaces you use in the code begin with "System.Windows".
Your XBAP is just a kind of project you can create with the WPF technology. (that's an application which shows several web pages as its UI).

What is relation between WPF and Silverlight

These both are same or different ?
How to develop silverlight in visual studio 2008 ?
Please also answer
How to develop silverlight application in visual studio 2008 ?
Both WPF and Silverlight uses what is called XAML to define what the interface / GUI should look like. WPF and Silverlight are both Presentation Layers used on different areas.
WPF is used for Windows based applications whereas Silverlight is used for Web based applications.
Read this blog post about "When should I use WPF vs Silverlight?" over at MSDN.
You can think about Silverlight like a subset of WPF, but there is one main difference. WPF uses full .Net Framework and Silverlight uses different dlls (so you can't use all classes from .Net framework in SL).
Of course Silverlight is a presentation technology that you use to create browser base application (SL can be also an out of browser application) and WPF is used to create windows applications.
Silverlight's original code name was WPF/E with the E standing for "Everywhere". That should help understand the origin of it.
It was designed a a reduced and portable version of WPF, but now both seem to diverge a bit. Here is a good article on how they diverge: WPF Compatibility

WPF : How to pin exe to top and center of the screen? also give effect

How to create professional good looking WPF application with Very GOod GUI?
Check out Pluralsight. They are a .NET training company with tons of material on WPF.

From WPF Control to Silverlight Control

we have biuld a complex custom control for WPF.
Now we are going to port our control to Silverlight.
Me and my collaborator, never work with silverlight! :)
Is there some best practice to follow to make a porting activity from WPF to Silverlight?
I find the next post as nice to be read: (2 parts)
Porting from WPF to Silverlight: The Missing Pieces, Part 1
Porting from WPF to Silverlight: The Missing Pieces, Part 2
There are some differences to be aware of, for example there are no Routed Commands in Silverlight. Maybe you want to have a look at those two links:
Contrasting Silverlight and WPF
Guidance on Differences Between WPF and Silverlight

Are there good WPF control libraries out there?

Do you know any good WPF control library (even commercial) and what experiences have you made with them?
Telerik has a commercial line of WPF controls, as well as WinForms, and Silverlight. They are very high quality, and on the high end in terms of $$$, but they're worth their weight in gold if you're going to utilize them.
I've used their web products and they are well made. They even have sample code on their site and demos so you can get started easily.
Odyssey is a nice set of controls with a Ribbon menu control and Outlook-style bars.
You may have problems using them in XBAP applications though.
DevExpress have a rich set as well.
Infragistics has some excellent WPF and WinForm controls (commercial). I'll admit I have only used their WinForm controls, but if their WPF controls are anything similar, they will be great.
