Database Design: Categories in their own table? - database

I am redesigning a few databases into one encompassing database, and I have noticed the previous designer(s) of the old databases like to store categories in their own tables. For example, say that there is a table boats(bid: integer, bname: string, color: integer), and in the application there is a drop-down box allowing the user to specify the colour of the boat, then there is a table color(cid: integer, cname: string). I would have not included the color table, and just put the colours as strings in the boats table. I realize that this decreases redundant storage of colour names, but is the added run-time cost of joining the boat table with the colour table "worth it"? Also the drop-downs are populated with SELECT cname FROM color statements, while I would have defined a view on SELECT DISTINCT color FROM boats to populate the drop-downs.
The example is simple, but this happens multiple times in the system I am redesigning, even for categories with only two options. This has resulted in many tables with only 2 fields. Some only have 1 field (I haven't figured out what those are for yet, but I think they are only to populate the drop-downs, and the actual tables contain the values as well).

I would personally keep them in their own table if this were my DB.
If you get into a situation where you get the requirement that Boats a,b and c can only come in silver and black then you will be thankful that you did. I've seen these types of requests bubble up down the road in a lot of projects.
If you are just concerned about the query complexity you could create a view that joins the information you need so you only need to query it once and with no JOIN.
If you are worried about the performance implications of the JOIN then I would look at creating the appropriate indexes or possibly an indexed view.
Good luck!

When you know a column should have a limited set of values, you should tell the dbms to enforce that limited set. The three most common ways to deal with that kind of requirement are
ignore it,
set a foreign key reference to a table of colors, and
use a CHECK() constraint against a list of colors.
Of those three, setting a foreign key to a table of colors tends to make life easiest.
I realize that this decreases redundant storage of colour names, but
is the added run-time cost of joining the boat table with the colour
table "worth it"?
This is a different issue. First, storing foreign key values is a form of data integrity, not a form of redundancy. Keys exist for two reasons: 1) to identify things in the real world, and 2) to be stored in other tables. (Because the thing the key identifies is relevant to the other table.)
Second, if you identify colors by assigning an arbitrary id number to them, you have to use a JOIN to get human-readable information. But colors, like many attributes, carry their identity with them. If you use the color's name itself ("red", "orange", etc.) or use a human-readable code for the name ("R", "O", etc.) you don't need a join. You do still need a table of colors (or a CHECK() constraint), because the column in boats has a limited set of values, and the dbms should enforce use of that limited set of values.
So you could do something like this.
create table boats (
boat_id integer primary key,
registered_name varchar(35) not null,
hull_color varchar(10) not null references hull_colors (color)
create table hull_colors (
color varchar(10) primary key
insert into hull_colors values ('red'),('orange'),('yellow') etc.
Both those tables are in 5NF.

It is generally better to have a normalized database.
However, in your example, you can use a Categories(ID, Type, Name) table and store the colors as ( 3, "Color", "Blue" ), ( 4, "Color", "Red" ), ... This way, you can store more categories in the same table and in the same time, store them separately. Populating a drop-down list will require a simple select of the form select ID, Name from Categories where Type = 'Color'.
EDIT: Note that this solution violates the first rule of database normalization, as #Catcall said. A 3NF table would be Colors(ID, Name). This way, you can refer to a certain color using its ID.
Using select distinct color from boats to populate a drop-down list has many disadvantages, for example, what if the Boats table contains no records. Then, your select will return nothing and the drop-down control will not be populated with any value. Another problem is when you have fields containing 'Red' and 'red' or similar. See more details on Database Normalization here

It sounds like those are lookup tables so that if the end user want's to add an additional color then they can add it to the database and it will then propagate down the UI. This also gets into normalization. If there is only one place where colors is referenced then the lookup table is not really necessary. However if there are multiple tables where colors are referenced for different things then the lookup table will save you a huge headache down the road.


Relational database design considering partly dependent information?

I strongly having the feeling, I don't see the wood for the trees, so I need your help.
Think of the following two tables:
create table Category (Category_ID integer,
Category_Desc nvarchar2(500));
create table Text (Text_Id integer,
Text nvarchar2(1000),
Category_Id integer references Category.Category_Id);
This code follows no proper syntax, it's just to get an idea of the problem.
Consider the idea to save text parts for certain categories to use them in an interface, like messages ("You can't do that!", "Do this!",...), but also to create notes for other objects, e. g. like orders ("Important customer! Prioritize this order!").
Now for my question. Some of this text bits bring some more information with them, like if you add the "Important customer" note to an order, also the Order.Prio_Flag is set.
Now this is a very special information, only considering text used by the category Order_Note. I don't want to add this to the Text table, since most of the entries are not affected by this and the table would get more and more crowded by special cases for only the least part of its content.
I get the feeling, the design is flawed, but I also don't want a table for every category and keep this as general as possible.
Keep in mind, this is a simplified view of the problem.
TL:DR: How do I add information to a table's content without adding new attributes, because the new attribute would only be filled for the least number of entries.
Subtyping and dependent attributes are easy to do in a relational database. For example, if some Texts are important and need to have a dependent attribute (e.g. DisplayColor), you could add the following table to your schema:
CREATE TABLE ImportantText (
Text_Id integer NOT NULL ,
Display_Color integer NOT NULL ,
CONSTRAINT ImportantTextSubtypeOfText
Many people think foreign key constraints establish relationships between entities. That's not what they're for. They're CONSTRAINTS, i.e. they limit the values in a column to be a subset of another column. In this way, a subtyping relation is established which can record additional properties.
In the table above, any element of ImportantText must be an element of Text, and will have all the attributes of Text (since it must be recorded in the Text table), as well as the additional attributes of ImportantText.

Dynamic columns in database tables vs EAV

I'm trying to decide which way to go if I have an app that needs to be able to change the db schema based on the user input.
For example, if I have a "car" object that contains car properties, like year, model, # of doors etc, how do I store it in the DB in such a way, that the user should be able to add new properties?
I read about EAV tables and they seem right for this thing, but the problem is that queries will get pretty complicated when I try to get a list of cars filtered by a set of properties.
Could I generate the tables dynamically instead? I see that Sqlite has support for ADD COLUMN, but how fast is it when the table reaches many records? And it looks like there's no way to remove a column. I have to create a new table without the column I want to remove, and copy the data from the old table. That's certainly slow on large tables :(
I will assume that SQLite (or another relational DBMS) is a requirement.
I have worked with EAVs and generic data models, and I can say that the data model is very messy and hard to work with in the long run.
Lets say that you design a datamodel with three tables: entities, attributes, and _entities_attributes_:
(entity_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);
CREATE TABLE attributes
(attribute_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, type TEXT);
CREATE TABLE entity_attributes
(entity_id INTEGER, attribute_id INTEGER, value TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY(entity_id, attribute_id));
In this model, the entities table will hold your cars, the attributes table will hold the attributes that you can associate to your cars (brand, model, color, ...) and its type (text, number, date, ...), and the _entity_attributes_ will hold the values of the attributes for a given entity (for example "red").
Take into account that with this model you can store as many entities as you want and they can be cars, houses, computers, dogs or whatever (ok, maybe you need a new field on entities, but it's enough for the example).
INSERTs are pretty straightforward. You only need to insert a new object, a bunch of attributes and its relations. For example, to insert a new entity with 3 attributes you will need to execute 7 inserts (one for the entity, three more for the attributes, and three more for the relations.
When you want to perform an UPDATE, you will need to know what is the entity that you want to update, and update the desired attribute joining with the relation between the entity and its attributes.
When you want to perform a DELETE, you will also need to need to know what is the entity you want to delete, delete its attributes, delete the relation between your entity and its attributes and then delete the entity.
But when you want to perform a SELECT the thing becomes nasty (you need to write really difficult queries) and the performance drops horribly.
Imagine a data model to store car entities and its properties as in your example (say that we want to store brand and model). A SELECT to query all your records will be
SELECT brand, model FROM cars;
If you design a generic data model as in the example, the SELECT to query all your stored cars will be really difficult to write and will involve a 3 table join. The query will perform really bad.
Also, think about the definition of your attributes. All your attributes are stored as TEXT, and this can be a problem. What if somebody makes a mistake and stores "red" as a price?
Indexes are another thing that you could not benefit of (or at least not as much as it would be desirable), and they are very neccesary as the data stored grows.
As you say, the main concern as a developer is that the queries are really hard to write, hard to test and hard to maintain (how much would a client have to pay to buy all red, 1980, Pontiac Firebirds that you have?), and will perform very poorly when the data volume increases.
The only advantage of using EAVs is that you can store virtually everything with the same model, but is like having a box full of stuff where you want to find one concrete, small item.
Also, to use an argument from authority, I will say that Tom Kyte argues strongly against generic data models:
Dynamic columns in database tables
On the other hand, you can, as you say, generate the tables dynamically, adding (and removing) columns when needed. In this case, you can, for example create a car table with the basic attributes that you know that you will use and then add columns dynamically when you need them (for example the number of exhausts).
The disadvantage is that you will need to add columns to an existing table and (maybe) build new indexes.
This model, as you say, also has another problem when working with SQLite as there's no direct way to delete columns and you will need to do this as stated on
INSERT INTO t1_backup SELECT a,b FROM t1;
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a,b FROM t1_backup;
DROP TABLE t1_backup;
Anyway, I don't really think that you will need to delete columns (or at least it will be a very rare scenario). Maybe someone adds the number of doors as a column, and stores a car with this property. You will need to ensure that any of your cars have this property to prevent from losing data before deleting the column. But this, of course depends on your concrete scenario.
Another drawback of this solution is that you will need a table for each entity you want to store (one table to store cars, another to store houses, and so on...).
Another option (pseudo-generic model)
A third option could be to have a pseudo-generic model, with a table having columns to store id, name, and type of the entity, and a given (enough) number of generic columns to store the attributes of your entities.
Lets say that you create a table like this:
name TEXT,
type TEXT,
attribute1 TEXT,
attribute1 TEXT,
attributeN TEXT
In this table you can store any entity (cars, houses, dogs) because you have a type field and you can store as many attributes for each entity as you want (N in this case).
If you need to know what the attribute37 stands for when type is "red", you would need to add another table that relates the types and attributes with the description of the attributes.
And what if you find that one of your entities needs more attributes? Then simply add new columns to the entities table (attributeN+1, ...).
In this case, the attributes are always stored as TEXT (as in EAVs) with it's disadvantages.
But you can use indexes, the queries are really simple, the model is generic enough for your case, and in general, I think that the benefits of this model are greater than the drawbacks.
Hope it helps.
Follow up from the comments:
With the pseudo-generic model your entities table will have a lot of columns. From the documentation (, the default setting for SQLITE_MAX_COLUMN is 2000. I have worked with SQLite tables with over 100 columns with great performance, so 40 columns shouldn't be a big deal for SQLite.
As you say, most of your columns will be empty for most of your records, and you will need to index all of your colums for performance, but you can use partial indexes ( This way, your indexes will be small, even with a high number of rows, and the selectivity of each index will be great.
If you implement a EAV with only two tables, the number of joins between tables will be less than in my example, but the queries will still be hard to write and maintain, and you will need to do several (outer) joins to extract data, which will reduce performance, even with a great index, when you store a lot of data. For example, imagine that you want to get the brand, model and color of your cars. Your SELECT would look like this:
SELECT, a1.value brand, a2.value model, a3.value color
FROM entities e
LEFT JOIN entity_attributes a1 ON (e.entity_id = a1.entity_id and a1.attribute_id = 'brand')
LEFT JOIN entity_attributes a2 ON (e.entity_id = a2.entity_id and a2.attribute_id = 'model')
LEFT JOIN entity_attributes a3 ON (e.entity_id = a3.entity_id and a3.attribute_id = 'color');
As you see, you would need one (left) outer join for each attribute you want to query (or filter). With the pseudo-generic model the query will be like this:
SELECT name, attribute1 brand, attribute7 model, attribute35 color
FROM entities;
Also, take into account the potential size of your _entity_attributes_ table. If you can potentially have 40 attributes for each entity, lets say that you have 20 not null for each of them. If you have 10,000 entities, your _entity_attributes_ table will have 200,000 rows, and you will be querying it using one huge index. With the pseudo-generic model you will have 10,000 rows and one small index for each column.
It all depends on the way in which your application needs to reason about the data.
If you need to run queries which need to do complicated comparisons or joins on data whose schema you don't know in advance, SQL and the relational model are rarely a good fit.
For instance, if your users can set up arbitrary data entities (like "car" in your example), and then want to find cars whose engine capacity is greater than 2000cc, with at least 3 doors, made after 2010, whose current owner is part of the "little old ladies" table, I'm not aware of an elegant way of doing this in SQL.
However, you could achieve something like this using XML, XPath etc.
If your application has a set on data entities with known attributes, but users can extend those attributes (a common requirement for products like bug trackers), "add column" is a good solution. However, you may need to invent a custom query language to allow users to query those columns. For instance, Atlassian Jira's bug tracking solution has JQL, a SQL-like language for querying bugs.
EAV is great if your task is to store and then show data. However, even moderately complex queries become very hard in an EAV schema - imagine how you'd execute my made up example above.
For your use case, a document oriented database like MongoDB would do great.
Another option that I haven't seen mentioned above is to use denormalized tables for the extended attributes. This is a combination of the pseudo-generic model and the dynamic columns in database tables. Instead of adding columns to existing tables, you add columns or groups of columns into new tables with FK indexes to the source table. Of course, you'll want a good naming convention (car, car_attributes_door, car_attributes_littleOldLadies)
Your selection problem becomes that of applying a LEFT OUTER JOIN to include the extended attributes that you want to include.
Slower than normalized, but not as slow as EAV.
Adding new extended attributes becomes a problem of adding a new table.
Harder than EAV, easier/faster than modifying table schema.
Deleting attributes becomes a problem of dropping whole tables.
Easier/faster than modifying table schema.
These new attributes can be strongly typed.
As good as modifying table schema, faster than EAV or generic columns.
The biggest advantage to this approach that I can see is that deleting unused attributes is quite easy compared to any of the others via a single DROP TABLE command. You also have the option to later normalize often-used attributes into larger groups or into the main table using a single ALTER TABLE process rather than one for each new column you were adding as you added them, which helps with the slow LEFT OUTER JOIN queries.
The biggest disadvantage is that you're cluttering up your table list, which admittedly is often not a trivial concern. That and I'm not sure how much better LEFT OUTER JOIN's actually perform than EAV table joins. It's definitely closer to EAV join performance than normalized table performance.
If you're doing a lot of comparisons/filters of values that benefit greatly from strongly typed columns, but you add/remove these columns frequently enough to make modifying a huge normalized table intractable, this seems like a good compromise.
I would try EAV.
Adding columns based on user input doesn't sounds nice to me and you can quickly run out of capacity. Queries on very flat table can also be a problem. Do you want to create hundreds of indexes?
Instead of writing every thing to one table, I would store as many as possible common properties (price, name , color, ...) in the main table and those less common properties in an "extra" attributes table. You can always balance them later with a little effort.
EAV can performance well for small to middle sized data set. Since you want to use SQLlite, I guess it's not be a problem.
You may also want to avoid "over" normalizing your data. With the cheap storage
we currently have, you can use one table to store all "Extra" attributes, instead of two:
ent_id, ent_name, ...
ent_id, attr_name, attr_type, attr_value ...
People against EAV will say its performance is poor on large database. It's sure that it won't performance as well as normalized structure but you don't want to change structure on a 3TB table either.
I have a low quality answer, but possible, that came from HTML tags that are like : <tag width="10px" height="10px" ... />
In this dirty way you will have just one column as a varchar(max) for all properties say it Props column and you will store data in it like this:
Model:Model of car1|Year:2010|# of doors:4
Model:Model of car2|NewProp1:NewValue1|NewProp2:NewValue2
In this way all works will go to the programming code in business layer with using some functions like concatCustom that get an array and return a string and unconcatCustom that get a string and return an array.
For more validity of special characters like ':' and '|', I suggest '#:#' and '#|#' or something more rare for splitter part.
In a similar way you can use a text or binary field and store an XML data in the column.

How to store dashboard definitions in oracle database

I am creating a system for displaying dashboards. A dashboard is made up of a number of dashlets of different types e.g. a trend, a histogram, a spiderplot etc.
Currently I define each dashlet as a row within an oracle table. My dilemma is as follows. Each type of dashlet has a different set of parameters such as line color, y axis title, maximum y etc. Up to now I have been creating a different column for each parameter but this means that I have a very large number of columns and many of the columns are not relevant for a particular dashlet and are left empty. I have now tried using a single column called definitions which contains information defining the characteristics of the dashlet. Example below.
ytitle: Count|
linecolor: Yellow|
linethickness: 12|
The problem with this is that if you mis-spell an item the program will fail at runtime.
What is the best way to tackle this problem.
You can create table, let's say t_parameters, where parameter name(ytitle,linecolor) will be primary or unique key. Then you can create a foreign key on your parameter_name column which is in your definition table (the one storing assingment: ytitle Count,etc...)
Now if you want to ensure that also parameter value is from exact list, you can do the same by creating table of parameter values and creating unique key and then foreign key in definition table.
Then if you need it to be more advanced and check which parameter can be of which values you can create lookup table having columns parameter_name,parameter_value like:
linecolor; yellow
linecolor; red
Ytitle; sum
Ytitle; count
This is one way how to ensure reference integrity.
Best practice would be to set in t_parameter for parameter_name an numeric id and made this to be PK and reference these in lookup tables.

Organizing database tables - large number of properties

I have a database that stores some users in it. Each user has its account settings, privacy settings and lots of other properties to set. The number of those properties started to grow and I could end up with 30 properties or so.
Till now, I used to keep it in "UserInfo" table having User and UserInfo related as One-To-Many (keeping a log of all changes). Putting it in a single "UserInfo" table doesn't sound nice and, at least in the database model, it would look messy. What's the solution?
Separating privacy settings, account settings and other "groups" of settings in separate tables and have 1-1 relations between UserInfo and each group of settings table is one solution, but would that be too slow (or much slower) when retrieving the data? I guess all data would not be presented on a single page at the same moment. So maybe having one-to-many relationships to each table is a solution too (keeping log of each group separately)?
If it's only 30 properties, I'd recommend just creating 30 columns. That's not too much for a modern database to handle.
But I would guess that if you ahve 30 properties today, you will continue to invent new properties as time goes on, and the number of columns will keep growing. Restructuring your table to add columns every day may become time-consuming as you get lots of rows.
For an alternative solution check out this blog for a nifty solution for storing lots of dynamic attributes in a "schemaless" way: How FriendFeed Uses MySQL.
Basically, collect all the properties into some format and store it in a single TEXT column. The format is semi-structured, that is your application can separate the properties if needed but you can also add more at any time, or even have different properties per row. XML or YAML or JSON are example formats, or some object serialization format supported by your application code language.
user_proerties TEXT
This makes it hard to search for a given value in a given property. So in addition to the TEXT column, create an auxiliary table for each property you want to be searchable, with two columns: values of the given property, and a foreign key back to the main table where that particular value is found. Now you have can index the column so lookups are quick.
CREATE TABLE UserBirthdate (
birthdate DATE NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES Users(user_id),
KEY (birthdate)
SELECT u.* FROM Users AS u INNER JOIN UserBirthdate b USING (user_id)
WHERE b.birthdate = '2001-01-01';
This means as you insert or update a row in Users, you also need to insert or update into each of your auxiliary tables, to keep it in sync with your data. This could grow into a complex chore as you add more auxiliary tables.

How do you manage "pick lists" in a database

I have an application with multiple "pick list" entities, such as used to populate choices of dropdown selection boxes. These entities need to be stored in the database. How do one persist these entities in the database?
Should I create a new table for each pick list? Is there a better solution?
In the past I've created a table that has the Name of the list and the acceptable values, then queried it to display the list. I also include a underlying value, so you can return a display value for the list, and a bound value that may be much uglier (a small int for normalized data, for instance)
ListName varchar(15),
Value varchar(15),
Display varchar(15),
Primary Key (ListName, Display)
You could also add a sortOrder field if you want to manually define the order to display them in.
It depends on various things:
if they are immutable and non relational (think "names of US States") an argument could be made that they should not be in the database at all: after all they are simply formatting of something simpler (like the two character code assigned). This has the added advantage that you don't need a round trip to the db to fetch something that never changes in order to populate the combo box.
You can then use an Enum in code and a constraint in the DB. In case of localized display, so you need a different formatting for each culture, then you can use XML files or other resources to store the literals.
if they are relational (think "states - capitals") I am not very convinced either way... but lately I've been using XML files, database constraints and javascript to populate. It works quite well and it's easy on the DB.
if they are not read-only but rarely change (i.e. typically cannot be changed by the end user but only by some editor or daily batch), then I would still consider the opportunity of not storing them in the DB... it would depend on the particular case.
in other cases, storing in the DB is the way (think of the tags of StackOverflow... they are "lookup" but can also be changed by the end user) -- possibly with some caching if needed. It requires some careful locking, but it would work well enough.
Well, you could do something like this:
IdList IdPick Text
1 1 Apples
1 2 Oranges
1 3 Pears
2 1 Dogs
2 2 Cats
and optionally..
Id Description
1 Fruit
2 Pets
I've found that creating individual tables is the best idea.
I've been down the road of trying to create one master table of all pick lists and then filtering out based on type. While it works, it has invariably created headaches down the line. For example you may find that something you presumed to be a simple pick list is not so simple and requires an extra field, do you now split this data into an additional table or extend you master list?
From a database perspective, having individual tables makes it much easier to manage your relational integrity and it makes it easier to interpret the data in the database when you're not using the application
We have followed the pattern of a new table for each pick list. For example:
Table FRUIT has columns ID, NAME, and DESCRIPTION.
Values might include:
15000, Apple, Red fruit
15001, Banana, yellow and yummy
If you have a need to reference FRUIT in another table, you would call the column FRUIT_ID and reference the ID value of the row in the FRUIT table.
Create one table for lists and one table for list_options.
# Put in the name of the list
insert into lists (id, name) values (1, "Country in North America");
# Put in the values of the list
insert into list_options (id, list_id, value_text) values
(1, 1, "Canada"),
(2, 1, "United States of America"),
(3, 1, "Mexico");
To answer the second question first: yes, I would create a separate table for each pick list in most cases. Especially if they are for completely different types of values (e.g. states and cities). The general table format I use is as follows:
id - identity or UUID field (I actually call the field xxx_id where xxx is the name of the table).
name - display name of the item
display_order - small int of order to display. Default this value to something greater than 1
If you want you could add a separate 'value' field but I just usually use the id field as the select box value.
I generally use a select that orders first by display order, then by name, so you can order something alphabetically while still adding your own exceptions. For example, let's say you have a list of countries that you want in alpha order but have the US first and Canada second you could say "SELECT id, name FROM theTable ORDER BY display_order, name" and set the display_order value for the US as 1, Canada as 2 and all other countries as 9.
You can get fancier, such as having an 'active' flag so you can activate or deactivate options, or setting a 'x_type' field so you can group options, description column for use in tooltips, etc. But the basic table works well for most circumstances.
Two tables. If you try to cram everything into one table then you break normalization (if you care about that). Here are examples:
The list table simply describes a pick list. The list_ option table describes each option in a given list. So your queries will always start with knowing which pick list you'd like to populate (either by name or ID) which you join to the list_ option table to pull all the options. The manual_sort column is there just in case you want to enforce a particular order other than by name or value. (BTW, whenever I try to post the words "list" and "option" connected with an underscore, the preview window goes a little wacky. That's why I put a space there.)
The query would look something like:
list a,
list_option b
a.list_id = b.list_id
order by
b.manual_sort asc
You'll also want to create an index on if you think you'll ever use it in a where clause. The pk and fk columns will typically automatically be indexed.
And please don't create a new table for each pick list unless you're putting in "relationally relevant" data that will be used elsewhere by the app. You'd be circumventing exactly the relational functionality that a database provides. You'd be better off statically defining pick lists as constants somewhere in a base class or a properties file (your choice on how to model the name-value pair).
Depending on your needs, you can just have an options table that has a list identifier and a list value as the primary key.
select optionDesc from Options where 'MyList' = optionList
You can then extend it with an order column, etc. If you have an ID field, that is how you can reference your answers back... of if it is often changing, you can just copy the answer value to the answer table.
If you don't mind using strings for the actual values, you can simply give each list a different list_id in value and populate a single table with :
item_id: int
list_id: int
text: varchar(50)
Seems easiest unless you need multiple things per list item
We actually created entities to handle simple pick lists. We created a Lookup table, that holds all the available pick lists, and a LookupValue table that contains all the name/value records for the Lookup.
Works great for us when we need it to be simple.
I've done this in two different ways:
1) unique tables per list
2) a master table for the list, with views to give specific ones
I tend to prefer the initial option as it makes updating lists easier (at least in my opinion).
Try turning the question around. Why do you need to pull it from the database? Isn't the data part of your model but you really want to persist it in the database? You could use an OR mapper like linq2sql or nhibernate (assuming you're in the .net world) or depending on the data you could store it manually in a table each - there are situations where it would make good sense to put it all in the same table but do consider this only if you feel it makes really good sense. Normally putting different data in different tables makes it a lot easier to (later) understand what is going on.
There are several approaches here.
1) Create one table per pick list. Each of the tables would have the ID and Name columns; the value that was picked by the user would be stored based on the ID of the item that was selected.
2) Create a single table with all pick lists. Columns: ID; list ID (or list type); Name. When you need to populate a list, do a query "select all items where list ID = ...". Advantage of this approach: really easy to add pick lists; disadvantage: a little more difficult to write group-by style queries (for example, give me the number of records that picked value X".
I personally prefer option 1, it seems "cleaner" to me.
You can use either a separate table for each (my preferred), or a common picklist table that has a type column you can use to filter on from your application. I'm not sure that one has a great benefit over the other generally speaking.
If you have more than 25 or so, organizationally it might be easier to use the single table solution so you don't have several picklist tables cluttering up your database.
Performance might be a hair better using separate tables for each if your lists are very long, but this is probably negligible provided your indexes and such are set up properly.
I like using separate tables so that if something changes in a picklist - it needs and additional attribute for instance - you can change just that picklist table with little effect on the rest of your schema. In the single table solution, you will either have to denormalize your picklist data, pull that picklist out into a separate table, etc. Constraints are also easier to enforce in the separate table solution.
This has served us well:
SQL> desc aux_values;
Name Type
----------------------------------------- ------------
The "Variable ID" indicates the kind of data, like "Customer Status" or "Defect Code" or whatever you need. Then you have several entries, each one with the appropriate data type column filled in. So for a status, you'd have several entries with the "CHAR_VALUE" filled in.
