for /f %%j in ('dir /b *.txt') do (
findstr /m /i "yoyoyo" %%j
if !ERRORLEVEL! == 0 (
set post=yoyoyo
CALL postset.bat "yoyoyo" %%jj
I'm trying to pass 2 arguments to a CALL
the first is going through but not the second.
edit my real problem was with the other batch, didn't use %1 and %2, my bad!
The code works well for me. When passing 2 or more parametes to the postset.bat I am able to print out %1 till %9 (if set) from postset.bat.
Because you are not passing the variable %%j but %%jj.......
As this doesn't exist a null-value (nothing) will be passed to the bat-file.
The ERRORLEVEL test doesn't work as intended due to the way variable expansion works so the bat-file is never called at all.
Use if errorlevel 1 in stead.
::Compare with available valid arguments
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,!avArgc!) DO (
FOR /L %%j IN (1,1,!argc!) DO (
IF !avArgv[%%i]!==!argv[%%j]! (
echo Match: !avArgv[%%i]!
::Check the next option
SET /A nextArg=%%j
SET /A nextArg+=1
FOR /L %%n IN (!nextArg!,1,!nextArg!) DO (
IF !nextArg! LEQ !argc! (
echo next arg: !argv[%%n]!
call :CheckSubOption
In my above code example - How do I take for loop variable like %%j and increment itself within the for loop like this %%j++ ? Current solution that I have (which is messy and I don't like it) is to create a new variable and set it to the value of %%j and then increment that variable and start using that variable like this:
::Check the next option
SET /A nextArg=%%j
SET /A nextArg+=1
Observing your code and your intention, it would seem that you would want to skip numbers during the loop structure. The way you want to change it though would be destabilizing. In most scripting languages such as matlab,bash, and batch, the variable that is used in for-loops serves as a frame of reference within the loop. When you tell the code to run a particular for-loop, it will run that computation regardless if the parameters of it changed. A real world example of this is the professor who is using outdated figures to solve a problem and it isnt until the next day he receives the new figures. The professor cant change his answer accordingly because he doesnt have the new data yet.
This does not mean this problem is unsolvable. In fact there are a variety of ways to approach this. The first one which is a little more complicated involves a nested For structure.
#echo off
set /p maxLength=[Hi times?]
set skip=0
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,%maxLength%) DO (call :subroutine %%i)
echo alright im done.
GOTO :eof
rem the below code uses a for loop structure that only loops 1 time based on the passed argument from the overall for loop as so to make changes to how its run.
set /a next=%1+%skip%
FOR /L %%r IN (%next%,1,%next%+1) DO (call :routine %%r)
GOTO :eof
if %1==3 (set /a skip=1)
echo %skip%
echo %next%
echo %1
GOTO :eof
When running the program, the variable next will skip the value of 3 if the maxlength variable is greater than 3.
The reason this is so is because the nested for-loop only runs once
per iteration of the overall for loop
. This gives the program time to reset the data it uses, thanks to the call command which serves as a way to update the variables. This however is extremely inefficient and can be done in much less lines of code.
The second example uses GOTO's and if statements.
#echo off
set jump=1
set /A "x+=%jump%"
if %x%==4 (set /A "jump=2")
echo %x%
if %x% LSS 10 goto heyman
echo done!
This code will essentially echo the value of x thats incremented each time until it reaches the value of 10. However when it reaches 4, the increment increases by 1 so each time it runs the loop increments the x value by 2. From what you wanted, you wanted to be able to change the way the value of %%j increments, which can not be done as %%j is a statement of where the for-loop is in its computation. There is no difference in what can be accomplished with for-loops and goto statements except in how they are handled.
While i unfortunately don't have the correct form of your code yet, i know that code examples i have given can be utilized to achieve your particular desire.
The general solution for thoses case is to not rely on blocks inside loops/if but instead to use subroutines where you are not blocked by the level of evaluation.
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,!avArgc!) DO call :Loop1 %%i
goto :EOF
FOR /L %%j IN (1,1,!argc!) DO call :Loop2 %1 %%j
goto :EOF
IF !avArgv[%1]!==!argv[%2]! (
echo Match: !avArgv[%1]!
::Check the next option
SET /A nextArg=%2+1
call :CheckOpt %nextArg%
goto :EOF
IF %1 LEQ %argc% (
echo next arg: !argv[%1]!
call :CheckSubOption
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,100) DO (
echo %ErrorLevel%
%ErrorLevel% is always 0 no matter what choice you enter.
You are checking the errorlevel the wrong way.
Variables and commands inside a bracket pair like this...
...act like they were run on a single line, like this command1 & command2 & command3.
Try this at the command line.
choice & echo %errorlevel%
If you execute the above command more than once, you will see that the previous errorlevel is echoed, not the current one.
Or try this on the command line:
set x=yes
( echo %x%
set x=no
echo %x%
Your output will be:
Just as if you'd entered echo %x% & set x=no& echo %x%
I like to think of it as the system doesn't have the time to update the variables. (Though it's more accurate to say that the variables only get updated after the entire line is executed.) This is true with all variables, not just the errorlevel.
To make variables in for loops work normally you need to call an internal label in your batch file (or an external batch file) like this.
#echo off
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,100) DO call :dostuff %%i
goto :eof
choice /m "Question #%1"
echo %ErrorLevel%
==================================== Solution To Question Below
Alternatively, Microsoft has created a method for accessing the current value of variables inside of a bracket pair, they call it 'Delayed Expansion' because the line of code is interpreted twice.
To activate this mode you use the setlocal command with the enableDelayedExpansion switch, and access the variables with the ! character like this. FYI endlocal turns off the effects.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /L %%i in (1,1,100) do (
choice /m "Question #%%i"
echo !ErrorLevel!
As you can see my first example is easier to code, but my second example is easier to read. Whichever method you use will depend upon your needs and re-usability.
The setlocal command also has the effect of creating temporary variables that die after the endlocal command. This means you don't need to delete them when your batch file ends, and reverts any variables you changed during execution back to their original values. This is nice because you don't have to worry about 'stepping on' any preexisting variables.
In a DOS Batch File subroutine, how can I turn off echo within the subroutine, but before returning, put it back to what it was before (either on or off)?
For example, if there was a command called echo restore, I would use it like this:
echo on
... do stuff with echoing ...
call :mySub
... continue to do stuff with echoing ...
exit /b
#echo off
... do stuff with no echoing ...
echo restore
goto :EOF
My first attempt was an utter failure - thanks jeb for pointing out the errors. For those that are interested, the original answer is available in the edit history.
Aacini has a good solution if you don't mind putting your subroutine in a separate file.
Here is a solution that works without the need of a 2nd batch file. And it actually works this time! :)
(Edit 2 - optimized code as per jeb's suggestion in comment)
::Silently get the echo state and turn echo off
call :getEchoState echoState
echo off
::Do whatever
set return=returnValue
::Restore the echo state, pass the return value across endlocal, and return
echo %echoState%
set return=%return%
exit /b
:getEchoState echoStateVar
#set file=%time%
#set file="%temp%\getEchoState%file::=_%_%random%.tmp"
for %%A in (dummy) do rem
) >%file%
#for %%A in (%file%) do #(
if %%~zA equ 0 (set %~1=OFF) else set %~1=ON
del %file%
exit /b
If you are willing to put up with the slight risk of two processes simultaneously trying to access the same file, the :getEchoState routine can be simplified without the need of SETLOCAL or a temp variable.
:getEchoState echoStateVar
for %%A in (dummy) do rem
) >"%temp%\getEchoState.tmp"
#for %%A in ("%temp%\getEchoState.tmp") do #(
if %%~zA equ 0 (set %~1=OFF) else set %~1=ON
del "%temp%\getEchoState.tmp"
exit /b
The simplest way is to not turn echo off in the first place.
Instead, do what you currently do with the echo off line to the rest of your subroutine - prefix all commands in the subroutine with an # sign. This has the effect of turning off echo for that command, but keeps the echo state for future commands.
If you use commands that execute other commands, like IF or DO, you will also need to prefix the "subcommand" with an # to keep them from being printed when echo is otherwise on.
The easiest way is to extract the subroutine to another .bat file and call it via CMD /C instead of CALL this way:
echo on
... do stuff with echoing ...
cmd /C mySub
... continue to do stuff with echoing ...
exit /b
#echo off
... do stuff with no echoing ...
exit /b
This way the echo status will be automatically restored to the value it had when the CMD /C was executed; the only drawback of this method is a slightly slower execution...
Here is a straight forward solution that relies on a single temporary file (using %random% to avoid race conditions). It works and is at least localization resistant, i.e., it works for the two known cases stated by #JoelFan and #jeb.
#set __ME_tempfile=%temp%\%~nx0.echo-state.%random%.%random%.txt
#set __ME_echo=OFF
#echo > "%__ME_tempfile%"
#type "%__ME_tempfile%" | #"%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr" /i /r " [(]*on[)]*\.$" > nul
#if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" (set __ME_echo=ON)
#erase "%__ME_tempfile%" > nul
#::echo __ME_echo=%__ME_echo%
#echo off
endlocal & echo %__ME_echo%
#goto :EOF
Add this preliminary code to increase the solution's robustness (although the odd's are high that it's not necessary):
#:: define TEMP path
#if NOT DEFINED temp ( #set "temp=%tmp%" )
#if NOT EXIST "%temp%" ( #set "temp=%tmp%" )
#if NOT EXIST "%temp%" ( #set "temp=%LocalAppData%\Temp" )
#if NOT EXIST "%temp%" ( #exit /b -1 )
#set __ME_tempfile=%temp%\%~nx0.echo-state.%random%.%random%.txt
#if EXIST "%__ME_tempfile%" ( goto :__ME_find_tempfile )
I wasn't really happy with the solution above specially because of the language issue and I found a very simple one just by comparing the result from current echo setting with the result when explicitly set OFF. This is how it works:
:: SaveEchoSetting
:: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: Store current result
#echo> %temp%\SEScur.tmp
:: Store result when explicitly set OFF
#echo off
#echo> %temp%\SESoff.tmp
:: If results do not match, it must have been ON ... else it was already OFF
#for /f "tokens=*" %%r in (%temp%\SEScur.tmp) do (
#find "%%r" %temp%\SESoff.tmp > nul
#if errorlevel 1 (
#echo #echo on > %temp%\SESfix.bat
) else (
#echo #echo off > %temp%\SESfix.bat
:: Other code comes here
:: Do whatever you want with echo setting ...
:: Restore echo setting
#call %temp%\SESfix.bat
I was looking for the same solution to the same problem, and after reading your comments I had an idea (which is not the answer to the question, but for my problem is even better).
I wasn't satisfied with the cmd.exe /c mysub.cmd because it makes hard or even impossible to return variables (I didn't check) - (couldn't comment because it's the first time I post here :)
Instead noticed that all we want -in the end- is to suppress stdout:
echo on
rem call "mysub.cmd" >nul
call :mysub >nul
echo %mysub_return_value%
GOTO :eof
set mysub_return_value="ApplePie"
endlocal & set mysub_return_value=%mysub_return_value%
GOTO :eof
It works fine with labelled subroutines, with subroutines contained in .cmd files, and I suppose it would work fine even with the cmd.exe /c variant (or start).
It also has the plus that we can keep or discard the stderr, replacing >nul with >nul 2>&1
I note that scares kids like me stating that with call "Redirection with & | <> also does not work as expected".
This simple test works as expected. He must have been thinking of more complex situations.
After using batch files for many years I was surprised to discover that the equals sign '=' is considered an argument separator.
Given this test script:
echo arg1: %1
echo arg2: %2
echo arg3: %3
and an invocation:
test.bat a=b c
the output is:
arg1: a
arg2: b
arg3: c
Why is that and how can it be avoided? I don't want the user of the script to account for this quirk and quote "a=b", which is counter-intuitive.
This batch script was run on Windows 7.
===== EDIT =====
A little more background: I encountered this problem when writing a bat file to start a Java application. I wanted to consume some args in the bat file and then pass the rest to the java application. So my first attempt was to do shift and then rebuild the args list (since %* is not affected by shift). It looked something like this, and that's when I discovered the issue:
rem Rebuild the args, %* does not work after shift
if not "%1" == "" (
set ARGS=!ARGS! %1
goto args
The next step was to not use shift anymore, but rather implement shift by hand by removing one character at a time from %* until a space is encountered:
rem Remove the 1st arg if it was the profile
set ARGS=%*
if not "%FIRST_ARG%" == "%KNOA_PROFILE%" goto remove_first_done
if not defined ARGS goto remove_first_done
if "%ARGS:~0,1%" == " " goto remove_first_done
set ARGS=%ARGS:~1%
goto remove_first
But this is ugly and might still fail in some cases I haven't considered. So finally I decided to write a Java program to deal with the argument parsing! In my case this is fine, since I am launching a server and the penalty of an extra java invocation is minimal. It's mind-boggling what you end up doing sometimes.
You might wonder why didn't I take care of the args in the Java application itself? The answer is that I want to be able to pass JVM options like -Xmx which must be processed before invoking java.
I'm guessing it does this so that /param=data is the same as /param data
I don't know any tricks to fix that stupid (probably by design) parsing issue but I was able to come up with a super ugly workaround:
#echo off
set param=1
set p=
((echo "%~1"|find " ")>nul)||(
call :fixparam %param% "%~1" "%~2" %* 2>nul
if "%p%"=="" (set "p%param%=%1") else shift
shift&set /A param=%param% + 1
if not "%~1"=="" goto fixnextparam
set p%1=
for /F "tokens=4" %%A in ("%*") do (
if "%%~A"=="%~2=%~3" set p=!&set "p%1=%%A"
When I execute test.cmd foo=bar baz "fizz buzz" w00t I get:
3="fizz buzz"
The problem with this is of course that you cannot do %~dp1 style variable expansion.
It is not possible to do call :mylabel %* and then use %1 either because call :batchlabel has the same parameter parsing problem!
If you really need %~dp1 handling you could use the WSH/batch hybrid hack:
#if (1==1) #if(1==0) #ELSE
#echo off
if "%SPECIALPARSE%"=="*%~f0" (
) else (
set "SPECIALPARSE=*%~f0"
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*
#goto :EOF
#end #ELSE
for(i=0;i<al;++i)p+="\""+wa.Item(i)+"\" ";
function PipeStream(i,o){for(;!i.AtEndOfStream;)o.Write(i.Read(1))}
function Exec(cmd,e){
return e.ExitCode;
}catch(e){return e.number;}
w.Quit(Exec("\""+WScript.ScriptFullName+"\" "+p));
I am only answering this: >> Why is that and how can it be avoided?
My suggestion: To use a better language. No i am not joking. batch has too many quirks/nuances such as this plus a lot of other limitations, its just not worth the time coming up with ugly/inefficient workarounds. If you are running Windows 7 and higher, why not try using vbscript or even powershell. These tools/language will greatly help in your daily programming/admin tasks. As an example of how vbscript can propely take care of such an issue:
For i=0 To WScript.Arguments.Count-1
WScript.Echo WScript.Arguments(i)
C:\test>cscript //nologo myscript.vbs a=b c
Note that it properly takes care of the arguments.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if %1 neq ~ (
set "n=%*"
for %%a in ("!n: =" "!") do (
set "s=%%a"
if !s:~0^,2!==^"^" (
set "s=!s:" "= !"
set "s=!s:""="!"
set "m=!m! !s!"
%0 ~ !m!
echo arg1: %~1
echo arg1: %~2
echo arg1: %~dp3
exit /b
c:> untested.bat a=b c "%USERPROFILE%"
#jeb: here another method
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "param=%*"
set param="%param: =" "%"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('echo %param: =^&echo.%') do (
set "str=%%a"
if !str:~0^,2!==^"^" (
set "str=!str:^&echo.=!"
set "str=!str:"^"= !"
set str="!str:~1,-1!"
set "m=!m! !str!"
Call :sub %m%
endlocal & goto :eof
echo arg1: %~1
echo arg2: %~2
echo arg3: %~3
echo arg4: %~4
goto :eof
Again, I can't explain the unexpected behavior, but there is a very simple solution. Just change your argument references, then quote the argument when invoking as such:
test.bat script:
echo arg1: %~1
echo arg2: %~2
echo arg3: %~3
test.bat "a=b" c
arg1: a=b
arg2: c
Note that referencing the arguments with a tilde (~) removes the leading/trailing quotes from the argument.
I'm trying to loop through the arguments that I am passing to a batch file. Based on the argument, I want to set a variable flag true or false for use later in the script
So my command is "myscript.bat /u /p /s"
And my code is:
FOR /f %%a IN ("%*") DO (
IF /I "%%a"=="/u" SET UPDATE=Y
IF /I "%%a"=="/p" SET PRIMARY=Y
IF /I "%%a"=="/s" SET SECONDARY=Y
It only works if i have a single argument, which tells me that it is getting the entire list of arguments as a single argument. I've tried "delims= " but to no avail. Any thoughts on getting each spaced argument?
What about adding a value to one of the params?
myscript.bat /u /p /d TEST /s
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO cont
IF /I "%~1"=="/u" SET UPDATE=Y
IF /I "%~1"=="/p" SET PRIMARY=Y
IF /I "%~1"=="/s" SET SECONDARY=Y
IF /I "%~1"=="/d" SHIFT & SET DISTRO="%~1"
But the SHIFT that comes inline with the last IF doesn't actually shift anything. DISTRO ends up being "/d" instead of "TEST"
You're not too far off on your original piece, and since I dislike GOTO loops, I thought I'd post this:
FOR %%a IN (%*) DO (
IF /I "%%a"=="/u" SET UPDATE=Y
IF /I "%%a"=="/p" SET PRIMARY=Y
IF /I "%%a"=="/s" SET SECONDARY=Y
The reason it was only working with one parameter is the over-use of quotes. By putting %* in quotes you were making the entire commandline one single token. also, the /F variant of FOR isn't what you were looking for either. The documentation available from FOR /? should help clear things up.
You could loop over the arguments using SHIFT, GOTO and an extra IF to check if there are no more parameters to parse:
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO cont
IF /I "%~1"=="/u" SET UPDATE=Y
IF /I "%~1"=="/p" SET PRIMARY=Y
IF /I "%~1"=="/s" SET SECONDARY=Y
UPDATE (addressing the case when a parameter has an argument of its own)
The SHIFT in the IF statement that checks for /d does work. The issue is that the entire line is evaluated at once and both instances of %~1 get replaced with the same value, which is /d at that point.
So, basically the solution in this case would be to cause the interpreter to evaluate the SET DISTRO="%~1" part separately from the IF /I "%~1"=="/d". There can be various approaches to this. For instance, you could simply move SHIFT & SET DISTRO="%~1" to the next line and skip it if %~1 is not /d:
IF /I NOT "%~1"=="/d" GOTO skip_d
Another method could be to assign a special value (e.g. a ?) to DISTRO and shift when /d is encountered. Then, on the next line, check if DISTRO has that special value and set it to %~1:
IF /I "%~1"=="/d" SHIFT & SET DISTRO=?
IF "%DISTRO%"=="?" SET "DISTRO=%~1"