I am doing a project in google app engine. Python is used in the back end. I have a datastore table "Data" with following attributes,
class Data(db.Model):
url = db.StringProperty
code = db.StringProperty
turl = db.StringProperty
I used following lines of code to get all values from the table,
x = Data.all()
x = db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Data")
ourl = x.fetch(10)
When i print it using the following code,
for p in ourl:
print "%s %s, %s " % (p.url, p.code, p.turl)
i got 10 times the following message,
<class 'google.appengine.ext.db.StringProperty'> <class 'google.appengine.ext.db.StringProperty'>, <class 'google.appengine.ext.db.StringProperty'>
I cannot get the real values of url,code and turl. What to do with this code??
In your class Data you forgot parenthesis to create instances of property.
class Data(db.Model):
url = db.StringProperty()
code = db.StringProperty()
turl = db.StringProperty()
Currently your simply copy the class db.StringProperty in your attributes defined in your class Data
Maybe i have an understanding problem. I try to make 2 tabeles in one database. But additionaly i need to have some temporary values in one class that i doen´t want to write to the database.
I try to switch to peewee and read the dokumentation but i find no solution at my own.
without peewee i would make an init method where i write my attributes. But where did i have to write them now?
from peewee import *
import datetime
db = SqliteDatabase('test.db', pragmas={'foreign_keys': 1})
class BaseModel(Model):
class Meta:
database = db
class Sensor(BaseModel):
id = IntegerField(primary_key=True)
sort = IntegerField()
name = TextField()
#def __init__(self):
#self.sometemporaryvariable = "blabla"
def meineparameter(self, hui):
self.hui = hui
class Sensor_measure(BaseModel):
id = ForeignKeyField(Sensor, backref="sensorvalues")
timestamp = DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime.now)
value = FloatField()
class Meta:
primary_key = CompositeKey("id", "timestamp")
db.create_tables([Sensor_measure, Sensor])
sensor1 = Sensor.create(id=2, sort=20, name="Sensor2")
#sensor1.sometemporaryvariable = "not so important to write to the database"
Remember to call super() whenever overriding a method in a subclass:
class Sensor(BaseModel):
id = IntegerField(primary_key=True)
sort = IntegerField()
name = TextField()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.sometemporaryvariable = "blabla"
I have a very big model in models.py:
simplified version is:
class MyModel(models.Model):
item_1 = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True)
item_20 = models.FloatField(null=True, blank=True)
in views.py:
def form_valid(self, form_class):
instance = form_class.save(commit=False)
for i in range(1, 20):
name = 'item_' + str(i)
instance.name = i
With this the field name 'item_1' ... to 'item_20' in instance is not recogniced. Instead 'name' is added to instance like other new field...
How can I iterate and save my model?
Any suggestion?
You should probably use setattr in order to loop through the fields and set the values in them. Try this:
def form_valid(self, form_class):
instance = form_class.save(commit=False)
for i in range(1, 20):
name = 'item_' + str(i)
setattr(instance, name, value) # Where value is the data you wanted to save in the field `name`
Similary user getattr() to get the data by looping through the class instance.
What's wrong with my query?
Here are my models:
class Positions(ndb.Model):
title = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=True)
summary = ndb.TextProperty()
duties = ndb.TextProperty()
dateCreated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
dateUpdated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
class Applicants(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=True)
position = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Positions,repeated=True)
file = ndb.BlobKeyProperty()
dateCreated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
dateUpdated = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
Here is my query:
class AdminPositionInfoHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self,positionKeyId):
user = users.get_current_user()
if users.is_current_user_admin():
positionKey = ndb.Key('Positions',int(positionKeyId))
position = positionKey.get()
applicants = Applicants.query(position=position.key).fetch() # the query
values = {
'position': position,
'applicants': applicants,
What seems to be wrong in using the query:
applicants = Applicants.query(position=position.key).fetch()
I got this error:
File "C:\xampp\htdocs\angelstouch\main.py", line 212, in get
applicants = Applicants.query(position=position.key).fetch()
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'position'
I also tried using positionKey instead of position.key:
applicants = Applicants.query(position=positionKey).fetch()
I got this from "Ancestor Queries" section of GAE site:
You don't pass arguments to query like that - ndb uses overridden equality/inequality operators, so you can express queries more 'naturally', with '==', '<', '>' etc., so:
applicants = Applicants.query(Applications.position==position.key).fetch()
The section in the on Filtering by Property Values gives some more examples.
(ancestor is a special-case for queries - it isn't a model property)
I have a StructuredProperty that looks like this:
userDB(key=Key('userDB', 5580090230439936), name=u'Super User', orgs=[providers(name=u'Comp, Inc.', password=u'1111111', url=None, username=u'111111', value=u'comp'), providers(name=u'Systems, Inc.', password=u'2222222', url=None, username=u'222222', value=u'system')], update=None, userID=u'super#example.com')
I would like to delete every provider who's 'value' == 'system'.
class providers(EndpointsModel):
name = ndb.StringProperty()
value = ndb.StringProperty()
url = ndb.StringProperty()
username = ndb.StringProperty()
password = ndb.StringProperty()
class userDB(EndpointsModel):
userID = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=True)
name = ndb.StringProperty(required=True, indexed=True)
update = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True, indexed=True)
orgs = ndb.StructuredProperty(providers, repeated=True, indexed=True)
system = ndb.StructuredProperty(system, repeated=True, indexed=True)
comp = ndb.StructuredProperty(comp, repeated=True, indexed=True)
I tried this:
def delOrgs(key, X): #Key is a userDB key and X is a list ['system']
for B in X:
for A in key[0].get().orgs:
del_provider = key[0].get().query(A.value == B).fetch(keys_only=True)
but i get the following error:
TypeError: Cannot filter a non-Node argument; received False
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your query should look like:
userDB.query(userDB.orgs.value == 'system)
This will return all of the userDBs which have a provider with value == 'system'.
You'll then need to update the 'orgs' property of each, removing any that you don't want, and then re-put the entities:
users = query.fetch()
for user in users:
user.orgs = filter(lambda provider: provider.value != 'system', user.orgs)
Structured properties don't (or shouldn't) exist as independent entities, so you can't fetch them independently of the entity that contains them, and can't delete them directly.
I have a datastore model representing items in an ecommerce site:
class Item(db.Model):
CSIN = db.IntegerProperty()
name = db.StringProperty()
price = db.IntegerProperty()
quantity = db.IntegerProperty()
Is there some way to enforce integrity constraints? For instance, I would like to make sure that quantity is never set to be less than 0.
The Property constructor lets you specify a function with the 'validator' named argument. This function should take one argument, the value, and raise an exception if the valid is invalid. For example:
def range_validator(minval, maxval):
def validator(v):
if (minval is not None and v < minval) or (maxval is not None and v > maxval):
raise ValueError("Value %s outside range (%s, %s)" % (v, minval, maxval))
return validator
class Item(db.Model):
CSIN = db.IntegerProperty()
name = db.StringProperty()
price = db.IntegerProperty()
quantity = db.IntegerProperty(validator=range_validator(0, None))
Note that the example uses a nested function to define general-purpose validators - you can, of course, use simple functions if you want to write a more special purpose validator.