Any node.js relational database bindings for Windows? - database

I'm trying to build a RESTful internal web server at work using node.js, where I'm currently restricted to using a Windows 2003 Server.
I've hit a stumbling block with regards to database support however. Are there any bindings currently available for reading and writing to sqlite, PostgreSQL or MySQL on Windows based machines?
Mariano has mentioned Windows support in the future in these comments, but ideally I'd like to use something available just now as a proof of concept.

I'm author of mysql-native.
Both official (felixge node-mysql) and my driver has been successfully used under windows,
I'm using and developing it under linux/windows 50/50% time . Feel free to contact me if you have any questions

Have you tried mysql-native? It's native (mysql) which means there are no other dependencies, so should run on any platform node supports. Seems to be actively maintained also, and has some examples to show you how to use the library. Link:


Server communication with database

I'm creating an online game and the client is going to be made using unity as well as the server and I'm wondering whether it's okay for the server to communicate with mysql database via PHP
For simple tasks, there is actually nothing wrong with that.
There is also a example of using this method in the wiki here:
But be aware: that is not the fastest solution.
You could make a faster direct connection with a plugin like this one:
And for native unity support on Android and iOS support i would go with a sqlite database plugin:

.NET Core support for SQL Server FILESTREAM

I'm in the process of upgrading an existing application to .NET Core (DNX SDK 1.0.0-rc1-update2) that uses SQL Servers FILESTREAM feature for reading/writing large BLOBs to the database. It uses the SqlFileStream class to achieve this however it doesn't appear to be available in .NET Core. Here are my references in project.json:
"frameworks": {
"net451": {
"frameworkAssemblies": {
"System.Runtime": "",
"System.Collections": ""
"dotnet5.4": {
"dependencies": {
"Microsoft.CSharp": "4.0.1-beta-23516",
"System.Data.Common": "4.0.1-beta-23516",
"System.Data.SqlClient": "4.0.0-rc2-23623",
"System.Collections": "4.0.11-beta-23516",
"System.IO.FileSystem": "4.0.1-beta-23516",
"System.Linq": "4.0.1-beta-23516",
"System.Runtime": "4.0.21-beta-23516",
"System.Threading": "4.0.11-beta-23516"
I've tried searching SO and Google, both of which have absolutely nothing on the subject.
Can someone please confirm if its actually unavailable or if its in another package I'm unaware of?
I realize the question is old, but I just came across the issue - implementing SqlFileStream - listed on the github repo for CoreFX (.NET Core foundational libraries) and thought I'd mention it here. Here's a link to the issue, for reference:
To recap: The issue is implementing SqlFileStream. It's currently an open issue, but not on the horizon anytime soon. One of the contributors states "if there are any Windows specific dependencies, we may not bring it in Core."
I've actually been interested in this for a while and have taken some time over the last few days.
Unfortunately, FILESTREAM uses several NTFS and NT specific system calls (NtCreateFile, DeviceIoControl in particular, but a few others to support those as well) to manage access to the file. Also, unfortunately, as of this writing the latest MSSQL CTPs for Linux don't support FILESTREAM, and there's little clarity as to whether that's on the roadmap or where it might be (strangely, you can restore a database that supports FILESTREAM but FileTable doesn't seem to be supported).
There are two problems here: it's not clear that replacing the NT specific APIs would respect transactional integrity (or even work at all), and it's not clear that they could ever work from a non-Windows environment anyway. Because of these facts, I don't see SqlFileStream being supported any time in the near future for core.
There is some precedent for Windows Only type of low level, for example in System.Net.Socket.IOControl. SqlFileStream could perhaps take a similar path. Alternatively, it might be possible to build a specific SqlFileStream NuGet package, but have it only be supported/runnable on Windows. I'm not sure how valuable this would be though - if you're going to P/Invoke in a Windows only way to begin with, why not just P/Invoke to a .NET 4.6.x dll?
Cross posting this to the github issue:
Edit: As an alternative to P/Invoke, you could certainly create some other kind of service (RESTful, WCF, some other pipe or TCP or even memory mapped file) in .NET 4.x for a .NET Core library or application to access.

QuickBooks connection using asp

May not be the best place to ask sorry if that's true.
I have worked on SQL and while I never worked on QuickBooks I am hoping it is possible to connect to it and just use it similar to a SQL Database. I am wondering I am wondering if it is possible to connect to QuickBooks using ASP. My purpose is to create simple forms and insert the data into QuickBooks similar to what is done on SQL.Occasionally I would just generate reports as well using web pages. All I am wondering is does ASP have the capability to connect to Quick Books and if so can I also run query's similar to SQL and is there any sources or reference available for research ? And what my options are for setting this up. If I have to use as a last resort that is fine too, though I would prefer to have to be without it.
Thank you
Update #1
While i am working on getting the Version of Quick-Books here is what information I have.
I plan on using ASP-Classic, and I want to develop web forms so this would be a website that can be accessed. This will not be a desktop application I plan on making but various webpage's where you can view Quick-books data, and insert records into Quick-books using forms, similar to what I do for SQL. And the Version of our Quick-Books is 2013 Enterprise Windows Desktop USA edition.
All I am wondering is does ASP have the capability to connect to Quick Books
can I also run query's similar to SQL
QuickBooks itself does not provide an SQL-based interface. Communication with QuickBooks is via XML. However, QuickBooks Enterprise comes with something called QODBC which provides an ODBC interface to the XML interface QuickBooks provides, which might get you what you need.
One problem you want to watch out for -- there are times when you won't be able to connect to QuickBooks. e.g. it is not an "always-on" solution like a typical SQL database is. If you're in single-user mode in QuickBooks, or someone closes QuickBooks, or someone is doing a QuickBooks backup, or someone is updating QuickBooks, then you won't be able to connect. You'll have to plan for this in your application.
A better solution might be to use the QuickBooks SDK (specifically the QuickBooks Web Connector). If you download and install the SDK there is example code included. The SDK install also includes about 600 pages of PDF documentation on topics which you are asking about.
Striking out the below stuff since you've provided more details now: But unfortunately you didn't provide anywhere near enough information for anyone to actually give you a decent answer.
How about providing some actual details so that people can actually help you? Like, maybe:
Is this QuickBooks ONLINE, or QuickBooks for WINDOWS, or QuickBooks for MAC? (they are three entirely separate products, with entirely separate sets of capabilities)
What version/year/edition/country of QuickBooks?
ASP classic or ASP.NET?
Is this a website you're connecting from, or is this a desktop application, or...?

Redis in windows platform

Can I use REDIS in my application which needs to be run in windows platform.
I'm worried about the statement in the official site
The Redis project does not directly support Windows, however the
Microsoft Open Tech group develops and maintains an experimental
Windows port targeting Win32/64. Currently the port is not production
quality but can be used for development purposes on Windows
environments. We look forward for collaborating with the authors of
this efforts but currently we will not merge the Windows port to the
main code base.
or any other alternates(windows platform) providing the same functionality?
I think there is something wrong in your understanding : Do not be confused between where your application is hosted and where Redis server is hosted.
As a separate (NoSql) Database Redis can be consumed by MANY client types. Check this : you could use Redis in C#, Ruby, C, PHP, Java... So your application could be written in any technology, you just have to connect to a Redis server.
You're true, Redis is not directly supported on Windows but Microsoft has forked the project a few month ago. The git is available here. Even if it's not production-ready, it's a valid solution for dev environment.
The good question is : does your application could be run on multiple environnements, Windows and/or Linux ? I suppose it's a web app. This means front-end on Windows and Redis DB on Linux.
In some companies, there are strict rules in order to use only one tech : Windows or Linux. Having Cohesive technos is important, but I personally think it's sometimes better to setup everything that will help you to get the job done.

how to integrate bugzilla and HP quality center?

I'm working on integrating Bugzilla with HP Qc. I'm performing this by using perl script by directly manipulating the database using sql commands. I want to use the web services of Bugzilla. I have gone through the Bugzilla webservice API but tat wasn't enough to get started. I'm a beginner and this is the first project of my career. How do I go about this?
Check out the Perl script in Bugzilla's contrib directory, it shows how to talk to Bugzilla via XMLRPC.
There are a few things you could do:
Export defects from Bugzilla into a spreadsheet and upload it into Quality Center
Use the Open Test Architecture API (OTAClient.dll) to update defects in Quality Center
Use the HP Synchronization Server and build an adapter
Using the HP Synchronizer is probably the only "real" way to do it. Though you could potentially build your own sync mechanism, potentially using just OTA and a message queue.
There may be an existing adapter available from proficom-ag based on a presentation I found via a web search
