wpf dual monitor application? - wpf

I'm very new to WPF. I want to create a dual monitor/projector application. What I want to do is have the "presenters screen" on one monitor and another panel on the secondary monitor, similar to how powerpoint works. I'm struggling to wrap my mind around the panels and XAML. So what I'm after is user clicks on a button on screen1 and information gets updated on screen2.
I'm using this code:
this.Width = System.Windows.SystemParameters.VirtualScreenWidth;
this.Height = System.Windows.SystemParameters.VirtualScreenHeight;
this.Top = 0;
this.Left = 0;
to set the width and height of the screen.
The later goal is to cause screen2 to retrieve items out of a database based on the selection on screen1
Question: tutorials, places to go, nudges on how to update monitor2 from a button on monitor1

Short Answer
Create a view model that shared between two views; make one of the views the master (makes the changes) and the other pure presentation. The views are new windows. Initially do not be concerned with the window position (we'll get to that later) just get the shared viewmodel working.
Tip: research the MVVM pattern. Google has a lot of articles on the subject.
Long Answer
After you have researched MVVM and created a few example applications (from scatch or using a framework), below are few additional features you want implement to create the "powerpoint-like" application.
Fullscreen Mode
At the very least you will want the presentation window to be full screen. To achieve this, you set the WindowStyle to None and AllowsTransparency to True.
If you want to make the second window also fullscreen you may need to do some Win32 overrides to get the window to maximize properly without covering the taskbar (post a comment if you want to know how to do this).
Detect Multiple Monitors
Get the size and position of the monitors using Win32 Interop commands. There will be plenty of articles on the Internet that will help you with this (or post another StackoverFlow question).
This would be a neat™ feature as it will position the two windows correctly (use the secondary screen as the presentation).
That is all that I can think of now, post-back if you any questions on MVVM or any of the additional points above.

1) You should have 2 Windows, the way this looks I'd make monitor2 a child window of monitor1 (after all, it is a child ;)
What i mean by that, is that StartupUri in App.xaml should point to monitor1, and in monitor1's constructor, you should create an instance of monitor2 (which would be a singleton if i were to do it).
2) To maximize a window on the second screen:
Subscribe to the Loaded event of the window (in code-behind), and set
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
More info (and source): here
3) As to how to make monitor2 react when you set something in monitor1, make monitor1 and monitor2 bind to the same ViewModel, only they show different stuff.
Hope this helps!


Hosted Winform control does not respond to events from WPF

This is my first question in StackOverflow. Due to lack of reputations, I couldn't post any links or images.
I've been working on the following issue for more than 2 days. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Before I get into my question, here is what I have and what I'm expecting:
I have a Windows Form which hosts WPF in an ElementHost control.
And then, I have a Winforms UserControl similar to DateTimePicker. This
is hosted inside a WindowsFormsHost control.
The above scenario is un-avoidable for the following reasons:
The authorization dialog to all our applications is developed in
Winforms, and takes a Winforms instance as its parameter. There is no
WPF version introduced yet. Therefore, I had to use an ElementHost to
host my View inside the Windows Form.
The Winforms control hosted inside my WPF is also un-avoidable. We
have our own DateTime Winforms UserControl that behaves similar to
the DateTimePicker Winforms control, but has lot more complexities
involved. So, replacing this control with a WPF version is out of
Expected Functionality:
I have a
WPF control (say, a textbox)
A DateTime Winforms UserControl that I was mentioning above.
And a Cancel button that basically resets the above controls.
When I hit the Cancel button, I'm publishing an event from the ViewModel, say RunViewModel to the WPF UserControl code behind file, say RunView.xaml.cs.
In the code behind file, I've subscribed to the event as follows
The WPF control resets to its default value, but the DateTime UserControl does not reset.
So, for testing purposes, I removed the ElementHost control, and just had my WPF View with a WindowsFormsHost control that hosts the DateTime Winforms UserControl, and a WPF "Cancel" button.
When I click on the button, the value on the DateTime control resets to its default value.
Then, I thought this might be an issue with my DateTime Winforms UserControl.
So, I replaced my DateTime Winforms UserControl with a Winforms Textbox control in my actual application. So now the nesting is as follows:
WinForms-ElementHost-WPF-WindowsFormsHost-Winforms Textbox
Here is the xaml code.
<WindowsFormsHost x:Name="ReportFromDtTmHost" Margin="8,0" Grid.Column="0"
<winforms:TextBox x:Name="ReportFromDateTime"/>
On Initial load, I’m loading the Textbox with Initial Load Text text
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
ReportFromDateTime.Text = "Initial Load Text";
As I was mentioning above, when I hit the Cancel button, this is what happens:
Publish the event from ViewModel
Subscribe to the event in the code behind file (xaml.cs):
EventHandler for the published event.
private void ResetDateTimeHandler(bool cancelClicked)
ReportFromDateTime.Text = "Reset to Default";
As you can see in the above code, I’m resetting the Text on clicking the Cancel button.
During Debugging, I could see the Text property being changed to "Reset to Default", but the UI does not show these changes.
Here is the wierd part:
The Child property on the WindowsFormsHost control is different from the actual “ReportFromDateTime” Textbox control.
While debugging, I could see that the Child and Name property on the WindowsFormsHost control were different.
The Name property is empty,
ReportFromDtTmHost.Child.Name = ""
which rather should be ReportFromDateTime.
It almost seems like the Host and the Child controls are getting re-created.
As far as I see it, I think the extra level of nesting (WinForms-ElementHost-WPF-WindowsFormsHost-Winforms Textbox) might be causing issues during the interoperations between WPF and Winforms.
I’ve done a lot of research and searched lot of links for suggestions. I found none pointing out this issue. Some of them were close. Here are a couple of links:
The this suggests to reproduce the message loop under the “Surrogate Windows Forma Message Loop” section.
Here is one more link that explains the issue with nesting under the Nesting section.
I apologize for being verbose. Just wanted you guys to get a clear picture of my problem. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the post. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
We were able to resolve the issue, but still, it is a work-around. Here is what we did:
There were two ways to resolve this issue, but both were related to using static.
Static Winforms control:
We used the following static Winforms control
public static class ControlHolder
public static TextBox ReportFromDateTimeInstance;
In the OnChanged event of the "actual" control, we dump the actual control, ReportFromDateTime to the static control, ReportFromDateTimeInstance.
private void ReportFromDateTime_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ControlHolder.ReportFromDateTimeInstance = (TextBox)sender;
And from then on, wherever we update the actual control (as in ResetDateTimeHandler method), we update the static control
private void ResetDateTimeHandler(bool cancelClicked)
ControlHolder.ReportFromDateTimeInstance = "Text changed";
This shows the updated value on the Front-End
Static EventAggregator
This work-around was provided by one of our colleague.
In this case, we are using our actual control, ReportFromDateTime, rather than the static control, ControlHolder.ReportFromDateTimeInstance
We used a static event aggregator for publishing/subscribing the ResetDateTimeEvent instead of using the Event Aggregator instance provided by Unity Container. So, instead of
we used:
And in the subscription:
I know that we need not use a static event aggregator in this scenario since we are using the instance provided by Unity Container (which makes sure that a single instance is shared by all the ViewModels), but this also has resolved the issue.
So, I'm still confused on why the above two scenarios are solving the problem. Is it the static-ness that is solving the issue ?
As I was already saying, I feel that the controls are getting re-created, and by the time we have the controls in hand, they have been already re-created.
Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
I've done the same thing before in an app that had a WPF control inside of a WinForms control. The WPF used Prism/Unity (later switched to MEF) to start everything up. However, this created a whole new EventAggregator by default in the bootstrapper, so I had override the default IEventAggregator in the container with a static one b/c the WinForm side had already been created and was using its own IEventAggregator instance. The symptom was similar in that published events were not received.
In a mixed system such as yours, singletons are great for ensuring that everything's feeding off of the same reference, especially when your startup is in stages (WinForms then WPF).
Simple answer: yes, use singletons for shared references between WinForms code and WPF code. Those singletons can be fed into the container in the WPF bootstrapper so that injection still occurs in the WPF side, too.

WPF Printing multiple pages from a single View Model

I am currently a little bit troubled by the following problem. I have a user interface which basically shows a graphic (a canvas made of Lines, Circles, ... these are all WPF objects). Depending on the selection a user makes in the menu, some items get deleted and some get added. So the basic image looks the same, but a few modifications are made.
The user has the possibility to select - say - 10 different "pages" by clicking a Next/Previous Button.
I am using MVVM Light and my ViewModel contains all the items of the graphic (all Lines, ...).
Now I would like to print that graphic to multiple pages. The first page should contain the graphic with changes from page 1, the second page contains the graphic with changes from page 2 and so on. The actual number of pages is dynamic. I track this with a property CurrentPage and a property PagesTotal.
Whenever I push the "Next" button, this causes a command to be executed which will change the variable CurrentPage and also makes sure that the correct items are displayed.
Now I would like to print this but this is where I'm stuck. I dont' mind leaving the MVVM zone and doing some dirty work in code-behind but I would refuse to draw everything again like in the old GDI days.
Any ideas are really welcome.
Create a UserControl containing your display logic (you graphic, for instance). Grab you ViewModel list and project then in UserControls, setting each ViewModel as each UserControl's DataContext.
Force each one to render calling Measure with infinite value and then Arrange with the resulting DesiredHeight and Width. Then follow the procedures to print WPF visuals (link link link).
Essentially, this should be quite simple if and only if your views work independently; i.e. your ViewModel doesn't contain UiElements that are placed into your View.
Simple solution is to basically print your visual root. If need be encapsulate your Views in a user control first.
PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
UserControl1 uc = new UserControl1();
printDlg.PrintVisual(uc, "User Control Printing.");
Alright, I have to admin that I now switched back to doing the printing through code only. I would have really liked doing it "WPF-style" but handling the multiple pages issue was just too much trouble.
Anyway, there is still one issue regarding the printout left but this will be another question.

A better way to show different wpf pages in mainWindow?

I have several Wpf pages in my project, these pages have different forms and ui control indide theme. The image below shows the mainWindow and there are two button.
I want to show a specific page when I click on + or Edit button using the Frame control which is highlighted.
apparenatly this woks:
Page1 me = new Page1();
mainFrame.Content = me;
But it has an IE navigation sound and a toolbar appears after going to page2.
any better way to show diffrent pages and not using a frame?
You may want to convert the Page into a UserControl. You can then put that control inside some other container, such as a Grid. You'll have to manually swap out the pages in the container when navigating, but it looks like you're doing that anyway.
The purpose of the Frame control is to allow navigation. If you don't want navigation, then don't use Frame. You can turn off the navigation toolbar, but that won't actually disable navigation - there are mouse buttons and keyboard shortcuts for navigating back.
If you just want to host a UI element without navigation, use something simpler, like a Border element - put the content in its Child property. You can change the Child as many times as you like at runtime.
I was able to set the frame control's NavigationUIVisibility to Hidden. This solved the problem for me. I am using Visual Studio 2010 though so it might not be applicable to older VS versions.
Ian Griffiths, what you suggest increases the workload on the developer substantially. And you are stepping outside of the underlying paradigm of XAML.
In my case I'm developing a game application and have chosen WPF as the UI platform as much as possible. For me that means a intro screen, character select, etc. The purpose of Pages is to encapsulate the navigational need of such an application.
I suspect your downvote is due to your statement "If you don't want navigation...". Upon re-reading the original posters question I see he does want navigation, he just wants it on his own terms. I would have voted you down too. YotaXP's solution neglects the issues with using a User Control, particularly if it may contain other User Controls. It looks like Chris Calvert came up with an actual solution to the poster's issue within the parameters of the problem.
I would be curios if I could override the navigation hotkeys and such within the existing paragimn but that's properly in its own thread.

Rotating windows in WPF

I need to create a WPF application which is maximized and which rotates amongst about 10 different screens. Each screen will take the entire area and show different content.
I already know how to maximize the window with
My question is what is best to put inside that window to achieve what I want?
Ideally I'd be able to have 10 different .xaml files and I just load one after the other to take the entire screen. I'm not sure the best approach for accomplishing this in WPF.
Thank you!
One quick way to do this is to use WPF's built in page navigation. By making your root window a NavigationWindow and each view a class derived from Page (similar to work with to a UserControl or Window) you can just set the NavigationWindow.Source to a relative URI that points to the page you want to show (like a web browser) and simply switch it as needed.
This sounds like a classic MVVM application, which is simply too much to put into detail here. Google MVVM or Model-View-ViewModel, or pick up the book Advanced MVVM by Josh Smith (widely regarded as an expert in such things).
However, this is basically what you are going to have:
One class, the ViewModel, is an abstraction of the data that you need to bind to
Your data Model
A View for each thing you want to show. A View is simply something that holds your UI, be it a DataTemplate or a UserControl. Each View is bound to the ViewModel
The Views are the things that will "rotate" (although rotate in WPF implies animation and/or transformation). How you switch between them is up to you, although it sounds almost like something that would be done with a DispatcherTimer and animation (i.e. like fading between pictures in a slideshow).
This question is really too broad for this forum - you will need to do quite a bit of research on WPF fundamentals before proceeding. Again, MVVM is a good direction to start.
EDIT: Something More Lowbrow, per OP Request
This is probably as simple was you can make it (and still create separate XAML files for each piece of content):
First, create 10 UserControls (XAML files) for the stuff you want to show.
Next, add an instance of each of these user controls to your main window. Set the Visibility of each of these to Collapsed, except the first one to show.
Put a "Next" button on the main window.
In the code-behind, handle the Click event for the Next button. In there, keep track of which UserControl is visible, by name. Set the one that is currently visible to Visibility.Collapsed, and set the next one that is supposed to be visible to Visibility.Visible.
This is certainly an ugly solution, and not very WPF-ish, but it will get the job done.

WPF windows organization techniques

Im developing some wpf app. Basically i have two types of windows: search windows and insert/edit windows. When i developed win forms apps, i used a trick, called MdiParent. In that way i had ability to put my caled search type windows in a "stack". In orher words if i called 5 different search windows from meniu, they apeared in a component like tab control, one after other.By clicking on that tabs, i could see search results of clicked tab window. The trick as i said was MdiParent technique, like:
private ProductDiscount frmProductDiscount = null;
private void ProductDiscountToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((frmProductDiscount == null) || (!frmProductDiscount.Visible))
frmProductDiscount = new ProductDiscount();
frmProductDiscount.MdiParent = this;
So does anyone can me suggest a good way to implement such a window organization technique in WPF and put some links or examples..?That would be a big help for me.
There is no equivalent of Form.MDIParent in WPF and MDI does not support the idea of an MDI layout. You can set a Windows Owner to another window. This will minimise the child when the parent is minimised.
For an example of MDI style functionality have a look at this thread link text
where Marlon Grech has written something similar to what I believe you are trying to do.
We developped similar application, as WPF doesnt have any default MDI framework but since its completely customizable, what you can do is, you can create User Controls of your "Window" instead of Window type and you can use inside a TabControl and you can customize TabControl to have close buttons etc. Windows in Tabs as they appear in Visual Studio, IE etc, they work good for this type of scenario when you dont want to block user input on modal dialog.
