C Memory Management in Embedded Systems - c

I have to use c/asm to create a memory management system since malloc/free don't yet exist. I need to have malloc/free!
I was thinking of using the memory stack as the space for the memory, but this would fail because when the stack pointer shrinks, ugly things happen with the allocated space.
1) Where would memory be allocated? If I place it randomly in the middle of the Heap/Stack and the Heap/Stack expands, there will be conflicts with allocated space!
12 What Is the simplest/cleanest solution for memory management? These are the only options I've researched:
A memory stack where malloc grows the stack and free(p) shrinks the stack by shifting [p..stack_pointer] (this would invalidate the shifted memory addresses though...).
A linked list (Memory Pool) with a variable-size chunk of memory. However I don't know where to place this in memory... should the linked list be a "global" variable, or "static"?

This article provides a good review of memory management techniques. The resources section at the bottom has links to several open source malloc implementations.

For embedded systems the memory is partitioned at link time into several sections or pools, i.e.:
ro (code + constants)
rw (heap)
zi (zero initialised memory for static variables)
You could add a 4th section in the linker configuration files that would effectively allocate a space in the memory map for dynamic allocations.
However once you have created the raw storage for dynamic memory then you need to understand how many, how large and how frequent the dynamic allocations will occur. From this you can build a picture of how the memory will fragment over time.
Typically an application that is running OS free will not use dynamic memory as you don't want to have to deal with the consequences of malloc failing. If at all possible the better solution is design to avoid it. If this is not at all possible try and simplify the dynamic behaviour using a few large structures that have the data pre-allocated before anything needs to use it.
For example say that you have an application that processes 10bytes of data whilst receiving the next 10 bytes of data to process, you could implement a simple buffering solution. The driver will always be requesting buffers of the same size and there would be a need for 3 buffers. Adding a little meta data to a structure:
int inUse;
char data[10];
You could take an array of three of theses structures (remembering to initialise inUse to 0 and flick between [0] and [1], with [2] reserved for the situations when a few too many interrupts occur and the next buffer is required buffer one is freed (the need for the 3rd buffer). The alloc algorithm would on need to check for the first buffer !inUse and return a pointer to data. The free would merely need to change inUse back to 0.
Depending on the amount of available RAM and machine (physical / virtual addressing) that you're using there are lots of possible algorithms, but the more complex the algorithm the longer the allocations could take.

Declare a huge static char buffer and use this memory to write your own malloc & free functions.
Algorithms for writing malloc and free could be as complex (and optimized) or as simple as you want.
One simple way could be following...
based on the type of memory allocation needs in your application try to find the most common buffer sizes
declare structures for each size with a char buffer of that length
and a boolean to represent whether buffer is occupied or not.
Then declare static arrays of above structures( decide array sizes
based on the total memory available in the system)
now malloc would simply go the most suitable array based on the
required size and search for a free buffer (use some search algo here
or simply use linear search) and return. Also mark the boolean in the
associated structure to TRUE.
free would simply search for buffer and mark the boolean to FALSE.
hope this helps.

Use the GNU C library. You can use just malloc() and free(), or any other subset of the library. Borrowing the design and/or implementation and not reinventing the wheel is a good way to be productive.
Unless, of course, this is homework where the point of the exercise is to implement malloc and free....


C - Can you free individual memory adresses of an array allocated dynamically?

i do not seem to find an answer to this question. Why you cant free up an individual adress is it because the space needs to be continuous? and if this is the answer then why fragmentation occurs on Hard-Disks
Can you free individual memory adresses of an array allocated dynamically?
If the memory is at the end of an array, you can free off the unneeded excess by performing a realloc to a smaller size, with the caveat that you may actually get a new pointer to new memory with the prefix contents copied into it, and the original memory freed in its entirety.
Otherwise, no. The free interface is defined to only accept addresses returned from malloc, calloc or realloc.
Why you cant free up an individual adresss is it because the space needs to be continuous?
Well, the direct answer is that there is no interface defined to do so. There is no way to tell free how much of the pointer you passed in should be freed. If you want to free all memory to the end of the allocated block, realloc does that.
If contiguity is not important to your program, just use separate allocations for each array element, and free them individually.
and if this is the answer then why fragmentation occurs on Hard-Disks
One way to imagine a scenario of fragmentation on a file system is that if three files are created one after another, and then the middle one is deleted, there is now a hole between two files.
|---File 1---|--- Hole ---|---File 3---|
Now suppose a new file is created, so it starts out inside the hole between the two files, but as it grows, it cannot fit in the hole, so now the rest of the file is after File 3. In this case, we would say the new file is fragmented.
|---File 1---|---File 4...|---File 3---|...File 4---|
This happens on "Hard-Drives" because a filesystem is designed that way: allow a large file to span the available holes in the physical medium.
A RAM disk used for a filesystem would also eventually have fragmented files.
A non-contiguous data structure could be considered to be "fragmented", e.g., a linked-list or a tree, but that is by design. An array is considered contiguous by its very definition. However, files on a filesystem are not arrays.
Broadly, the reason you cannot release individual portions of allocated memory is that it is not useful enough to justify writing the software to support it.
The C standard specifies services provided by malloc, free, realloc, and related routines. The only provisions it makes for releasing space are by using free to release an allocation and by using realloc to replace an allocation with a smaller one.
C implementations are free to extend the C standard by providing services to release portions of allocated space. However, I am not aware of any that have done so. If a program were allowed to free arbitrary pieces of memory, the memory management software would have to keep track of all of them. That requires extra data and time. Additionally, it can interfere with some schemes for managing memory. Memory management software might organize memory so that allocations of particular sizes can be satisfied quickly out of specialized pools, and having to take back an arbitrary sized portion that was part of a specialized pool could be a problem.
If there were a demand for such a service, it could be written. But programs and algorithms have evolved over the years to use the existing services, and there does not seem to be much need to release individual portions of allocations. Generally, if a program is going to work with many objects that it might free individually, it allocates them individually. This is common when building data structures of all sorts, using pointers to construct trees, hashed arrays of lists or other structures, and so on. Data structures are often built out of individual nodes that can be allocated or freed individually. So there is little need to carve individual pieces to be released out of larger allocations.
The organization of memory has very little to do with the organization of data on hard disk or other storage media. Data is generally transferred between arbitrary places on disk and arbitrary places in memory as needed. In a variety of circumstances, files are “memory mapped,” meaning that the contents of a file are made visible in memory so that one can read the file contents by reading memory and one can modify the file by modifying memory. However, even in this situation, there is not generally any relationship between where the blocks of the file are on disk and where the blocks of the file are in memory. The blocks of a file are managed by the file system and are not necessarily contiguous, and the blocks in memory are managed by the memory system and may be rearranged arbitrarily with support from virtual memory hardware.
First question NO as you can only free the whole memory allocated by one malloc family function
Fragmentation of hard disks does not have anything common with the memory allocations.
Memory allocation is handled as seemingly continuous blocks of memory (it might not be in physical memory though, but that's not relevant).
There is no simple way to "cut a hole" in a single memory allocation, but you could do something like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ARRAY_LEN 11
int main (void)
char *array;
array = (char *) malloc(ARRAY_LEN);
//Remove the 5th element:
memmove(&array[5], &array[5+1], ARRAY_LEN-5);
array = realloc(array, ARRAY_LEN-1);
return 0;
Some Linux filesystems allows for "punching holes" in files, so with a mmap'ed file, you might be able to use the fallocate systemcall on it while using it as an array in memory.
Can you free individual memory adresses of an array allocated dynamically?
You seem to recognize that the answer is "no", because you follow up with
Why you cant free up an individual adress is it because the space needs to be continuous?
Each individual allocation is continuous, but the union of all dynamically-allocated space is by no means certain to be continuous. More on this later.
At the most practical level, you cannot free chunks of a larger allocation because C provides no mechanism for doing so. In particular, among the specifications for the free() function is:
if the argument does not match a pointer earlier returned by a memory management function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call to free or realloc, the behavior is undefined.
Thus, free() exhibits UB if its argument is a pointer into the interior of an allocated block.
Note also that free() accepts only one parameter. It makes no provision for the caller to specify the amount of memory to free, so the memory-management subsystem has to figure that out from the argument argument presented. That's fine for the operating model that one frees only whole, previously-allocated blocks, but it does not easily support freeing an allocation in multiple pieces.
Furthermore, consider that although you cannot free specific chunks of a larger allocation, you can use realloc() to reduce the the size of an allocation (which may also involve moving it).
Anything beyond that is in the realm of implementation-specific behavior, but do bear in mind that
it is very common for allocation to be performed and accounted for in terms of multi-byte blocks -- for example, multiples of 16 bytes -- regardless of the specific sizes requested. An implementation that works this way cannot under any circumstances free partial blocks, though one could imagine being able to free individual blocks from a larger allocation.
some implementations store memory management metadata adjacent to the dynamically-allocated space presented to the program. In such an implementation, it is not useful to free pieces of a larger allocation because they cannot, in general, be reused until the whole allocation is freed, for there is no available place for the needed metadata.
and if this is the answer then why fragmentation occurs on Hard-Disks
You don't need to free allocations in pieces to get memory fragmentation. It can suffice to perform multiple allocations and afterward free only some of them. This is a real issue that can degrade performance and even cause programs to fail.
With that said, however, file systems typically use different methods and data structures for tracking their metadata than do C memory-management implementations, and the underlying hardware has different characteristics and behavior, so there's really no justification for forming expectations about the behavior and capabilities of one variety of storage based on the behavior and capabilities of the other.

c malloc functionality for custom memory region

Is there any malloc/realloc/free like implementation where i can specify a memory region where to manage the memory allocation?
I mean regular malloc (etc.) functions manages only the heap memory region.
What if I need to allocate some space in a shared memory segment or in a memory mapped file?
Not 100 %, As per your question you want to maintain your own memory region. so you need to go for your own my_malloc, my_realloc and my_free
Implementing your own my_malloc may help you
void* my_malloc(int size)
char* ptr = malloc(size+sizeof(int));
memcpy(ptr, &size, sizeof(int));
return ptr+sizeof(int);
This is just a small idea, full implementation will take you to the
Refer this question
use the same method to achieve my_realloc and my_free
I asked myself this question recently too, because I wanted a malloc implementation for my security programs which could safely wipe out a static memory region just before exit (which contains sensitive data like encryption keys, passwords and other such data).
First, I found this. I thought it could be very good for my purpose, but I really could not understand it's code completely. The license status was also unclear, as it is very important for one of my projects too.
I ended up writing my own.
My own implementation supports multiple heaps at same time, operating over them with pool descriptor structure, automatic memory zeroing of freed blocks, undefined behavior and OOM handlers, getting exact usable size of allocated objects and testing that pointer is still allocated, which is very sufficient for me. It's not very fast and it is more educational grade rather than professional one, but I wanted one in a hurry.
Note that it does not (yet) knows about alignment requirements, but at least it returns an address suitable for storing an 32 bit integer.
Iam using Tasking and I can store data in a specific space of memory. For example I can use:
testVar _at(0x200000);
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but for example I'am using it to store data to external RAM. But as far as I know, it's only workin for global variables.
It is not very hard to implement your own my_alloc and my_free and use preferred memory range. It is simple chain of: block size, flag free/in use, and block data plus final-block marker (e.g. block size = 0). In the beginning you have one large free block and know its address. Note that my_alloc returns the address of block data and block size/flag are few bytes before.

Reduce malloc calls by slicing one big malloc'd memory

First, here is where I got the idea from:
There was once an app I wrote that used lots of little blobs of
memory, each allocated with malloc(). It worked correctly but was
slow. I replaced the many calls to malloc with just one, and then
sliced up that large block within my app. It was much much faster.
I was profiling my application, and I got a unexpectedly nice performance boost when I reduced the number of malloc calls. I am still allocating the same amount of memory, though.
So, I would like to do what this guy did, but I am unsure what's the best way to do it.
My Idea:
// static global variables
static void * memoryForStruct1 = malloc(sizeof(Struct1) * 10000);
int struct1Index = 0;
// somewhere, I need memory, fast:
Struct1* data = memoryForStruct1[struct1Index++];
// done with data:
I have to make sure I don't exceed 10000
I have to release the memory in the same order I occupied. (Not a major issue in my case, since I am using recursion, but I would like to avoid it if possible).
Inspired from Mihai Maruseac:
First, I create a linked list of int that basically tells me which memory indexes are free. I then added a property to my struct called int memoryIndex which helps me return the memory occupied in any order. And Luckily, I am sure my memory needs would never exceed 5 MB at any given time, so I can safely allocate that much memory. Solved.
The system call which gives you memory is brk. The usual malloc and calloc, realloc functions simply use the space given by brk. When that space is not enough, another brk is made to create new space. Usually, the space is increased in sizes of a virtual memory page.
Thus, if you really want to have a premade pool of objects, then make sure to allocate memory in multiples of pagesize. For example, you can create one pool of 4KB. 8KB, ... space.
Next idea, look at your objects. Some of them have one size, some have other size. It will be a big pain to handle allocations for all of them from the same pool. Create pools for objects of various sizes (powers of 2 is best) and allocate from them. For example, if you'll have an object of size 34B you'd allocate space for it from the 64B pool.
Lastly, the remaining space can be either left unused or it can be moved down to the other pools. In the above example, you have 30B left. You'd split it in 16B, 8B, 4B and 2B chunks and add each chunk to their respective pool.
Thus, you'd use linked lists to manage the preallocated space. Which means that your application will use more memory than it actually needs but if this really helps you, why not?
Basically, what I've described is a mix between buddy allocator and slab allocator from the Linux kernel.
Edit: After reading your comments, it will be pretty easy to allocate a big area with malloc(BIG_SPACE) and use this as a pool for your memory.
If you can, look at using glib which has memory slicing API that supports this. It's very easy to use, and saves you from having to re-implement it.

What are alternatives to malloc() in C?

I am writing C for an MPC 555 board and need to figure out how to allocate dynamic memory without using malloc.
Typically malloc() is implemented on Unix using sbrk() or mmap(). (If you use the latter, you want to use the MAP_ANON flag.)
If you're targetting Windows, VirtualAlloc may help. (More or less functionally equivalent to anonymous mmap().)
Update: Didn't realize you weren't running under a full OS, I somehow got the impression instead that this might be a homework assignment running on top of a Unix system or something...
If you are doing embedded work and you don't have a malloc(), I think you should find some memory range that it's OK for you to write on, and write your own malloc(). Or take someone else's.
Pretty much the standard one that everybody borrows from was written by Doug Lea at SUNY Oswego. For example glibc's malloc is based on this. See: malloc.c, malloc.h.
You might want to check out Ralph Hempel's Embedded Memory Manager.
If your runtime doesn't support malloc, you can find an open source malloc and tweak it to manage a chunk of memory yourself.
malloc() is an abstraction that is use to allow C programs to allocate memory without having to understand details about how memory is actually allocated from the operating system. If you can't use malloc, then you have no choice other than to use whatever facilities for memory allocation that are provided by your operating system.
If you have no operating system, then you must have full control over the layout of memory. At that point for simple systems the easiest solution is to just make everything static and/or global, for more complex systems, you will want to reserve some portion of memory for a heap allocator and then write (or borrow) some code that use that memory to implement malloc.
An answer really depends on why you might need to dynamically allocate memory. What is the system doing that it needs to allocate memory yet cannot use a static buffer? The answer to that question will guide your requirements in managing memory. From there, you can determine which data structure you want to use to manage your memory.
For example, a friend of mine wrote a thing like a video game, which rendered video in scan-lines to the screen. That team determined that memory would be allocated for each scan-line, but there was a specific limit to how many bytes that could be for any given scene. After rendering each scan-line, all the temporary objects allocated during that rendering were freed.
To avoid the possibility of memory leaks and for performance reasons (this was in the 90's and computers were slower then), they took the following approach: They pre-allocated a buffer which was large enough to satisfy all the allocations for a scan-line, according to the scene parameters which determined the maximum size needed. At the beginning of each scan-line, a global pointer was set to the beginning of the scan line. As each object was allocated from this buffer, the global pointer value was returned, and the pointer was advanced to the next machine-word-aligned position following the allocated amount of bytes. (This alignment padding was including in the original calculation of buffer size, and in the 90's was four bytes but should now be 16 bytes on some machinery.) At the end of each scan-line, the global pointer was reset to the beginning of the buffer.
In "debug" builds, there were two scan buffers, which were protected using virtual memory protection during alternating scan lines. This method detects stale pointers being used from one scan-line to the next.
The buffer of scan-line memory may be called a "pool" or "arena" depending on whome you ask. The relevant detail is that this is a very simple data structure which manages memory for a certain task. It is not a general memory manager (or, properly, "free store implementation") such as malloc, which might be what you are asking for.
Your application may require a different data structure to keep track of your free storage. What is your application?
You should explain why you can't use malloc(), as there might be different solutions for different reasons, and there are several reasons why it might be forbidden or unavailable on small/embedded systems:
concern over memory fragmentation. In this case a set of routines that allocate fixed size memory blocks for one or more pools of memory might be the solution.
the runtime doesn't provide a malloc() - I think most modern toolsets for embedded systems do provide some way to link in a malloc() implementation, but maybe you're using one that doesn't for whatever reason. In that case, using Doug Lea's public domain malloc might be a good choice, but it might be too large for your system (I'm not familiar with the MPC 555 off the top of my head). If that's the case, a very simple, custom malloc() facility might be in order. It's not too hard to write, but make sure you unit test the hell out of uit because it's also easy to get details wrong. For example, I have a set of very small routines that use a brain dead memory allocation strategy using blocks on a free list (the allocator can be compile-time configured for first, best or last fit). I give it an array of char at initialization, and subsequent allocation calls will split free blocks as necessary. It's nowhere near as sophisticated as Lea's malloc(), but it's pretty dang small so for simple uses it'll do the trick.
many embedded projects forbid the use of dynamic memory allocation - in this case, you have to live with statically allocated structures
Write your own. Since your allocator will probably be specialized to a few types of objects, I recommend the Quick Fit scheme developed by Bill Wulf and Charles Weinstock. (I have not been able to find a free copy of this paper, but many people have access to the ACM digital library.) The paper is short, easy to read, and well suited to your problem.
If you turn out to need a more general allocator, the best guide I have found on the topic of programming on machines with fixed memory is Donald Knuth's book The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1. If you want examples, you can find good ones in Don's epic book-length treatment of the source code of TeX, TeX: The Program.
Finally, the undergraduate textbook by Bryant and O'Hallaron is rather expensive, but it goes through the implementation of malloc in excruciating detail.
Write your own. Preallocate a big chunk of static RAM, then write some functions to grab and release chunks of it. That's the spirit of what malloc() does, except that it asks the OS to allocate and deallocate memory pages dynamically.
There are a multitude of ways of keeping track of what is allocated and what is not (bitmaps, used/free linked lists, binary trees, etc.). You should be able to find many references with a few choice Google searches.
malloc() and its related functions are the only game in town. You can, of course, roll your own memory management system in whatever way you choose.
If there are issues allocating dynamic memory from the heap, you can try allocating memory from the stack using alloca(). The usual caveats apply:
The memory is gone when you return.
The amount of memory you can allocate is dependent on the maximum size of your stack.
You might be interested in: liballoc
It's a simple, easy-to-implement malloc/free/calloc/realloc replacement which works.
If you know beforehand or can figure out the available memory regions on your device, you can also use their libbmmm to manage these large memory blocks and provide a backing-store for liballoc. They are BSD licensed and free.
FreeRTOS contains 3 examples implementations of memory allocation (including malloc()) to achieve different optimizations and use cases appropriate for small embedded systems (AVR, ARM, etc). See the FreeRTOS manual for more information.
I don't see a port for the MPC555, but it shouldn't be difficult to adapt the code to your needs.
If the library supplied with your compiler does not provide malloc, then it probably has no concept of a heap.
A heap (at least in an OS-less system) is simply an area of memory reserved for dynamic memory allocation. You can reserve such an area simply by creating a suitably sized statically allocated array and then providing an interface to provide contiguous chunks of this array on demand and to manage chunks in use and returned to the heap.
A somewhat neater method is to have the linker allocate the heap from whatever memory remains after stack and static memory allocation. That way the heap is always automatically as large as it possibly can be, allowing you to use all available memory simply. This will require modification of the application's linker script. Linker scripts are specific to the particular toolchain, and invariable somewhat arcane.
K&R included a simple implementation of malloc for example.

Can I write a C application without using the heap?

I'm experiencing what appears to be a stack/heap collision in an embedded environment (see this question for some background).
I'd like to try rewriting the code so that it doesn't allocate memory on the heap.
Can I write an application without using the heap in C? For example, how would I use the stack only if I have a need for dynamic memory allocation?
I did it once in an embedded environment where we were writing "super safe" code for biomedical machines.
Malloc()s were explicitly forbidden, partly for the resources limits and for the unexpected behavior you can get from dynamic memory (look for malloc(), VxWorks/Tornado and fragmentation and you'll have a good example).
Anyway, the solution was to plan in advance the needed resources and statically allocate the "dynamic" ones in a vector contained in a separate module, having some kind of special purpose allocator give and take back pointers. This approach avoided fragmentation issues altogether and helped getting finer grained error info, if a resource was exhausted.
This may sound silly on big iron, but on embedded systems, and particularly on safety critical ones, it's better to have a very good understanding of which -time and space- resources are needed beforehand, if only for the purpose of sizing the hardware.
Funnily enough, I once saw a database application which completly relied on static allocated memory. This application had a strong restriction on field and record lengths. Even the embedded text editor (I still shiver calling it that) was unable to create texts with more than 250 lines of text. That solved some question I had at this time: why are only 40 records allowed per client?
In serious applications you can not calculate in advance the memory requirements of your running system. Therefore it is a good idea to allocate memory dynamically as you need it. Nevertheless it is common case in embedded systems to preallocate memory you really need to prevent unexpected failures due to memory shortage.
You might allocate dynamic memory on the stack using the alloca() library calls. But this memory is tight to the execution context of the application and it is a bad idea to return memory of this type the caller, because it will be overwritten by later subroutine calls.
So I might answer your question with a crisp and clear "it depends"...
You can use alloca() function that allocates memory on the stack - this memory will be freed automatically when you exit the function. alloca() is GNU-specific, you use GCC so it must be available.
See man alloca.
Another option is to use variable-length arrays, but you need to use C99 mode.
It's possible to allocate a large amount of memory from the stack in main() and have your code sub-allocate it later on. It's a silly thing to do since it means your program is taking up memory that it doesn't actually need.
I can think of no reason (save some kind of silly programming challenge or learning exercise) for wanting to avoid the heap. If you've "heard" that heap allocation is slow and stack allocation is fast, it's simply because the heap involves dynamic allocation. If you were to dynamically allocate memory from a reserved block within the stack, it would be just as slow.
Stack allocation is easy and fast because you may only deallocate the "youngest" item on the stack. It works for local variables. It doesn't work for dynamic data structures.
Edit: Having seen the motivation for the question...
Firstly, the heap and the stack have to compete for the same amount of available space. Generally, they grow towards each other. This means that if you move all your heap usage into the stack somehow, then rather than stack colliding with heap, the stack size will just exceed the amount of RAM you have available.
I think you just need to watch your heap and stack usage (you can grab pointers to local variables to get an idea of where the stack is at the moment) and if it's too high, reduce it. If you have lots of small dynamically-allocated objects, remember that each allocation has some memory overhead, so sub-allocating them from a pool can help cut down on memory requirements. If you use recursion anywhere think about replacing it with an array-based solution.
You can't do dynamic memory allocation in C without using heap memory. It would be pretty hard to write a real world application without using Heap. At least, I can't think of a way to do this.
BTW, Why do you want to avoid heap? What's so wrong with it?
1: Yes you can - if you don't need dynamic memory allocation, but it could have a horrible performance, depending on your app. (i.e. not using the heap won't give you better apps)
2: No I don't think you can allocate memory dynamically on the stack, since that part is managed by the compiler.
Yes, it's doable. Shift your dynamic needs out of memory and onto disk (or whatever mass storage you have available) -- and suffer the consequent performance penalty.
E.g., You need to build and reference a binary tree of unknown size. Specify a record layout describing a node of the tree, where pointers to other nodes are actually record numbers in your tree file. Write routines that let you add to the tree by writing an additional record to file, and walk the tree by reading a record, finding its child as another record number, reading that record, etc.
This technique allocates space dynamically, but it's disk space, not RAM space. All the routines involved can be written using statically allocated space -- on the stack.
Embedded applications need to be careful with memory allocations but I don't think using the stack or your own pre-allocated heap is the answer. If possible, allocate all required memory (usually buffers and large data structures) at initialization time from a heap. This requires a different style of program than most of us are used to now but it's the best way to get close to deterministic behavior.
A large heap that is sub-allocated later would still be subject to running out of memory and the only thing to do then is have a watchdog kick in (or similar action). Using the stack sounds appealing but if you're going to allocate large buffers/data structures on the stack you have to be sure that the stack is large enough to handle all possible code paths that your program could execute. This is not easy and in the end is similar to a sub-allocated heap.
My foremost concern is, does abolishing the heap really helps?
Since your wish of not using heap stems from stack/heap collision, assuming the start of stack and start of heap are set properly (e.g. in the same setting, small sample programs have no such collision problem), then the collision means the hardware has not enough memory for your program.
Not using heap, one may indeed save some waste space from heap fragmentation; but if your program does not use the heap for a bunch of irregular large size allocation, the waste there are probably not much. I will see your collision problem more of an out of memory problem, something not fixable by merely avoiding heap.
My advices on tackling this case:
Calculate the total potential memory usage of your program. If it is too close to but not yet exceeding the amount of memory you prepared for the hardware, then you may
Try using less memory (improve the algorithms) or using the memory more efficiently (e.g. smaller and more-regular-sized malloc() to reduce heap fragmentation); or
Simply buy more memory for the hardware
Of course you may try pushing everything into pre-defined static memory space, but it is very probable that it will be stack overwriting into static memory this time. So improve the algorithm to be less memory-consuming first and buy more memory the second.
I'd attack this problem in a different way - if you think the the stack and heap are colliding, then test this by guarding against it.
For example (assuming a *ix system) try mprotect()ing the last stack page (assuming a fixed size stack) so it is not accessible. Or - if your stack grows - then mmap a page in the middle of the stack and heap. If you get a segv on your guard page you know you've run off the end of the stack or heap; and by looking at the address of the seg fault you can see which of the stack & heap collided.
It is often possible to write your embedded application without using dynamic memory allocation. In many embedded applications the use of dynamic allocation is deprecated because of the problems that can arise due to heap fragmentation. Over time it becomes highly likely that there will not be a suitably sized region of free heap space to allow the memory to be allocated and unless there is a scheme in place to handle this error the application will crash. There are various schemes to get around this, one being to always allocate fixed size objects on the heap so that a new allocation will always fit into a freed memory area. Another to detect the allocation failure and to perform a defragmentation process on all of the objects on the heap (left as an exercise for the reader!)
You do not say what processor or toolset you are using but in many the static, heap and stack are allocated to separate defined segments in the linker. If this is the case then it must be that your stack is growing outside the memory space that you have defined for it. The solution that you require is to reduce the heap and/or static variable size (assuming that these two are contiguous) so that there is more available for the stack. It may be possible to reduce the heap unilaterally although this can increase the probability of fragmentation problems. Ensuring that there are no unnecessary static variables will free some space at the cost of possibly increasing the stack usage if the variable is made auto.
