DataContext for binding a UserControl with ViewModel within DataTemplate - wpf

What I'm trying to achieve is:
Have a ListView bound to an ObservableCollection of ItemRecords.
Have a TabControl that contains detailed view for all the ItemRecords in the ListView that were selected for editing.
Each TabItem contains a UserControl ("ItemInfo") that uses ItemInfoViewModel as its VM (and, not so coincidentally, DataContext).
ItemInfo UserControl needs to be populated with the data from the corresponding ItemRecord.
To achieve that, I'm trying to pass the ItemRecord (selected in the ListView) to ItemInfoViewModel.
Finally, the question: what do you think would be the best way to do this, without breaking the MVVM pattern?
The not-so-elegant way that I see (and it actually doesn't exactly follow the MVVM principles) is to have a DependencyProperty ItemRecord defined in the UserControl, provide its value via binding, and in the constructor (in the UserControl's code-behind) pass the ItemRecord to the VM (which we get by casting the DataContext).
The other problem is with how to actually pass the ItemRecord via binding.
Once I set the VM as the UserControl's DataContext, I cannot just use {Binding} to specify the current item in TabControl's source collection.
At the moment I am binding to the TabControl's SelectedItem using ElementName - but this doesn't sound too robust :-(
<localControls:ItemInfo ItemRecord="{Binding ElementName=Tabs, Path=SelectedItem}"/>
Any good advice will be greatly appreciated!

I think your problem is you're not quite understanding the MVVM pattern here; you're still looking at this as the different controls talking to each other. Where in MVVM, they should not be, each control is communicating with the view model independently of all the others. And the view model controls (and supplies) the logic which tells the controls how to behave.
So, ideally you would have something like:
public ObservableCollection<ItemRecord> ListViewRecords
get { ... }
set { ... }
public IEnumerable<ItemRecord> SelectedListViewRecords {
get { ... }
set { ... }
The ListViewRecords would be bound to the ItemsSource property of your ListView (the actual properties might vary based on the specific controls you're using, I'm used to the Telerik suite at the moment so that's where my head is). And the SelectedListViewRecords would be bound to the SelectedItems property of the ListView. Then for your TabControl you would have:
public ObservableCollection<MyTabItem> Tabs
get { ... }
set { ... }
public MyTabItem SelectedTab
get { ... }
set { ... }
Again, you would bind the Items property to the Tabs and SelectedItem to the SelectedTab on your TabControl. Now your view model contains all the logic, so in your SelectedListViewRecords you might do something like this:
public IEnumerable<ItemRecord> SelectedListViewRecords {
get { ... }
_selectedRecords = value;
Tabs.Clear(); // Clear the existing tabs
// Create a new tab for each newly selected record
foreach(ItemRecord record in value)
Tabs.Add(new MyTabItem(record));
So the idea here is that the controls do nothing more than send and receive property changes, they know nothing of the underlying data, logic, etc. They simply show what their bound properties tell them to show.


What is the best way to add new field into Model collection in ViewModel in MVVM app?

I'm writing WPF application with MVVM structure using MVVM Light.
I have class Foo in the Model:
class Foo: ObservableObject
private string _propA = String.Empty;
public string PropA
get => _propA ;
if (_propA == value)
_propA = value;
// same for property PropB, PropC, PropD, etc.
And I have some collection of Foo objects in the Model:
class FooCollection: ObservableObject
private ObservableCollection<Foo> _items = null;
public IEnumerable<Foo> Items
get { ... }
set { ... }
public string Name { get; set; }
// ...
// and other methods, properties and fields
Now I have a ViewModel where this list is populated via some injected provider:
class MainWindowModel: ViewModelBase
private FooCollection _fooList;
public FooList
get => _fooList;
_fooList = value;
public MainWindowModel(IFooListProvider provider)
FooList = provider.GetFooList();
And the View, with MainWindowModel as data context:
<TextBlock Text={Binding FooList.Name} />
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding FooList.Items}">
<TextBlock Text={Binding PropA} />
<Button Content={Binding PropB} />
<!-- other controls with bindings -->
Everything works fine, I can delete and add new items, edit them and etc. All changes in View reflects automatically in ViewModel and Model via bindings and observable objects, and vice versa.
But now I need to add ToggleButton to data template of ItemsControl, which controls visibility of particular item in other part of window. I need IsChecked value in ViewModel, because control in other part of window is Windows Forms control and I can't bind IsChecked directly without ViewModel.
But I don't want to add new property (Visibility, for example) in model classes (Foo, FooCollection), because it is just an interface thing and it doesn't need to be saved or passed somewhere outside ViewModel.
So my question: what is the best way to add new property to Model collection in ViewModel?
I could create new collection of wrappers in ViewModel (some sort of class Wrapper { Foo item, bool Visibility }) and bind it to ItemsControl. But in this case I have to control adding, removing and editing manually and transfer all changes from List<Wrapper> to FooList.Items, so I don't like this solution. Is there any more simple way to achieve this?
Edition to clarify the question. Now I have:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding FooList.Items}">
<TextBlock Text={Binding PropA} />
<Button Content={Binding PropB} />
<ToggleButton IsChecked={Binding ????????????} />
<!-- other controls with bindings -->
I have no field in class to bind IsChecked and I don't want to add it to class, because it's only interface thing and not data model field. How can I, for example, create another collection of bools and bind it to this ItemControl alongside with FooList.Items?
The best place to add the property is of course in the Foo class.
Creating another collection of some other type, add an object per Foo object in the current collection to this one, and then bind to some property of this new object seems like a really bad solution compared to simply adding a property to your current class.
Foo is not an "interface thing", or at least it shouldn't be. It is view model that is supposed to contain properties that the view binds to. There is nothing wrong with adding an IsChecked property to it. This certainly sounds like the best solution in your case.
I'm not sure if I understand why you would need to add a property in the model.
Can't you just use the command property or add an EventTrigger to your toggle button?
(See Sega and Arseny answer for both examples Executing a command on Checkbox.Checked or Unchecked )
This way, when you check the toggleButton, there is a method in your viewModel which enable or disable the visibility property of your Winform control.
To change the visibility of your control from a command in your viewModel, you could use the messenger functionnality of MVVM LIGHT
MVVM Light Messenger - Sending and Registering Objects
The ViewModel sends a message to you're Windows Forms and this one handles the visibility of your control.

How do I bind wpf with specific datacontext from different classes?

Hi guys I am very new to WPF. I have two datacontexts in two different classes which are being binded by the elements in the View producing datatriggers, and one or the other wouldn't work as they cannot bind both datacontexts together. How do I bind xaml from two different classes using datacontext? Is there any alternative way could make it easier?
Class A
public Window1()
Appointments = new Appointments();
DataContext = Appointments;
Class B
private void FilterAppointments()
this.DataContext = this;
Firstly, you should never use DataContext = this; in any UserControl in a serious WPF Application. Secondly, you should look up the MVVM design pattern, which provides the idea of a view model for each view. Your Window or UserControl are the 'Views' and your view models are simply classes that contain all of the data properties that you need to display in your view.
Therefore, you should declare a view model class (that implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface) and put whatever you wanted to data bind into that. Finally, you should set that object as the DataContext property value. In that way, you'll have access to all the data that you need.
Looking again at your question, it just occurred to me that you may have set the DataContext to this so that you could use properties that you declared in your Window or UserControl. If this is the case, then you should not set the DataContext to this, instead using a RelativeSource Binding to access the properties. That would free up the actual DataContext to be set however you like. Try this Binding within the Window or UserControl:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding PropertyName, RelativeSource={RelativeSource
AncestorType={x:Type YourPrefix:YourWindowOrControl}}}" />

WPF User Control Binding Issue?

I have this:
public MyView: UserControl
public IList<Person> PersonList { get; set; }
public MyView()
public void Display(MyData myData)
The XAML for this includes a ComboBox :
ItemsSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=PersonList}"
For some reason this does not work and the combo box does not get populated ( however, If I use the code-behind and I say comboBox.ItemsSource = PersonList then the combo box does got populated ).
Any ideas ?
Your property is set to private, and are you sure that you are setting the DataContext.
* EDIT *
Based on the change you made above, you're setting your datacontext incorrectly. Your "PersonList" is anIList<> on your MyView class, but you're setting your data context to something else.
Try adding items to PersonList within MyView and setting this.DataContext = this; Also, as suggested, switch your IList<> to an ObservableCollection<>.
I would also highly suggest reading up on the Model View ViewModel (MVVM) approach. It will help out a lot. Josh Smith has a lot of good articles about the MVVM approach (and has written a good book about it too).
Here's a link to his blog. His book is linked there, as well.
I suspect it's because you're not firing any property-changed events. If you don't notify your UI when the property's value is first set, the binding won't update. Look into the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and implement it in your class.
Similarly, if your IList property isn't an ObservableCollection or doesn't implement INotifyCollectionChanged, then when you add items to the list the databound UI won't reflect this.
I believe your binding statement is the problem.
"{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=PersonList}" is looking for a "PersonList" on the combobox itself.
Are you seeing any binding errors in the output window?
Ideally you'd want to bind to a property in your DataContext (MyData)

Creating a customizable grid overlay

Just looking for some input as to what control I should go with or a broad approach. I am going to load up a png in the program I am writing. Then I could specify that I want 32x32 lines split over the picture (I'm not breaking the picture up, just specifying a grid to be on top). So, obviously I am going to need something which I can select multiples of these "cells" (which the grid or whatever broke into) and easily identify which the user is selecting. Does the grid do this or is it something more like creating guidelines and then creating some rectangles or something?
You would use an ItemsControl or derived class such as the Selector with the ItemsPanel property set to a Grid. In the ItemsContainerStyle property would set the Style for a ContentControl. The ContentControl is a the of object that will be generated for each item in the list that your ItemsControl will be bound against using the ItemsSource property. In that style you will setup a ControlTemplate for the ContentControlto soemthing that includes a Border or Rectangle or similar to get the grid lines. The root Control in your ControlTempalte will have the Grid.Row and Grid.Column properties bound against the .Row and .Column properties of your dataitems wich will be the DataContext.
Finally you bind the ItemsControl agains an ObservableCollection of these DataItems.
<ItemsControl ItemsSource={Binding MyDataItems} ....
Your DataItem would look something like this:
public class DataItem : INotifyPropertyChanged
public int Row
get { // return field }
set { // raise the PropertyChanged event here }
public int Column
get { // return field }
set { // raise the PropertyChanged event here }

Is there a way to logically group controls in WPF

Here's the scenario
I have a Grid with some TextBlock controls, each in a separate cell in the grid. Logically I want to be able to set the Visibility on them bound to a property in my ViewModel. But since they're each in a separate cell in the grid, I have to set each TextBlock's Visibility property.
Is there a way of having a non-visual group on which I can set common properties of its children? Or am I dreaming?
There is no non-visual group that would make this possible.
Setting the Visibility properties, directly or in a common Style shared by all of the TextBlocks, is probably the simplest solution.
Another option is to bind the visibility property of each item in your group of items to one single item, that way in your code behind you are only ever having to set the visibility of one item.
If possible I mostly place them in a GroupBox and set the groupbox BorderThickness to 0. That way all controls are grouped, you don't see that it's a groupbox and you can set the visibility with one property..
<Style TargetType="{x:Type GroupBox}"
<Setter Property="BorderThickness"
Value="0" />
I hope you have defined all of your cell UI elements inside a DataTemplate. You can do a small trick at the ViewModel level to achieve what you are looking for.
Have Singleton class at the ViewModel, which should have the Visibility or an equivalent property which you wanted to bind to every TextBlock.
The Singleton class should implement INotifypropertyChanged to get the change notification to the UI
Bind the Singleton property in the XAML and control this property from anywhere in your application.
< TextBlock Visibility="{Binding Source={x:Static local:Singleton.Instance},Path=Visibility}"
And a simple Singleton class can be implemented as
public class Singleton :INotifyPropertyChanged
private Singleton() { }
public static Singleton Instance
if (instance == null){ instance = new Singleton(); }
return instance;
private Visibility _visibility;
public Visibility Visibility
get { return _visibility; }
_visibility = value;
PropertyChanged( this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Visibility") );
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private static Singleton instance;
Now you can control Singleton.Instance.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed anywhere from your code behind
It may be possible to make a custom control that redirects all its add/remove children methods to its own parent, while still keeping a record of its contents so it can apply its own property styles. Would be tricky though.
I realise that this a very ancient question, but there will no doubt people finding this thread after searching for something related. Therefore I offer the following very simple solution:
Place all of the controls in question into a new grid that sits within the existing grid; spans the appropriate cells and replicates them within it's own structure. Then you can change the visibility of the new grid, and with it the controls inside.
