Is there any reason to write a database column between square brackets? - sql-server

I am maintaining a database created by another person in SQL Server. In one table I found a column whose name is between square brackets. The name of the field is desc and it is stored in the table as [desc]. The other fields are stored without square brackets. Is there any special reason/convention behind this choice?
The applications built on top of the Database are developed either in C# or VB.NET.

The brackets (or other identifiers in other database engines) are just an explicit way of telling the query engine that this term is an identifier for an object in the database. Common reasons include:
Object names which contain spaces would otherwise fail to parse as part of the query unless they're wrapped in brackets.
Object names which are reserved words can fail to parse (or, worse, correctly parse and do unexpected things).
(I suppose it's also possible that there may be an ever-so-slight performance improvement since the engine doesn't need to try to identify what that item means, it's been explicitly told that it's an object. It still needs to validate that, of course, but it may be a small help in the inner workings.)

If your names contains either a reserved word (such as SELECT) or spaces, then you need to surround the name with [].
In your example, you have [desc], which is short for DESCENDING.

For example if you have a field that is a keyword e.g [Date] or [Select] or in this case [desc]


Incorrect syntax near 'Case'. Expecting ID, QUOTED_ID, or '.' Error in SQL Server

I multiple tables in my database. All of my tables are showing output using select query instead of only 1 table "case". it also have data and columns but when I use it in my query it shows syntax error. I have also attached picture which have list of table and a simple query. This code is not developed by me so I am not sure why it is showing error. Is there any kind of restriction we can set so that it cannot be used in queries?
CASE is a reserved keyword in SQL Server. Therefore, you must escape it in double brackets:
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Case];
But best naming practice dictates that we should avoid naming database objects using reserved keywords. So, don't name your tables CASE.
Reserved words are not recommended for use as a database, table, column, variable, or other object names. If you desire to use a reserved word is used as an object name in ANSI standard syntax, it must be enclosed in double-quotes OR "[]" to allow the Relational Engine (whichever that one is) that the word is being used as an object and not as a keyword in the given context. Here is the sample code.
SELECT * FROM dbo."Case"
SELECT * FROM dbo.[Case]

How to avoid SQL Server error on ORDER BY with duplicate columns

Although this question references PHP, it is not actually PHP-specific, so I have not flagged it as such.
We have a PHP framework which supports multiple DB back-ends.
There is a generic function in our data object class, which allows you to get records from the underlying table, with a specified criteria and sort order.
It looks something like this:
function GetAll($Criteria, $OrderBy = "") {
// Add primary key (column 1) to end of order by list,
// so that returned order is predictable.
if ($OrderBy != "") {
$OrderBy .= ", ";
$OrderBy .= "1";
// Build and run query, returning the result as an array.
If you specify an $OrderBy argument of StaffID on a Staff object, the resulting SQL looks something like the following:
SELECT * FROM adminStaff ORDER BY StaffID, 1;
This works fine on a MySQL back-end, and from my searching of the web it should also be fine on most other DB back-ends. However, when using SQL Server, we get the following error message:
A column has been specified more than once in the order by list.
Columns in the order by list must be unique.
This arises because SQL Server disallows the same column appearing multiple times in the ORDER BY clause. In this case StaffID is column 1 and therefore we have multiple instances of the same column.
Is there a way to disable this check in SQL Server? MySQL provides a lot of options to enable/disable strictness checks and incompatible features - does SQL Server provide anything of that nature that would allow the above query to run without errors?
If not, do you have any suggestions for how we could resolve this in our data-object layer? Bear in mind we need to maintain compatibility with existing projects which expect this behaviour, so it is not sufficient to only include the first column when $OrderBy is blank.
The situation is also slightly complicated in the fact that the field list is customisable elsewhere in the data object configuration, so we can't rely on * being used as the field list - it could contain pretty much anything that is valid in a normal SQL field list. However, if that is asking too much, a solution to the simpler case (as outlined above) would be a good start!
In SQL Server you are able to sort either by column name or by ordinal position of the column order in the SELECT list.
In your case the column StaffID became the ordinal position 1. Hence SQL Server cannot sort the same result set based on the same column twice.
If you remove the 1 from your query, the problem will be solved.
Avoid using the ordinal position of the column for sorting.
The basic question - is it possible to suppress this SQL Server restriction on ORDER BY column duplication - was answered by Venu: No it is not.
There are various suggestions (mostly from me) about how you could possibly code around this limitation in a generic manner. For any future readers, those answers are probably the most helpful if you are adapting an existing system. (If you are starting from scratch, just try and avoid this situation altogether.)
However, the actual solution that I came to was to add versioning to our internal API for our DBAL. The API version is now 2 but you can call setApiVersion(1) to instruct the back-end to use the old version of the API instead.
v2 is identical to v1* except it no longer automatically adds column 1 to the ORDER BY unless it is completely blank. Therefore, the SQL Server issue is resolved for new (v2) projects, whilst existing projects can be set to use the v1 API and therefore continue to work correctly (but without SQL server compatibility).
(* Actually, I've taken this opportunity to make some other breaking changes in v2, but that is not relevant to this answer.)
I've come up with a couple of potential solutions at the framework level. All of them have performance implications which would need to be profiled, and in practice that may rule some or all of them out. However, in theory at least, these are ways that a generic solution could be implemented.
Omit the ORDER BY altogether, and do the sorting in code. Would involve parsing the provided ORDER BY string. Would be problematic if ORDER BY contained expressions, but I can't remember ever seeing that in our projects, so can probably be ignored. Probably the slowest solution.
Perform the query without the ORDER BY, limiting the results set to a single row. Use resulting column list to work out whether column 1 is already in the ORDER BY clause, and therefore whether to add it. Then run the full query. Would require parsing the provided ORDER BY string. Query caching may mean this won't add as much overhead as it appears.
Parse the field list to get the first column name and see if this appears in the ORDER BY clause. If field list contains * or table.* would require a schema lookup. May be too difficult if we need to deal with table aliases and wildcards in combination.
Parse ORDER BY string and see if it contains any primary key. If so it is already uniquely ordered and doesn't require the addition of an extra field. Would require a schema look-up.
Use a sub-select to give us a new instance of the column that we can sort on instead. Not sure whether SQL Server would still complain that this is the 'same' column, though.
Could you just append '--' to your OrderBy parameter when working with SQL Server and just explicitly define the Order By fields where necessary?

Oracle - Table names and columns - could I change the casing?

By default - Are all oracle table names and columns stored in uppercase?
Could I change to casing?
In the data dictionary, yes, identifiers are converted to upper case by default.
You can change that behavior by creating case-sensitive identifiers. It is generally not a good idea to do so, but you can. In order to do so, you would need to enclose the table name and column names in double quotes both when you create the object and every time you want to refer to them. You'll also need to get the casing right because the identifiers will be case-sensitive unlike the normal case-insensitive behavior.
If you
"MyMixedCaseColumn" number
then the table name and column name will be stored in mixed case in the data dictionary. You'll need to use double-quotes to refer to either identifier in the future. So
SELECT "MyMixedCaseColumn"
FROM "foo"
will work. However, something like
SELECT MyMixedCaseColumn
FROM foo
will not. Nor will
SELECT "MyMixedCaseColumn"
FROM "Foo"
Generally, future developers will be grateful if you don't use case-sensitive identifiers. It's annoying to have to use double-quotes all over the place and not every tool or library has been tested against systems that use case-sensitive identifiers so it's not uncommon for things to break.

Referencing tables

In SQL Server, why is this:
preferable to this:
And along those lines, why even list the dbo at all if there's only one schema?
If the table name contains key words, you will have to enclose it inside [ ]. Most of the tools (like ORM) use this technique to avoid any errors or for consistency.
It's just in case you have a keyword as a tablename like [user]
It allows keywords or punctuation in a table name.
It's often used by code generators for all names, so they don't have to figure out if it actually needed.
These usually come up in generated code - because it's easier to make the code generation produce fully-qualified and escaped references than to deduce what escaping/qualification is required when.
If there is only one schema then prefixing the table name is not necessary or useful I think. Using the brackets [] is useful when you have an identifier that is a reserved word in sql server. If, for instance, you have a table named Select you can refernce it as SELECT * FROM [Select] but not as SELECT * FROM Select.
I don't use the brackets, which are only necessary if you use keywords as schemas or table names, which you shouldn't.
But I would recommend against dropping the dbo at the front. The reason is that eventually you might want to start organizing your code into schemas, and then you will need the prefix. If you get in the habit of using the schema.table format, it will be a lot easier to search your code for places where the tables are used.
Let's say you have a table called dbo.user, and you decide to move it to another schema. If you have to search through a bunch of stored procedures or dynamic sql for "user", you will likely get a ton of false positives. You can't be totally sure that you made all the changes you needed to. Searching for "dbo.user" is a lot more concise.
The [] are only required if the object name contains characters like spaces or if it is a keyword. It is generally regarded as best practice not to use any of these as object names so you should never need the []. Having said that they also do no harm, if it is generated code and includes the brackets then you may as well leave them.
Using dbo is a good idea becuase
Performance is better (see here for some figures)
dbo is required in some cases, like calling user defined functions. I think it is tidyer to always include it.
Not qualifying the object name could lead to bugs in the future if you do create multiple schemas.
Doesn't this allow you to have whatever 'bad' items you desire in there?
Keywords, spaces, etc...
I would prefer to avoid using punctuation and reserved words in table and column names, and not use the square brackets. This makes the SQL far easier to read.
Apart from spaces, reserved keywords, and system functions in an identifier name, an identifier can also contain some characters that are not allowed in regular identifiers, an it has to be separated with square brackets.
You can find a detailed explanation and rules for regular and delimited identifiers in this article.
From the article:
For example, delimited identifiers can contain spaces, any characters
valid for regular identifiers, and any one of the following
tilde (~) hyphen, (-) exclamation point (!), left brace ({), percent (%),
right brace (}), caret (^), apostrophe ('), ampersand (&), period (.), left
parenthesis ((), backslash (), right parenthesis ()), accent grave (`),
Using two name qualifying convention may improve performance (avoid name resolutions) and avoid ambiguity in cases when you have e.g. the same table name in two or more schema. In that case SQL Server will search your object in dbo and if it isn't there it will stop searching.
Also if you later want to use that object with the SCHEMABINDING option it doesn't allow unqualified object names.
Hope this helps

What is the use of the square brackets [] in sql statements?

I've noticed that Visual Studio 2008 is placing square brackets around column names in sql. Do the brackets offer any advantage? When I hand code T-SQL I've never bothered with them.
Visual Studio:
SELECT [column1], [column2] etc...
My own way:
SELECT column1, column2 etc...
The brackets are required if you use keywords or special chars in the column names or identifiers. You could name a column [First Name] (with a space) – but then you'd need to use brackets every time you referred to that column.
The newer tools add them everywhere just in case or for consistency.
They're handy if your columns have the same names as SQL keywords, or have spaces in them.
create table test ( id int, user varchar(20) )
Oh no! Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'user'.
But this:
create table test ( id int, [user] varchar(20) )
Works fine.
They are useful if you are (for some reason) using column names with certain characters for example.
Select First Name From People
would not work, but putting square brackets around the column name would work
Select [First Name] From People
In short, it's a way of explicitly declaring a object name; column, table, database, user or server.
During the dark ages of SQL in the 1990s it was a good practice as the SQL designers were trying to add each word in the dictionary as keyword for endless avalanche of new features and they called it the SQL3 draft.
So it keeps forward compatibility.
And i found that it has another nice side effect, it helps a lot when you use grep in code reviews and refactoring.
Regardless of following a naming convention that avoids using reserved words, Microsoft does add new reserved words. Using brackets allows your code to be upgraded to a new SQL Server version, without first needing to edit Microsoft's newly reserved words out of your client code. That editing can be a significant concern. It may cause your project to be prematurely retired....
Brackets can also be useful when you want to Replace All in a script. If your batch contains a variable named #String and a column named [String], you can rename the column to [NewString], without renaming #String to #NewString.
Column names can contain characters and reserved words that will confuse the query execution engine, so placing brackets around them at all times prevents this from happening. Easier than checking for an issue and then dealing with it, I guess.
The brackets can be used when column names are reserved words.
If you are programatically generating the SQL statement from a collection of column names you don't control, then you can avoid problems by always using the brackets.
In addition
Some Sharepoint databases contain hyphens in their names. Using square brackets in SQL Statements allow the names to be parsed correctly.
They are useful to identify each elements in SQL.
For example:
CREATE TABLE SchemaName.TableName (
This would actually create a table by the name SchemaName.TableName under default dbo schema even though the intention might be to create the table inside the SchemaName schema.
The correct way would be the following:
CREATE TABLE [SchemaName].[TableName] (
Now it it knows what is the table name and in which schema should it be created in (rightly in the SchemaName schema and not in the default dbo schema)
I believe it adds them there for consistency... they're only required when you have a space or special character in the column name, but it's cleaner to just include them all the time when the IDE generates SQL.
