Streaming a remote file - c

i'm new to fmod, and I'm trying to use it for a simple application.
I just need to open a remote music file (mostly mp3, and if that can help I can transcode on the server to always have mp3).
When I try to
FMOD_System_CreateSound(system, "", FMOD_SOFTWARE | FMOD_2D | FMOD_CREATESTREAM, 0, &song);
That works fine, it open and play the mp3 fine.
But, when I try to do what I realy need :
FMOD_System_CreateSound(system, "", FMOD_SOFTWARE | FMOD_2D | FMOD_CREATESTREAM, 0, &song);
It just don't works.
That link for example would return a stream.mp3 file, but FMOD just fail on it.
Is there a way to make it works ?
I guess the problem is FMOD just don't find the filename in the link, but I can't change the link :/
If it's not possible, is there a way to make fmod works with curl (curl download the file perfectly), like a function to call for each part of the file ?

The main issue with session ID based URLs is they can get quite long. Old versions of FMOD only supported 256 characters (causing truncation and failure to load), but any recent supported version allows up to 1024 characters.
I would recommend updating to a more recent version of FMOD and report back if you have any troubles.


Issues with syslog on Raspbian using gnu c++ 11

Ok so I am having problems with syslog on Raspbian Stretch. I am trying to write to /var/log/blah.log using local0 as my facility. I am using gnu C++ 11 As the application is being written in C++ so I trying to create a logging class.
My /etc/syslog.conf has the following entry
local0.* /var/log/blah.log
... and I have restarted the service and the Pi.
My code to open the log is as follows:
...and my logging code is:
syslog(LOG_INFO | LOG_LOCAL0, fullMessage.c_str());
There is no /var/log/blah.log file created and no log entries written, although the message is written to the console as I am using LOG_CONS.
If I replace LOG_LOCAL0 with LOG_USER I am successfully able write to user.log.
I do want to be able to write to the custom log file because:
a) it is easy to ask a user to look at that file for debugging purposes
b) it should work!!
As I have stated I have looked through the numerous posts on this site and others and still cannot get it top work so posting links to man pages and other articles won't help!

Problems downloading expansion files

I've uploaded my app to google. It has been published. My main exp file was uploaded with app version code 2 and it still bears the same name. My main app is right now at version code 4 and is still using the main.2 exp file.
I've already tested the file with my app through debug.
I've created a test account and i'm signed in on the device with that account and tried downloading 20 minutes after creating that test account.
I believe my file size is correct too. I'm using the the size from the properties 155,630,535 bytes and set it to 155630535L. There is another one called as size on disk which I'm not using.
I've uploaded my apk over 12 hours ago.
Really don't know where I'm going wrong. The only thing I wonder about is my version name which is 1.13. Do I need to use this anywhere?
I'm having problems downloading my expansion files. Initially I was getting 'download failed because you may not have purchased this app'. Now after recompiling (export file) the apk file and uninstalling it and reinstalling it to my device, I've uploaded it to my publish account and now I get 'resources could not be found'. Please help...
ok. I've resolved my issues after a lot of struggling by myself.
First, it's the size of the file in bytes only and not the size of the file in bytes on the disk.
Secondly, they have moved the test account into settings. You need to create a test account.
Thirdly, the app needs to be saved in draft mode. The expansion files will not download while testing using the test account, if the app has been published.
I hope this will help someone.
Some helfull information for people that end up here in this post since there are some things that changed in the way apk expansions work and also if you are using Android Studio to make the libraries work.
You can't use draft anymore as the link to get the expansion file won't be active yet. You have to upload a version to Alpha or Beta first with expansion file. (adding an expansion file is only possible from the second apk you upload and up) So make sure you see the apk expansion file listed when you click the details in the developer publish section under APK.
If you are using android studio and want to make use of the downloader library don't just copy the package name and java files into your own app src directory. Import the downloader library in eclipse and choose export => gradle build files. Afterwards you can import the library as a module in android studio.
Not sure of this but I also think it's neccesary to download the app atleast once through the play store and have access to it with the account on your test device. So if you are working with alpha create a google+ test group and add yourself or other test devices to it.
With these libraries it's pretty easy to implement the apk expansion download just make sure:
your activity (the one where you want to implement the downloading
of the expansion pack when the downloading has not been done
automatically) implements IDownloaderClient.
you set up the service & receiver and set them up in your manifest.
The BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY in the service class is correct. Upload the
first apk => look in Services and API's in the developer console
under your app => License code for this app.
This code is used to see if the expansion file can be found on the device:
boolean expansionFilesDelivered() {
for (XAPKFile xf : xAPKS) {
String fileName = Helpers.getExpansionAPKFileName(this, xf.mIsMain, xf.mFileVersion);
Log.i(TAG, "Expansion filename " +fileName);
if (!Helpers.doesFileExist(this, fileName, xf.mFileSize, false))
return false;
return true;
It uses the class XAPKS wich represents an expansion file, be it either a main or patch file, having a certain filesize(bytes) and associated with a apk version (the one it was first added in).
private static class XAPKFile {
public final boolean mIsMain; // true
public final int mFileVersion; //example 4
public final long mFileSize; //example 126515695L
// example => main expansion that was first introduced in apk version 4 and is 126515695 bytes in size
XAPKFile(boolean isMain, int fileVersion, long fileSize) {
mIsMain = isMain;
mFileVersion = fileVersion;
mFileSize = fileSize;
Its also quite easy to read movie files and other stuff directly from the expansion file using the zip tools that google has provided (
First get the expansionfile using the methods provided in the library, the paremeters are integers that represent your main expansion apk version (the apk version where the expansion pack you need was first added) and the patch apk version.
ZipResourceFile expansionFile = APKExpansionSupport.getAPKExpansionZipFile(context, APKX_MAIN_APK, APKX_PATCH_APK);
For playing video directly from this zipresourcefile:
AssetFileDescriptor a = expansionFile.getAssetFileDescriptor(pathToFileInsideZip);
Now from this assetFileDescriptor you can get a FileDescriptor and use this in your mediaplayer, the correct syntax to get your mediaplayer to play the video also needs the second and third parameter.. Be it the startoffset and length you can get from the AssetFileDescriptor.
player.setDataSource(a.getFileDescriptor(), a.getStartOffset(), a.getLength());
For all the other stuff (like images) you can just get an inputstream of the zipresourcefile:
ALSO make sure you don't compress the videos in the zip for this to work!
for example not to compress .mp4 files:
zip -n .mp4 -r . -x ".*" -x "*/.*"

How to play .m4s file given in mpd of MPEG-DASH on player?

I have downloaded the MPDs "" and all related .m4s files.
I tried running it on VLC player. But the format is not recognized by VLC player.
I have downloaded this media segment using wget (1 to 14 segments are available)
Can anybody tell me solution how to run .m4s format file on player?
System: Ubuntu 11.10
You need the initialization segment. It is often named "00" or "init" or doesn't have a sequence number like the other files, and often ends in ".mp4" rather than ".m4s". Then you just concatenate the files together. You can start anywhere in the sequence so long as you begin with the initialization segment.
For example
cat init.mp4 *.m4s > output.mp4
Then you have a playable mp4 file with content, assuming there is no encryption (DRM) applied to it.
.m4s file format is ISO Base Media File. i.e. MPEG-4 Part 14. read specs for more info you may get m4s player for windows. As far as I know on Linux platform GPAC will help. You can create your own MPD from any media source using MP4Box a GPAC tool.
You can use MP4Client for playing your DASHed Media from MPD. Actually .m4s's separate segment is not able to play by its own bcoz player should know Codec and mime type to play any media and m4s is not supported by any player, i.e. it has its own header and data (moof & mdat).
For playing MPD which contains many m4s segment (you can make your own MPD or download each audio and video segment separately from any MPD & put it in to a same folder):
install GPAC.
$MP4Client MYWorld.mpd will open Osmo4 player and you can see your video is playing. Enjoy..
FYI, local streaming server can also play this video:
$MP4Client http://localhost/MYWorld.mpd
if not working change segmentAlignment flag, i.e. <AdaptationSet segmentAlignment="true" subsegmentAlignment="true">.
you can play it using GPAC player, installing it with all the third party codecs also -
some ppl claim that they are able use vlc, i have not tested it.
Try this in the OSX terminal:
open -a Osmo4 example.mpd
It works for me.

What is causing the scaleX method of Imager class to fail?

This is a cross post from Perl Monks and Mahalo answers, where I have not received a satisfactory response yet. Thanks for your time and spirit:
Why do I get this error message from perl:
Can't call method "scaleY" on an undefined value at C:/strawberry/perl +/site/lib/ Image/ line 137?
I am getting the error in the title when calling the Image::Seek module from my script. My script is basically a rehash of the module's suggested code.
Here's the error again:
Can't call method "scaleY" on an undefined value at C:/strawberry/perl +/site/lib/ Image/ line 137.
Here's my code:
use Imager;
use Image::Seek qw(loaddb add_image query_id savedb);
my $img = Imager->new("photo-1.jpg")
or die Imager->errstr;
# my $img = Imager->new();
# $img->open(file => "photo-1.jpg")or die Imager->errstr;
add_image($img, 1);
Here's the section of the Image::Seek module causing the issue:
sub add_image_imager {
my ($img, $id) = #_;
my ($reds, $blues, $greens);
require Imager;
my $thumb = $img->scaleX(pixels => 128)->scaleY(pixels => 128);
for my $y (0..127) {
my #cols = $thumb->getscanline(y => $y);
for (#cols) {
my ($r, $g, $b) = $_->rgba;
$reds .= chr($r); $blues .= chr($b); $greens .= chr($g);
addImage($id, $reds, $greens, $blues); }
Line 137 is:
my $thumb = $img->scaleX(pixels => 128)->scaleY(pixels => 128);
If I remove
->scaleY(pixels => 128)
then line 129:
my #cols = $thumb->getscanline(y => $y);
gives me essentially the same error.
At this point I'm just trying to add one image to the database. There is an image in the directory where I'm running the script to add the image, named "photo-216.jpg". If I change the name to "photo-1.jpg" or "photo-0.jpg" and change the corresponding "add_image" and "query_id" to respectively 1 or 0, it's the same result.
I do have a database that is 385 KB big that comes from running below, but it is filled with null characters. I renamed this "haar.db". This is the database that gives me the error. If I recreate the haar.db file as an empty one, then the script hangs and after a couple of minutes, it give this different message:
"This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information."
If there is no "haar.db" the file still gives me the error in this post's title and unlike running, gives me no database named "haar.db".
By the way I get multiple examples of this post's title error also when trying to run this database filling script:, which I was alluding to before. I obviously removed the .txt extension before trying it. The script is from this Japanese site:
If I run in a directory of 2423 scanned collectible postage stamps images, I get 362 instances of the error. The 2423 stamps is the number I have after removing the "small" thumbnail versions which I orignally thought might be causing the issue.
Could it be, that some of the images are less than 128 pixels and that is the issue? However if this is true why does the database get filled with null characters?...Unless they are not really null even though the editor I'm using, Notebook++, says they are.
Also note my images are of stamps which are only sometimes perfect squares. Otherwise, sometimes they are "landscape" sometimes "portrait". Maybe the issue is when the "landscape" scaled images get an X axis of 128 pixels and then their Y axis ends up less or much less. Could this be?
Thanks much
Update: Answer completely re-organized.
Image::Seek is not checking if
scaleX returned error. In your case, for some images, scaleX is failing.
You seem to know for which images scaleX is failing. So, leave your current
code aside, and put together a short test script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Imager;
die "Specify image file name\n" unless #ARGV;
my ($imgfile) = #ARGV;
my $img = Imager->new;
$img->read( file => $imgfile )
or die "Cannot read '$imgfile': ", $img->errstr;
my $x_scaled = $img->scaleX( pixels => 128 )
or die 'scaleX failed: ', $img->errstr;
my $thumb = $x_scaled->scaleY( pixels => 128 )
or die 'scaleY failed: ', $x_scaled->errstr;
Running this test script, you got the error message:
Cannot read 'photo-1.jpg': format 'jpeg' not supported - formats bmp,
ico, pnm, raw, sgi, tga available for reading
indicating the underlying problem: When you installed Imager via Strawberry
Perl's cpan, the libraries for png, jpg etc were not installed. One
solution is to build those libraries with the gcc compiler provided with
Strawberry Perl.
First, you will need zlib.
C:\Temp\zlib-1.2.3> copy win32\Makefile.gcc Makefile
Set prefix = /strawberry/c/local in the Makefile. Compile. You may have to
manually copy the files zlib.h and zconf.h to
C:\strawberry\c\local\include and zlib1.dll, libz.a and libzdll.a to
C:\strawberry\c\local\lib (I don't know because I do not use Strawberry Perl very often and my Strawberry environment is very neglected.)
Then, get libpng. I used the source archive without config script.
C:\Temp\libpng-1.2.38> copy scripts\makefile.mingw Makefile
C:\Temp\libpng-1.2.38> make prefix=/strawberry/c/local ZLIBLIB=/strawberry/c/local/lib ZLIBINC=/strawberry/c/local/include
This built the PNG library. Again, you may have to manually copy the .dll,
.a and .h files to the appropriate directories. I did because of my less
than perfect Strawberry environment.
Finally, get the JPEG library.
C:\Temp\jpeg-7> copy Makefile.ansi Makefile
Make sure to edit this file and set CC=gcc. Customize jconfig.h according
to the instructions in jconfig.txt. I used as a basis.
You might also want to set
SYSDEPMEM= jmemansi.o
in Makefile, and
#define DEFAULT_MAX_MEM 4*1024*1024
in jconfig.h. After running make, again copy the files as needed (and as explained by install.txt).
Once the libraries are installed, you can
C:\Temp> SET IM_INCPATH=C:\strawberry\c\local\include
C:\Temp> SET IM_LIBPATH=C:\strawberry\c\local\lib
C:\Temp> cpan
cpan> force install Imager
which yields:
gif: includes not found - libraries not found
ungif: includes not found - libraries not found
jpeg: includes found - libraries found
png: includes found - libraries found
tiff: includes not found - libraries not found
freetype2: includes not found - libraries not found
freetype2: not available
T1-fonts: includes not found - libraries not found
TT-fonts: includes not found - libraries not found
w32: includes found - libraries found
If all of this is too much work, it is ... sigh I just realized the
binaries are available at GnuWin32.

How can I make the printer work in C in MS VC++ Express edition?

I am using VC++ 2008 express edition for C. When I try to run this:
/* Demonstrates printer output. */
#include <stdio.h>
float f = 2.0134;
fprintf(stdprn, "This message is printed.\n\n");
fprintf(stdprn, "And now some numbers:\n\n");
fprintf(stdprn, "The square of %f is %f.", f, f*f);
/* Send a form feed */
fprintf(stdprn, "\f");
I get four of these errors: error C2065: 'stdprn' : undeclared identifier.
On this forum, they wrote that it works to define the printer as follows:
FILE *printer;
printer = fopen("PRN", "w");
It builds with a warning that fopen is unsafe. When it runs the error appears:
Debug Assertion fails.
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\fprintf.c
Line: 55
Expression: (str != NULL)
The stdprn stream was an extension provided by Borland compilers - as far as I know, MS have never supported it. Regarding the use of fopen to open the printer device, I don't think this will work with any recent versions of Windows, but a couple of things to try:
use PRN: as the name instead of PRN (note the colon)
try opening the specific device using (for example) LPT1: (once again, note the colon). This will of course not work if you don't have a printer attached.
don't depend on a printer dialog coming up - you are not really using the WIndows printing system when you take this approach (and so it probably won't solve your problem, but is worth a try).
I do not have a printer attached, but I do have the Microsoft XPS document writer installed, s it shoulod at least bring up the standard Windows Print dialog from which one can choose the printer.
No. It wouldn't bring up a dialogue. This is because you are flushing data out to a file. And not going through the circuitous Win32 API.
The print doesn't work because the data is not proper PDL -- something that the printer could understand. For the print to work fine, you need to push in a PDL file, with language specific constructs. This varies from printer to printer, a PS printer will need you to push in a PostScript snippet, a PCL -- a PCL command-set and in case of MXDW you will have to write up XML based page description markup and create a zip file (with all resources embedded in it) i.e. an XPS file to get proper printout.
The PDL constructs are important because otherwise the printer doesn't know where to put the data, which color to print it on, what orientation to use, how many copies to print and so on and so forth.
Edit: I am curious why you are doing this. I understand portability is probably something you are trying to address. But apart from that, I'd like to know, there may be better alternatives available. Win32 Print Subsytem APIs are something that you ought to lookup if you are trying to print programmatically on Windows with any degree of fidelity.
EDIT It builds with a warning that fopen is unsafe.
This is because MS suggests you use the safer versions nowadays fopen_s . See Security Enhancements in the CRT.
When it runs the error appears:
Debug Assertion fails. File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\fprintf.c Line: 55
Expression: (str != NULL)
This is because fopen (whose return value you do not check) returns a NULL pointer. The file open failed. Also, if it did succeed a matching fclose call is called for.
There's no such thing as stdprn in ANSI C, it was a nonstandard extension provided by some compilers many years ago.
Today to print you have to use the specific APIs provided on your platform; to print on Windows you have to use the printing APIs to manage the printing of the document and obtain a DC to the printer and the GDI APIs to perform the actual drawing on the DC.
On UNIX-like OSes, instead, usually CUPS is used.
You can substitute the printer using this command with net use, see here on the MSDN kb
NET USE LPT1 \\server_name\printer_name
There is an excellent chapter on printing in DOS using the BIOS, ok, its a bit antiquated but interesting to read purely for nostalgic sake.
Onto your problem, you may need to use CreateFile to open the LPT1 port, see here for an example, I have it duplicated it here, for your benefit.
// handle error
ov.hEvent = CreateEvent(0, false, false, 0);
char szData[] = "1234567890";
if (!WriteFile(hFile,szData, 10, &p, &ov))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
// handle error
// Wait for write op to complete (maximum 3 second)
DWORD dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(ov.hEvent, 3000);
if (dwWait == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// it took more than 3 seconds
} else if (dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// the write op completed,
// call GetOverlappedResult(...)
But if you insist on opening the LPT1 port directly, error checking is omitted...
FILE *prn = fopen("lpt1", "w");
fprintf(prn, "Hello World\n\f");
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
