Struct initialization problem in C - c

I seem to be having a problem setting the values of an array inside a structure with a meaningless error spat out of the compiler:
expected primary-expression before '{' token
I understand that a structure must "exist" to accept values, and it exists as a pointer to one. I would like you to explain to me what i am doing wrong and how to achieve my objective.
struct EventCheckData {
unsigned long refresh_time;
unsigned long last_execution_ms; //Can also serve to delay at startup
byte signal_type;
struct ClockData {
struct EventCheckData event_array[4];
byte event_count;
unsigned long last_absolute_time;
UISignal *warning_signals;
void ResetClock(UISignal *warning_signal, struct ClockData *clock_data, unsigned long absolute_time) {
if(SignalCheckValue(warning_signal, RESET_CLOCK, 1)) {
extern volatile unsigned long timer0_overflow_count;
timer0_overflow_count = 0;
clock_data->last_absolute_time = absolute_time;
clock_data->event_count = 3;
(clock_data->event_array)[0] = { .refresh_time = 3000UL, .last_execution_ms = 0UL, .signal_type = WATER_PUMP_ON};
// clock_data->event_array[1] = {10000UL, 0UL, EXPORT_LOG};
// clock_data->event_array[2] = {100000UL, 0UL, EXTERNAL_CONNECTION};
SignalSet(warning_signal, RESET_CLOCK, 0);
Thank you
Paulo Neves

(clock_data->event_array)[0] = { .refresh_time = 3000UL, .last_execution_ms = 0UL, .signal_type = WATER_PUMP_ON}; is not initialization. It is assignment.
And you cannot use initializer syntax in assignment.
With C99, you should be able to use a compound literal, like
(clock_data->event_array)[0] = (struct EventCheckData){ .refresh_time = 3000UL, .last_execution_ms = 0UL, .signal_type = WATER_PUMP_ON};

The way you are assigning it looks like an initializer. You need assignment, try a compound literal:
clock_data->event_array[0] = (struct EventCheckData){ .refresh_time = 3000UL, ...};

Without any C99 stuff you can simply use:
void ResetClock(UISignal *warning_signal, struct ClockData *clock_data, unsigned long absolute_time) {
if(SignalCheckValue(warning_signal, RESET_CLOCK, 1)) {
extern volatile unsigned long timer0_overflow_count;
timer0_overflow_count = 0;
clock_data->last_absolute_time = absolute_time;
clock_data->event_count = 3;
struct EventCheckData a[]={ {3000UL, 0UL, WATER_PUMP_ON},
{10000UL, 0UL, EXPORT_LOG},
memcpy(clock_data->event_array,a,sizeof a);
SignalSet(warning_signal, RESET_CLOCK, 0);


Can I access my union using the arrow operator (->)?

I would like to know whether or not I can use the arrow operator in my union and I don't have access to my build environment.
Let's say that I have the following union
union max30205_raw_data {
struct {
uint8_t lsb;
uint8_t msb;
struct {
uint16_t magnitude_bits:15;
uint16_t sign_bit:1;
uint16_t uwrd;
int16_t swrd;
I will fill the content of the union in the following way, but I was wondering whether the access to the union member msb and lsb is correct?
int32_t max30205_read_reg16_WithDefUnion(char reg, max30205_raw_data *p_unionRawData) {
char aux[] = {0,0}
int32_t error;
if (reg == MAX30205_REG_TEMPERATURE || reg == MAX30205_REG_THYST_LOW_TRIP || reg == MAX30205_REG_TOS_HIGH_TRIP) {
error = twi_max30205_read(&myMax30205Instance,max30205Address,reg,&aux,sizeof(aux));
if(error == 0){
p_unionRawData->msb = aux[0];//IS THIS RIGHT IN C?
p_unionRawData->lsb = aux[1];//IS THIS RIGHT IN C?
return error;
I will call max30205_read_reg16_WithDefUnion()as
int16_t max30205MeasureTemperatureWithDefUnion(void) {
char regT = MAX30205_REG_TEMPERATURE;
max30205_raw_data rawTemp;
rawTemp.msb = 0;
rawTemp.lsb = 0;
rawTemp.swrd = 0;
int16_t temperatureValue = 0;
if (max30205_read_reg16_WithDefUnion(regT,&rawTemp) ==0)
temperatureValue = rawTemp.swrd;
return temperatureValue;
Yes. -> works with both pointers to structs and pointers to unions.

How to get the raw data of CR2 image using LibRaw(c++)

LibRaw is a library for reading RAW files from digital photo cameras (CRW/CR2, NEF, RAF, DNG, MOS, KDC, DCR, etc.; virtually all RAW formats are supported).
I want to know how to use LibRaw to get the raw data of a Canon CR2 image.
typedef struct
ushort (*image)[4] ;
libraw_image_sizes_t sizes;
libraw_iparams_t idata;
libraw_lensinfo_t lens;
libraw_makernotes_t makernotes;
libraw_shootinginfo_t shootinginfo;
libraw_output_params_t params;
unsigned int progress_flags;
unsigned int process_warnings;
libraw_colordata_t color;
libraw_imgother_t other;
libraw_thumbnail_t thumbnail;
libraw_rawdata_t rawdata;
void *parent_class;
} libraw_data_t;
typedef struct
void *raw_alloc;
ushort *raw_image;
ushort (*color4_image)[4] ;
ushort (*color3_image)[3];
float *float_image;
float (*float3_image)[3];
float (*float4_image)[4];
short (*ph1_cblack)[2];//
short (*ph1_rblack)[2];//
libraw_iparams_t iparams;//
libraw_image_sizes_t sizes;//
libraw_internal_output_params_t ioparams;//
libraw_colordata_t color;//
} libraw_rawdata_t;
This is the data structure of RAW data, I don't know which structure the most primitive data is stored in.
I have already got the answer, now download it below, I hope to help those in need.
int i,ret,verbose = 0,output_thumbs = 0;
char outfn [1024],thumbfn [1024];
//Create object
LibRaw RawProcessor;
putenv((char *)"TZ = UTC+8");
#define P1 RawProcessor.imgdata.idata
#define S RawProcessor.imgdata.sizes
#define C RawProcessor.imgdata.color
#define T RawProcessor.imgdata.thumbnail
#define P2 RawProcessor.imgdata.other
#define OUT RawProcessor.imgdata.params
OUT.output_tiff = 0; //
if((ret = RawProcessor.open_file(szFile))!= LIBRAW_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr,"Can not open%s:%s\n",szFile,libraw_strerror(ret));
return FALSE;
//RAW size
int height=S.raw_height;
int width=S.raw_width;
//image info
char timestamp[64]= {0};
tm* local = localtime(&P2.timestamp); //
strftime(LinsnData.imgdata.timestamp, 64, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", local);
if((ret = RawProcessor.unpack())!= LIBRAW_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr,"Can not unpack_thumb%s:%s\n",szFile,libraw_strerror(ret));
goto end;
WORD *bmpData=RawProcessor.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image;
int nWidth = width/2;
int nHeight = height/2;
WORD *m_bmpDataR = new WORD[nWidth*nHeight];
WORD *m_bmpDataG = new WORD[nWidth*nHeight];
WORD *m_bmpDataB = new WORD[nWidth*nHeight];
for(int i=0;i<nHeight;i++)
for(int j=0;j<nWidth;j++)
m_bmpDataB[i*nWidth+j] = bmpData[i*nWidth*4+nWidth*2+j*2+1];
m_bmpDataG[i*nWidth+j] = ((bmpData[i*nWidth*4+nWidth*2+j*2]+bmpData[i*nWidth*4+j*2+1])>>1);
m_bmpDataR[i*nWidth+j] = bmpData[i*nWidth*4+j*2];

adding two structs representing different types together

I have a struct like so:
typedef enum any_type{
} any_type;
typedef struct any{
any_type type;
char as_char;
unsigned char as_uchar;
short as_short;
unsigned short as_ushort;
int as_int;
unsigned int as_uint;
long as_long;
unsigned long as_ulong;
float as_float;
double as_double;
} any;
which represents a variable which is one of the types specified. There are four possible operations on these structs, which are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
My question is, is there an efficient way to do these operations on them without doing lots of if statements for every case? That would result in 4 * 10 * 10 = 400 if/else if statements for these four operations alone, which is certainly not efficient!
My code is in C
Thanks in advance.
To avoid a combinational nightmare, consider that there are 3 groups of types, unsigned integers, signed integers, floating point.
A goal is to determine which of the 3 groups the operation is to use. Then get the value of the operand per its type and the target group. Do the math per that group. Then save per the group and the highest ranking type.
For each of the 10 types, create 10 functions to fetch the data and return as the widest unsigned integer. Another 10 for signed integer and lastly 10 for floating point.
For each for the 10 types, do the same to create functions to set the data. So far 60 small functions.
To access the correct function, use a table look up in a function. 3 more functions for getting, 3 more for setting.
An example addition function is at the end. It looks for the highest ranking type and gets/adds/sets based on the one of 3 groups.
Now add 3 more functions for -,/,*. Total about 60 + 6 + 4 functions.
Bonus: To add a new function like %, only takes 1 more function to write.
typedef enum any_type{
// Insure these are in rank order
// ANY_TYPE_CHAR left out for now
} any_type;
typedef struct any{
any_type type;
signed char as_schar;
unsigned char as_uchar;
short as_short;
unsigned short as_ushort;
int as_int;
unsigned int as_uint;
long as_long;
unsigned long as_ulong;
float as_float;
double as_double;
} any;
unsigned long any_uget_schar(const any *x) {
return (unsigned long) x->as_schar;
unsigned long any_uget_uchar(const any *x) {
return x->as_uchar;
/* 8 more */
unsigned long any_get_unsigned(const any *x) {
static unsigned long (*uget[ANY_TYPE_N])(const any *x) = {
any_uget_schar, any_uget_uchar, /* 8 others */ };
assert(x->type < ANY_TYPE_N);
return (uget[x->type])(x);
signed long any_sget_schar(const any *x) {
return x->as_schar;
signed long any_sget_uchar(const any *x) {
return x->as_uchar;
/* 8 more */
signed long any_get_signed(const any *x) {
static signed long (*sget[ANY_TYPE_N])(const any *x) = {
any_sget_schar, any_sget_uchar, /* 8 others */ };
assert(x->type < ANY_TYPE_N);
return sget[x->type](x);
double any_get_fp(const any *x); // similar for floating point
void any_uset_schar(any *x, unsigned long y) {
x->as_schar = (signed char) y;
void any_uset_uchar(any *x, unsigned long y) {
x->as_uchar = (unsigned char) y;
/* 8 more */
void any_set_unsigned(any *x, unsigned long y) {
static void (*uset[ANY_TYPE_N])(any *x, unsigned long y) = {
any_uset_schar, any_uset_uchar, /* 8 others */ };
assert(x->type < ANY_TYPE_N);
/* 10 more for any_sset_... */
/* 10 more for any_fset_... */
static const char classify[] = "susususuff";
any any_get_add(any a, any b) {
any sum;
sum.type = max(a.type, b.type);
assert(sum.type < ANY_TYPE_N);
switch (classify[sum.type]) {
case 's':
any_set_signed(&sum, any_get_signed(&a) + any_get_signed(&b));
case 'u':
any_set_unsigned(&sum, any_get_unsigned(&a) + any_get_unsigned(&b));
case 'f':
any_set_fp(&sum, any_get_signed(&a) + any_get_signed(&b));
return sum;
This is going to require a lot of code, because combinatorial explosion is part of the problem.
Use a table-driven approach: define two tables, one for converting between types, and one for performing operations on them.
For conversion make a function pointer type
typedef any (*convert_any)(any val, any_type target);
and make a table of conversions keyed on any_type:
convert_any conversion[] = {
with implementations like this for each type (you'll need ten of these):
static any convert_char(any val, any_type target) {
any res = { .type = target };
switch (target) {
case ANY_TYPE_CHAR: res.as_char = val.as_char; break;
case ANY_TYPE_INT: res.as_int = (int)val.as_char; break;
return res;
For operations make another function pointer type:
typedef any (*operation_any)(any left, any right);
You will need to make a 3D array of such pointers - one for each triple of operation, the type of its left operand, and the type of its right operand.
Implementations would look like this:
static any add_int(any left, any right) {
any lhs = conversion[left.type](left, ANY_TYPE_INT);
any rhs = conversion[right.type](right, ANY_TYPE_INT);
any res {.type = ANY_TYPE_INT, .as_int = lhs.as_int + rhs.as_int};
return res;
static any add_double(any left, any right) {
any lhs = conversion[left.type](left, ANY_TYPE_DOUBLE);
any rhs = conversion[right.type](right, ANY_TYPE_DOUBLE);
any res {.type = ANY_TYPE_DOUBLE, .as_double = lhs.as_double + rhs.as_double };
return res;
There will be forty such implementations - one for each result type and operation pair. The 3D table will contain 400 entries, depending on the type of the result the operation needs to produce. The call will look up into 3D array, find operation_any pointer, pass two arguments, and get a result like this:
any res = operations[PLUS_OP][left.type][right.type](left, right);
You should make expr structure. This mean one node of AST (Abstruct Syntax Tree). And it have op. This mean +,-,*,/ for the lhs, rhs. do_expr caluculate expression. Finally, dump_any print the value.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
typedef enum any_type{
} any_type;
typedef struct any{
any_type type;
char as_char;
unsigned char as_uchar;
short as_short;
unsigned short as_ushort;
int as_int;
unsigned int as_uint;
long as_long;
unsigned long as_ulong;
float as_float;
double as_double;
} any;
typedef enum op_type{
} op_type;
typedef struct {
int op;
any lhs;
any rhs;
} expr;
do_expr(expr* e, any *r) {
switch (e->op) {
case OP_PLUS:
r->type = e->lhs.type;
r->as_int = e->lhs.as_int + e->rhs.as_int;
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "unknown operation\n");
return 1;
dump_any(any* a) {
switch (a->type) {
printf("%d\n", a->as_int);
assert(!"unknown type");
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
expr e1 = {
.op = OP_PLUS,
.lhs = { .type = ANY_TYPE_INT, as_int: 1, },
.rhs = { .type = ANY_TYPE_INT, as_int: 2, },
any ret;
if (do_expr(&e1, &ret) == 0) {
return 0;
Sorry, but you have to do case switching since the compiler has to generate different CPU instructions for different types. The kind of operation is defined by the choice of the variable.

Cycling through array goes over the count of elements

I have this array:
static const Layout layouts[] = {
{ "[]=", tile },
{ "><>", NULL },
{ "[M]", monocle },
This function should cycle through the array:
cyclelayout(const Arg *arg) {
static unsigned short int layout = 0;
if (++layout >= sizeof(layouts)/sizeof(layouts[0])) {
layout = 0;
setlayout( &((Arg) {.v = &layouts[layout]}));
When it is called it should set next layout or return to 0 if it goes beyond array elements. but it goes over the array elements and the program crashes. I cant figure out whats wrong?
Arg and Layout:
typedef union {
int i;
unsigned int ui;
float f;
const void *v;
} Arg;
typedef struct {
const char *symbol;
void (*arrange)(Monitor *);
} Layout;
Complete program:
int // This says to return an int.
cyclelayout(const Arg *arg) {
static unsigned short int layout = 0;
if (++layout >= sizeof(layouts)/sizeof(layouts[0])) {
layout = 0;
setlayout( &((Arg) {.v = &layouts[layout]})); // This doesn't look like valid C to me?
return 4; //
If your function should "cycle through an array", shouldn't it have a loop somewhere?
Loops come in the flavors:
I don't see any of those keywords in your function, so I conclude it doesn't "cycle" through anything.
My 2 cents:
you have an hidden if/else construct there, setLayout is part of the else clause, it's not a real error but you have something that is implicit and not readable to anyone, not explicit
you are using a pre-increment operator ++variable which returns a reference and not a copy of the object like the post-increment operator variable++ does, it's probably not the "quantity" that you want to use in a comparison
you are not returning any value considering that you have declared to return an int in the signature for your function
It will also help to know what is Arg and Layout as a type.

How to call pointer to function defined in typedef struct

what is wrong with the following code?
parseCounter1() and parseCounter1() below are two functions.
I put their pointers in const OptionValueStruct so that
they can be called accordingly when each element of option_values[]
are gone through:
typedef struct OptionValueStruct{
char counter_name[OPTION_LINE_SIZE];
int* counter_func;
} OptionValueStruct_t;
const OptionValueStruct option_values[] = {
{"Counter1", (*parseCounter1)(char*, char**)},
{"Counter2", (*parseCounter2)(char*, char**)},
const OptionValueStruct *option = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i< sizeof(option_values)/sizeof(OptionValueStruct_t); i++){
option = option_values + i ;
result = option->counter_func(opt_name, opt_val);
You have declared your counter_func member to be a pointer to an int, not a function pointer , while you have something resembling a function pointer declaration in your option values. Here's what you want (assuming your return type is int )
typedef struct OptionValueStruct{
char counter_name[OPTION_LINE_SIZE];
int (*counter_func)(char*, char**);
} OptionValueStruct_t;
const OptionValueStruct_t option_values[] = {
{"Counter1", parseCounter1},
{"Counter2", parseCounter2},
for(int i = 0; i< sizeof(option_values)/sizeof(OptionValueStruct_t); i++){
result = option_values[i]->counter_func(opt_name, opt_val);
// don't know what you relly want to do with result further on..
If you are compiling as C code (as your tag suggests), then you should change the type of option_values[] and option to OptionValueStruct_t. In C++, however, this is OK.
Alternatively, you can eliminate the trailing _t from the custom type name.
