Hi I have 2 domains in grails app, which is related and I got the problem when I tried to delete items.
Event {
String eventName;
Date eventDate;
Fee eventFee ;
constraints = {
String feeName ;
My problem is when I tried to delete the fee, even if there are no event that attached to that, it will raise en erorr : ConstraintException.
How to solve the problem and how to link between those 2 domains ?
ps: I am using grails 1.2xxx and database mysql
That probably happens because the Fee object that you are trying to delete is being referred to by some Event object. You can see the Events by the following (pseudo-)code:
def fee = Fee.get(<id>)
Event.findAllByEventFee(fee).each {
println it
You can then set the eventFee to null for each event and delete the fee:
event.eventFee = null
I think the relationship is miscoded, you should refered to Fee in
Event {
String eventName;
Date eventDate;
static hasOne=[eventFee:Fee] ;
constraints = {
String feeName ;
I've very much enjoyed being able to shorten my code by using reference in my Table objects as well as referencedOn and referrersOn in my Entities. But as I've gotten further with my project, I've realized that I might have to undo all that work and recreate these processes manually in the event that the rows being referenced are deleted.
Is there any way of keeping these without risking IllegalStateExceptions (like being able to provide a default foreign key you know exists), or will I have to give it all up for manual reference methods?
Here is a minimal example:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
/* Connecting to DB here */
transaction {
val timesheets = TimeSheet.all()
println("Printing time sheet list:")
timesheets.forEach { sheet ->
println("Time Sheet Object for employee ${sheet.employee}\n$sheet")
/* Disconnecting to DB */
object EmployeeTable : IdTable<UUID>("employeeTable") {
override val id = uuid("EmployeeUID").entityId().primaryKey()
object TimeSheetTable : IdTable<Int>("timeSheetTable") {
override val id = integer("JobUID").primaryKey().autoIncrement().entityId()
val employee = reference("EmployeeUID", EmployeeTable)
class Employee(id: EntityID<UUID>) : UUIDEntity(id) {
companion object : UUIDEntityClass<Employee>(EmployeeTable)
class TimeSheet(id: EntityID<Int>) : IntEntity(id) {
companion object : IntEntityClass<TimeSheet>(TimeSheetTable)
var employee by Employee referencedOn TimeSheetTable.employee
Once the list of time sheets tries to print a row where a Employee UID doesn't match any Employee rows, it'll throw:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find employeeTable WHERE id=some-invalid-id-string
This is a code to create a new task when stage is inserted or updated to Closed Won
trigger ClosedOpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
List<Task> tl = new List<Task>();
for(Opportunity op : Trigger.new) {
if(Trigger.isInsert) {
if(Op.StageName == 'Closed Won') {
tl.add(new Task(Subject = 'Follow Up Test Task', WhatId = op.Id));
if(Trigger.isUpdate) {
if(Op.StageName == 'Closed Won'
&& Op.StageName != Trigger.oldMap.get(op.Id).StageName) {
tl.add(new Task(Subject = 'Follow Up Test Task', WhatId = op.Id));
if(tl.size()>0) {
insert tl;
Here, what does && Op.StageName != Trigger.oldMap.get(op.Id).StageName) do? Why do we use oldMap here?
Trigger.newMap is the map of IDs of new object values. Available in insert, update, and undelete triggers, and 'new' records can only be modified in before triggers.
Trigger.oldMap is the map of IDs of old object values. Available in update and delete triggers only.
if (Trigger.isUpdate) {
// Iterate updated opportunities
for (Opportunity o : Trigger.new) {
// Get the opportunity before update
Opportunity oldOpp = Trigger.oldMap.get(o.Id);
// Check if a value changed
if (o.Some_Value__c == oldOpp.Some_Value__c) {
System.debug('Value did not change.');
} else {
System.debug('Value changed!');
Note: I could have used Trigger.newMap instead of Trigger.new but I'd be looping through Trigger.newMap.values() instead - with the same end result. newMap is just a convenient way of getting the bulkified data in map form instead of a list.
We use old map to compare with the new value of the Some_Value__c custom field. If the two values differ then the field value has changed. Of course, if you read the code in the two if branches, this is obvious.
2 custom objects
whenever a new merchandise is created an auto invoice has to be created.As am new to apex,please bear with me.Any one please correct my code.
trigger createinvoice on Merchandise2__c (after insert,after update) {
list<Invoice2__c>line = new list<Invoice2__c>();
for(Merchandise2__c mer:Trigger.new){
Invoice2__c li = new Invoice2__c();
line =[select id from Invoice2__c ];
li.name = mer.Name;
li.id = mer.id;
insert line;
First remove the after update from your trigger unless you want a new invoice created each time someone updates the Merchandise record.
I'm not sure what you were trying to accomplish with the select line.
"line =[select id from Invoice__c];" this doesn't seem to accomplish anything. Also you're trying to set the id field of the invoice to the id of the merchandise record. You can't do that. You'll need a lookup field on the Invoice record that points to merchandise. Below I called it merchandiseKeyField.
Hope this helps.
trigger createinvoice on Merchandise2__c (after insert,after update) {
//if you don't remove after Update then check which trigger
list<Invoice2__c> invoices = new list<Invoice2__c>();
for(Merchandise__c mer: trigger.new){
invoices.add(new Invoice2__c(li.name = mer.name,
li.merchandiseKeyField = mer.id);
insert invoices;
replace your loop with this:
for(Merchandise2__c mer:Trigger.new){
Invoice2__c li = new Invoice2__c();
li.name = mer.Name;
Some background on the issue. From the front end, I have two select boxes with the multiple property. One box is for approved items, the other is for ignored items. I place these into a Map with the key being the company's UID, and the value either being "Y" or "N" depending on which box the UID is in. Inserting HashMap Values to a table using ibatis provided some assistance, but the answer involved manually putting the entries, where as I am dynamically creating the map, so not sure what the keys will be. Below is the code for the Java:
// Set up the map object for the back end
Map<Integer, String> posMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
// Get the approved mailers
String[] mailerList = request.getParameterValues("approved");
if (mailerList != null && mailerList.length > 0)
for(String mailer : mailerList)
posMap.put(Integer.parseInt(mailer), "Y");
// reset the mailerList
mailerList = null;
// get the ignored mailers
mailerList = request.getParameterValues("ignored");
if (mailerList != null && mailerList.length > 0)
for(String mailer : mailerList)
posSampleMap.put(Integer.parseInt(mailer), "N");
// only update POS if the map is not empty
Normally, I would have something like this in the mapper.xml file:
<update id="updatePOSSampling" parameterType="hashmap">
UPDATE <table_name>
SET sampling_enabled = ${myMapValue}
WHERE mailer_name = ${myMapKey}
In the link I provided, they were manually putting in the keys and values, and as such, the example IBATIS could refer to the key. Since I'm not sure what my key is, what would be the best way to generate this query? I've got a temporary workaround of sending a two dimension array, but I feel using a Map DO would be a better way. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Using cakephp:
I am trying to update customer information and the address the customer is linked to.
such that Customer.address_id = Address.id, and
Customer Model
$belongsTo = 'Address';
From the customers_controller
function profile($id = null)
if (empty($this->data['Customer']))
$this->Customer->id = $id;
$this->data = $this->Customer->read();
$this->Customer->id = $this->data['Customer']['id'];
Customer correctly updates, but Address always inserts a new row. How do I get this address to update?
first of all, take away lines 11 and 12. those serve no purpose. make sure your view contains form elements for Customer.id and Address.id. If you are just updating the Address you dont need line 13 either. The short answer is that Cakephp will insert row instead of update if the primary key is missing. In your case this means [Address][id].