capturing network packet in c - c

This question might sound fool, because I know there are bunch of frameworks that does it for you. What I want is actually get in touch with low level C API deeply and able to write a program that sits on computer and intercepts packets between local machine and outer spaces. I tried to figure it out by looking at open source code (i.e. tcpdump) but it's quite difficult for me to find out which file actually performs network sniffing. Any suggestions would be appreciated !

You have to use raw socket. Here's an example.
At least for what concern Linux and Unix like operating systems. I don't know about Windows.

If you're using a UNIX based system[*] then the simplest mechanism is libpcap, which is part of the tcpdump project.
Your process will need root privileges to be able to access the network interface (as would also be the case with raw sockets).
Usually you'll end up having to decode ethernet frames, IP headers, etc yourself, although for most protocols this isn't that hard.
[*] It is actually available for Win32 as well, but I've not used it under Windows myself.


Fetch dropped packet count of an interface with netlink sockets

I am familiar with different tools (like netstat, tcpdump, etc.) and files (like /sys/class/net/<dev>/statistics) with which we can get the count.
But can anyone tell me if there is a way of getting that information directly from the kernel, using netlink sockets?
Sure, take a look at IFLA_STATS. You may want to check the ifstat.c file of the iproute2 package, which is pretty much the standard tool to interact with netlink.

How to create a custom packet in c?

I'm trying to make a custom packet using C using the TCP/IP protocol. When I say custom, I mean being able to change any value from the packet; ex: MAC, IP address and so on.
I tried searching around but I can't find anything that is actually guiding me or giving me example source codes.
How can I create a custom packet or where should I look for guidance?
A relatively easy tool to do this that is portable is libpcap. It's better known for receiving raw packets (and indeed it's better you play with that first as you can compare received packets with your hand crafted ones) but the little known pcap_sendpacket will actually send a raw packet.
If you want to do it from scratch yourself, open a socket with AF_PACKET and SOCK_RAW (that's for Linux, other OS's may vary) - for example see and the full code at . Note you need to be root (or more accurately have the appropriate capability) to do this.
Also note that if you are trying to send raw tcp/udp packets, one problem you will have is disabling the network stack automatically processing the reply (either by treating it as addressed to an existing IP address or attempting to forward it).
Doing this sort of this is not as simple as you think. Controlling the data above the IP layer is relatively easy using normal socket APIs, but controlling data below is a bit more involved. Most operating systems make changing lower-level protocol information difficult since the kernel itself manages network connections and doesn't want you messing things up. Beyond that, there are other platform differences, network controls, etc that can play havoc on you.
You should look into some of the libraries that are out there to do this. Some examples:
libnet -
libdnet -
If your goal is to spoof packets, you should read up on network-based spoofing mitigation techniques too (for example egress filtering to prevent spoofed packets from exiting a network).

BSD Packet Interception (Not Copying)

I want to get in the middle of packet forwarding (Not routing). For example, the system is a layer 2 bridge between hosts and their gateway. I want to check the layer 7 for string or whatever "foo" and forward/drop/delay the packet based on the result. What I am having trouble with is intercepting the packet.
What I have read so far:
I know I can get the copy of packet from BPF device (Usenix paper by Steven McCanne and Van Jacobson ). that's good for sniffing but not for me.
I can access the PF device and set the filtering rules which is good for forwarding or dropping decisions, but not for inspection. man pf (4)
I can get packets into the ALTQ queues, BUT I do not know how to access the individual packets located in the queue. man altq(9)
I have also looking into the source code for PF(/usr/src/sys/contrib/pf/net ), PFCTL (/usr/src/contrib/pf/pfctl) and ALTQ(/usr/src/sys/contrib/altq/altq).
On FreeBSD 9.1 machine
I am not C expert, but I am good with it.
Maybe I am getting tired today with all the reading and missed something trivial. Please forgive me if so. Plus, this will be a very good find fro those looking into the subject.
P.S. There is a way of controlling the flow of "foo", by detecting "foo" in packet and denying the answer to that from coming back by setting up the filter for answer to that request. This is NOT what I am trying to achieve. I do not want the packet to leave the system if it should not.
EDIT 2 P.S. There is a great way of doing this on Linux. I can achieve everything I mentioned here on Linux with libnetfilter_queue. I will not bother posting solution here because there are many many many tutorials on how to do it on Linux.
In conclusion, I am still looking for answer on how to do this on BSD. As far as I can understand, I need to write a wrapper/library based on pf (because there is no such thing on the net - otherwise I should have found it already), that does the same thing as libnetfilter with it's libnetfilter_queue library. Or I could somehow dig into libnetfilter and port it to FreeBSD, but since it is based on iptables, only thing I can get from digging into libnetfilter library is logic and algorithms not the actual code itself, which by itself could prove to be of no use to me.
FreeBSD 9.1 has an userspace framework for packet access called netmap. It was recently introduced and has an amazing performance scale. It does very simple but powerful thing - just mmaps the NIC buffers to userspace portion of memory and detaches the packet processing from host stack, this was exactly what I needed the rest is on me.
If anyone needs any goods reference for this, please refer to man netmap (4)
Have a look at OpenDPI or nDPI.
Check out the "Divert Sockets" in BSD implementation as well. Unlike Netmap, it is not zero-copy (IMHO) however it can work with ipfw in order to implement the necessary filters in order to filter packages you want to process.

Kernel bypass for UDP and TCP on Linux- what does it involve?

[...]a network driver called OpenOnload that use “kernel bypass” techniques to run the application and network driver together in user space and, well, bypass the kernel. This allows the application side of the connection to process many more messages per second with lower and more consistent latency.
If you’re a developer or architect who has fought with context switching for years kernel bypass may feel like cheating, but fortunately it’s completely within the rules.
What are the functions needed to do such kernel bypassing?
A TCP offload engine will "just work", no special application programming needed. It doesn't bypass the whole kernel, it just moves some of the TCP/IP stack from the kernel to the network card, so the driver is slightly higher level. The kernel API is the same.
TCP offload engine is supported by most modern gigabit interfaces.
Alternatively, if you mean "running code on a SolarFlare network adapter's embedded processor/FPGA 'Application Onload Engine'", then... that's card-specific. You're basically writing code for an embedded system, so you need to say which kind of card you're using.
Okay, so the question is not straight forward to answer without knowing how the kernel handles the network stack.
In generel the network stack is made up of a lot of layers, with the lowest one being the actual hardware, typically this hardware is supported by means of drivers (one for each network interface), the nic's typically provide very simple interfaces, think recieve and send raw data.
On top of this physical connection, with the ability to recieve and send data is a lot of protocols, which are layered as well, near the bottem is the ip protocol, which basically allows you to specify the reciever of your information, while at the top you'll find TCP which supports stable connections.
So in order to answer your question, you most first figure out which part of the network stack you'll need to replace, and what you'll need to do. From my understanding of your question it seems like you'll want to keep the original network stack, and then just sometimes use your own, and in that case you should really just implement the strategy pattern, and make it possible to state which packets should be handled by which toplevel of the network stack.
Depending on how the network stack is implemented in linux, you may or may not be able to achieve this, without kernel changes. In a microkernel architecture, where each part of the network stack is implemented in its own service, this would be trivial, as you would simply pipe your lower parts of the network stack to your strategy pattern, and have this pipe the input to the required network toplevel layers.
Do you perhaps want to send and recieve raw IP packets?
Basically you will need to fill in headers and data in a ip-packet.
There are some examples here on how to send raw ethernet packets:
To handle TCP/IP on your own, i think that you might need to disable the TCP driver in a custom kernel, and then write your own user space server that reads raw ip.
It's probably not that efficient though...

Communicate between two systems using only MAC address

I want to know how to communicate between two systems using only MAC address using C program (without using IP address). I think this is raw ethernet communication. My requirement is to send data from client to server only by using the MAC address. May be this can be done by creating our own raw ethernet frame.
Please help me regarding this. If anybody has written code in C, please share.
This link may help you,
The libpcap library allows you to assemble raw Ethernet packets and send them directly to an adapter: the hardest part being the discovery of the correct adapter. This is designed for C/C++ usage on most platforms (Win PCAP etc.).
Be sure this is what you want though: I have seen several projects where raw Ethernet packet interfaces have been used, only for more and more protocol to be put in place for re-transmission and windowing etc. until you end up with your own version of TCP/IP (only one that hasn't been tested by millions of people using Windows/Linux or whatever your platform is). Most Ethernet chips have functions to accelerate TCP/IP stacks these days too: so you will be missing out on that too.
Here are examples for C#, maybe you can leverage this. The right code depends on OS and even from the used chips when programming for microcontrollers.
