WPF Child Windows problem in Windows XP - wpf

I have written a WPF program that when user clicked a button, a new window will be popped up.
I have tried to show the new window by using Show() or ShowDialog() function.
In Windows 7, when user closed the child window, the main window will remain and the program will not exit. This behavior is what I want to have.
However, when the program is run in Windows XP, when user closed the child window, the main window will be closed together and the whole program will be exited.
I have tried to set different value in different properties in Window class, finally, I found that the program will not exit only when I set the property "ShowInTaskbar" to "False" in child window.
However, if ShowInTaskbar is set to false, user cannot find the entry in task bar which is not the behavior that I want.
What I want to have is really simple. I just want the program running in Windows XP to have the same behavior as the program running in Windows 7 when user closed the child window (i.e. main window will not exit when user closed the child window). Also, I want to have an entry in task bar for a newly created child window(i.e. ShowInTaskbar = true).
Does anyone have any idea about this problem?
<Window x:Class="ChildWindowTest.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Button Click="OpenChild">Open Child Window</Button>
Code For MainWindow:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void OpenChild(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ChildWindow child = new ChildWindow();
child.Owner = this;
//child.ShowInTaskbar = false; <--- if comment, the program will exit, when child window closed
Child Window:
<Window x:Class="ChildWindowTest.ChildWindow"
Title="ChildWindow" Height="300" Width="300">
Code for Child Window:
public partial class ChildWindow : Window
public ChildWindow()

Not an elegant solution at all, but you always can subscribe to Closing event in Application class and cancel application closing in an event handler.

Did u make sure you have childWindow.Owner set as our MainWindow correctly before calling childWindow.ShowDialog()?


Why WPF CommandBinding with one button is effecting the other button?

My following code is Implementing a custom WPF Command. I have bonded only the first button (titled Exit) with the CommandBinding so that when Exit button is clicked and e.CanExecute is true in CommandBinding_CanExecute event, the CommandBinding_Executed event closes the app. This scenario works fine with Exit button. But, when btnTest button - that is not bonded with any command - is clicked, CommandBinding_CanExecute event also gets called. This can be tested by placing a breakpoint on the btnTest_Click event and noticing that after the code exits this event the cursor goes to CommandBinding_CanExecute event.
Question: Why the btnTest button is also calling CommandBinding_CanExecute event despite that fact that CommandBinding is used only on Exit button. What I may be missing here, and how can we fix the issue?
Remarks For brevity I have simplified the issue. But in real scenario e.CanExecute value in CommandBinding_CanExecute is set to true by calling a function that performs a long complex logic that returns true or false based on certain scenario for the Exit button. And I don't want that long logic to be performed when other buttons (e.g. btnTest) is clicked.
<Window x:Class="WpfApp1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<Button Content="Exit" Command="local:CustomCommands.Exit">
<CommandBinding Command="local:CustomCommands.Exit" CanExecute="CommandBinding_CanExecute" Executed="CommandBinding_Executed"/>
<Button x:Name="btnTest" Content="Test" Click="btnTest_Click" Margin="10"/>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void btnTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Why this event is calling ExitCommand_CanExecute");
private void CommandBinding_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
e.CanExecute = true;
private void CommandBinding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
public static class CustomCommands
public static readonly RoutedUICommand Exit = new RoutedUICommand
new InputGestureCollection()
new KeyGesture(Key.F4, ModifierKeys.Alt)
What makes you think btnTest is calling CommandBinding_CanExecute? It doesn't.
The CanExecute method of the command is called by the CommandManager whenever it wants to know the current status of the command. You don't control when this happens. The framework does. It's not connected to the btnTest.
If you have some complex logic in CanExecute, you should consider creating a custom command class that implements the ICommand interface and raise the CanExecuteChanged event whenever you want the framework to refresh the status of the command by calling its CanExecute method. This way you can control when the command should be refreshed.
You could then bind the Command property of the Button to an instance of your custom command class. If you google for "DelegateCommand" or "RelayCommand", you should find a lot of examples. This blog post may be a good starting point.
Any interaction with the UI which is considered by the designers of wpf to be significant will indirectly initiate a check of all bound canexecute.
The idea being you changed something, did something or other. Best check if all these commands should still be enabled.
It's actually commandmanager.requerysuggested() that is invoked.
This doesn't directly invoke canexecute.
What it does is tells commands they should go check whether they can still be executed.
This isn't completely insane because whilst your button's command is invoking some code then there's a fair chance if the user clicks some other button then your viewmodel will be partly updated or in some indeterminate state,
You should never drive other logic using canexecute.
It is very common to add a bool IsBusy to a base viewmodel and check that to see if anything is doing stuff and you should not allow the user to do something else.
An extra check within commands on IsBusy is part of this pattern.

WPF window wont release its resources untill program terminates

I have been reading up on WPF memory handling and have followed every top 5 and top 8 Memory leak Pitfalls, but nothing helps me in my current situation.
I have had an issue with my software where WPF won't release it memory until the program terminates. If I let it go forever it will cause an OutOfMemoryException no matter what I do. I have managed to isolate the issue within a small sample to show how it is not releasing its memory, even though I do not use it anymore. Here is how I can reproduce the problem:
I created 2 projects, one console program, and one WPF Application. In my WPF application I have a MainWindow.xaml which has nothing in it:
<Window x:Class="MemoryLeakWpfApp.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800" Loaded="MainWindow_OnLoaded">
I do subscribe to the Loaded event which I use to instantly close the window which can be seen in the .cs file here:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
Debug.WriteLine("Deconstructing", GetType().Name);
private void MainWindow_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
I also have added debug lines to my constructor and deconstructor so I can track when it is created and discarded. I then create a Controller class in the WPF application which represents the entry point to this WPF class library that has a method to create and show the window:
public class Controller
public void Execute()
MainWindow window = new MainWindow();
Debug.WriteLine("Constructing", GetType().Name);
Debug.WriteLine("Deconstructing", GetType().Name);
Here I also added debug track lines. I don't have an App.xaml as this WPF project is set as a Class Library in its properties. That is the WPF Part. In the console project I added the following code to my main class:
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Controller controller = new Controller();
Console.WriteLine("Test " + i);
Console.WriteLine("Pressing enter will close this");
Debug.WriteLine("Party is over, lets leave");
So basically the setup is that I have a console class that wants to show a dialog. It creates the controller for the WPF application and calls Execute. The controller show the window that immediately closes when it has done loading. The console class then creates a new controller to do the process all over again. Now, this is what I see in my output:
MainWindow: Constructing
Controller: Constructing
MainWindow: Constructing
Controller: Constructing
Controller: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Constructing
Controller: Constructing
Controller: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Constructing
Controller: Constructing
Controller: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Constructing
Controller: Constructing
Controller: Deconstructing
The controller is constructing and deconstructing, but the window is not. However, when the for loop is complete and I press enter to let the program run out, I get this:
Party is over, lets leave
MainWindow: Deconstructing
Controller: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
Controller: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
MainWindow: Deconstructing
Suddenly all the instances of the MainWindow are now deconstructing, but only when the program runs out, not when we discard the reference in the for loop. This means that in our program we only have a finite number of times we can open the window before an OutOfMemoryException will occur.
But the million and a half dollar question is: How can I persuade WPF to release its memory while the program is running and not when the program closes?
You claim being an [STAThread] yet you have no message pump. Without a message pump you are not truely STA. In this particular case this means WPF never gets the chance to clean up its resources. WPF is probably posting messages to the message queue which are never picked up.
Since WPF is a multithreaded system it has to perform background operations, including synchronizing between multiple threads. To get back to the main thread it uses the Dispatcher infrastructure, which you have not setup correctly.
To fix your problem you need to be running a WPF Dispatcher on the STA thread, not implementing your own loop.
Also, for completeness, link to a related post which brought me here. Make sure you measure the right thing after setting up the dispatcher infrastructure.
So following Peter Duniho comment in the question I set out to test if a WindowService to reuse the windows would be useful and it did. Here is the very crude service I created in the sample project:
public class ViewFactory
private static ViewFactory _instance;
private MainWindow mainWindow = null;
private ViewFactory()
Debug.WriteLine("ViewFactory created");
mainWindow = new MainWindow();
public static ViewFactory Instance
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new ViewFactory();
return _instance;
public MainWindow GetMainWindow()
return mainWindow;
Now with this system, I needed to adjust my view, because I cannot close my window at any time, as this will release some resources and therefore I would not be able to reuse to the window. In the view I have to subscribe to the closing event:
<Window x:Class="MemoryLeakWpfApp.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800" Loaded="MainWindow_OnLoaded" Closing="MainWindow_OnClosing">
And in the code-behind file the handler looks like this:
private void MainWindow_OnClosing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true;
Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
This handler stops any attempt to close the window and just hides it. When ShowDialog is called it will show it again. I have tested this for hours on my software and the memory is stable.

How to get all windows close when you select 'Close All Windows' on the app's taskbar icon?

So I've been doing research on this for quite a few weeks now, and haven't really come up with an answer on why this doesn't work properly... I've even researched JumpLists to see if this was what I was looking for, but also to no avail. This problem relates to when you attempt to select 'Close All Windows' by right clicking an app's icon on the task bar...
For example, here is an EXTREMELY small and simple WPF application I wrote to demonstrate the problem I am having. Here is the app's icon in the task bar with its choices on the context menu for it...
I am selecting the choice 'Close all windows', for reference (the bottom one, with the X to the left of it).
This is a WPF application and here is the code for App.xaml:
<Application x:Class="CloseAllWindows.App"
Here is App.xaml.cs, which launches the MainWindow. It also sets the application's MainWindow property to the MainWindow that is instantiated. It also sets ShutdownMode to be only when the main window is closed... I don't want the application to still run if the main window is closed and some secondary windows are left open.
using System.Windows;
namespace CloseAllWindows
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for App.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class App : Application
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose;
var mainWindow = new MainWindow();
Application.Current.MainWindow = mainWindow;
Here is the code for MainWindow.xaml:
<Window x:Class="CloseAllWindows.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Button Content="NewWindow" Click="ButtonBase_OnClick"></Button>
And here is the code behind for it... which launches a secondary window when I click a button. It is setting the parent window (Owner property) to the main window, like all the examples I've seen say it should be set, and then call Show() on it.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows;
namespace CloseAllWindows
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var childWindow = new ChildWindow {Owner = this};
Here is the code for the child window, ChildWindow.xaml:
<Window x:Class="CloseAllWindows.ChildWindow"
Title="ChildWindow" Height="300" Width="300">
And it's corresponding code behind, ChildWindow.xaml.cs:
using System;
using System.Windows;
namespace CloseAllWindows
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for ChildWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class ChildWindow : Window
public ChildWindow()
As you can see, these classes do not do very much... it was the simplest example of code I could write that shows the problem I am having. So the issue is, if I select Close all windows from the task bar context menu, it never closes all the windows. Instead, it will close the one child window, and still leave the main window open. Interestingly, I hear the windows dialogue chime when I do this, almost like its getting interrupted by something, but I have no idea what.
It also appears to act very randomly... if I spawn 20 windows, it will sometimes close 6 of the windows, then all of them... sometimes it will close a few windows one by one, then close the rest... sometimes it will close all child windows and leave only the main window open. Needless to say, I am pretty baffled as to the behaviour since it doesn't seem to follow any noticeable pattern... any help greatly appreciated! And hopefully the example is good enough to explain what I am trying to get at....
Well you could add an event that will close every window the event is implanted in. try this example:
step 1: add a class to your project call it whatever you want, I called it CloseWindowListener, add this code to your class:
public static class CloseWindowListener
public static event EventHandler<EventArgs> ClosingWindows;
public static void CloseWindows()
var CWindows = ClosingWindows;
if (CWindows != null)
CWindows(null, EventArgs.Empty);
step 2: Add the event handler to the window you desire to close when it is called.
public partial class TestWindow1 : Window
public TestWindow1 ()
CloseWindowListener.ClosingWindows += CloseWindowListener_ClosingWindows;
private void CloseWindowListener_ClosingWindows(object sender, EventArgs e)
step 3: simply call the event from your main window or where ever you want.
private void button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Open new window after first

How can this be done
Login window appears first and if every thing is fine just close login window and open second Main window.
in win forms we modify program.cs but in wpf there is no program.cs.
Any solutions.?
Actully i did most of the work in the window that is created By default and now want to make it secondary(mean it should appear and then close when wanted giving control to new window)
<Application x:Class="DevnMark_V1._0.App"
public partial class App : Application
private void Application_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
var login = new MainWindow();
if (myAppSett.Default.validated == true)
var mainWindow = new DevNMarkMainWindow();
Login Window start XML
<Window x:Class="DevnMark_V1._0.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="292" Width="563" WindowStyle="None" BorderBrush="#FF0A6277" AllowsTransparency="True" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" Topmost="True">
Exception occurs when i close Login window and occurs at point InitializeComponent();of second window when it is viewed when it is going to be initilized
I solved this problem in this way:
I removed from App.xaml the StartupUri="MainWinodw.xaml", leaving only Startup="Application_Startup".
In Application_Startup, I IMMEDIATELY referenced both login and main windows:
loginwindow Login = new loginwindow();
mainwindow Main = new mainwindow();
I verified my Login, then closed the login window and opened the main window with a simple .Show():
if (!Login.DialogResult.HasValue || !Login.DialogResult.Value)
No changes in ShutdownMode.
There may be no program.cs, but there is an App.xaml.cs in the default WPF program template and you can do the same thing there.
What you want to do is remove StartupUri="LoginWindow.xaml" from App.xaml and then modify App.xaml.cs's constructor to invoke your login window and your main window, like this:
public App() : base() {
bool authenticated = false;
LoginWindow login;
while (!authenticated)
login = new LoginWindow();
authenticated = ValidUser(login.username, login.password);
MainWindow main = new MainWindow(login.username);
The above example assumes you've added username and password as public properties to LoginWindow, and that you've modified MainWindow's constructor to take a parameter.
The proposed OnExplicitShutdown method works and you can avoid explicitly shutting the app down in the second window simply by opening it with ShowDialog followed by this.Shutdown(), all in App.xaml thus not interfering with the rest of the application.

ShowDialog makes app window disappear from windows' Alt-Tab list?

i am new to WPF, and i am trying to open a modal dialog from inside my main window:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
protected void OpenCommandExecuted(object target, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
DataSearchWindow w = new DataSearchWindow();
w.Owner = this;
and XAML for my DataSearchWindow looks like this:
<Window x:Class="DataSearchWindow"
Everything works until I press Alt-Tab to switch to another application. When I do that my application disappears from the list shown when Alt-Tab is pressed. It is still in the taskbar and I can return to it using mouse, bu not with Alt-Tab. Has anyone seen this?
This is because of the modal dialog - you cannot Alt-Tab back to the application until the dialog is closed. Since the WindowStyle is set as ToolWindow, it won't show up in Alt-Tab. However, if it were a regular window, the dialog window would show up in Alt-Tab.
Note that this isn't a WPF issue - it is consistent with, for example, a Windows Forms application.
