Windows Form Login - winforms

What is the easiest way to remember a users details within a winform application.
Basically I have an application which requires a login. How do I hold a session like value within the application so I can easily query who is logged in etc.

Here's more info on this subject:


Azure AD | Conflict when logged in with another Azure Account

I have a MVC application that uses Azure AD and OpenID Connect OWIN middlewares to handle authentication. Everything works fine except for one thing : if a user is already logged-in on another Microsoft Application lets say a Office 365 account or maybe a live mail account, when trying to login it recives a page saying that it is not allowed to log into my app, which is correct, but some how I need to catch that situation in my code to allow the user to sign in with a different account. Is there a way of doing that? This is by design? I mean : the user have to log in only with a live/azure account at the time ? I couldn't find any documentation about this.
As of today there is typically one user at a time, but we will soon support for you a way to select a specific user instead of automatically signing you in with the most recent one.
One way you can work around this today is by injecting the parameter "prompt=login" in your sign in requests. You can do that in the RedirectToIdentityProvider notifications, similarly to what is showin in for domain_hint. This will cause the sign in experience to always start with a fresh prompt even if the user is already signed in. The draw back is that you'll never get SSO this way. Hopefully our account switiching feature will become available soon, keep an eye on for announcements

apex how to login to another application from link in one application?

I have two applications in my workspace, APP 1 and APP 2.
In my case, user will log in to APP 1. from there, i put a menu(or a link) to APP 2. however APP 2 requires authentication. So it will take me to a login page. i would like to eliminate that and get the current user's credentials on APP 1 and login to APP 2.
i'm looking for a simple straightforward method (but need to consider security) to login to APP 2.
what i could think of is apex_collection..i could store credentials n use it to create a login process for APP 2. however apex_collection is session based. eventhough i've set session for APP 2, it still wont read values from my apex_collection.
Does anyone have a suggestion or a solution?
All you need to do is use the same authentication scheme in both applications and set the cookie name attribute to the same value in both authentication schemes like this:
APEX will then use the same session across the two applications and the user will not have to log in again when they navigate from one to the other, provided of course that you pass the SESSION_ID in the URL.
A Few Comments on Default APEX Workspace Authentication Security
It may also be helpful to expand on an explanation of why the solution posted by #TonyAndrews works.
For any Apex Apps within the same workspace, if they use the default "APEX Application Authentication" method, they will consult the same authentication user list... so USER1 and its password is a valid login for any of the "neighboring" applications...
This may be a concern if you are hosting different clients or users that should not be intermingling with the other applications. You can also define user GROUPS in the same place as you set up each workspace user. Each application can have its own security filter that permits access by membership of BOTH user/password authentication AND membership in the appropriate access group.
Sharing workspaces may also be a problem because of the unique user name restriction of a single workspace. You can get around that by:
Defining different name-spaces for each application:
Email addresses are good: ""
An app id prefix such as: SHOP_EDNA, SHOP_GARRETT, TC_KAREN, TC_MARLOWE, MY_BORIS etc.
Different name styles: first name only, first name + last initial, etc.
To keep things simple, you can always just spin up a brand new workspace: a warning however is that common user names like `ADMIN` are NOT the same between separate workspaces. There shouldn't be much concern however because apps or workspace users may have the same or different schema access privileges to the database back end.
A Word of Caution to Administrators and Developers:
When you go live with an application or multiple applications on a user-facing system, keep in mind the deployment destination (i.e., the workspace) and what else is sharing that workspace. There are some real situations where apps are not intended to be shared or accessed by other "inside" users. Be sure to read up and understand the security constraints and methods of using Default Apex Authentication security so that it's more than luck that protects your own production/live deployed applications.
I do have the similar requirement, linking from one application page to another.
Tried the above mentioned solution, but still asking to login to second application. My Apex ver is 5.0.3 and trying in same workspace.
Created new authentication schemes for each app with same cookie name and set them as current authentication. Scheme type are Application express accounts.
Setting the link as below from first app page to second.
Could anyone provide a solution, please?
Just an update on this.
I am currently using v21.2 and this is how I do it:
In both applications, go to Shared Components > Authentication Schemes > (Select your Auth Scheme);
Scroll down to Session Sharing and select 'Workspace Sharing';
In one of the applications (source), create a link (as a Navigation Bar List entry, for example) like f?p=173:1:&SESSION., where 173 is the target application ID and 1 is the target page.
After some research, I've found out that this feature (Session Sharing Type) is available since v18 of APEX.

How do I integrate the FB Javascript API with custom database

I am new to Facebook development.
Is it possible to have a website login with Facebook + a non-FB database?
Specifically I would like my users to access Facebook information similar to Sociogram ( which I have gotten working with my own website app, but also tie in additional user information that Facebook does not keep - so that my users only have to have one login.
Any info on where to start researching would be helpful.
As you are talking about having your own database, i can guide you like this.
Use facebook javascript login to get premissions from user and save them to your database in which you may have other details to be added later for your website purpose
When you save details once from first login, you dont need to save them on next login. So Write code so that on first login check your database for user existance and if not then add him to database.
And in that database you can add extra field that facebook wont save like his height for example.
For this to happen you must have server side scripting knowledge to store the details to database. If you need further more details, i am here to answer.

How to apply security in windows form?

In windows forms, how can we track the login user, for example in web application we maintain session for that, after user login we maintain the "id" in session and we check in every page for that "id" using session, like that is there any way to do in window application.
I don't think so - and there is also no reason.
Sessions on Webservers are made for identifying a user (on it's session-id) over multiple-requests.

Silverlight 4: Business Application Template

I am developing a Silverlight 4 application which is based upon Business Application Template.
I am interested to ask user to login and display a login form as soon as user arrives to my site. I need to makes sure that the user cannot see/navigate to any other page of the application until he/she logs in.
How can I achieve this functionality?
How about adding the following in your Home.xaml.cs.
LoginRegistrationWindow loginWindow = new LoginRegistrationWindow();
This will just prompt the user. You can check the status of whether he is logged on or not using the code in LoginStatus.xaml.cs
