Windows equivalent to sync() - c

I do most of my programming on embedded processors, or on linux. When i need to sync data to my persistant store, i usually use the sync(2) system call. Is there an equivelent for Windows?
FlushFileBuffers with a handle to a volume. You have to do this for every volume :(

Use FlushFileBuffers, but you need a handle to the file you need flushed.

If you are using posix file functions (fopen() etc.), you can use _flushall:

See here:
When you initially open your file using fopen, include the "c" mode option as the LAST OPTION:
fopen( path, "wc") // w - write mode, c - allow immediate commit to disk
Then when you want to force a flush to disk, call
We made this call before calling
Note that this approach does NOT required Administrative rights, which FlushFileBuffers does require.
From that above site:
"Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 introduces the "c" mode option for the fopen()
function. When an application opens a file and specifies the "c" mode, the
run-time library writes the contents of the file buffer to disk when the
application calls the fflush() or _flushall() function. "


Is it possible to fake a file stream, such as stdin, in C?

I am working on an embedded system with no filesystem and I need to execute programs that take input data from files specified via command like arguments or directly from stdin.
I know it is possible to bake-in the file data with the binary using the method from this answer: C/C++ with GCC: Statically add resource files to executable/library but currently I would need to rewrite all the programs to access the data in a new way.
Is it possible to bake-in a text file, for example, and access it using a fake file pointer to stdin when running the program?
If your system is an OS-less bare-metal system, then your C library will have "retargetting" stubs or hooks that you need to implement to hook the library into the platform. This will typically include low-level I/O functions such as open(), read(), write(), seek() etc. You can implement these as you wish to implement the basic stdin, stdout, stderr streams (in POSIX and most other implementations they will have fixed file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 respectively, and do not need to be explicitly opened), file I/O and in this case for managing an arbitrary memory block.
open() for example will be passed a file or device name (the string may be interpreted any way you wish), and will return a file descriptor. You might perhaps recognise "cfgdata:" as a device name to access your "memory file", and you would return a unique descriptor that is then passed into read(). You use the descriptor to reference data for managing the stream; probably little more that an index that is incremented by the number if characters read. The same index may be set directly by the seek() implementation.
Once you have implemented these functions, the higher level stdio functions or even C++ iostreams will work normally for the devices or filesystems you have supported in your low level implementation.
As commented, you could use the POSIX fmemopen function. You'll need a libc providing it, e.g. musl-libc or possibly glibc. BTW for benchmarking purposes you might install some tiny Linux-like OS on your hardware, e.g. uclinux

How to disable Operating System(Ubuntu) cache in C program

As far as I know, I can disable OS cache through use open() with O_DIRECT. But How to do that if I am willing to use fopen() instead of open()?
I think due to the alignment requirements of the O_DIRECT flag it's not possible (see that question). The f...() - IO family uses an internal buffer to cache IO operation and I don't think that a standard implementation would align that buffer appropriately.
For special purposes, I could think of two non-portable solutions:
If you are sure, that your file system doesn't require any special alignment, you could use fdopen():
int fd = open( ....., O_WRONLY|O_DIRECT );
FILE *fp = fdopen( fd, "w" );
If you are working on linux only, using fopencookie() could be a solution:
Use cookie to transort the 'real' fd from open() and provide a write function that copies the data to an appropriately aligned buffer and then calls write() (I have never used fopencookie(), but I think it could be worth trying if using a non-standard GNU extension isn't a NoGo)
In both cases be aware that f-...() I/O functions still do internal buffering so real write()s may not occur before you call fflush() or fclose()
After each read/write from the file, you can call fflush() to force the file to dump all user space buffers to lower level buffers. syncfs() may be of use to you to force the kernel to clear all buffers to disk. If you need greater control at a lower level, you will probably just have to use open() instead of fopen().
You may also want to expore available ioctl() calls for your disk and memory devices to see if caching can be disabled systemwide at that level.

flush without sync

From what I've read, flush pushes data into the OS buffers and sync makes sure that data goes down to the storage media. So, if you want to be sure that data is actually written to disk, you need to do a flush followed by a sync. So, are there any cases where you want to call flush but not sync?
You only want to fflush if you're using stdio's FILE *. This writes a user space buffer to the kernel.
The other answers seem to be missing fdatasync. This is the system call you want to flush a specific file descriptor to disk.
When you fflush, you flush the buffer of one file to disk (unless you give NULL, in which case it flushes all open files).
When you sync, you flush all the buffers to disk.
The most important thing that you should notice is that fflush is a standard function, while sync is a system call provided by the operating system (Linux for example).
So basically, if you are writing portable program, you in fact never use sync.
Yes, lots. Most programs most of the time would not bother to call any of the various sync operations; flushing the data into the kernel buffer pool as you close the file is sufficient. This is doubly true if you're using a journalled file system.
Note that flushing is a higher level operation than the read() or similar system calls. It is used by the C <stdio.h> library, or the C++ <iostream> library. The system calls inherently flush the data to the kernel buffer pool (or direct to disk if you're using direct I/O or something similar).
Note, too, that on POSIX-like systems, you can arrange for data sync etc by setting flags on the open() system call (O_SYNC, O_DSYNC, O_RSYNC), or subsequently via fcntl().
Just to clarify, fflush() applies only when using the FILE interface of UNIX that buffers writes at the application level. In case the normal write() call is used, fflush() makes little sense.
Having said that, I can think of two situations where you would like to call fflush() but not sync:
You want to make sure that the data will eventually make it to disk even though the application crashes.
Force to screen the data that the application has written to standard output so far.
The second case is the most common use I have seen and it is usually required if the printf() call does not end with a new line character ('\n').

How does scanf() work inside the OS?

I've been wondering how scanf()/printf() actually works in the hardware and OS levels. Where does the data flow and what exactly is the OS doing around these times? What calls does the OS make? And so on...
scanf() and printf() are functions in libc (the C standard library), and they call the read() and write() operating system syscalls respectively, talking to the file descriptors stdin and stdout respectively (fscanf and fprintf allow you to specify the file stream you want to read/write from).
Calls to read() and write() (and all syscalls) result in a 'context switch' out of your user-level application into kernel mode, which means it can perform privileged operations, such as talking directly to hardware. Depending on how you started the application, the 'stdin' and 'stdout' file descriptors are probably bound to a console device (such as tty0), or some sort of virtual console device (like that exposed by an xterm). read() and write() safely copy the data to/from a kernel buffer called a 'uio'.
The format-string conversion part of scanf and printf does not occur in kernel mode, but just in ordinary user mode (inside 'libc'), the general rule of thumb with syscalls is you switch to kernel mode as infrequently as possible, both to avoid the performance overhead of context switching, and for security (you need to be very careful about anything that happens in kernel mode! less code in kernel mode means less bugs/security holes in the operating system).
btw.. all of this was written from a unix perspective, I don't know how MS Windows works.
On my OS I am working with scanf and printf are based on functions getch() ant putch().
I think the OS just provides two streams, one for input and the other for output, the streams abstract away how the output data gets presented or where the input data comes from.
so what scanf & printf are doing are just adding bytes (or consuming bytes) from either streams.
scanf , printf etc internally all these types of functions can't be directly written in c/c++ language. internally they all are written in assembly language by the use of keword "asm", any thing written with keyword "asm" are directly introduced to object file irrespective of compilation (not changed even after compilation), and in assembly language we have got predefined codes which can implement all these functions ...... so in short SCANF PRINTF etc ALL ARE WRITTEN IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INTERNALLY. YOU CAN DESIGN YOUR OWN INPUT FUNCTION USING KEYWORD "ASM".

Force windows to write data through to the disk

I am programming win32 using fopen fread fwrite in C.
How can I force windows to write data through to the disk? Is than an API call for this?
I have a program that must absolutely make sure that data is saved to disk before it saves to a different indexing file, otherwise if there are crashes the index file can sometimes update but the other file doesn't causing a bad inconsistency.
fflush() does what you want. If you decide to use the Win32 APIs to do your file IO instead of the C STDIO lib, then supply the FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH flag to CreateFile(), which does exactly what you want.
Use fflush function after each fwrite
See the _commit function. Also at this other MSDN page. This only works with _open and other functions, so see this article - you can link your program with commode.obj to cause fflush to commit to the disk.
Beware that whatever function you use this will not save you against a power outage or hard reset. Hard disks play smart and can report that write has been finished even if they have just put the data into cache and have not actually written it onto surface.
See this archived KB article.
When you initially open your file using fopen, include the "c" mode option as the LAST OPTION:
fopen( path, "wc") // w - write mode, c - allow immediate commit to disk
Then when you want to force a flush to disk, call
We made this call before calling
The issue of writes not being persisted to disk caused us real problems, until we discovered this method.
From that above site:
"Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 introduces the "c" mode option for the fopen()
function. When an application opens a file and specifies the "c" mode, the
run-time library writes the contents of the file buffer to disk when the
application calls the fflush() or _flushall() function. "
