Counter variable passed to `msgpack_pack_int()` macro doesn't increment - c

I have a very odd issue trying to run this quite simple C program which is using zmq and msgpack.
There is no problem with server.c, however in clinet.c:39 there
is this msgpack_pack_int (&mpkg, i); and the value of i seems
to be picked up as 0 and doesn't change on each iteration. I
have tried a bunch of different things (e.g. making a pointer to
i and using that, also tried to split it into a function etc)
and nothing seems to help. I can see that msgpack_pack_int() is
a macro, but why it would introduce such a behaviour and what can
I do to overcome it? Is there a flag that could change the behaviour
of this kind of macro (as I see it expands to an inline function)...
I have tried -Werror -Wall, with gcc and clang, and nothing
comes up in warning either ;(*
I tried debugging it and i increments as expected.
I even tried this, and it would do the same thing anyway:
void pack (msgpack_packer *p, msgpack_sbuffer *b) {
static volatile int i = 0;
printf("\ni=%d\n", i);
msgpack_packer_init (p, b, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
msgpack_pack_array (p, 2);
msgpack_pack_int (p, i++);
msgpack_pack_str (p, "/i/am/a/clinet/");
I have even tried something which was supposed to be different, but no luck here either -
int count (void) {
static int i = 0;
i += 1; return i;
can anyone see why would this happen?
Update 1: Also I have recompiled msgpack library itself without optimization flags,
and that didn't change the behaviour either.
Update 2: Installed msgpack from the git repo and I get still have the same issue.

It turns out that on each iteration I was doing this:
msgpack_packer_init (&mpkg, &sbuf, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
that needs to be done only once, and this should be there instead:
msgpack_sbuffer_init (&sbuf);
msgpack_sbuffer_clear (&sbuf);
It was rather logical to put msg_pack* functions together and indeed
that was taken from the simple example and
the problem is really with the documentation, one extra comment would help!
Update: working version & version without memcpy.


Continuous "undefined reference to..."

I'm working on a program and I keep getting "undefined reference to 'dosell' " and I can't quite figure out what is going on. Here's the declaration of the function:
void dosell(int *cash, int *numchips);
The use of the function:
choice = menu();
// Execute the appropriate choice.
if (choice == 1) {
dobuy(&cash, &numchips);
else if (choice == 2) {
dosell(&cash, &numchips);
And the function itself:
void dosell(int *cash, int *numchips) {
int numsell;
// Determine the number of chips to be sold.
printf("How many chips do you want to sell?\n");
scanf("%d", &numsell);
// Print out the error message if this is too much.
if (numsell > *numchips)
printf("Sorry, you do not have that many chips. No chips sold.\n");
// Execute the transaction.
else {
(*cash) += sellchips(numsell);
(*numchips) -= numsell;
Put a declaration of the function at the beginning of the file i.e. before the main function and after the includes and defines:
void dosell(int *cash, int *numchips) ;
Transferring key comments into an answer
Is dosell() in the same file as the call to it? If not, are you linking both (all) the files to create the program?
What's with the }}} at the end of dosell(); it looks like a syntax error, unless you've accidentally managed to use a GCC extension — nested functions.
It actually takes quite a bit of effort to make GCC give you a warning about a nested function. You can do it by specifying a standard such as -std=c11 and -pedantic. However, you should not plan on using nested functions, especially not by accident.
I took a look at the }}} and what turns out is one of those was misplaced. One of brackets should have been at the end of the dobuy() function, which is immediately before the dosell() function. Because of this, it included dosell() within dobuy(), so it was as if I hadn't even written the dosell() function.
I observe that if your code had been indented by an automatic indenter, you would have seen that the start line for dosell() was indented, which would perhaps have tipped you off that there was something amiss. The symptoms you describe are exactly consistent with a nested function.

C: Segmentation fault and maybe GDB is lying to me

Here is a C function that segfaults:
void compileShaders(OGL_STATE_T *state) {
// First testing to see if I can access object properly. Correctly outputs:
// nsHandle: 6
state->nsHandle = 6;
printf("nsHandle: %d\n", state->nsHandle);
// Next testing if glCreateProgram() returns proper value. Correctly outputs:
// glCreateProgram: 1
printf("glCreateProgram: %d\n", glCreateProgram());
// Then the program segfaults on the following line according to gdb
state->nsHandle = glCreateProgram();
For the record state->nsHandle is of type GLuint and glCreateProgram() returns a GLuint so that shouldn't be my problem.
gdb says that my program segfaults on line 303 which is actually the comment line before that line. I don't know if that actually matters.
Is gdb lying to me? How do I debug this?
Turned off optimizations (-O3) and now it's working. If somebody could explain why that would be great though.
For the purpose of the comments, here's a watered down version of the important components:
typedef struct {
GLuint nsHandle;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
OGL_STATE_T _state, *state=&_state;
Here's a test I did:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
OGL_STATE_T _state, *state=&_state;
// Assign value and try to print it in other function
state->nsHandle = 5;
void compileShaders(OGL_STATE_T *state) {
// Test to see if the first call to state is getting optimized out
// Correctly outputs:
// nsHandle (At entry): 5
printf("nsHandle (At entry): %d\n", state->nsHandle);
Not sure if that helps anything or if the compiler would actually optimize the value from the main function.
Printed out pointer address in main and compileShaders and everything matches. So I'm gonna assume it's segfaulting somewhere else and gdb is lying to me about which line is actually causing it.
This is going to be guesswork based on what you have, but with optimization on this line:
state->nsHandle = 6;
printf("nsHandle: %d\n", state->nsHandle);
is probably optimized to just
printf("nsHandle: 6\n");
So the first access to state is where the segfault is. With optimization on GDB can report odd line numbers for where the issue is because the running code may no longer map cleanly to source code lines as you can see from the example above.
As mentioned in the comments, state is almost certainly not initialized. Some other difference in the optimized code is causing it to point to an invalid memory area whereas the non-optimized code it's pointing somewhere valid.
This might happen if you're doing something with pointers directly that prevents the optimizer from 'seeing' that a given variable is used.
A sanity check would be useful to check that state != 0 but it'll not help if it's non-zero but invalid.
You'd need to post the calling code for anyone to tell you more. However, you asked how to debug it -- I would print (or use GDB to view) the value of state when that function is entered, I imagine it will be vastly different in optimized and non-optimized versions. Then track back to the function call to work out why that's the case.
You posted the calling code -- that should be fine. Are you getting warnings when compiling (turn all the warnings on with -Wall). In any case my advice about printing the value of state in different scenarios still stands.
(removed comment about adding & since you edited the question again)
When you optimize your program, there is no more 1:1 mapping between source lines and emmitted code.
Typically, the compiler will reorder the code to be more efficient for your CPU, or will inline function call, etc...
This code is wrong:
It should be:
Well, you edited your post, so ignore the above fix.
Check for the NULL condition before de-referencing the pointer or reading it. If the values you pass are NULL or if the values stored are NULL then you will hit segfault without performing any checks.
FYI: GDB Can't Lie !
I ended up starting a new thread with more relevant information and somebody found the answer. New thread is here:
GCC: Segmentation fault and debugging program that only crashes when optimized

Is it possible to exchange a C function implementation at run time?

I have implemented a facade pattern that uses C functions underneath and I would like to test it properly.
I do not really have control over these C functions. They are implemented in a header. Right now I #ifdef to use the real headers in production and my mock headers in tests. Is there a way in C to exchange the C functions at runtime by overwriting the C function address or something? I would like to get rid of the #ifdef in my code.
To expand on Bart's answer, consider the following trivial example.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int (*functionPtr)(const char *format, ...);
int myPrintf(const char *fmt, ...)
char *tmpFmt = strdup(fmt);
int i;
for (i=0; i<strlen(tmpFmt); i++)
tmpFmt[i] = toupper(tmpFmt[i]);
// notice - we only print an upper case version of the format
// we totally disregard all but the first parameter to the function
int main()
functionPtr = printf;
functionPtr("Hello world! - %d\n", 2013);
functionPtr = myPrintf;
functionPtr("Hello world! - %d\n", 2013);
return 0;
Hello World! - 2013
It is strange that you even need an ifdef-selected header. The code-to-test and your mocks should have the exact same function signatures in order to be a correct mock of the module-to-test. The only thing that then changes between a production-compilation and a test-compilation would be which .o files you give to the linker.
It is possible With Typemock Isolator++ without creating unnecessary new levels of indirection. It can be done inside the test without altering your production code. Consider the following example:
You have the Sum function in your code:
int Sum(int a, int b)
return a+b;
And you want to replace it with Sigma for your test:
int Sigma(int a, int b)
int sum = 0;
for( ; 0<a ; a--)
sum += b;
return sum;
In your test, mock Sum before using it:
WHEN_CALLED: call the method you want to fake.
ANY_VAL: specify the args values for which the mock will apply. in this case any 2 integers.
*DoStaticOrGlobalInstead: The alternative behavior you want for Sum.
In this example we call Sigma instead.
void* context = NULL; //since Sum global it has no context
WHEN_CALLED(Sum (ANY_VAL(int), ANY_VAL(int))).DoStaticOrGlobalInstead(Sigma, context);
Assert::AreEqual(2, Sum(1,2));
It is possible to set other types of behaviors instead of calling an alternative method. You can throw an exception, return a value, ignore the method etc...
For instance:
WHEN_CALLED(Sum (ANY_VAL(int), ANY_VAL(int))).Return(10);
Assert::AreEqual(10, Sum(1,2));
I don't think it's a good idea to overwrite functions at runtime. For one thing, the executable segment may be set as read-only and even if it wasn't you could end up stepping on another function's code if your assembly is too large.
I think you should create something like a function pointer collection for the one and the other set of implementations you want to use. Every time you want to call a function, you'll be calling from the selected function pointer collection. Having done that, you may also have proxy functions (that simply call from the selected set) to hide the function pointer syntax.

Updated: When to "mortalize" a variable in Perl Inline::C

I am trying to wrap a C library into Perl. I have tinkered with XS but being unsuccessful I thought I should start simply with Inline::C. My question is on Mortalization. I have been reading perlguts as best as I am able, but am still confused. Do I need to call sv_2mortal on an SV* that is to be returned if I am not pushing it onto the stack?
(PS I really am working on a less than functional knowledge of C which is hurting me. I have a friend who knows C helping me, but he doesn't know any Perl).
I am providing a sample below. The function FLIGetLibVersion simply puts len characters of the library version onto char* ver. My question is will the version_return form of my C code leak memory?
N.B. any other comments on this code is welcomed.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.10.1;
use Inline (
C => 'DATA',
LIBS => '-lm -lfli',
say version_stack();
say version_return();
#include <stdio.h>
#include "libfli.h"
void version_stack() {
size_t len = 50;
char ver[len];
FLIGetLibVersion(ver, len);
SV* version_return() {
size_t len = 50;
char ver[len];
FLIGetLibVersion(ver, len);
SV* ret = newSVpv(ver, strlen(ver));
return ret;
In an attempt to answer this myself, I tried changing the line to
SV* ret = sv_2mortal(newSVpv(ver, strlen(ver)));
and now when I run the script I get the same output that I did previously plus an extra warning. Here is the output:
Software Development Library for Linux 1.99
Software Development Library for Linux 1.99
Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x2308aa8, Perl interpreter: 0x22cb010.
I imagine that this means that I don't need to mortalize in this case? I suspect that the error is saying that I marked for collection something that was already in line for collection. Can someone confirm for me that that is what that warning means?
I've been maintaining Set::Object for many years and had this question, too - perhaps best to look at the source of that code to see when stuff should be mortalised ( I know Set::Object has it right after many changes. I think though, it's whenever you're pushing the SV onto the return stack. Not sure how Inline changes all that.

Can you run a function on initialization in c?

Is there an mechanism or trick to run a function when a program loads?
What I'm trying to achieve...
void foo(void)
but obviously register_function won't run.
so a trick in C++ is to use initialization to make a function run
something like
int throwaway = register_function(foo);
but that doesn't work in C. So I'm looking for a way around this using standard C (nothing platform / compiler specific )
If you are using GCC, you can do this with a constructor function attribute, eg:
#include <stdio.h>
void foo() __attribute__((constructor));
void foo() {
printf("Hello, world!\n");
int main() { return 0; }
There is no portable way to do this in C, however.
If you don't mind messing with your build system, though, you have more options. For example, you can:
#define CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD(methodname) /* null definition */
Now write a build script to search for instances of CONSTRUCTOR_METHOD, and paste a sequence of calls to them into a function in a generated .c file. Invoke the generated function at the start of main().
Standard C does not support such an operation. If you don't wish to use compiler specific features to do this, then your next best bet might be to create a global static flag that is initialized to false. Then whenever someone invokes one of your operations that require the function pointer to be registered, you check that flag. If it is false you register the function then set the flag to true. Subsequent calls then won't have to perform the registration. This is similar to the lazy instantiation used in the OO Singleton design pattern.
There is no standard way of doing this although gcc provides a constructor attribute for functions.
The usual way of ensuring some pre-setup has been done (other than a simple variable initialization to a compile time value) is to make sure that all functions requiring that pre-setup. In other words, something like:
static int initialized = 0;
static int x;
int returnX (void) {
if (!initialized) {
x = complicatedFunction();
initialized = 1;
return x;
This is best done in a separate library since it insulates you from the implementation.
