C read call blocking on serial port operation - c

I am trying to write a C program in Linux to send and receive data from a microcontroller over the serial port. As a test, I have configured the microcontroller to immediately echo all characters sent. I have verified that this works in minicom and also by using "cat" and "echo" to send and receive data.
However, when I try to do the same in a C program, my read call blocks forever. I am setting the serial port to non-canonical mode, with a MIN of '1' and TIME of '0'. My minicom test proves that the microcontroller is returning characters as they are typed, so I expect read to return after the write call has sent characters. I have compared my code to several online examples, and I haven't found anything that I am missing. I have tried several permutations of the code below with no luck. Can someone spot the problem?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#define UART_SPEED B115200
char buf[512];
void init_serial (int fd)
struct termios termios;
int res;
res = tcgetattr (fd, &termios);
if (res < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Termios get error: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (-1);
cfsetispeed (&termios, UART_SPEED);
cfsetospeed (&termios, UART_SPEED);
termios.c_iflag &= ~(IGNPAR | IXON | IXOFF);
termios.c_iflag |= IGNPAR;
termios.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB | CSTOPB | CREAD | CLOCAL);
termios.c_cflag |= CS8;
termios.c_cflag |= CREAD;
termios.c_cflag |= CLOCAL;
termios.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
termios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
termios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
res = tcsetattr (fd, TCSANOW, &termios);
if (res < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Termios set error: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (-1);
int main (int argc, char **argv)
int fd;
int res;
int i;
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf (stderr, "Please enter device name\n");
return -1;
fd = open (argv[1], O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
if (fd < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open %s: %s\n", argv[1], strerror(errno));
return -1;
init_serial (fd);
res = write (fd, "P=20\r\n", 6);
if (res < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Write error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
tcdrain (fd);
res = read (fd, buf, 512);
printf ("%d\n", res);
if (res < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Read error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
for (i=0; i<res; i++) {
printf ("%c", buf[i]);
return 0;

You might want to insert some delays, or loop waiting for input.
After setting the bit rate, some types of UART hardware takes one or two characters at the new speed to synchronize to the new speed. It is possible the first few characters are being lost on the write.
After the six character write, the read is issued immediately with a 0.1 second timeout. It is possible that not all the characters from the write() have finished being transmitted before the read(), let alone any time for the remote device to respond.
For example, one solution is:
init_serial (fd);
usleep (100000); // delay 0.1 seconds (Linux) so term parameters have time to change
res = write (fd, "P=20\r\n", 6);
if (res < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Write error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
tcdrain (fd);
usleep (250000); // delay 0.25 for device to respond and return data
res = read (fd, buf, 512);
Another approach would be to continue reading until a sufficient number of characters arrive or a reasonable amount of time passes.


How to wait for byte to be written to serial GSM modem?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Using the following sample Canonical Mode Linux Serial Port, I start writing a little API in Cto send an AT command and receive the response via serial port.
I've no problem reading the response (used non blocking read with a poll) and no problem discovering the "at command" enabled device.
The problem I'm facing is with the write function. Most of the commands work (the smallest command like AT, ATI, ATI+CIMI etc). Sometimes a command like send SMS fails.
I think the problem is the speed of the write (quicker than serial).
All the problems DO NOT occur if I set a timer between a write and the next write.
The following is the code
int serial_write(int fd, char * command){
size_t len = strlen(command);
int wlen = write(fd, command, len);
if (wlen != len) {
return -1;
if ( tcdrain(fd) != 0){
return -2;
return 0;
int open_tty(char *portname){
int fd;
/*Aperta NON bloccante, con la poll che aspetta 1 secondo*/
fd = open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_SYNC | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd < 0) {
printf("Error opening %s: %s\n", portname, strerror(errno));
return -1;
/*baudrate 115200, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit */
if (set_interface_attribs(fd, B115200) < 0 ){
printf("Error set_interface_attribs: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
return fd;
int set_interface_attribs(int fd, int speed){
struct termios tty;
if (tcgetattr(fd, &tty) < 0) {
printf("Error from tcgetattr: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
if ( cfsetospeed(&tty, (speed_t)speed) < 0 ){
printf("Error from cfsetospeed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
if ( cfsetispeed(&tty, (speed_t)speed) < 0 ){
printf("Error from cfsetispeed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
tty.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD;
tty.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
tty.c_cflag |= CS8; /* 8-bit characters */
tty.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; /* no parity bit */
tty.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; /* only need 1 stop bit */
tty.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; /* no hardware flowcontrol */
tty.c_lflag |= ICANON | ISIG; /* canonical input */
tty.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHONL | IEXTEN);
tty.c_iflag &= ~IGNCR; /* preserve carriage return */
tty.c_iflag &= ~INPCK;
tty.c_iflag &= ~(INLCR | ICRNL | IUCLC | IMAXBEL);
tty.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); /* no SW flowcontrol */
tty.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
tty.c_cc[VEOL] = 0;
tty.c_cc[VEOL2] = 0;
tty.c_cc[VEOF] = 0x04;
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 10;
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tty) != 0) {
printf("Error from tcsetattr: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
return 0;
int read_response(int fd, char ** res){
int count=1; /* contatore realloc 1 per lo \0*/
tcdrain(fd); /* waits until all of the data that has been written has been sent */
struct pollfd fds[1];
fds[0].fd = fd;
fds[0].events = POLLIN ;
do {
unsigned char buf[MAXBUF];
unsigned char *p;
int rdlen;
int n = poll( fds, 1, 1000);
if (n>0){
rdlen = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
if (rdlen > 0) {
buf[rdlen] = 0;
for (p = buf; rdlen-- > 0; p++) {
if (*p < ' ')
*p = '\0'; /* replace any control chars */
if ( (strcmp((char *)buf, "") != 0) || (buf[0] == '^') ){
count += (strlen((char *)buf)+1); /* 2 per ; e ' ' */
*res = realloc (*res, count);
strncat(*res, (char *)buf, strlen((char *)buf));
strcat(*res, ";");
if (strcmp((char *)buf, ATCMD_OK) == 0){
return 0;
if (strcmp((char *)buf, ATCMD_ERROR) == 0){
return -1;
} else if (rdlen < 0) {
return -2;
} else { /* rdlen == 0 */
return -3;
} else {
return -4;
/* repeat read */
} while (1);
int send_sms(int fd, char *tel, char *text){
int wlen = 0;
char *res = malloc(sizeof(char*));
char at_send[strlen(ATCMD_CMGS) + strlen(tel) + 3]; //3=2apici+"\0"
strcpy(at_send, ATCMD_CMGS);
strcat(at_send, DL_QUOTE);
strcat(at_send, tel);
strcat(at_send, DL_QUOTE);
printf("Setting to sms text mode... ");
if ( (wlen = serial_write(fd, ATCMD_CMGF)) < 0 ){
printf("Error from write: %d, %d\n", wlen, errno);
if ( (wlen = serial_write(fd, C_R)) < 0 ){
printf("Error from write: %d, %d\n", wlen, errno);
if (read_response(fd, &res) < 0 ) {
else {
printf("OK, RES: %s\n",res);
printf("Sending SMS...");
if ( (wlen = serial_write(fd, at_send)) < 0 ){
printf("Error from write: %d, %d\n", wlen, errno);
if ( (wlen = serial_write(fd, C_R)) < 0 ){
printf("Error from write: %d, %d\n", wlen, errno);
if ( (wlen = serial_write(fd, text)) < 0 ){
printf("Error from write: %d, %d\n", wlen, errno);
if ( (wlen = serial_write(fd, CTRL_Z)) < 0 ){
printf("Error from write: %d, %d\n", wlen, errno);
if (read_response(fd, &res) < 0 ) {
return -1;
else {
printf("OK, RES: %s\n",res);
return 0;
These are the incriminated functions. You can see, in the serial_write(), I'm using usleep() and all works correctly. Removing the usleep() causes problems (also if there's a tcdrain).
All kinds of help will be appreciated.
Sometimes a command like send SMS fails.
That is not a helpful or detailed description of the problem. Simply stating that there is a problem and then expecting a solution is unreasonable.
All the problems DO NOT occur if I set a timer between a write and the next write.
That is an indication that your program is not properly waiting for a response from the modem before it transmits a new command/message. Receiving the response (rather than waiting for transmission to complete, i.e. calling tcdrain(), and/or delaying for an arbitrary time interval, e.g. calling usleep()) is the proper indication that the modem is now ready to receive.
The commands that you are not having an issue are characterized as a basic command & response dialog. A one-line message is transmitted, and in short order a one-line message is received as a response.
But sending a SMS message using the CMGS command does not follow that simple dialog.
Yet your program tries to force that one-message->one-response construct anyway (resulting is apparently unreliable results).
According to the GSM Technical Specification, the CMGS command can/should be handled as a write/read exchange of
[w]command -> [r]prompt_response -> [w]text -> [r]prompt_response ...
[w]text -> [r]prompt_response -> [w]text + ^Z -> [r]2-line response
where prompt_response is specified as
a four character sequence <CR><LF><greater_than><space>
Note that this response is ill-suited for a canonical read (i.e. the conventional line termination characters are at the start instead of the end of this sequence).
Also note that every carriage return character in the transmitted message text will generate the transmission of a prompt_response by the modem.
Given the complexity of the CMGS command, the transmission of multiple lines by your program, and then expecting to handle just one response is prone to unreliable results.
I see other issues with your code, but none as serious as this mishandling of the CMGS command.
This "answer" will only point out this major flaw in your program (i.e. offer "help") rather than provide a solution and/or rewrite.
In summary:
How to wait for byte to be written to serial GSM modem?
Your program should wait until it has read the response to the previous transmission before it sends the (next) message/command. The bytes within that message can be sent without any delays.
Refer to the GSM specification as what generates responses.

Entire characters in the text file is not getting transmitted in Hi 3520D

I am trying to read some data from a text file and writing it to the ttyUSB* socket id.
I am using Hi3520d Dvr. I have it's RS485 port connected to a "RS485 to RS232 converter". This converter is connected to the PC through a USB port.
The text file is getting read properly to the buffer, but while writing last few lines of the text is not transmitting. This is happening with file with size more than 4.5kb exactly and without usleep() function.
I am using minicom on linux terminal to display both read and written text.
Thanks in advance for looking into this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define Bdrate B9600
int Intserial(char *dev, int Baudrate)
//printf("Insterial func\n");
int sid;
int iDebug = -1;
struct termios serial_struct;
sid = open(dev, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY);
if (sid > 0)
memset(&serial_struct, 0, sizeof(serial_struct)); /* clear the new struct */
serial_struct.c_cflag = Baudrate | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
serial_struct.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
serial_struct.c_oflag = 0;
serial_struct.c_lflag = 0;
serial_struct.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; /* block untill n bytes are received */
serial_struct.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* block untill a timer expires (n * 100 mSec.) */
iDebug = tcsetattr(sid, TCSANOW, &serial_struct);
if (iDebug < 0)
printf("Err 0\n"); //Unable to set serial port parameters
return (0);
printf("Err 1\n"); //Serial port not open
return (0);
//printf("sid is %d \n",sid);
return (sid);
int main()
int sid1 = -1, size = 0, i = 0, x, w;
size_t ln;
FILE *fd;
char buf[2233];
fd = fopen("h.txt", "r");
if (fd)
sid1 = Intserial("/dev/ttyAMA1", Bdrate); //RS485 port of Hi3520d
if (sid1 > -1)
system("himm 0x200F004C 0"); // commands transmitting and recieving
system("himm 0x201A0400 1");
system("himm 0x201a0004 1");
while (!feof(fd))
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, fd);
printf("%s", buf);
write(sid1, buf, sizeof(buf));
printf("com port cant open\r\n ");
printf("File cant open\r\n");
printf("task completed............\r\n");
You have to observe return value of fread for number of bytes read by fread function. the actual read size may not equal to bytes requested, also you have to pass number of bytes read by fread (as valid bytes in buffer) to write function as number of bytes to write.
The code should be something like this
size_t bytesRead = fread(buf,sizeof(buf),1,fd);
if(bytesRead > 0)
write(sid1,buf, bytesRead);
Also as LPs said, fread doesn't end buffer with termination character, so passing buffer filled by fread to printf("%s") will be undefined behavior
There are numerous issues with your code, but the salient cause of "the text is not transmitting" is probably the failure to check the return value of
write(sid1, buf, sizeof(buf));
Because the serial terminal was opened in non-blocking mode, each write() will return immediately, before the data has been actually transmitted.
Since the serial terminal is configured for a rather slow 9600 baud, the data could be queued up in the line discipline buffer and other intermediate buffers.
The line discipline buffer is typically 4096 bytes long.
Assuming that the fread() operations are always successful (which you seem to have verified), then the second iteration of the write() of 2233 bytes could potentially saturate the line discipline buffer, and return with a short write return value (which would be ignored).
The third iteration of the write(), if it's quick enough, could then be outright rejected with a return value of -1 and an errno of EAGAIN to indicate that the write would block.
This error condition would be silently ignored, and this 2233 bytes of data will never be transmitted.
This seems to correlate perfectly with your observation of "last few lines of the text is not transmitting ... with file with size more than 4.5kb exactly and without usleep() function."
Revised code for blocking mode, proper terminal setup, and checking of return values is shown below.
A corrected version of #e.jahandar's suggestion and comments from #LPs are also incorporated.
sid = open(dev, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
if (sid < 0) {
printf("Err 1\n"); //Serial port not open
return (-1);
if (tcgetattr(sid, &serial_struct) < 0) {
printf("Err 2\n");
return (-2);
cfsetospeed(&serial_struct, (speed_t)Baudrate);
cfsetispeed(&serial_struct, (speed_t)Baudrate);
serial_struct.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
serial_struct.c_cc[VTIME] = 10;
serial_struct.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;
serial_struct.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; /* no HW flow control? */
serial_struct.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD;
if (tcsetattr(sid, TCSANOW, &serial_struct) < 0) {
printf("Err 3\n"); //Unable to set serial port parameters
return (-3);
#define BUFSIZE 2233
char buf[BUFSIZE + 1];
size_t frv;
ssize_t wrv;
do {
frv = fread(buf, 1, BUFSIZE, fd);
buf[frv] = 0; /* terminate string for printf */
if (frv > 0) {
wrv = write(sid1, buf, frv);
if (wrv < frv) {
/* handle error or short write */
} else
} while (1);

How to convert char to int and then display it in hex format

I am making a program in c in which I am getting data from serial device and I am storing it in buffer char receivebuffer[100] . when I display the contents of receivebuffer, the output shows � (Is this an ASCII format) . But the expected output is in hex format. How can i convert it in hex?
I also want to know that if I convert buffer to int, will the output be same. Please tell me how can I convert char buffer to int also?
#include <errno.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
int set_interface_attribs (int fd, int speed, int parity)
struct termios tty;
memset (&tty, 0, sizeof tty);
if (tcgetattr (fd, &tty) != 0)
printf("error %d from tcgetattr\n\n", errno);
printf("Error Opening the device\n\n");
//error_message ("error %d from tcgetattr", errno);
return -1;
cfsetospeed (&tty, speed);
cfsetispeed (&tty, speed);
tty.c_cflag = (tty.c_cflag & ~CSIZE) | CS8; // 8-bit chars
// disable IGNBRK for mismatched speed tests; otherwise receive break
// as \000 chars
tty.c_iflag &= ~IGNBRK; // disable break processing
tty.c_lflag = 0; // no signaling chars, no echo,
// no canonical processing
tty.c_oflag = 0; // no remapping, no delays
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // read doesn't block
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 5; // 0.5 seconds read timeout
tty.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); // shut off xon/xoff ctrl
tty.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);// ignore modem controls,
// enable reading
tty.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB | PARODD); // shut off parity
tty.c_cflag |= parity;
tty.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;
tty.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
if (tcsetattr (fd, TCSANOW, &tty) != 0)
printf("error %d from tcsetattr\n\n", errno);
printf("Error Opening the device\n\n");
//error_message ("error %d from tcsetattr", errno);
return -1;
return 0;
void set_blocking (int fd, int should_block)
struct termios tty;
memset (&tty, 0, sizeof tty);
if (tcgetattr (fd, &tty) != 0)
printf("Error Opening the device\n\n");
//error_message ("error %d from tggetattr", errno);
tty.c_cc[VMIN] = should_block ? 1 : 0;
tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 5; // 0.5 seconds read timeout
if (tcsetattr (fd, TCSANOW, &tty) != 0)
printf("Error Opening the device\n\n");
//error_message ("error %d setting term attributes", errno);
int main()
char *portname = "/dev/ttyUSB0";
int fd = open (portname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_SYNC);
if (fd < 0)
//error_message ("error %d opening %s: %s", errno, portname, strerror (errno));
set_interface_attribs (fd, B9600, 0); // set speed to 115,200 bps, 8n1 (no parity)
set_blocking (fd, 0); // set no blocking
// send 7 character greeting
usleep ((7 + 25) * 100); // sleep enough to transmit the 7 plus
char receivebuffer [100];
read (fd, receivebuffer, sizeof receivebuffer); // read up to 100 characters if ready to read
printf("value of buffer is %s\n\n", receivebuffer);
return 0;
You need to store the count of received bytes somewhere and use that in a for loop try it like this
char receivebuffer[100];
int count;
int i;
count = read (fd, receivebuffer, sizeof receivebuffer); // read up to 100 characters if ready to read
for (i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i)
printf("0x%02X ", receivebuffer[i]);
if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0)
this if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0) is just to print 8 bytes in a row, you can change or remove it, it helps inspecting the data though.
You should replace this:
printf("value of buffer is %s\n\n", receivebuffer);
for (int tmpfoo = 0; receivebuffer[tmpfoo] != '\0'; tmpfoo++)
printf("value of buffer is %X\n\n", (int)receivebuffer[tmpfoo]);
If you want it just to be followed HEXvalue by HEXvalue.
You don't need to convert it. To display char as a hexadecimal number, use %hhx formatting in printf-group of functions.

# of Bytes at Serial Port Input Buffer

New to C programming here so bear with me.. I wrote a program to write/read data to and from the serial port. Everything appears to be working except when I try to read the number of bytes available at the port that have been received. Here's my code (see the read_port function):
#include <stdio.h> /* Standard input/output definitions */
#include <string.h> /* String function definitions */
#include <unistd.h> /* UNIX standard function definitions */
#include <fcntl.h> /* File control definitions */
#include <errno.h> /* Error number definitions */
#include <termios.h> /* POSIX terminal control definitions */
#include <sys/ioctl.h> /* Serial Port IO Controls */
int fd; /* File descriptor for the port */
struct termios options_original; /* Original Serial Port Options */
int main()
fd = open_port();
printf("FIONBIO value %d\n", FIONBIO);
printf("FIONREAD value %d\n", FIONREAD);
* open_port() - Open serial port 1.
* Returns the file descriptor on success or -1 on error
int open_port(void)
struct termios options;
fd = open("/dev/ttyUSB0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (fd != -1)
printf("Serial Port Open\n");
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0);
tcgetattr(fd, &options_original);
tcgetattr(fd, &options);
cfsetispeed(&options, B115200);
cfsetospeed(&options, B115200);
options.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD); /* Enable the receiver and set local mode */
options.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); /* Raw Input Mode */
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &options); /* Set the new options for the port */
/* Could not open the port */
perror("open_port: Unable to open /dev/ttyUSB0 - ");
return (fd);
int close_port(void)
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &options_original);
printf("Serial Port Closed\n");
int flush_port(void)
usleep(2); // required to make flush work, for some reason
printf("Flushing IO Buffers\n");
tcflush(fd, TCIOFLUSH);
int write_port(void)
int n = write(fd, "DSC", 3);
if (n < 0)
fputs("write() of 1 byte failed!\n", stderr);
printf("Wrote %0d bytes to serial port\n", n);
int read_port(void)
int chars_read = 3;
int bytes;
char read_buffer[3] = {0};
int i;
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0);
ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, &bytes);
printf("Number of bytes = %d\n", bytes);
int n = read(fd, read_buffer, chars_read);
printf("Character at Port: %s\n", read_buffer);
printf("Number of chars read = %0d\n", n);
Here's the output:
Serial Port Open
Flushing IO Buffers
Wrote 3 bytes to serial port
FIONBIO value 21537
FIONREAD value 21531
Number of bytes = 0
Character at Port: DSC
Number of chars read = 3
Serial Port Closed
For some reason 'Number of bytes' always equals 0. I have no idea why. Is there something wrong with doing this?
int bytes;
ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, &bytes);
printf("Number of bytes = %d\n", bytes);
It's pretty much verbatim from this site:
Am I missing or not understanding something?
BTW I'm just doing a simple loopback test here.
ioctl(fd, FIONBIO, ...) sets a file descriptor (e.g. a socket) into blocking or
non-blocking mode. What you probably meant is
ioctl(fd, FIONREAD, &bytes);
to get the number of bytes available in the input buffer (i.e. the number of bytes
that can be read without blocking.)

Linux C Serial Program Freezes

I'm working on a small Linux server (Ubuntu Server 13.04 running on a Beagleboard xM ARM computer) that will be communicating between a laptop wirelessly and an Arduino. The issue I seem to be having is regarding the communication between the Arduino and the Beagleboard. The program will run just fine for a certain amount of time, ~30 seconds or so, then it will halt. The program will stay running but the port apparently freezes.
The program I'm running is currently just a test program that will sweep a servo over a certain range. The code for the functions used to set up the ports was found here.
My program code is as follows, with exception of the code found in the separate thread:
#include <errno.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, const char* argv[]) {
cout << "TestIO running...\n";
char* portname = "/dev/ttyACM0";
// Open serial port
int fd = open(portname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_SYNC);
// Return error if port cannot be opened
if (fd < 0)
cout << "error " << errno << " opening " << portname << ": " << strerror (errno) << "\n";
return -1;
set_interface_attribs (fd, B9600, 0); // set speed to 9600 bps, 8n1 (no parity)
set_blocking (fd, 0); // set no blocking
// Read from serial port
//char inputBuffer[64];
//int inputLength = read(fd, inputBuffer, sizeof inputBuffer);
double output = 575;
char outputString[255];
char outputLength;
int incrimentor = 1;
char inChar;
for(;;) {
if (output >= 675 )
incrimentor = -1;
else if (output <= 375)
incrimentor = 1;
output += incrimentor;
// Sweep wheels on car, set drive motor to 0
outputLength = sprintf(outputString, "%0.2f", output);
write(fd, outputString, outputLength);
write(fd, ",", 1);
write(fd, "0", 1);
write(fd, "\n", 1);
cout << outputString << "\n";
// Sleep thread for 5000 uS (5 ms)
return 0;
On a slightly different note, when the program freezes I must force it to quit the code to close the port is never reached and thus I cannot run the program again to test it. I'm curious if anyone might know how to close a serial port through a Linux command run in the terminal.
Referring your second issues on how to quit the hanging program:
Adding tests for the return value to all system calls is a good idea in general!
Be aware that read()/write() do not necessarily read in/write out as much data as the were told to.
Also read()/write() return if the process received a signal.
Here in particular add testing the result to the calls that might block (write()):
ssize_t writen(int fd, char * buffer, size_t size)
ssize_t written_total = 0;
ssize_t written = 0;
while (outputLength > written_total)
written = write(fd, buffer + written_total, size - written_total);
if (-1 == written)
if (EINTR == errno)
/* interupted by signal -> break and leave */
elseif ((EAGAIN == errno) || (EWOULDBLOCK == errno))
continue; /* try again */
/* another error occured -> log, break and leave */
written_total += written;
if (outputLength > written_total)
if (-1 = written)
/* handle error */
/* notify of interruption */
/* log succesfully transmission of all data */
return written_total;
int main()
if (outputLength != writen(fd, outputString, outputLength))
fprintf(stderr, "writen(fd, outputString, outputLength) failed");
if (1 != writen(fd, ",", 1))
fprintf(stderr, "writen(fd, ",", 1)) failed");
if (1 != writen(fd, "0", 1))
fprintf(stderr, "writen(fd, "0", 1)) failed");
if (1 != writen(fd, "\n", 1))
fprintf(stderr, "writen(fd, "\n", 1)) failed");
} while (0);
if (-1 == close(fd))
perror("close() failed");
Note that the program also needs to have a signal handler registered (for SIGUSR1 for example) that does nothing, but "eating" the signal.
Then from the command line you could easily un-block the program by doing:
$ kill <program-pid> -SIGUSR1
