XAML Control array for static number of combo boxes - wpf

I would like an array of 10 combo boxes on a wpf form.
The ItemsSource of the combo boxes are identical - an ObservableCollection of selectable Items.
Each Selected Item will bound to an item in a different ObservableCollection, imaginatively called 'SelectedItems'..
What is the best way to do the array? I could of course have 10 separate combo boxes but this would be not very elegant..
I don't think an ItemsControl template is what I'm after as the number of combo boxes is static.

If I understand you right, you have 10 ComboBoxes with the same item list, but different data sources
In that case, I could create a common style for the ComboBox which sets the common properties such as ItemsSource (and SelectedItem if the binding is the same for all items), and then actually create the individual ComboBoxes on the form as needed.
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ComboBox}">
<!-- Set the binding to wherever your ItemsSource resides. In this
case,I'm binding to a static class called Lists and a static
property called ComboBoxItems -->
<Setter Property="ItemsSource"
Value="{Binding Source={x:Static local:Lists.ComboBoxItems}}" />
<!-- Only use this setter if your binding is the same everywhere -->
<Setter Property="SelectedItem" Value="{Binding SelectedItem}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item1}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item2}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item3}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item4}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item5}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item6}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item7}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item8}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item9}" />
<ComboBox DataContext="{Binding Item10}" />
Of course, if the DataSource for your ComboBoxes CAN be put in a collection, it is preferred that they are and that you use an ItemsControl to display the ComboBoxes
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedItems}">
<ComboBox SelectedItem="{Binding }"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Static local:Lists.ComboBoxItems}}" />

Each Selected Item will bound to an item in a different ObservableCollection, imaginatively called 'SelectedItems'..
Given that you're effectively binding to a collection, I would do an ItemsControl template, and just treat it that way. Unless you want to customize the layout (ie: these won't be arranged together in the View), that will simplify the design, even if the number of items is always "static".
If you want to have the items arranged separately on the View, then just having 10 combo boxes may be more appropriate.

Personally I think an ItemsControl which has an ItemTemplate which constructs each ComboBox is the way to go! Are you always going to have exactly 10 of these?
From an MVVM perspective, I can imagine a parent View Model which has a collection of selection view models. Each selection view model will have the list of items that can be selected, and the currently selected item. This view model will easily bind to your view.

Not knowing why you need this... which would probably be important in deciding how to do this... here is my stab at it.
Why not design the UI, give each ComboBox a name, create a List and Add each into that List at runtime?


WPF MVVM Light dynamic views and datagrids

Okay I have a mildly complex piece of functionality here. I'd like to know A) If I am doing it properly. If not, what should I change? 2) If it is proper, what is the best solution to my problem?
I have a main window with a ListView of items. If I click one of these, the right hand Grid Column in this window should populate with a DataGrid with information on the item selected. If I click another item in the ListView, it should change to another DataGrid.
I have seen some ContentPresenter examples but I cannot get this to work, so I stripped it out and will show you the code I have so far. Right now, I only have one item setup, so I will stick with this Driver example.
<UserControl DataContext="{Binding AdminDriver, Source={StaticResource Locator}}">
//stuff here for datagrid
<Button Content="Edit" Command="{Binding ShowEditWindow}" />
<Button Content="Add" Command="{Binding ShowAddWindow}"/>
AdminDriver.cs (VM)
//Contains variables, and is the datacontext for the above usercontrol
AdminMain.xaml (view for all admin stuff)
//Contains a bunch of junk for the min admin screen which has the listview with the options in it. If you require this piece of code, I can trim it down but I don't se currently see it's relevance. The DataGrid belongs in this window, I'm assuming in a Content Presenter. Here is the ListView that is in column 1 of 2.
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding AdminMenu}"
<i:EventTrigger EventName="SelectionChanged">
<cmd:EventToCommand CommandParameter="{Binding SelectedItem, ElementName=AdminFields}" Command="{Binding registerSelected}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding FieldName}"/>
I would take the binding of the DataContext out of the UserControl. This will allow you to use it in other spots if you ever find the need. Instead, just bind the DataContext where you are using it.
<view:YourUserControl DataContext="{Binding AdminDriver}" />
If you are looking to present different UserControls based upon which item is selected in the ListView, then you'll use a ContentPresenter. All the items in your ItemsSource will have the same base class or implement the same interface so that you can put them in the same ObservableCollection. I'll assume AdminDriver would be of that type/interface as well then.
You would set up some DataTemplates at the top of the Window that map the possible real types of the objects in your ItemsSource (AdminMenu) to the UserControl that would represent them.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type model:TypeA}">
<view:UserControlA />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type model:TypeB}">
<view:UserControlB />
//rinse and repeat
Then you'll add a ContentPresenter to the Grid and bind it's DataContext to the AdminDriver property. The UserControl matching the actual type of the selected item as mapped in your DataTemplates will appear.
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding AdminDriver}" />

MVVM Binding View specific DataType

I want to know how you would bind a View specific data type to your View from a ViewModel.
To be more concrete I have a ContextMenu as part of a DatagridView. Now I can bind the ItemSource of my ContextMenu to either a List of MenuItems or a List of Strings (<= implementing a Converter on this).
Both options work fine, but I want to know which is the best and why. I am asking cause I have read that I should try to not use the System.Windows.* Namespace in my ViewModel, and when I Bind a List of MenuItems of course I use this Namespace but on the other Hand if I bind strings and just convert it... This feels weird.
SampleCode (using Caliburn):
<DataGrid x:Name="OverviewItems">
<ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding AllColumns, Converter={StaticResource String_Menu_Converter}}" >
<!-- Alternative: <ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding AllColumns}" >-->
<Setter Property="cal:Message.Attach" Value="[Event Click]=[SetVisibilityExecute($_clickeditem)]" />
In WPF, we manipulate data object, not UI objects. So it is true that you should not have any UI objects in your view model. The correct way to get around this issue is to manipulate data objects in the view model that we can then data bind with the UI controls that we declare in DataTemplates. So in your case, you could have a collection of custom objects that have a property to bind to the MenuItem.Header property and another to bind to the MenuItem.Command property for example:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type YourPrefix:YourCustomType}">
<MenuItem Header="{Binding Header}" Command="{Binding Command}" />
<Menu ItemsSource="{Binding YourCustomTypeCollection}" />

Listbox "IsSelected" binding only partially working

I have a ListBox that I populate dynamically via a binding (this is defined in a DataTemplate, which is why the binding is somewhat unusual):
<ListBox SelectionMode="Extended" ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.ResultList, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}}">
<Style TargetType="{x:Type ListBoxItem}">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding IsSelected}"/>
<Label Content="{Binding Object}"/>
Each ListBoxItem's IsSelected property is bound to an IsSelected property on a custom object.
When I select individual ListBoxItems, the binding works properly - the custom object's IsSelected property is updated in my ViewModel. However, if I select all of the ListBoxItems with a Ctrl+A command, only the currently visible ListBoxItems (those that are currently in my scrolling viewport) update their ViewModel bindings. On the frontend, all the ListBoxItems appear to be selected, and the ListBox.SelectedItems.Count property on the container ListBox shows that all items are selected.
Furthermore, as I scroll through the ListBox after selecting all ListBoxItems with Ctrl+A, the bindings are successfully updated when each ListBoxItem is scrolled into view.
Why does this binding seem to be only partially working? Is there a better way to handle the binding of the IsSelected property when large numbers of ListBoxItems can be selected simultaneously?
This behavior doesn't happen exclusively with the Ctrl+A command - I get the same results when selecting all the items using a shift+click.
I think the behavior you're seeing is to due to VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing which is True by default when binding to ItemsSource of ListBox
if you for eg set your ListBox such as:
<ListBox VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="False" SelectionMode="Extended" ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.ResultList, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=Window}}">
<ListBox ...>
<StackPanel />
then you should see all your bound items have their IsSelected updated accordingly with Ctrl+A or Shift + ...
Properties such as Count of the collection even with virtualization would report the correct value to accommodate for things like computing the required ScrollBar.Height. Items which are outside the View-port do not get rendered hence no bindings are in effect on them until they actually get used.

How to override the ItemsSource defined for an ItemTemplate?

I use an Item Template to define how the rows of my grid must be displayed. The grid definition (simplified) shows that the item template source is GridRows (a collection of rows) :
<grid ...>
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource GridRowItemDataTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{Binding GridRows}" />
So far, so good.
In the item template, the textbox is bound to ImportZoneName, which resolved of course to GridRows[i].ImportZoneName, and this is exactly what I want :
<DataTemplate x:Key="GridRowItemDataTemplate">
<TextBlock {Binding ImportZoneName}" />
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedModelingTypeValue}"
ItemsSource="{Binding ModelingTypes}" />
Now the problem : I also want to bind the combo box to an other property (ModelingTypes) of my view model. This property is not linked in any way to GridRows. How can I tell WPF to override (or forget) the item template source?
Many, many thanks !
BTW, I did not find yet a simple guide for these simple binding cases... If anyone have a link to such a guide, I will bless him/her forever :)
You can get the DataContext of the parent list like this:
<DataTemplate x:Key="GridRowItemDataTemplate">
<TextBlock {Binding ImportZoneName}" />
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedModelingTypeValue}"
ItemsSource="{Binding DataContext.ModelingTypes,
RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor,
AncestorType=Grid}}" />
Replace Grid with the type of the grid you are using (not sure which it is, not evident from the question), as long as its DataContext has the property ModelingTypes

Relative Binding in Silverlight

I have an ItemsControl in my application. The page associated with the ItemsControl is bound to a view-model. The view-model includes two properties: People and Options. For each person, I want to display a list of options in a ComboBox. The options are defined in my view-model. My code looks like the following:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=People}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<ComboBox ItemsSource="Options" DisplayMemberPath="FullName" />
However, because each Item represents a Person, the ComboBox is looking at the Person object for a property called "Options". How do I reference the view model for the from the ComboBox instead of the Person?
You can use the following technique
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=LayoutRoot, Path=DataContext.Options}" DisplayMemberPath="FullName" />
Assuming that your LayoutRoot's DataContext is the View Model. If not you can give your ItemsControl a name and use that for the ElementName.
