Are C functions guaranteed to have a fixed memory address? - c

If I store a pointer to a function, and then at some later point during my program's execution, compare it to the address of the same function, are the two addresses guaranteed to be equal.
int foo(void){return 0;}
int (*foo_p)(void) = &foo;
assert(foo_p == &foo);
In the above code is the assertion always guaranteed to succeed? Are there any circumstances under which the address of a function can change?

Per 6.5.9:
Two pointers compare equal if and only if both are null pointers, both are pointers to the same object (including a pointer to an object and a subobject at its beginning) or function, both are pointers to one past the last element of the same array object, or one is a pointer to one past the end of one array object and the other is a pointer to the start of a different array object that happens to immediately follow the first array object in the address space.
(Boldface added for emphasis.)

A function's address will never change. Many programs are built around the concept of callbacks, which would not work if a function's address could change.
If, hypothetically, a function's location changed, for example by a self-modifying program, then all calls to that function would cause a segfault or very undefined behaviour any way. Edit: Clarification - function symbols are like pointers, if you free memory pointed to by a pointer, that will not zero the actual pointer variable, it will still point there, just as your function calls will still point to the old location of the moved function.
Self-modifying programs are very big exceptions though, and in these days the code section of a binary is write protected rendering this very, very hard.


Why Use Pointers in C?

I'm still wondering why in C you can't simply set something to be another thing using plain variables. A variable itself is a pointer to data, is it not? So why make pointers point to the data in the variable when you can simply use the original variable? Is it to access specific bits (or bytes, I guess) of data within said variable?
I'm sure it's logical, however I have never fully grasped the concept and when reading code seeing *pointers always throws me off.
One common place where pointers are helpful is when you are writing functions. Functions take their arguments 'by value', which means that they get a copy of what is passed in and if a function assigns a new value to one of its arguments that will not affect the caller. This means that you couldn't write a "doubling" function like this:
void doubling(int x)
x = x * 2;
This makes sense because otherwise what would the program do if you called doubling like this:
Pointers provide a tool for solving this problem because they let you write functions that take the address of a variable, for example:
void doubling2(int *x)
(*x) = (*x) * 2;
The function above takes the address of an integer as its argument. The one line in the function body dereferences that address twice: on the left-hand side of the equal sign we are storing into that address and on the right-hand side we are getting the integer value from that address and then multiply it by 2. The end result is that the value found at that address is now doubled.
As an aside, when we want to call this new function we can't pass in a literal value (e.g. doubling2(5)) as it won't compile because we are not properly giving the function an address. One way to give it an address would look like this:
int a = 5;
The end result of this would be that our variable a would contain 10.
A variable itself is a pointer to data
No, it is not. A variable represents an object, an lvalue. The concept of lvalue is fundamentally different from the concept of a pointer. You seem to be mixing the two.
In C it is not possible to "rebind" an lvalue to make it "point" to a different location in memory. The binding between lvalues and their memory locations is determined and fixed at compile time. It is not always 100% specific (e.g. absolute location of a local variable is not known at compile time), but it is sufficiently specific to make it non-user-adjustable at run time.
The whole idea of a pointer is that its value is generally determined at run time and can be made to point to different memory locations at run time.
No, a variable is not a pointer to data. If you declare two integers with int x, y;, then there is no way to make x and y refer to the same thing; they are separate.
Whenever you read or write from a variable, your computer has to somehow determine the exact location of that variable in your computer's memory. Your computer will look at the code you wrote and use that to determine where the variable is. A pointer can represent the situation where the location is not known at the time when you compile your code; the exact address is only computed later when you actually run your code.
If you weren't allowed to use pointers or arrays, every line of code you write would have to access specific variables that are known at compile time. You couldn't write a general piece of code that reads and writes from different places in memory that are specified by the caller.
Note: You can also use arrays with a variable index to access variables whose location is not known at compile time, but arrays are mostly just syntactical sugar for pointers. You can think about all array operations in terms of pointer operations instead. Arrays are not as flexible as pointers.
Another caveat: As AnT points out, the location of local variables is usually on the stack, so they are a type of variable where the location isn't known at compile time. But the only reason that the stack works for storing local variables in a reentrant function is that your compiler implements hidden pointers called the stack pointer and/or frame pointer, and functions use these pointers to find out which part of memory holds their arguments and local variables. Pointers are so useful that the compiler actually uses them behind your back without telling you.
Another reason: C was designed to build operating systems and lots of low level code that deals with hardware. Every piece of hardware exposes its interface by means of registers, and on nearly all architectures, registers are mapped into the CPU memory space, and they have not to be in the same address always (thanks to jumper settings, PnP, autoconfig, and so on)
So the OS writer, while writing a driver for instance, needs a way to deal with what seems memory locations, only that they don't refer RAM cells.
Pointers serve to this purpose by allowing the OS writer to specify what memory location he or she wants to access to.

C programming: the cost of passing by value

I am learning C and get confused about something I read online.
I could read:
Let's look at the functions that determine emptiness and fullness.
Now, it's not necessary to pass a stack by reference to these
functions, since they do not change the stack. So, we could prototype
them as:
int StackIsEmpty(stackT stack);
int StackIsFull(stackT stack);
However, then some of the stack functions would take pointers (e.g.,
we need them for StackInit(), etc.) and some would not. It is more
consistent to just pass stacks by reference (with a pointer) all the
(I am not showing the code for what a stackT is, it is just a dynamic array)
From my (maybe limited) understanding, the disadvantage of passing by value is that the data is duplicated in the stack memory of the function. Since a stackT might be big, passing by value rather than pointer would be time consuming.
Do I get it right or am I still not clear with the basics ?
Correct, if you pass something "large" by value that item is copied onto the stack.
Passing a pointer to the data avoids the copy.
It is doubtful that the performance difference will be meaningful in most real-world applications, unless "large" is actually "huge" (which in turn may overflow the stack).
You are correct. Passing by value causes the program to copy, in the entirety, all of the data in that parameter. If it's only one or two ints, no problem, but copying multiple kilobytes is very expensive. Passing by reference only copies the pointer.
However, you must watch out for changing the data pointed at by the pointer and then expecting to return to it unchanged. C++ has passing by "const reference", which is like a guarantee that the data will not be changed, but C does not.

How is the destination that an uninitialized pointer in c points to determined?

I know that if a pointer is declared in C (and not initialized), it will be pointing to a "random" memory address which could contain anything.
How is where it actually points to determined though? Presumably it's not truly random, since this would be inefficient and illogical.
If this pointer is defined outside of all functions (or is static), it will be initialized to NULL before main() gets control.
If this pointer is created in the heap via malloc(sizeof(sometype*)), it will contain whatever happens to be at its location. It can be the data from the previously allocated and freed buffer of memory. Or it can be some old control information that malloc() and free() use to manage the lists of the free and allocated blocks. Or it can be garbage if the OS (if any) does not clear program's memory or if its system calls for memory allocation return uninitialized memory and so those can contain code/data from previously run programs or just some garbage that your RAM chips had when the system was powered on.
If this pointer is local to a function (and is not static), it will contain whatever has been at its place on the stack. Or if a CPU register is allocated to this pointer instead of a memory cell, it will contain whatever value the preceding instructions have left in this register.
So, it won't be totally random, but you rarely have full control here.
Uninitialized is undefined. Generally speaking, when the pointer is allocated the memory space is not cleared, so whatever the memory contained is now a pointer. It is random, but it is also efficient in the sense that the memory location is not being changed in the operation.
Languages such as C use stack space for variables, and the collection
of variables allocated for a subroutine is known as a stack frame.
While the computer will set aside the appropriate amount of space for
the stack frame, it usually does so simply by adjusting the value of
the stack pointer, and does not set the memory itself to any new state
(typically out of efficiency concerns). Therefore, whatever contents
of that memory at the time will appear as initial values of the
variables which occupy those addresses.
Although I would imagine this is implementation specific.
Furthermore you should probably always initialize your pointers, see the answer provided at How do you check for an invalid pointer? and the link given on the first answer: -
As far as the C standard is concerned, an uninitialized pointer doesn't point anywhere. It is illegal to dereference it. Thus it is impossible in principle to observe its target, and thus the target simply doesn't exist for all intents and purposes.
If you want a trite analogy, asking for the value of an uninitialized pointer is like asking for the value of the smallest positive real number, or the value of the last digit of π.
(The corolloary is that only Chuck Norris can dereference an uninitialized pointer.)
It is implementation specific / undefined behavior. It's possible the pointer was automatically initialized to NULL... or it is just whatever value is in memory at the time.
A pointer is an address in memory that points to another address in memory. The fact that it's not initialized does not mean that the pointer itself doesn't have an address, it only means that the address of the thing it points to is not known. So, either the compiler initialized it to NULL by default, or the address is whatever was in memory in the pointer's variable space at the time.
In large part, it is like an unerased whiteboard when you enter class. If you draw a box on part of the board but do not erase what is in the box, then what is in the box?
It is whatever was left there previously.
Similarly, if you allocate space for a pointer but do not erase the space, then what is in the space?
Data may be left over from earlier parts of your program or from special code that runs before any normal part of your program (such as the main function) starts running. (The special code may load and link certain libraries, set up a stack, and otherwise prepare the environment needed by a C program.) On embedded systems, rather than typical multi-user systems, data might be left over from previous processes. Quite likely, the previous use of the space was for something other than a pointer, so the value in it does not make sense when interpreted as a pointer. Its value as a pointer might point somewhere but not be meaningful in any way.
However, you cannot rely on this. The C standard does not define the behavior when you use an uninitialized object with automatic storage duration. In many C implementations, an uninitialized pointer will simply contain left over data. But, in some C implementations, the system may detect that you are using an uninitialized object and cause your program to crash. (Other behaviors are possible too.)

Why are the contents pointed to by a pointer not changed when memory is deallocated using free()?

I am a newbie when it comes to dynamic memory allocation. When we free the memory using void free(void *ptr) the memory is deallocated but the contents of the pointer are not deleted. Why is that? Is there any difference in more recent C compilers?
Computers don't "delete" memory as such, they just stop using all references to that memory cell and forget that anything of value is stored there. For example:
int* func (void)
int x = 5;
return &x;
printf("%d", *func()); // undefined behavior
Once the function has finished, the program stops reserving the memory location where x is stored, any other part of the program (or perhaps another program) is free to use it. So the above code could print 5, or it could print garbage, or it could even crash the program: referencing the contents of a memory cell that has ceased to be valid is undefined behavior.
Dynamic memory is no exception to this and works in the same manner. Once you have called free(), the contents of that part of the memory can be used by anyone.
Also, see this question.
The thing is that accessing memory after it has been freed is undefined behavior. It's not only that the memory contents are undefined, accessing them could lead to anything. At least some compilers when you build a debug version of the code, actually do change the contents of the memory to aid in debugging, but in release versions it's generally unnecessary to do that, so the memory is just left as is, but anyway, that is not something you can safely rely upon, don't access freed memory, it's unsafe!
In C, parameters are passed by value. So free just can't change the value of ptr.
Any change it would make would only change the value within the free function, and won't affect the caller's variable.
Also, changing it won't be so much help. There can be multiple pointers pointing to the same piece of memory, and they should all be reset when freeing. The language can't keep track of them all, so it leaves the programmer to handle the pointers.
This is very normal, because clearing the memory location after free is an overhead and generally not necessary. If you have security concerns, you can wrap the free call within a function which clears the region before freeing. You'll also notice that this requires the knowledge of the allocation size, which is another overhead.
Actually the C programming language specifies that after the lifetime of the object, even the value of any pointer pointing to it becomes indeterminate, i.e. you can't even depend on the pointer to even retain the original value.
That is because a good compiler will try to aggressively store all the variables into the CPU registers instead of memory. So after it sees that the program flow calls a function named free with the argument ptr, it can mark the register of the ptr free for other use, until it has been assigned to again, for example ptr = malloc(42);.
In between these two it could be seen changing the value, or comparing inequal against its original value, or other similar behaviour. Here's an example of what might happen.

C variable being set to 0 after passing to function

So I am running into an odd problem. I have a pointer to a struct, and I am passing it to a function. Once inside that function, one of the variables I am interested in appears to be 0, but before passing the struct to the function I check to make sure that specific variable is not 0. The weird thing is this does not happen every time, only once in a while. Has anyone ever seen something like this happen before?
Source Code:
if( expand->num == 0)
return status;
status = decode( expand );
Status_type decode ( expand_type * expand )
if(expand->cur_num >= expand->num) // Here is where my error occurs
// 'num' is 0.
// Do stuff
Sounds like a "dangling pointer" problem: You have a rogue pointer that is pointing to memory which does not belong to it (e.g., not an allocated instance of the type the pointer references), and somewhere the program instructs the pointer to use that "value", and the pointer is now overwriting that value (which is accidentally on the value you are inspecting).
Your symptoms match: Intermittent, memory overwrite when it appears there should be no memory overwrite.
Those can be very painful to track down, because you need to check the integrity of all your pointer operations, even the ones that have nothing to do with the code you are currently looking at (monitoring).
One thing to help you track it down would be to explicitly initialize all pointers to "null" on instantiation. This is generally not necessary, but can be helpful for debugging, because indirection-on-null will typically crash your program right there (which is what you want), rather than remain as a "hidden problem" as you access memory that is not yours (because pointers in C are by default not initialized to null). So, for example:
int* p; // Initialized to "garbage" memory address
...change to:
int* p = NULL; // Force initialization for debugging, crashes on indirection
On the bright side, when you suffer that enough, you have habits that make you very careful with your pointers. ;-)))
Three possibilities come to mind.
Corruption from another task.
Uninitialized pointer
Dangling pointer
Of these three possibilities, my money (based on the current information) is that of the uninitialized pointer.
My guess is that the value the uninitialized pointer has points just far enough down the stack that when decode() is called, the memory where 'expand->num' is stored is corrupted by either copying the parameter 'expand' onto the stack, or copying the return address to the stack, or by setting up the stack frame for decode().
Finally found the problem. There are multiple threads, and two threads were trying to access the same variable at the same time (the expand variable), causing it to be overwritten! So I had to stop one of the threads at a certain point so both wouldn't be accessing the same stuff.
