Drupal 7 views filter by node's taxonomy term - drupal-7

I have a similar question to my previous one (Drupal 7 views filter by dynamic taxonomy term), it's only the other way round.
I have a "partner" content type, each with it's own taxonomy term. The other content type is a regular page with multiple terms from the "partner" vocabulary. In my regular nodes, I want to include a few of the "partners" in a view block.
The view should filter only those relevant partner nodes (those tagged with one of the regular node's tags).
Could it be done this way? The problem is that I can't get the term names from URL via contextual filters...

After googling the whole afternoon (and posting it there), I eventually found the answer.
It's based on a tutorial on scito.ch (thanks), with only a few modifications. On the Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth) filter, be sure to check the Allow multiple values checkbox. Also (there's a lot of wrong tuts for that), don't specify anything in the WHEN THE FILTER VALUE IS AVAILABLE OR A DEFAULT IS PROVIDED. It's important you specify all those 3 contextual filters.
Hope this helps someone and saves him a sunny afternoon :)


Wagtail filtering on fields in subclasses of Page

I've been searching the documentation trying to understand if I can filter on page subclass fields the same way I can search on them.
From my experiments search filters must contain only the fields that are defined on the filtered type.
Is this the case? If so, is there any plans on implementing such a thing?

Get content Id (nid) from path on views block

I just can't seem to wrap my head around Drupal relationships. I have been reading and watching tutorials, but as soon as I try to get my own project done - I fail. I think it's very basic, so I would love to understand it. Maybe someone here can help me understand how it works :)
On my drupal site, I want to keep track of some private game tournaments.
I have created a content type called contestant, which has fields like: Tournament date, Player name, Final Position. I can then create a view that list the information from one tournament. I used the help I got from this thread: drupal views dynamic filter
I would like to have the view described above as a block. And then place that block-view on a "tournament description" page. I could do this, by simply creating a new block each time, and then manually place it on the page it should be shown (structure-->Blocks-->configure), but that is not an elegant way to do it. I am pretty sure this is where Relationships should be used. But I fail to understand how to create this relationship, so that the specific block view, that matches the specific tournament description page will be displayed together.
Use a Content:Nid as a Contextual filter.
WHEN the Filter value is not in the URL >>
Provide default value
Content ID from URL

Drupal 7 : bind two or more taxonomies

I'm using drupal 7 to make a kind of humanities collaborative portal.
Let's say I have 3 taxonomies : authors, concepts, dissertation and the corresponding content-types.
I would like to bind the terms in these taxonomies together.
If I write a dissertation, I would like to be able to choose at least one couple of author-concept as though it was one new tag.
For example, I wrote a dissertation about "What is the self ?", and used Husserl's cogito on one hand and Hume's self on the other hand.
I'm coding my own search engine to fetch these couples so that if I search "Hume cogito" my dissertation won't be in the results.
My problem is that I don't know how to bind taxonomies in that way nor linking those taxonomies when the user creates a content.
I thought about hierachical taxonomy but it doesn't seem to make sense.
Any idea welcome !
In our Project we were using a similar functionality for glossary search.
There are 2 methods one is
Create a content-type for Items.
1)Any term can be mapped to multiple other terms by creating two fields of term reference and making the second field with add many(1 term -may terms relationship) .
2)There was a module in drupal 6 called "Term Relations" which i believe has dev version for drupal 7

Show list of users based on taxonomy term (D7)

I have a taxonomy vocabulary "Department". In the user account I have a taxonomy term reference field with this vocabulary. So each user can be assigned to one or more departments.
I used the module Taxonomy Meny to show the taxonomy terms in my main menu.
Now I want to show a list of users when I click on a department in the menu.
Does anybody have an idea how I could do this?
Note sure here, but I suppose you should be able to use the views module to achieve this. Use can show all user nodes (or a list by choosing fields) and enter the department as a contextual filter.
Uou can use views in 2 ways, to produce pages or blocks. Contextual filters are a bit easier with pages, but that might confilt with yout module.
I like this tutorial, it gives a clear insight in contextual filters. It should get you started.

Drupal 7: Pathauto hierarchical taxonomy terms pattern

I have a Drupal 7.9 taxonomy vocabulary according to the following scheme:
category-1 > subcategory-1-1
category-1 > subcategory-1-2
category-1 > subcategory-1-3
category-2 > subcategory-2-1
I want to reflect this taxonomy hierarchy in my page url path like
To achieve this I'm using the modul Pathauto version 7.x-1.0. but I don't know
which pattern I have to use.
Currently I'm using [node:%field_taxonomy%]/[node:title] but with this pattern the url path is just subcategory-1-1/page-123, so the complete hierarchy isn't reflected. Is there a taxonomy tree pattern? I can't find any updated information about this and valid patterns seem to change in every version of Pathauto.
After some trial and error I came up with a way which works pretty good for me while creating custom URL paths using taxonomy terms. All you need to do is to install an additional module called Entity API. You can find it here http://drupal.org/project/entity. After installing you should enable both Entity API and Entity tokens modules. Entity tokens provides token replacements for all properties that have no tokens and are known to the entity API.
First, go and create a new taxonomy vocabulary. Let's call it "Category" and add some terms. Then for a content type you want to have a custom URL path you need to create a new term reference field. I don't know why but it's not working with the standart field_tags. So, make sure to create a new one. Let's also call it category and use our previously created vocabulary "Category" as the source. And here's another thing you need to take into account: you have to label this field with a small letter; otherwise it's not working for an unknown to me reason ;). You'll end up with a field_category field.
Go to URL Aliases administration page -> Patterns. Expand replacement patterns for Content paths -> expand Nodes -> you'll see category at the bottom, expand it. Ok, now you're ready to use taxonomy terms tokens.
Use something like [node:field-category:name]/[node:title] where [node:field-category:name] is the name of the taxonomy term and you'll have a path like mysite.com/term/title.
By the way, I use Pathauto 7.x-1.0-beta1, Token 7.x-1.0-beta2 and Entity API 7.x-1.0-beta8.
Good Luck! ))
You can create url with this pattern:
In your particular situation you can go away with using following pattern for taxonomy items:
And for node pattern:
There is downside tho - term pattern will handle up to three levels in this case. So you can not make it unlimited with this approach. (I believe you can add term:parent:parent:... as many as you want).
Although, it will handle LESS than 3 levels fine (just tested to make sure).
As far as I know, basic Drupal + Token + PathAuto is not able to create paths, like you want them to.
Check my answer here. You can use the taxonomy entity index module for achieving such behaviour.
