Convert uploaded picture to thumbnail picture + Blobstore - google-app-engine

In Google App Engine Blobstore, is there a way to convert the original picture uploaded to thumbnail picture?
Is converting the picture to thumbnail picture a good idea or there are better ways?
What are the best optimization if I wish to use thumbnail picture as well as normal pictures? What I meant is that, shall I waste additional storage just to store the thumbnail pictures?
Performance is preferred very much. Thank you in advance for who's willing to help !

You don't necessarily need to store additional thumbnail versions of pictures. Check out get_serving_url().
You can use that function to generate a -public, but not guessable- URL to the picture with parameters to do resizing on the fly and it's optimized for performance. I think it's well suited for your needs.


Ionic: fast loading images

I am building a small app with Ionic 3 and angular 2/4
I have a problem to load a list of images from an URL (5MB per image)
It takes a lot of time to display my images.
How can I load images faster ?
There is any way to display images in low quality first ? (like Facebook and Whatsapp)
Any link, any tutorial, any blog ...
private photo = "";
private photo2 = "";
<div> <img [src]="photo"> </div>
<div> <img [src]="photo2"> </div>
Thank you !
The most convenient ways imho are:
compression - the first thing you need to ask yourself: Do I really need a 5mb image? Is it too big? Can it be compressed (e.g. jpeg/png)?
thumbnails - 1 (or more) version of the original image which are a lot smaller and therefore a lot faster to load. In many cases (e.g. list, overview) you don't even need the original image because the size of your img container is way smaller. So one way is to only load + display the size you need for that specific usecase. When you really need the 5mb version you could start with the thumbnail and replace it when the fullsize one is finished loading. This doesn't reduce the loading time, but feels way smoother.
preloading - you could preload the images (e.g. when you know they will be shown soon) to remove the slow loading part when your image is actually displayed.
caching - when your images don't change that much you might consider caching the images on your device. That way whenever you need to load a 5mb image for the second time (even after app restart) it takes the local copy instead of the remote one and can be shown almost instantly.
Ideally (and depending on your usecase) you combine all four things: Compressed images, different sized versions of your images, preloading when necessary and caching to make sure an image is only loaded once.
In my apps I'm using the simple but great plugin ionic-image-loader which I can highly recommend. It's easy to implement and covers 3. and 4. with almost no effort.
I hope I could help!

Codename One URLImage reduce image resolution and size

The app I am building is to take a member picture and save to amazon s3 bucket.
Again thanks Codename one team( especially Shai) for helping me out through the process.
I am now facing some performance issue as in I am using iPhone 6s Plus. When I take the picture and reload the label with the image, it takes really long time to load.
Is there any way to reduce the picture size and resolution before saving to amazon s3 bucket? Or what would be the best practice or optimized way of achieving this? Please suggest.
You can use the version of capture that accepts width/height notice that -1 will keep the aspect ratio for that axis.
You can also use ImageIO to resize an image to any arbitrary size without opening the file.

Optimizing a slideshow and an image gallery [GAE / GWT]?

I would like to implement my own slideshow and image gallery (for a foto reporting website).
Is there a best approach or tehcniques (using GAE and GWT) related to :
reducing the slideshow's loading time (a slideshow containing 30 images (960px * 780px) for example, should I load them all firstly and then let the user navigating ?)
should I do scaling operation (the image's resolution is greater than the browser's one) on the server side or in the client side ?
is there some know-well problem concerning the storage (if I have a lot of images) ?
If you have some advice or links about this topics, could you post them please ? Thanks you.
Question 1: preload vs lazy
Answer: The more you load to start the longer it takes your instance to spin up and the longer and larger the bandwidth. So in general you should probably use a lazy loader but prefetch the thumbnails and the next image.
Question 2: image scaling
Answer: I suggest creating a scaled version on upload that you serve then allow the user to download the full size image. Don't do this on the client again the bandwidth would eat you alive.
Question 3: storage
Answer: Use the blobstore/python or blobstore/java instead of db.BlobProperty because it saves money on storage and allows for files over 1mb.

Best practice for storing images in a database?

I'm creating a web application that needs to store various images. A good example would be an event site:
There are events that have Flyers + Photos (belonging to an event) and Locations that have also photos (belonging to a location).
But I have some troubles creating an ideal solution for all this, because I want to be very flexible. So Photos should be available in multiple resolutions, Flyers could have a back side and thumbnails as well.
Currently I just store the path to the original image in the database and "calculate" the other paths with adding "_small" or "_800x600" to the file name. Although with this approach I have to clean up all the thumbnails when changing a flyer, because I don't keep track of the thumbnails.
So what is the best practice for this? Should I store the paths for the thumbnails too? Are there any famous examples on how to do this? It seems like a rather common problem.
Thanks in advance.

How to scrape logos from websites?

First off, this is not a question about how to scrape websites. I am fully aware of the tools available to me to scrape (css_parser, nokogiri, etc. I'm using Ruby to do the scraping).
This is more of an overarching question on the best possible solution to scrape the logo of a website starting with nothing but a website address.
The two solutions I've begun to create are these:
Use Google AJAX APIs to do an image search that is scoped to the site in question, with the query "logo", and grab the first result. This gets the logo, I'd say, about 30% of the time.
The problem with the above is that Google doesn't really seem to care about CSS image replaced logos (ie. H1 text that is image replaced with the logo). The solution I've tentatively come up with is to pull down all CSS files, scan for url() declarations, and then look for the words header or logo in the file names.
Solution two is problematic because of the many idiosyncrasies of all the people who write CSS for websites. They use Header instead of logo in the file name. Sometimes the file name is random, saying nothing about a logo. Other times, it's just the wrong image.
I realize I might be able to do something with some sort of machine learning, but I'm on a bit of a deadline for a client and need something fairly capable soon.
So with all that said, if anyone has any "out of the box" thinking on this one, I'd love to hear it. If I can create a solution that works well enough, I plan on open-sourcing the library for any other interested parties :)
Check this API by Clearbit. It's super simple to use:
Just send a query to:[enter-domain-here]
For example:
and get back the logo image!
More about it here
I had to find logos for ~10K websites for a previous project and tried the same technique you mentioned of extracting the image with "logo" in the URL. My variation was I loaded each webpage in webkit so that all images were loaded from CSS or JavaScript. This technique gave me logos for ~40% of websites.
Then I considered creating an app like Nick suggested to manually select the logo for the remaining websites, however I realized it was more cost effective to just give these to someone cheap (who I found via Elance) to do the work manually.
So I suggest don't bother solving this properly with a fully technical solution - outsource the manual labour.
Creating an application will definetely help you, but I believe in the end there will some manual work involved. Here's what I would do.
Have your application store in a database a link to all images on a website that are larger than a specified dimension so that you can weed out small icons.
Then you can setup a form to access these results. You may want to setup the database table to store the website url and relationship between the url and image links.
Even if it we're possible to write an application to truly figure out if it was a logo or not seems like it would be a massive amount of code. In the end, it would probably weed out even more than the above, but you have to take into account it could be faster for human to visually parse the results then the time it took for you to write and test the complex code.
Yet another simple way to solve this problem is to get all leaf nodes and get the first
<a><img src="" /></a>
you can lookup for projects to get html leaf nodes on the net or use regular expressions to get all html tags.
I used C# console app with HtmlAgilityPack nuget package to scrape logos from over 600+ sites.
Algorithm is that you get all images that have "logo" in url.
The challenges you will face with during such extraction are:
Relative images
Base url is CDN HTTP/HTTPS (if you don't know
protocol before you make a request)
Images have ? or & with query
string at the end
With that things in mind I got approximately 70% of success but some images were not actual logos.
