ExtJS - second combo-box not getting populated after choosing first one - extjs

I have two dependent combo-boxes and the value of second one is populated after some value in the first has been selected.
For this, I am using setValue for the second combo-box at the select event of first one.
Below are the two cases of code, here case 1 doesn't work but case 2 works in IE9:
Case1: This doesn't work
select:function(combo, record){
Ext.getCmp('voyageMonitoritngVesselCode').store.load();//Loading the store of second combobox
Ext.getCmp('voyageMonitoritngVesselCode').setValue(record[0].data.vslCd);//Setting the value in the second combo-box
Case2: This works
select:function(combo, record){
Ext.getCmp('voyageMonitoritngVesselCode').store.load();//Loading the store of second combobox
alert(record[0].data.vslCd);//The only difference in both cases is this line
Ext.getCmp('voyageMonitoritngVesselCode').setValue(record[0].data.vslCd);//Setting the value in the second combo-box
That is, when I write an alert statment between loading of store and setting the value, then the values gets displayed in the second combobox, but if I omit this alert then there is no value set in the combobox.
I felt that probably the store needs time to load and it could be getting this time from the alert message halt. But as a solution for this, I used autoload:true for the second combo, so that the store doesn't have to be loaded but still the case was same - the value was not getting set without alert.
Could anyone please throw some light at this.
Browser - IE9
ExtJS - 4
Thanks in Advance.

The second doesn;t work because the load is an asynchron request meaning that the store is not loaded yet when you trie to set value, setting an alert before it gives it enough tme to load it ... a quick fix would be:
var combo = Ext.getCmp('voyageMonitoritngVesselCode');
callback:function(r, options, success) {


DataGridView with DataGridViewComboBoxColumns fill Selection after sorting

I have a DataGridView which is bound to a SQL result. Afterwards I add three DataGridViewComboBoxColumns manually, which are populated by corresponding SQL results.
When choosing an entry from each of the DataGridViewComboBoxCells, the ValueMember is saved to the database.
As soon as the DataGridViewComboBoxColumns are added, a preselect function is called, which reads the selected values from the database, to always see the last state.
Until now everything is working as expected.
The problem is, as soon as I sort the DataGridView by clicking on any of the column heads, the DataGridViewComboBoxCells are not preselected any more.
So, I thought, by adding a .Sorted event handler which calls my preselect function would solve this problem. But the selection is not done any more.
function PreselectComboBoxes(int IdJob) {
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridViewHotels.Rows)
... // iteration through all rows and set value read from database by reading ID number from first column
As the ID for the database can be read directly from the row, I do not see, why it does not work this way.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.

How to access to a Combo box value in Item Line on NetSuite?

is there any way to access to a value inside of a combo-box at the item line level?
I need to access to a value after inserting an item but all functions get me null value.
I have tried
Both functions are getting me null values.
In general (for user event and client script) below code should work
eg on SO to get the line item Id:
nlapiGetLineItemValue('item', 'item', 1);
PS: Syntax is independent of data type or field type
If you mean combo box as a mulitselect, and if you're trying to access via User Event Script, use:
nlapiGetLineItemValues(type, fldname, linenum);
Note the 's' in nlapiGetLineItemValues
If its just a standard field, nlapiGetLineItemValue(type, fldname, linenum) should work.
Which call to use depends on what event you are capturing.
For instance if you are trying to access the value in a post sourcing, field changed or line validate event of a client script you would use nlapiGetCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'fieldname');

element.remove() method doesn't work sometimes

I have a test case that shows that angular element.remove() removes elements from the DOM sometimes, and fails miserably at other times even though I don't see an error. Here is the JSFIDDLE.
To see it working, click the Search button (no need to put in any data in the input field). This does two things:
deletes elements above the field and
deletes any elements below the fields (nothing to delete the first time around) and adds new ones.
This is the code that should clear out the elements below the search button.
var resultNode = angular.element(document.getElementById('id_' + target.name));
if(resultNode != undefined)
Repeatedly clicking on the search shows that the number of elements below the search button keeps increasing - even though it should really be staying at 3 elements. Why does the remove() method fail here?
Take a look at this forked fiddle:
You need to reset the search results during each search using $scope.searchResults = [];
I also refactored to code a bit, to merge 3 loops that basically can be done in 1 loop.

Angularjs: default value when current option not in domain of select

I have cascading select where the value in the first decided what should be the option of others.
When I change the value of the first select so that the currently selected value in one other is no more a possible choice, I get a null (empty) choice. In place, I want to get a default, not null, value (of course, I don't want to reset to a default value is the choice is still legit).
I looked to (rather) similar question like Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select? but is does not seem to work, perhaps because my options are not predefined but generated on change.
I set-up a jsfiddle with the actual code: http://jsfiddle.net/sXu9a/
choose 2 hours or greater on the first select
chosse 1 in the second select (start hour)
choose back less than 1 hour in the first select
=> the second select display a empty option, and the "startHour" model still contains the last selected value (which is no more a valid choice). I really want to update the ng-model for that option to be reseted to 0.
In fact, I would like to be able to encode the condition: "if current model value for selected option is not in the set of possible value, reassign to model a default value (0)". So I tried a "onChange" like that:
$scope.onChangeInterval = function() {
if(jQuery.inArray($scope.agentSchedule.startHour, $scope.startHours() ) ) {
$scope.agentSchedule.startHour = $scope.startHours()[0];
But that does not seem to work.
Any idea about that ?
So, it happens that the "onChange" solution DOES work, as long as you don't make typos in the variable of your name. So with the following code (onChange is called on the first select):
$scope.onChangeInterval = function() {
if(jQuery.inArray($scope.agentSchedule.startHour, $scope.hours() ) ) {
$scope.agentSchedule.startHour = $scope.hours()[0];
Sorry for the noise!

ExtJS 4.2 Accessing Array Elements returned from store

I am unable to access the store elements returned from my store. When I console.log(me.proxy.read(operation)) and expand/navigate in the console I see all of my elements. There are 1000 rows. I am using the same store for a grid and have the pageSize set to 50. Even though I can see 1000 rows when i do a console.log(me.proxy.read(operation.resultSet.records[51])) i get an undefined message. So, it appears that for some reason the number of elements I can access is only 50 as that is what my pageSize is set to.
Long story short, I am using the same store for two scenarios. I want to have paging in my grid that will show 50 rows on each page. However, I want to loop through the entire store and load an array of all 1000 rows. The reason why I want an array of all 1000 is becasue I am going to use a date field in the rows to populate my date picker from an array. I am going to disable the dates in my grid and have the datepicker display only the dates that are in my grid.
I tried to include a screen shot but I am not allowed because i am only a 3 on the reputation system.
var operation = new Ext.data.Operation({action: 'read', start: 0, limit: 1000});
var proxy = new Ext.data.proxy.Ajax({ url: ''});
I have this in my controller:
ondatesStoreLoad: function(me,records,success)
var s = this.getStore('dates');
for (i = 0; i < s.getCount(); i++) {
MESSAGE_ID = s.getAt(i).get('message_id');
RECIP_EMAIL = s.getAt(i).get('recip_email');
UNIX_TIME_STAMP = s.getAt(i).get('unix_time_stamp')
This puts out all 1,000 of my records to the console but I am not sure how to put them in an array that I can use in my datepicker component. When ever i try to get the store in the datepicker it is always undefined. I suppose it is becasue the store hasn't loaded yet so there is nothing there. Not sure how to get around that. Perhaps a callback handler?
I added a callback in my store.load:
var store = Ext.getStore('dates');
store.load({callback: function(){
That took forever to figure out but now I can access all my records and have a smaller problem to work on. At the moment i just have one element hardcoded to do a quick test.
Where do I need to put the code to get it into my date picker disableDates config? I need to put the dates into an array but for quick testing I used minDate: just to see if i could see something work but it shows up as undefined. Now i have the code in a beforrender listener but that seemingly needs to be in some other place or maybe some handler for my date picker....? is there an onload for the datepicker or something i shoudl use for this??
Why not just change the datepicker directly from that ondatesStoreLoad function? Before the loop, disable all dates in the datepicker. Then during the loop, instead of the console.log call, enable the date that was found in that record.
In theory, that should work. However, looking at the docs for Ext, I don't see a way to disable all dates, or to enable a date. You can only set which dates are disabled. But the general idea of updating the datepicker in that ondatesStoreLoad call is still what you should do.
You might need to extend the datepicker class, and add some custom methods to it to be able to enable a specific day.
