There is a PL/pgSQL free environment to develop for PostgreSQL? - database

I want to know if there is a free environment to develop in PL/pgSQL.
Writing the code in Notepad++, replacing the function and running it turns the process slow. I'm using pgAdmin(only to replace and run the procedure) at the moment, but this is not what I want.
I know that there is one similar question here, but this is not duplicated. All the tools to develop are paid, I want to know if there is one free.

I am very happy with following environment.
I use a programmer editor like geany or similar and I edit a file with functions - I put related functions to one file - this is similar to modules from other environments.
I don't use a copy to pgAdmin - it is terrible work - and I don't think so pgAdmin is good tool for editing and maintaining more functions - it is good for ad hoc changes. The editor is not strong - it is simply, and you can't use a usual tools like git, cvs, .. More - you cannot to organize a related functions to one entity.
If I have a one or two files, then I have a opened console, and just import a file to postgres via \i command. If I have a more larger and complex project I use a makefiles - so it automatically import only modified and depended files. This is very good and very effective when you have a project with more then one hundred functions.

If you are looking for a debugger, check that can be included in pgAdmin. I have never seen any other tool that can debug plpgsql, only pgAdmin.

I had similar question and guys recommended me Toad Extension for Eclipse. You can see the discussion here: Development oriented PostgreSQL IDE


what is difference between installing sqlite3 and making .sqlite file?

I'm trying to learn apollo and following the docs and this documentation using sqlite to show how to connect local database to server.
i didn't install sqlite3 but the .sqlite file is in given source.
Even though it was out of the lecture but i got curious how this works though i didn't install it.
i have searched to find why it works and what is difference between these but i couldn't find it so i reached here to ask question about what are the differences and what is better to use.
SQLite is a library extensively used in different programming languages like python, javascript, php etc. This library is made using C-language which implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. ".sqlite" is a database file which contains all the data stored. This file can be made by executing some code based on syntax of that particular language. For you to work on SQLite, you need to have installed it on your local machine.

How do I play with Lynda etc. Postgres example files on MAMP without screwing up my current local environment? (beginner here)

So my company installed PostgreSQL on my computer, which I use, rarely and without understanding, for one specific function.
I'm trying to follow Lynda etc. tutorials to understand (Postgres)SQL better, since that's what we use, but all the tutorials ask students to reconfigure certain aspects of their system in order to follow along with example files (which I would really like to do).
Since I've messed up my dev env once already, I'm hesitant to touch anything that will cause issues with the local versions of our project.
I know this is an extremely wide-angle question with no easy answer, but if anyone has any general advice for playing with sample databases in MAMP Pro (or anywhere else) using Postgres without interfering with the servers I'm currently running, it would be a huge help.
i would recommend you use Vagrant and set up a isolated postgresql instance. Here is a great wiki you can follow to do this.
UPDATE: Given your comment,An easy solution is to just backup your data and proceed trying out the the Postgres examples you can always restore your data after you are done..

How can I create a data base management system?

I have to create a data base management system as a project for the school but I don't know how to. It doesn't have to be very sophisticated. Is there any tutorial that shows how to do it? And, what would be the most appropriate language to do that?
Do you need to actually build a database engine? Or do you need to use a database engine to create a database that you write a program to use?
Without knowing exactly what you're after, for the latter, I'd recommend you get ahold of the MAMP (on Mac) or WAMP (on Windows) stacks. this gives you Apache, MySql, and PHP on top of your favorite OS. Following google threads on those topics should lead you to plenty of examples.
If you have to actually build a database engine... well, here's another SO question that might help: Simple Database Implementation for Educational Purpose. Also, you might search through Github for open source examples.
Good luck!
I suggest this repository:
Prerequisites :
Good understanding of algorithms & dynamic data structures like trees - B-trees.. (it's all about structuring data and handling it using optimized algorithms's implementation)
Proficiency with C programming language ( pointers , structures-unions-typedef..) .

Legacy File Schema - Reverse Engineering

I'm currently in the process of converting over 20k database tables from Corel Paradox 4.0 format (DOS Based, with a .db extension) to SQL databases, and rather than using off the shelf software, I'm currently looking into using a light scripting language like Python (or Ruby or PHP, but Python is ideal since I'm working on a Windows desktop setup -- although I could boot one of my Linux VM's for development if needed) for me to write a set of code to simply pull all the .db files in a directory and output a set of .sql databases in just one click.
Now while I know PHP has a limited library built to specifically handle Paradox files, when it comes to Python, Ruby, and other languages I haven't had much luck.
My question now is, when it comes to writing a script to convert formats, how do I go about defining the syntax of the file to be inputted? For example, when it comes to .exe, .zip, .msi, and so on, is there a single format/syntax published for developers to follow, and if so, what are the most comprehensive/solid sources to check?
I currently have a copy of Paradox for Windows which I can use to view the fields and tables, but that isn't helping me with my scripts as it only shows a high-level overview.
Thanks very much for any information,
Why do not you want to use already existing software? For example, a quick googling yielded this toolset (I do not have Paradox databases to test, but it seems to compile correctly). vs fluentmigrator vs migsharp

I am currently investigating possible options of a migration framework/tool. I like the idea of ruby migrations on which the above frameworks are based.
So I am asking for your experience, opinions and maybe a comparison between them. Are you using them in production?
thanks for responses. The goal of this question was to get a feeling about which tools is used most in the developer community but it seems that migrations are not a hot topic here.
Anyway, I have decided to go with MigSharp as the codebase seem to be pretty clean and it is quite easy to handle and had build in support for MS SQL CE. Second runner up would have been FluentMigrator where I was not able to produce a working example for compact edition.
I use FluentMigrator in production, and am a longtime contributor to FM. I think your question is to general; be more specific. Also, FM has a google group which is fairly active if you want FM information.
FM is derived from, as I recall. It uses a fluent-syntax, and supports multiple databases. We have taken some inspiration from rails migrations, but it's definitely not a port. Worth checking out.
One thing I've learned is not to put your migrations in the same assembly as you app code. Separate them into a migration assembly, and use that for migrating your databases.
Also, you should always work on multiple environments to avoid problems with migrations run straight against production. I always have at least a development and production environment, and most of the time there is a testing environment as well.
I use mig#.
It works well, but you will need to have some guidelines for usage - as migrations can get complicated.
We use sequence number on the end of our migrations rather than a date-time stamp. This is because we don't know when the date time stamp was set (when they begun the source code change-set; just before committing; some time inbetween) different developers could use different approaches.
Names such as Migration_0000034.cs give you plenty of space.
At this point, I would stick with I like the promise of FluentMigrator, but it seems to not have any better active development than (see the issues and pull requests that have languished on their github site).
There is also no easy way to do an ExecuteScalar(). I'd add it, but I don't want to create my own fork, and I see no reason that a pull request would actually land in the master. (Execute.WithConnection is an Action so it will fire on demand rather than when I need it to fire)
So for me, I'm heading back to
