how do i install custom c++ libraries? - c

i'm taking a computer security class and i was hoping i can get some pointers on how to install custom libraries the professor had uploaded. the main language is C which i am not very familiar with. i am using eclipse for c/c++.
if eclipse is not a great choice for c please direct me to the best program for c.
installing these libraries in my laptop is not required because its already installed in the labs in school but i'd prefer it if i could do thing on my own laptop.
ps: reason i like eclipse is because of the alignment command it has =/
using window 7 64bit...
here is my prof's website for the lab...

Download a free copy of Virtual Box.
Install the same linux distro that your class uses in it.
Run eclipse in there, and just do what your professor tells you to for those libraries.
Any attempt to do this on native Windows will cost you more time that you can possibly afford.


Cross Compilation for C applications using Eclipse

I'm developing a java application which uses native code with JNI, so I developped a C shared library using Eclipse with the CDT plugin on Linux Redhat. Everything works fine since I can launch my java application and call the native methods without any problem. But my problem is, I need to compile my code on every platform (Linux, Windows, x86/x64). It's not a problem to get the file but I also need a .dll to run on Windows, except I can't just compile my code on it, I need a way to do that locally on Linux with Eclipse. So I am looking for some simple solutions to do that locally with Eclipse using cross compilation.
I've made some researches but I can't find a real tutorial to explain how to do that, each time people say to compile on the specified platform. So if someone could help me with this that would be great.
My configuration is : Linux RedHat, Eclipse Juno, CDT plugin 8.1
You need a Linux -> Windows cross compiler. The MinGW tools would do the job, but, last I checked, they only provide binary downloads to run on Windows (i.e. not a cross-compiler). There are some (old) instructions for building your own here.
The CodeBench compiler is probably exactly what you want, but it's not free (there is a free trial though). It's basically a professional build of the MinGW tools, and comes with it's own customized Eclipse so there's no fiddling about needed in that department.
A quick google also comes up with these tools on sourceforge, but I've not tried them.

Compiling and Distributing C Programs

I just finished a semester up of C programming for a class I'm in, and it has left me with some questions that I was hoping to get answered.
During my class we have been using GCC to compile C programs. This is all good and well, but I have a question about compiling.
What if I wanted to build a C program on Windows? There is no GCC. Is that what Microsoft Visual Studio is for?
Also, what if I wanted to compile a program and distribute it? What would I compile to distribute to other Window's users?
In summary, I know how to write C programs, but I just don't get how you would make a program to give to someone who doesn't have a C compiler and is basically computer dumb.
Thanks in advance,
Generally you will need to do two things:
Compile your program into a stand-alone executable or binary.
a. On Windows this would be a win32 executable.
b. On Linux this would be an elf binary.
Create an installer package for your program.
a. On Windows you might use NSIS, Microsoft MSI, or InstallShield.
b. On Linux you would do well to use a packager for the distribution you want to target.
Anecodtally, it is very easy to utilize Eclipse CDT and NSIS to develop C and C++ software on Windows without needing to pay any license fees.
Eclipse CDT:
Starter Guide:
Note that if you use Visual Studio then you will also need to compile in release mode and distribute the Visual Studio CRT or .NET runtime(s). It depends upon how you link to the standard library provided by your compiler.
you can get GCC for windows....
but, Visual Studio is probably a better choice.
Once you have built it, you can use something like Wix or InnoSetup to make an install program for it.

Any way of running GTK libraries In Windows OS using C?

After a whole week of trying to get GTK working on Cygwin and MinGW using makefile, I've hit a stone cold wall. Does anyone please, anyone know how I can program using C and GTK libraries in widows operating system that WORKS? If there is can anyone give me step by step instructions please! The environment has to run the hello world program as an example:
Thanks in advance!
It's a bit tricky to configure GTK+ toolchain on Windows.
The easiest way is to use this GTK+ bundle. It provide easy to use and install GTK+ runtime environment. You will find there note how to extend this runtime for developing purposes.
According to GTK+'s mailing list version 2.16 is known to be the most stable, however maybe it's good idea to try newer one.
Moreover go to GTK+'s home page and read threads about GTK+ & Windows 7 on the gtk-app-devel mailing list.

How do I install Eclipse for C

How do I install Eclipse for C
Please send links and helpful tips.
Need an easy install
• Steps involved
• SDK with all the libraries and stuff I'll need
• Variable path setup
• Anything else that may surprise a noob
I use the following plug-in which allows me to develop in both C and C++
Eclipse CDT
There are tutorials and instructions on how to download on the website, so if you have any other questions, let me know!
I've never used Eclipse for C or C++ (I have only used it for Java) and I'm guessing its just a simple install:
As far as I know, everything you'll need comes pre-packaged and configures itself as part of the installation. You'll need the JRE if you don't have it though.
I suggest going with MS Visual C++ express instead especially if you are on Windows. The reason is that getting the GNU C compiler installed with Eclipse on Windows is a real pain.
I did it once and don't even remember since it's a bit of work to get Cygwin — which provides a Linux®-like environment on Windows installed. Not as easy and clear as it should be i.e. not just a point and click install like Eclipse with Java. I have a feeling not many people try installing it on Windows since the install documentation seems more geared towards the Linux where with many distro's gcc is already installed or a simple install.

Using Eclipse for C programming?

I want to examine and modify some open source programs written in C.
Is it sensible to use Eclipse for this purpose? If so, what plugins should I add? What "gotchas" should I be aware of?
If not, what FOSS C IDEs do you recommend for coding C on a linux box? Emacs, while undeniably powerful, is not to my taste (I'm more a mouser than a keyboarder.)
I have found netbeans to be a better ide for C/C++ then eclipse -- C/C++ is a first class citizen in the netbeans world. I am personally using geany these days.
Use Eclipse CDT, you can download Eclipse IDE for C/C++ here . Its not as mature as the Java IDE, and it can be a pain to set up a proper build system with it unless you're happy letting Eclipse handle your builds.
As you asked for alternative open source IDEs, I would recommend Code::Blocks for anything C/C++.
If you want to give it a try, download a nightly build (they don't really keep the "stable" version up-to-date). You can find instructions for installing on Linux in the respective forum thread.
IMO Code::Blocks is really nice because it's fast, portable and you can configure every detail of your project easily. There are also lots of plugins that can help you with development.
But if you're accustomed to Eclipse and like it so far, you should really use CDT because you get the same (nice) look-and-feel as with the other Eclipse development environments (Java, Java EE, Jython, Python, ...).
