How to export IES file to advance the design? - led

Our LED luminaries need to sell to US, according to LM-79 and LM-80 request, it
needs to meet energy star request, how to do that test? How to export IES file to advance the design?

LSG-2000 Goniophotometer with Rotating Mirror can achieve the testing program of CIE C-γ、 CIE B- β and CIE A-α, IESNA file format output can be transfered by other illumination and luminaire design software. The test report is according to Energy Start request. The LSG-2000 instruments system is developed understand LM-79 & LM-80. You can download the brochure at:


Difference between JSON-RPC Endpoints of BSC, vs

I was still doing well with JSON-RPC Endpoint ( from; normally it's only about 5X,XXX
var web3 = new Web3('');
var web3 = new Web3('');
But today Gas Limit is too high (81,344), so I tried to lookup many and found some endpoints, one of them:
With same contract, same data & nonce, I used web3.eth.estimateGas then Gas Limit of the new one is 22,848; it's just same to fee for BNB transfer.
Why they have too different fees like that, someone may help me understand?
It's safe to use with the new one?
Actually, is testnet rpc !
Use it if you wanna test stuff without burning "real" BNB for gas (testnet bnb has no value lol).
Have a nice day :D

BotBuilder - FormFlow - how to change confirmation option language

I'm working with Microsoft Bot Framework facing with FormFlow.
I'm using confirmation dialog like this sample:
return new FormBuilder<SandwichOrder>()
.Message("Welcome to the sandwich order bot!")
.Confirm("Do you want to order your {Length} {Sandwich} on {Bread} {&Bread} with {[{Cheese} {Toppings} {Sauces}]} to be sent to {DeliveryAddress} {?at {DeliveryTime:t}}?")
.Message("Thanks for ordering a sandwich!")
Confirm dialog works but I'm running the bot then questions in italian language while Confirm seems to accept just "yes/no" options.
How to turn this into italian ("si/no")?
Is it possible to set language globally?
The language is set in the website. You can edit your bot and set the Language parameter :
Setting parameter for language
You can also ask the Bot Connector to translate automatically messages for you. This is done by the user. He only has to say : "I would like to speak spanish" and it will translate automatically message into spanish.
You might want to take a look to the AnnotatedSandwich sample. With the latest release of the Builder package the sample was updated and now it shows how you can build a Localized Form. Here is the code where the form is being built.

"send_nav_velocity" function does not work in "guided_set_speed_yaw" example

I am new to Ardupilot.
Recently, I am trying to run the example "guided_set_speed_yaw" in dronekit-python api. here
Oddly, the "send_nav_velocity" in line 47 does not work (no "Got MAVLink msg" response and nothing happened during real flight tests), while "condition_yaw" in line 67 works.
I am running the script in Odroid U3 with an IRIS quadcopter. The firmware version is V3.3-dev. I basically followed this website to come to this far.
Maybe it's because of the firmware version? Thanks for any help!
The URL to the example is (note "examples" not "example"). This is much more "full" version of the example code.
The reason you're not getting a response is that I don't think one is sent - ArduPilot sends a response for COMMAND_LONG messages (as used to send CONDITION_YAW), but not necessarily other message types (as used to send the velocity).

sonar quality profile rule export with descrption

How to download a sonar quality profile along with description.
Gives me xml dump with repositoryKey, key, priority elements of each rule. What shud i do to get description/rule descriptiin text?
Pls help.
You should get what you want with the /api/rules web service and with help of the "profile" parameter :

Why can't I update these custom fields in Salesforce?

Well I am bewildered. I have been tasked with updating a PHP script that uses the BulkAPI to upsert some data into the Opportunity entity.
This is all going well except that the Bulk API is returning this error for some clearly defined custom fields:
InvalidBatch : Field name not found : cv__Acknowledged__c
And similar.
I thought I finally found the problem when I discovered the WSDL version I was using was quite old (Partner WSDL). So I promptly regenerated the WSDL. Only problem? Enterprise, Partner, etc....all of not include these fields. They're all coming from the Common Ground package and start with cv_
I even tried to find them in the object explorer in Workbench as well as the schema explorer in IDE.
So, please...lend me your experience. How can I update these values?
Thanks in advance!
Screenshots to prove I have the correct access:
EDIT -- Here is my code:
require_once 'soapclient/SforcePartnerClient.php';
require_once 'BulkApiClient.php';
$mySforceConnection = new SforcePartnerClient();
$mySoapClient = $mySforceConnection->createConnection(APP.'plugins'.DS.'salesforce_bulk_api_client'.DS.'vendors'.DS.'soapclient'.DS.'partner.wsdl.xml');
$mylogin = $mySforceConnection->login('', 'redactedSessionredactedPassword');
$myBulkApiConnection = new BulkApiClient($mylogin->serverUrl, $mylogin->sessionId);
$job = new JobInfo();
$job = $myBulkApiConnection->createJob($job);
$batch = $myBulkApiConnection->createBatch($job, $insert);
$myBulkApiConnection->updateJobState($job->getId(), 'Closed');
$times = 1;
while($batch->getState() == 'Queued' || $batch->getState() == 'InProgress')
$batch = $myBulkApiConnection->getBatchInfo($job->getId(), $batch->getId());
sleep(pow(1.5, $times++));
$batchResults = $myBulkApiConnection->getBatchResults($job->getId(), $batch->getId());
echo "Number of records processed: " . $batch->getNumberRecordsProcessed() . "\n";
echo "Number of records failed: " . $batch->getNumberRecordsFailed() . "\n";
echo "stateMessage: " . $batch->getStateMessage() . "\n";
if($batch->getNumberRecordsFailed() > 0 || $batch->getNumberRecordsFailed() == $batch->getNumberRecordsProcessed())
echo "Failures detected. Batch results:\n".$batchResults."\nEnd batch.\n";
And lastly, an example of the CSV data being sent:
"#N/A","0018000000nH16fAAC","100.00","70180000000nktJ","2010-10-29","Gary Smith $100.00 Single Donation 10/29/2010","00580000001jWnq","01280000000F7c7AAC","Received","Individual Gift","Not Acknowledged","Credit Card","Email"
"#N/A","0018000000nH1JtAAK","30.00","70180000000nktJ","2010-12-20","Lisa Smith $30.00 Single Donation 12/20/2010","00580000001jWnq","01280000000F7c7AAC","Received","Individual Gift","Not Acknowledged","Credit Card","Email"
After 2 weeks, 4 cases, dozens of e-mails and phone calls, 3 bulletin board posts, and 1 Stackoverflow question, I finally got a solution.
The problem was quite simple in the end. (which makes all of that all the more frustrating)
As stated, the custom fields I was trying to update live in the Convio Common Ground package. Apparently our install has 2 licenses for this package. None of the licenses were assigned to my user account.
It isn't clear what is really gained/lost by not having the license other than API access. As the rest of this thread demonstrates, I was able to see and update the fields in every other way.
If you run into this, you can view the licenses on the Manage Packages page in Setup. Drill through to the package in question and it should list the users who are licensed to use it.
Thanks to SimonF's professional and timely assistance on the Developer Force bulletin boards:
I really think this is a field level security issue. Is the field included in the opportunity layout for that user profile? Field level security picks the most restrictive option, so if you seem to have access from the setup screen but it's not included in the layout, I don't think the system will give you access.
If you're certain that your user's profile has FLS access to the fields and the assigned layouts include the fields, then I'd suggest looking into the definition of the package in question. I know the bulk API allows use of fields in managed packages normally (I've done this).
My best guess at this point is that your org has installed multiple versions of this package over time. Through component deprecation, it's possible the package author deprecated these custom fields. Take a look at two places once you've logged into salesforce:
1.) The package definition page. It should have details about what package version was used when the package was first installed and what package version you're at now.
2.) The page that has WSDL generation links. If you choose to generate the enterprise WSDL, you should be taken to a page that has dropdown elements that let you select which package version to use. Try fiddling with those to see if you can get the fields to show up.
These are just guesses. If you find more info, let me know, and I can try to provide additional guidance.
