cakephp - what is the difference between model and behavior? - cakephp

I understand that the behavior is supposed to extend the model and add functionality to it, but in most cases the fat-model idea is making the behavior useless, isn't it?
And, even preferred, ignore my first paragraph and just answer - please - the question in the title, and add an example to make it clear

A behavior is where you extract code that doesn't really belong in one specific models domain. Kind of like, helper functions, or a mixin/module (if you're familiar with that pattern from other programming languages).
If you're familiar with CakePHP helpers and components, you can look at it like this. A behavior is to Model as Helper is to View as Component is to Controller. Basically a set of functionality that will be used across multiple models.
Let's say you want to implement soft delete on all the models in your application. (Soft delete meaning, you don't actually delete the record, you just mark it as deleted). You wouldn't want to put the same soft delete code into every model. That's not very DRY! Instead you use a behavior to abstract out the functionality like so.
What we're trying to do is instead of delete the record, update the deleted on column with the current date (it will work the same way as created, modified). Then we'll change the find method to only retrieve records that aren't deleted.
// models/behaviors/soft_deletable.php
class SoftDeletableBehavior extends ModelBehavior {
function setup(&$Model, $settings = array()) {
// do any setup here
// override the delete function (behavior methods that override model methods take precedence)
function delete(&$Model, $id = null) {
$Model->id = $id;
// save the deleted field with current date-time
if ($Model->saveField('deleted', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) {
return true;
return false;
function beforeFind(&$Model, $query) {
// only include records that have null deleted columns
$query['conditions']["{$Model->alias}.deleted <>"] = '';
return $query;
Then in your model
Class User extends AppModel {
public $actsAs = array('SoftDeletable');
And from your controller, you can call all of our behavior methods on your model
Class UsersControllers extends AppController {
function someFunction() {
$this->User->delete(1); // soft deletes user with id of 1
$this->User->find('all'); // this will not exclude user with an id of 1
I hope this helps you.

Behaviors can be shared between Models. Typically a Behavior contains abstract code that can be applied to any model.
While you could of course write this for a single Model specifically, you would have to write it again for another Model. By abstracting it to be shared, you've created a Behavior.
In CakePHP a Behavior to a Model is the same relationship as a Component to a Controller or a Helper to a View.
An example of a Core Behavior in CakePHP is Containable. This allows you to have finer control over the relationships used in by find().

basically behaviors are used to make your application dry! and code reuse...
Check this link... it gives you simple tagging behavior which you can use in your post model


CakePHP Behaviors call to behavior method returns error

I've been working with cakephp for personal use. Now I understood that I want to create some functions that will be repeated in many models of my project, so I found out by Cakephp docs that the best way to do it is using Behaviors.
Each time a new entity of my project models are created, I want to notice some users(coworkers) by email. Like a new project added, new task added, etc...
What achieved until now
I created a behavior with an afeterSave event listener; I attached it in one of my models.
When I create I add a new task it runs the behaviors methods and send a simple email.
The problem is to find out witch model has called the event
I read the cake2.x docs and the afterSave event used to receive the event and the model in witch you could call alias to know the model name:
public function afterSave(Model $model,...){
$model_name = $model->alias;
if ($model_name == 'some_model'){
//code for specific model
} else (...)
However in cakephp 3.9 we receive Event and EntityInterface:
public function afterSave(Event $event, EntityInterface $model)
# I tried $mail_HTMLmessage= $model->_registryAlias;
# I tried $mail_HTMLmessage= $model->_className;
# I tried $mail_HTMLmessage= $model->get('className');
$this->sendMail($mail_HTMLmessage);// this is another method that i defined in my behavior that sends an email to me with the string mail_HTMLmessage as the mail message.
return true;
I've tested mail_HTMLmessage=$event->getName() and in my email I received event.afterSave as expected.
However everything I tried to get model/class name it returned an empty string.
Is it possible to get the model name? and what is the best way to do it?
Thanks in advance
I believe what you're looking for is not in the event at all, but the entity. getSource(), to be specific.

How to create a whitelist of updatable fields in a CakePHP's model?

I want to create a whitelist of fields that I want to be updatable in CakePHP. I know that I can pass a fieldList array in the call to Model::save(), but this isn't what I'm looking for. What I want is that every model "publish" a list of the valid fields, so if I call the Model::save() method without a fieldList and with data that mustn't be updatable (like the ownerId) this won't be updated.
What can I do to get this behavior? Maybe override the Model::save method in every Model to call at the "original" Model::save with the whitelist? I think this is a good idea, because I don't pollute all the controllers with lots of duplicated whitelists...
Thanks for your help!
Well, thanks you all for your answers, but I was wrong: I don't need to add this functionality.
The problem I was trying to solve was a security problem, I was trying to avoid form tampering (I've discovered the name just now), and as I am a novice CakePHP user, I didn't know that CakePHP already manages this problem.
The answer to my question is very easy: I must use CakePHP's Security Plugin and use the Form Tampering prevention (
Can‘t say I’ve ever needed to do this in CakePHP, but CakePHP only saves the fields you pass it.
If you really need to create a white-list and you’re certain you only ever want these fields saving and never any others in your database (although I don’t understand why you have columns for them if you never touch them) then you could emulate this behavior in a model callback method:
class User extends AppModel {
public function beforeSave($options = array()) {
$whitelist = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'email');
foreach ($this->data[$this->alias] as $field => $value) {
if (!in_array($field, $whitelist)) {
return true;
This will just unset any data not in the $whitelist array, but if you really don’t want a column being updated then don’t pass a value for it.

View with small modifications for different types of article

I have one view for a type of article, I need to extends this view and if user open article type "Special" I need to show some new fields in this view.
I don't want to create a separate view for this type of form because differs only one field.
Also I need to save in database, in field "type" one different value if "Special" article is saved.
Please suggest me how I can do this.
Well, you should simply use a if statement in your view to display, or not, additional fields, and use beforeSave method in your model to handle your type attribute.
protected function beforeSave()
// if ('Special' article)
// $this->type = 'value';
You should also consider using scenario.
I resolved this by adding a public variable in Article model, in controller I set the variable with one string, and on view I verify this string.

Write to multiple tables in joomla component?

I'm trying to create a component (front end) that uses multiple tables. I found 1 or 2 post that partially answer to the question but none really does. The point seems always simple and evident for the one who knows how to do it but it is never really explained (or I missed the right post).
In my component, the user enters data in one view that need to be stored in two tables:
the standard Joomla User table i.e. # __users
an additional table to store data that are not included in Joomla i.e. # __users_complements
I'm a beginner, so maybe I'm wrong, but I understood that the standard functions of joomla can only save results of a form in one table .
In my case, I guess that I have to override the standard functions in my model: com_component / model / my_model.php.
1) I'm confused because I do not really understand which function must be overrided: save ()? store ()? other?
2) Let's say I override the save() function, should I rewrite all the code to save data (explode the data array and create all the update queries) or should I create 2 standard table objects.
In this case, (2 objects) it seems weird to send each time the whole data array to the parent function as I know that a part is for table 1 and the other part for the table 2. I should be able to split before don't I?
3) Should I create 2 models and manage those models from my controller when I get back data from the form and call the save function of the model?
Could you help me to clarify how to do this saving in multiple tables?
An example with code will be very much appreciated.
Thank you
I finally made it. As I spent many hours on this and found that a lot of people where looking for an answer, here is how I did.
I suppose you know how to create a component, using the standard MVC structure:
Component entry point
Component controller
Eventually component router
Component view
Component model
Component controller
In model components\my_component\models\my_model.php create your own save function
public function save($data)
// Initialise variables.
$userId = (!empty($data['id'])) ? $data['id'] : (int)$this->getState('');
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$table_one = $this->getTable('TableOne', 'MyComponentTable', array());
$table_two = $this->getTable('TableTwo', 'MyComponentTable', array());
// Bind the data.
if (!$table_one->bind($data))
$this->setError(JText::sprintf('USERS PROFILE BIND FAILED', $user->getError()));
return false;
if (!$table_two->bind($data))
$this->setError(JText::sprintf('USERS PROFILE BIND FAILED', $user->getError()));
return false;
// Store the data.
if (!$table_one->save($data))
return false;
if (!$table_two->save($data))
return false;
return $user->id;
Of course, you need the getTable function called in the save function
public function getTable($type = 'TableOne', $prefix = 'MyComponentTable', $config = array())
// call the administrator\components\com_mycomponent\tables\__tablename__.php
$this->addTablePath(JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/tables');
return JTable::getInstance($type, $prefix, $config);
And it works! So simple!
Of course, as I said in my question the whole $data is sent to the parent save() function to with data that are not necessary for table_one or table_two. It works this way with the standard joomla structure (no hack or direct query in the code).
Hope it helps.
There may be those out there who disagree with the way that the following method disrupts the MVC structure just a bit, but I've found it to be the simplest for me.
Typically, you have a model that fits one of the tables. In your example with pushing data to the users table as well as one in your component, I would add the following to the model for the table in your component:
public function save($data) {
if (!parent::save($data)) {
return false;
// add necessary code to save to the users table, since there isn't a standard way to do this that I'm aware of
// sometimes I will grab another model even
require_once(JPATH_BASE . '/administrator/components/com_users/models/user.php');
$other_model = $this->getInstance('user', 'UsersModel');
return true;
The first part of this function should save the data to the components table just like normal. But you can tack what you need on to the rest of the component to make whatever you like happen.
I would almost guarantee that there is a better way to chain models (and I've seen some of the changes happening in the Joomla Platform core that will lead to better ways in the future), but this should get you going for now.
In addition, for prompt 3, I would handle in the controller if you need to sometimes save just one table and sometimes save both. I've found that the save functions are pretty safe to run even when parts aren't loaded, so I usually just let it run.

Dynamically passing a model name to a CakePHP Plugin

I'm having trouble wording my problem, so it's been tough to search for an answer. Hopefully you'll know how to help.
I am creating a CakePHP 2.1 Plugin that will interact with a series of its own Models:
- Friend
- Group
- User
Friend and Group are models that are created specifically for the Plugin, and they function within the plugin normally. However, the User model is really just an alias for some other table in the parent app.
So, if "My Awesome Application" decides to use "My Awesome Plugin", it will have to have its own "users" table (though it may called something else). Let's say "My Awesome Application" has a Model called MyUser. "My Awesome Plugin" wants to dynamically tell its internal User model to $useTable = "my_users".
My question is, how do I pass that data to the Plugin? How do I configure "My Awesome Plugin" to understand that User should $useTable "my_users";
As I understand you would like a Model in a PlugIn to use a table that would typically belong to a Model in your Application - by the conventions. Have you tried statically setting:
public $useTable = "my_users";
in the plugin? All plugins usually get initialized when Cake starts up, so all configurations should be loaded then. Why do you need this - it does really restrict you a lot? Will the table being used by the Plugin model change runtime?
The Model class also has some goodies you may find useful:
holds the table name for the model - the table that is currently being used that is**.
Also you can set the source table for the Model (inside a Controller) with:
** I am not sure if this applies when you use Model::setSource(). It would be interesting to check out what $this->User->table; holds after a Model::setSource() call.
I've figured out a way to accomplish this, but it might not work in all scenarios for all people.
I created a Component in my Plugin, and then I call the Component in my Controller. I pass the name of the users Model through the Component. This way, I can get information about the users Model, and I can set it as the useTable to my Plugin for use in the Plugin.
Of course, this method restricts me to using the Component to utilize the Plugin, but that's probably for the best.
Here's an example of how I did it:
// in the AppController
public $components = array(
'MyPlugin.MyPluginComponent' => array('userModel'=>'UserModelName')
// in the Plugin's Component
class MyPluginComponent extends Component {
function initialize($controller) {
//get the base user model
$this->UserModel = ClassRegistry::init($this->settings['userModel']);
//set the useTable for our plugin's user model
$this->PluginUser = ClassRegistry::init('MyPlugin.PluginUser');
//set the useTable value for this model
That seems to work for me. Hope this helps someone else.
