messages between local Silverlight apps without using local messaging - silverlight

I have one silverlight application hosted in HTTPS and another in HTTP. How can I send messages between them? Silverlight's local messaging system can not send messages between silverlight apps hosted in different URI scheme.

Silverlight's local messaging system typicaly uses for communication silverlight plugins on the same page. So, you provide more complex scenario. You access to first via https and to second via http, as I understant each application hosted in an own page and you want provide communication between this application. I think you should use services to synchronize their on server.


How to use Hsytrix to be the gateway for multiple webapps

We have many web apps deployed in tomcat container. All these applications, make REST API calls to a couple of external services. What we want is all these rest API calls (across these web apps) to be going via single Hystrix gateway so we can build resiliency into the system. Any idea how to do this? If these independent web apps package hystrix in their own war then there will be multiple hystrix instances created? How to have a single instance of Hystrix per JVM which should deal with multiple web apps ?
You need a gateway that will serve as a reverse proxy to dispatch incoming requests to the different services. This gateway can implement hystrix commands in order make the calls to the different external services.
Look at Zuul made by Netflix it's the most popular choice in terms of gateways. Hystrix is already in place and wraps the different external calls. You can also use spring cloud Netflix which includes an embedded Zuul proxy, here's an example:

How can we user NserviceBus with WcfRest using SqlServerTransport?

I want to create a WCF Rest Application using NserviceBus and also i want use SQLServer transport.
Kindly help me ..Give me some Proper Code
NServiceBus V5.x - SQL Transport V2.x
The following sample shows you how to setup the SQL transport:
Hosting in IIS
NServiceBus can be hosted in IIS without any issues. Especially with a central broker transport like SQL, RabbitMQ, Azure Storage Queues or Azure Service Bus.
NServiceBus can be hosted in any web technology that support .NET. This includes:
And many others.
As most web technologies operate in a scale out manner NServiceBus is usually hosted in a "Send-only" manner. In this mode they act as a "forwarder" of messages rather than the "processor". So the handling code (MVC controller, NancyFX module etc) of a given web request simply leverages the Bus send APIs and no processing is done in the web process.
Hosting in IIS does have some concerns as application pools by default don't startup automatically and can be recycled or even stopped. Any messages send to such an IIS hosted endpoint will not be processed until the application pool is started again.
The following samples demonstrate how to initialize NServiceBus and how to use it from MVC

Can I use azure notification hub to push to a wpf app

I am looking for a way to push notifications to a windows desktop app (a WPF app to be more specific) can I use azure notification hub for it? or are there any other alternatives out there?
It is not possible to use Azure Notification Hubs for this purpose. The core reason is that Azure Notification Hubs do not work with devices directly, rather it communicates via the Platform Notification Services for each platform (such as Windows Notification Service, Apple Notification Service, Google Cloud Messaging). And none of these services will work with a simple WPF application.
You have to design your own WPF Push Notification service via long polling or Web Sockets connection, and you could probably use Windows Azure Service Bus for that. But how to build such a service, is not subject to a SO question/answer.

Google Analytics for Windows Forms applications?

I need to track usage statistics (such as which features are mostly used etc.) for my Windows Forms app that communicates with a WCF Service. Can anyone suggest how to achieve this using Google analytics? Also what is the best way to implement this, from the client app or the WCF service or both?
You can send data directly to Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol.
The requests are sent via HTTP, so in terms of whether you should send it from the client or the server or both, the choice is yours. Do whatever is easiest.

Does Google App Engine Support JAVA Proxy API's?

I have a question surrounding the REST service. I have an application written in C# , i want to put this application onto the cloud. I have a small problem, My Application has a built in C# API. I want to interact with my application and Google app engine. I want to develop a JAVA PROXY on top of GAE so that it can interact with my application using REST protocol and performs CRUD operations on Cloud and returns back data to my application.
Is it possible to do this ? to what i know is that SANDBOX feature doesn't allow us to directly interact with the App Engine.
Any suggestion on this.........
Thanks Heaps
You don't need Java Proxy API in order to make http requests to another server (I guess you did not have java's Proxy class in mind?).
Yes, AppEngine can make HTTP/REST requests to other servers via URL Fetch java API.
