cakephp new field not saving - cakephp

How to you extend a cakePHP project so it can use a new field in the database?
I just given a CakePHP Project that I am trying to extend the model to include a new field. I The original Developer is no longer available, and I haven't worked with CakePHP previously. The problem is that all of the other fields are being saved correctly, but the new field is being saved as an empty string.
The database has been extended to include the new field:
class_time varchar(30)
I extended the original view to support the new field
<?=$form->input('release', array('type' => 'radio', 'legend' => false, 'div' => 'radio', 'options' => array('Agree' => 'Agree ', 'Disagree' => 'Disagree')))?>
<?=$form->input('class_time', array('type' => 'radio', 'legend' => false, 'div' => 'radio', 'options' => array('No preference' => 'No preference ', '6:00-8:30 P.M. ' => '6:00-8:30 P.M. ', '6:30-9:00 P.M.' => '6:30-9:00 P.M.')))?>
As near as I can tell, the page is rendering the HTML correctly
<div class="radio"><input type="hidden" name="data[Account][release]" id="AccountRelease_" value=""><input type="radio" name="data[Account][release]" id="AccountReleaseAgree" value="Agree"><label for="AccountReleaseAgree">Agree </label><input type="radio" name="data[Account][release]" id="AccountReleaseDisagree" value="Disagree"><label for="AccountReleaseDisagree">Disagree</label></div>
<div class="radio"><input type="hidden" name="data[Account][class_time]" id="AccountClassTime_" value=""><input type="radio" name="data[Account][class_time]" id="AccountClassTimeNoPreference" value="No preference"><label for="AccountClassTimeNoPreference">No preference </label><input type="radio" name="data[Account][class_time]" id="AccountClassTime6:00-8:30P.m." value="6:00-8:30 P.M. "><label for="AccountClassTime6:00-8:30P.m.">6:00-8:30 P.M. </label><input type="radio" name="data[Account][class_time]" id="AccountClassTime6:30-9:00P.m." value="6:30-9:00 P.M."><label for="AccountClassTime6:30-9:00P.m.">6:30-9:00 P.M.</label></div>
But when it saves, it is saving the selection for the "release" field (and the others), but not the class_time.
From what I can find in the cakePHP documentation, app/models/account.php is where I believe I would need to define the new field, but it only consists of the following:
class Account extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Account';
Which makes me wonder how the original developer got the "release" to save, even though it doesn't appear to be defined.
Is there something that I am missing, or that still needs to be done?

Whenever you make any changes to your database, please make sure that your app/config/core.php file debug value is 2. Configure::write('debug', 2);
If it is 0 database changes will not be detected.

In CakePHP application, whenever you add a new field or modify the structure in database, you should delete all files inside YourApplication/app/tmp/cache/models folder.

Whenever you do any database change follow the following steps :
Clear files under \app\tmp\cache\models
If you are using any cache engines like memcache, restart the cache service.
Set the debug to 2 in core.php

Quite a bit later, but I was looking for a way to do this today in Cake 3.x. Easiest way, imo:
bin/cake orm_cache build
which will rebuild the cache w/ the current db structure.
Or to just clear w/o rebuild:
bin/cake orm_cache clear

Try to clear all models under cache directory.

clear cache at /app/tmp/cache
if raising debug level to 2 or 3 is not working.
check if, on using debug($Model), shows your new field under schema attribute of model.

You can also delete cache file if your database changes are not working.
path of your application\app\tmp\cache\models

In cakephp 3 you should also check your entity file for that model, and make sure that the field is under the $_accesible property.
protected $_accessible = [
'name' => true,
'topic' => true,
'new_field' => true

You need to inform cakephp that you have new fields in your db. Why you need to do so is coz cakephp scans the db only once and generates the schemas. Once refers to first time it's run. You can find the schemas in app\tmp\cache\models.
So if you clear the files in the above folder cake will re generate the schema. Now there is a exception to it, if you are in development/debug mode cakephp scans it everytime.

Actually, any changes to database, anytime , you should change debug mode to 2 in app/config/core.php if it is zero. Otherwise it will take values from cache.


What's going wrong with my migrations on CakePHP 4?

I've applied a couple of minor changes to the database structure for my app, adding new columns to a table called Plots. This is one of the migrations -
use Migrations\AbstractMigration;
class AddGarageToPlots extends AbstractMigration
public function change()
$table = $this->table('plots');
$table->addColumn('garage', 'string', [
'default' => null,
'limit' => 255,
'null' => true,
When I apply the migration it seems to run fine: there are no errors and I can see the new column in the database if I connect directly to it but when I try to access data in the new field in a view using, for example, <?= $plot->garage ?> it consistently returns null even though I have populated this field via the direct connection.
Is there something else I need to do that I'm missing here or is there some way I can check that the migration has worked properly like a schema file somewhere?
Found the answer to my own question by reading slightly further in the documentation - migrations and deployment.
I needed to run bin/cake schema_cache clear

Uploading multiple pictures from the same form in CakePHP 1.2

I have a one-to-many relationship where one House can have many Pictures. The models that I have are "House" and "Picture". I am using CakePHP 1.2 and I can upload one picture successfully by using this:
echo $form->input('Picture.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image')));
In my houses_controller.php file, I have this code to save the picture and corresponding association with its house:
But I need to save several pictures now. I read the documentation at and based on that information, I am trying to use this:
echo $form->input('Picture.0.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image 1'));
echo $form->input('Picture.1.filename', array('type' => 'file', 'label' => __l('Image 2'));
Then my houses_controller.php file has this:
I see that one new record is saved in my pictures table, but I was expecting to see two new entries in my table because I should have added two pictures, not only one. Any ideas about why this may not be saving two pictures for me? Thank you.
Using $this->data['Picture'] was not sufficient because the array was returning multiple elements, so I had to reference each with the corresponding index such as $this->data['Picture'][0] for the first element, $this->data['Picture'][1] for the second one, etc.
NOTE: It was not saving two records for me, even thought I was using save() twice. But that was another issue. You can read the answers at Save multiple times in Cakephp for the corresponding solution. Basically you need to use create() before you use save().

Filtering parameters in CakePHP

In Rails, we can specify the allowed parameters to be used in the controller when saving data. So, with params being the submitted data, I can do this:
params.require(:person).permit(:name, :age)
Which will ensure that the :person key is present and will filter out anything that is not a person's :name or :age.
Is there any way in CakePHP to accomplish this?
EDIT: I know I can write PHP, I want to know if there's a Cake component / plugin that already does this.
Something in this PHP way:
// submited data
$this->request->data['Person'] = array(
'name' => 'Salines',
'age' => '41',
'job' => 'Web Developer'
// check if isset and filter out anything that is not a person's name or age
$permit = array('name' => '','age' => '');
$this->request->data['Person'] = array_intersect_key($this->request->data['Person'],$permit);
//and return $this->request->data like
'Person' => array(
'name' => 'Salines',
'age' => '41'
I'm looking for a Cake-provided solution (if there is one)
Well, define "cake-provided", you mean by the framework itself? No, the core doesn't have this functionality but there are two plugins.
For Cake3: Plum Search
For Cake2 & 3: CakeDC Search
For Cake3 I would go for Plum-Search, it is written by the same person as the initial code of the other plugin but a complete rewrite and makes a better use of Cake3.
Next time you ask name your exact Cake version.
Both plugins implement the PRG pattern but don't explicitly allow or deny query parameters. They'll only grab the parameters you specified in your filter declaration and turn them into the request. Validate and save to exclude unwanted fields.
Make a url link like this
echo $this->Html->url(array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'hello','par1'=>23,'par2'=>'sud'));
In hello function in users controller

CakePHP: Retrieve multiple records from a single model to be edited in one form

Good day,
I have a model called ProjectRequirement which belongsTo Project, so Project hasMany ProjectRequirements
When I created the ProjectRequirement entries, I made use of this method:
echo $this->Form->inputs(array(
'legend => false,
'fieldset' => false,
'ProjectRequirement.1.description' => ...
'ProjectRequirement.2.description' => ...
'ProjectRequirement.3.description' => ...
I did this so that I could make use of the saveMany() method to save multiple records at the same time. However, when I want to edit these records again on the same form, I cannot see, to be able to do it. I have kept the same field naming structure and tried to set the data as follows:
$this->request->data = $this->ProjectRequirement->find('all', array('conditions' => ...));
A pr(); shows that the records are being returned, but they are not populating the form fields. If I remove the numbers and just have a single field like this:
echo $this->Form->inputs(array(
'legend => false,
'fieldset' => false,
'ProjectRequirement.description' => ...
It works fine. How can I set the data so that multiple records from ProjectRequirement are set on multiple inout fields? Or can't I?
To reiterate: I do NOT have a problem saving multiple records, I have a problem retrieving multiple records to display.
When you create the form to SAVE many fields, you name the fields like this:
However, when retrieving data, it is not the same scenario, and the general rules of arrays and how indexing works are applied here. So simply changing my fields to be like this:
Worked because I was only testing with one record in the database, and that row would have been at index 0, not 1.

Cakephp cache only caching one file per action

I have a songs controller. Within the songs controller i have a 'view' action which get's passed an id, eg
When a user visits /songs/view/1, the file is cached correctly and saved as 'songs_view_1.php'
Now for the problem, when a user hit's a different song, eg /songs/view/2, the 'songs_view_1.php' is deleted and '/songs/view/2.php' is in it's place.
The cahced files will stay there for a day if I don't visit a different url, and visiting a different action will not affect any other action's cached file.
I've tried replacing my 'cake' folder (from 1.2 to 1.2.6), but that didn't do anything. I get no error messages at all and nothing in the logs.
Here's my code, I've tried umpteen variations all ending up with the same problem.
var $helpers = array('Cache');
var $cacheAction = array(
'view/' => '+1 day'
Any ideas?
After some more testing, this code
var $cacheAction = array(
'view/1' => "1 day",
'view/2' => "1 day"
will cache 'view/1' or 'view/2', but delete the previous page as before. If I visit '/view/3' it will delete the cached page from before... sigh
Having the same issue on another server with same code...
After working hours on this, I finally figure out the reason why the cache keep being deleted, the REASON is because you had some operations that update your 'song' record in the database after you view the 'song'. For my case, I keep a column in my database called 'Hits' to store the number of hits/reads, and it updates it everytime it read the record.
Cakephp has a feature to aumotically detect changes to your database and clear the cache for you.
Try remove any operations that update your 'song' record and the cacheaction should be working properly.
An alternative is to redefine the clearcache function in your 'song' model... it will disable the function to auto-clear off the cache.. but then remember to manually clear the cache yourself when an update is performed.
function _clearCache($type = null) {
After working hours on this, I finally figured out the reason why the cache keeps on being deleted. The reason is because you had some operations that update your 'song' record in the database after you view the 'song'. For my case, I keep a column in my database called 'Hits' to store the number of hits/reads, and it updates it everytime it read the record.
Cakephp has a feature to automatically detect changes to your database and clear the cache for you.
Try remove any operations that update your 'song' record and the cacheaction should work properly.
After fixing it, there will be another issue. Let's say you cache many of your records, for example song/1, song/5, song/100...etc, if there is any update for any 1 of the record... all of the caches for song/1, song/5, song/100 will be deleted. This makes cacheaction useless for frequently update website.
The solution to this is to redefine the clearcache function in your 'song' model... it will disable the function to auto-clear off the cache.. so if there is any update, none of the caches will be deleted. But then remember to manually clear the cache yourself when an update is performed.
function _clearCache($type = null) {
to remove cache manually, you could use
I think that kind of caching method is depreceted. Perhaps you should use Cache:
$song = Cache::read('songs/view/'.$id, 'cache_time');
$song = $this->Song->findById($id);
Cache::write('songs/view/'.$id, $song, 'cache_time');
cache_time is a variable you define in core.php:
Cache::config('cache_time', array('engine' => 'File', 'duration' => 60*60*24));
Hope it helps.
Check some setting in the config.php file. Do you have the following setting enabled?
Configure::write('debug', 0);
//Configure::write('Cache.disable', true);
Configure::write('Cache.check', true);
Cache::config('default', array('engine' => 'File'));
