I used this in my UserController
require_once 'Zend/Controller/Action.php';
public function processAction()
$params = array('host' =>'localhost',
'username' =>'root',
'password' =>'',
'dbname' =>'zend'
$DB = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql($params);
$request = $this->getRequest();
$data = array('first_name' => $request->getParam('first_name'),
'last_name' => $request->getParam('last_name'),
'user_name' => $request->getParam('user_name'),
'password' => md5($request->getParam('password'))
$DB->insert('user', $data);
$this->view->assign('title','Registration Process');
$this->view->assign('description','Registration succes');
Which displayed following error. I do not have the php.ini access.
Fatal error: Class 'Zend_Db' not found in D:\xampp\xampp\htdocs\zend-test\zend-demo\application\controllers\UserController.php on line 42
i.e. on this line
$params = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mysql', array(
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => '',
'dbname' => 'zend'
Thanks in advance!
Maybe this will help.
Tutorial on how to setup a working Zend framework
You need to include all of the Zend libraries you use - not just
equire_once 'Zend/Controller/Action.php';
Also, you need to do what Jurka specified - a much better and cleaner practice.
I connect to a remote database from within my symfony2 app with this code
$connectionFactory = $this->container->get('doctrine.dbal.connection_factory');
$conn = $connectionFactory->createConnection(array(
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'user' => 'mattias',
'password' => 'fdfsdf',
'host' => 'fs1.rrtgy.se',
'dbname' => 'csmedia',
return $conn;
Is there a parameter I can set to do it using SSL?
The equivalent of something like this:
$link = mysql_connect("","test","testpass",false,MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL)
You could try add to createConnection array 'driverOptions'
$conn = $connectionFactory->createConnection(array(
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'user' => 'mattias',
'password' => 'fdfsdf',
'host' => 'fs1.rrtgy.se',
'dbname' => 'csmedia',
'driverOptions' => array(
PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA =>'/path/to/ssl-ca.pem'
More info about MYSQL SSL constants.
Notice, that some constants were added at php 5.3.7
However, SSL options are silently ignored in (at least) version 5.3.8: see the bug report.
I'm upgrading an application that presently runs on ZendFramework1(ZF1) to ZendFramework2(ZF2). I'm having trouble getting DB results to return from the ZF2 connection.
In ZF1 this test works perfectly:
$db = Zend_Db::factory('Pdo_Mssql', array(
'host' => 'ServerNameFromFreeTdsConfig',
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
'username' => 'myUsername',
'password' => 'myPassword',
'dbname' => 'database_name',
'pdoType' => 'dblib'
$stmt = $db->prepare("select * from Products");
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
However, I've been trying this in ZF2 but I'm not really getting anywhere. In my config\autoload\global.php I have:
return array(
'db' => array(
'host' => 'ServerNameFromFreeTdsConfig',
'charset' => 'UTF-8',
'dbname' => 'database_name',
'username' => 'myUsername',
'password' => 'myPassword',
'driver' => 'pdo',
'pdodriver' => 'dblib',
And in the Module.php file:
public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)
$eventManager = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
$moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener();
$config = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('Configuration');
$dbAdapter = new Adapter($config['db'], new SqlServer());
Then in the Model\Products.php
class Products extends AbstractTableGateway
protected $table;
protected $featureSet;
public function __construct($table = 'Products') {
$this->table = $table;
$this->featureSet = new FeatureSet();
$this->featureSet->addFeature(new GlobalAdapterFeature());
//Test the connection.
public function getProducts() {
$result = $this->getAdapter()->query("select * from Products", Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
It looks like it is connecting because the "var_dump" above returns a ["fieldCount":protected]=> int(7) which is correct (there are 7 columns in that table). However, it is not returning any results.
What might I need to do to get this to work in ZF2? Do I need to somehow extend Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter using code from the ZF1 Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mssql.php file? Or is there some simple solution I'm missing?
Thanks for any insight.
I think you dont need to mention the user name and password
resources.db.adapter = "sqlsrv"
resources.db.host = "localhost\SQLEXPRESS"
resources.db.dbname = "DatabaseName"
resources.db.isDefaultTableAdapter = true
resources.db.driver_options.ReturnDatesAsStrings = true
I ended up writing my own Adapter adopted from the Zend Framework 1 adapter I had working there. If someone comes across this post looking for a solution to the same problem and would like a copy of the code I transposed, let me know. There is quite a lot of code or I'd post it here.
I'm building a Website in Cakephp with variable databases.
I did this with the following code:
$db_host = $DB_SET['Project']['db_host']; //From other database
$db_user = $DB_SET['Project']['db_user'];
$db_pass = $DB_SET['Project']['db_pass'];
$db_database = $DB_SET['Project']['db_database'];
ConnectionManager::create("client_db", array(
'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
'driver' => 'mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => $db_host,
'login' => $db_user,
'password' => $db_pass,
'database' => $db_database,
'prefix' => '',
'encoding' => 'UTF8',
'port' => '',
$DB_LINE = $this->Page->findPage('3');
class Page extends Model {
public $useDbConfig = 'client_db';
function findPage($pagenr) {
$page = $this->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array (
'Page.id' => $pagenr)
return $page;
Now I also need to change of tables in the database on the Fly.
I do this using(Controller):
$tbl_current = array('tbl_cheques', 'tbl_wishes');
$this->Modelname->useTable = $tbl_current[$pageid]; //Getting the pageID from an url parameter.
Everything works fine, only if I don't wait a while before clicking another page I get this error:
Error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'Page.fqlkdf' in 'field list'
This because Cake still have the previous table in his Cache.
If I wait a minute and then I change the page it works fine.
Any suggestions for this problem?
Thanks in advance,
Like you said, the table info is cached. So you just need to remove that cache:
Cache::clear(false, '_cake_model_');
Or, you can just temporarily disable cache
Configure::write('Cache.disable', false);
I was wondering is there a way i can set up the config where i can have two database entries that work when the environment is Local and when on Server.
I had come across a solution long time back on doing the switch through the code. Not able to find it now. How do you guys do it ?
I have a setup with local config files. I add the following lines at the bottom of app/config/core.php:
if(file_exists(ROOT.'/app/config/core.local.php')) {
In core.local.php I can override all the settings that differ on the local machine. The same goes for database.php.
I use a config class which does exactly that:
Recently I rewrote it for 2.0 as a plugin version.
It now takes care of test environments and cuts down the number of lines of configuration you will have to write:
I think it based on IP
at local environment IP is
and at live environment IP is never
My view
check with the lib/Cake/Utility/String.php see the function named
public static function uuid()
Thanks again
This worked
public $default = array(
'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'database' => 'database_name',
'prefix' => '',
//'encoding' => 'utf8',
public $live = array(
'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'db.HOST.net',
'login' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'database' => 'database_name',
'prefix' => '',
//'encoding' => 'utf8',
public function __construct(){
if (isset($_SERVER) && isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'localhost') === false) {
$this->default = $this->live;
I would like to write a cake shell to do a nightly backup of my database using mysqldump. I could do this as a shell script, but if I can cram it into a CakePHP shell, then I will get the added benefit of it working across both the development and live server, if I can get it to automagically read my database config settings. I will cron the cake shell and have some peace-of-mind knowing that I have frequent backups of my DB.
In my shell I'm trying to build up a string which starts with "mysqldump --user=" and I'd like to get the username from app/config/database.php. How can I get at the data in database.php?
In cake 2.1 the format has changed to:
App::uses('ConnectionManager', 'Model');
$dataSource = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
$username = $dataSource->config['login'];
The following snippet should do the trick:
App::import('Core', 'ConnectionManager');
$dataSource = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default');
$username = $dataSource->config['login'];
In CakePHP 3.x the format has changed to -
use Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager;
$source = ConnectionManager::get('default');
debug($source); #Debugging the result
Result :
object(Cake\Database\Connection) {
'config' => [
'password' => '*****',
'username' => '*****',
'host' => '*****',
'database' => '*****',
'driver' => 'Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'encoding' => 'utf8',
'timezone' => 'UTC',
'cacheMetadata' => true,
'quoteIdentifiers' => false,
'log' => false,
'url' => null,
'name' => 'remote'
'driver' => object(Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql) {
'connected' => false
'transactionLevel' => (int) 0,
'transactionStarted' => false,
'useSavePoints' => false,
'logQueries' => false,
'logger' => null
Get the Result :
debug($source->config()); #Accessing the result
Result :
'driver' => 'Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'database' => 'database',
'encoding' => 'utf8',
'timezone' => 'UTC',
'cacheMetadata' => true,
'quoteIdentifiers' => false,
'log' => false,
'url' => null,
'name' => 'remote'
Just for sharing.
For any cakephp project, if using php as cronjob or command line to do large data processing I would build a standalone php script without cakephp, the reason for doing this because cakephp is slow (e.g. read & process 100K records).
To make my life simple I put all my standalone scripts under app/Vendor/myscripts/ (e.g: app/Vendor/myscripts/process.php)
below also the basic code to make sure you use the same database settings in standalone script with cakephp (tested with MySQL)
require_once '/XYZ/app/Config/database.php';
$database = new DATABASE_CONFIG;
$dblink = new PDO('mysql:host='.$database->default['host'].';dbname='.$database->default['database'], $database->default['login'], $database->default['password'], array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false));
$dblink->exec('SET CHARACTER SET '.$database->default['encoding']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
die('DB Error'. $e->getMessage());
Example in controller, Change multi DB for DataSources in CakePHP 2.5.x
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class DemoController extends AppController {
public $uses = array('AppModel', 'GVA21', 'GVA01', 'GVA14', 'GVA24' );
public function test_dbs(){
// Load ConnectManager
App::uses('ConnectionManager', 'Model');
// DataSource ['default']
$MDM = $this->GVA14->find('count');
echo "MDM.GVA14\n<br>";
// Get DataSource Config DB ['default'] and ['SRL']
$confDeafult = ConnectionManager::$config->default;
$confSrl = ConnectionManager::$config->SRL;
// Change DataSource ['SRL']
ConnectionManager::create('default',$confSrl); //<== Is permanet change Find All models Down
// $this->GVA01->setDataSource('SRL'); //<== Is temp change Find model
echo "SRL.GVA14\n<br>";
$SRL = $this->GVA14->find('count');
$SRL = $this->GVA01->find('count');
echo "SRL.GVA01\n<br>";
$SRL = $this->GVA21->find('count');
echo "SRL.GVA21\n<br>";
// Change to DataSource ['default']
ConnectionManager::create('default',$confDeafult); //<== Is permanet change Find All models Down
//$this->GVA01->setDataSource('default'); //<== Is temp change Find model
$MDM = $this->GVA01->find('count');
echo "MDM.GVA01\n<br>";
$MDM = $this->GVA21->find('count');
echo "MDM.GVA21\n<br>";