Drupal 7: Creating forum posts programmatically - drupal-7

I've been trying to create a drupal 7 module which requires programmatic creation of forum posts. I've used info from this question but I believe that info is not valid for drupal 7 anymore, because I keep getting errors.
The forum post is being created. It can be accessed if I go directly to the url. But that post is not visible in the forum itself. When I checked the database I found that there is a table forum_index that is not being populated when creating forum post with that code. It is populated when creating the post manually.
Any ideas? I have searched everywhere for this. Here is a very similar question that remains unanswered. thanks for any help

Drupal7 forums are layed out like this:
Containers & Forums are Taxonomy
Forum Topics are Nodes
forum topic posts are comments
So do you need to know how to create topics(Nodes) or topic posts(Comments)?


JCR 2.0 How to implement a tag based document repository

I am completely new to this and have a question similar to
this post but more basic. After reading the JCR 2.0 spec, I came up with the following node structure.
hoping to provide both tag searching and management, like option 2 in the referenced post. Is this even on the right track?
When I asked this question, I was overwhelmed by the last updates to Jackrabbit. They did however point me to MongoDB, wherupon I realized that MongoDB was the solution that I was looking for.

Composite C1 CMS - Beginner video tutorial

I'm looking for a beginner level video tutorial to get me up to the level where I can create a CMS site.
I have found a lot of individual snippets - but nothing that guides you through the whole thing.
An equivalent in web or PDF would be a good second choice.
"Getting Started" Guide: Installation, Setup, Adding a blog, Adding a gallery, Customizing the design, Getting the website online
http://users.composite.net/Getting-Started (Videos for beginners)
I too have faced such a problem 1 month back when I first went through Composite c1.
Please check my blog.
I think you have already passed through these pages .
Steps are like this.
First study of installation its simple installation as given in composite then
Then go through creation of page.This can be done by creating page template and page type.
then create a page with this page type. All are listed in starter video.
Then on moving to coding you can find creation of user control, installation of new packages and all

Drupal 7 - Moderators list on the forum page

I'm looking for a solution to a simple (or simple at first sight) problem - I'm using Enterprise Forum with the Forum Access module on Drupal 7 and I need to make a list of moderators under each forum on the forum list page.
One similar solution can be found here: http://drupal.org/node/319232 but wherever I look, I only find solutions for Drupal 6. Is there a way to write a similar piece of code that would work in Drupal 7?
Thanks beforehand.
You have to use organic groups for this .
The process goes like this:-
1. Create a forum content type and make this a group type.
2. Add content , discussions making it group content type.
3. Finally use Views module and Panels to align the layout of things.
4. Use Og group members node and attach to the view.
Og group members is used to see who have joined your forum plus one more thing it has group membership that shows the moderator of the page/forum/group depending on the content type used.
You can also follow Organic Groups tutorial from ModulesUnraveled.com
They have a complete tutorial for Organic Groups very neatly explained.
Hope this might solve your issue.
You should be able to achieve this with the Views module. http://drupal.org/project/views

Html2ps cakephp not passing variables

I was using this tutorial http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/Casmo/2010/06/26/creating-pdf-files-with-html2ps-html2pdf to set up html2ps with cakePhp.
Everything is ok but when I am fetching some article from my database and pass it to the PDF view I am not getting any data. When I pass some string variable it is visible in the pdf view.
Can you suggest me what can cause that?
Thanks in advance
So this problem was connected to my other question which I have asked on stackoverflow, and which you can read here Cake php default bahaviour for Translate behaviour not working.
After solving it this question also is answered. The data was not passing because there was a problem with translation - it simply was not downloading from the database. Read the above thread to learn more.
Thx anyway vindia for your answer.

Does the current E2652 EpiServer Developer Masterclass certification exam only ask questions about EPiServer CMS 6 R2?

I have had look around online for preparation materials for the E2652 EpiServer Developer Masterclass certification exam. I genuinely do not have much to go on at present. I found this old link but much of might not apply to E2652 EpiServer Developer Masterclass certification exam: Episerver 5 exam tips. However, EPiServer has moved on since CMS 5: there are a few changes since CMS 5, such as MVC and Dynamic Data Store. Importantly, I do not even know of which version(s) of EPiServer CMS it demands knowledge - Please help.
Here is a good link to a blog post that Rouslan Minasian wrote about the episerver exam.
Rouslans Blog Post
Another blog post (concerning the CMS 6 test): http://fringan.blogspot.se/2012/03/reflections-from-taking-episerver-cms-6.html
