I'm porting the QuickCheck unit test framework to C (see the working code at GitHub). The syntax will be:
for_all(property, gen1, gen2, gen3 ...);
Where property is a function to test, for example bool is_odd(int). gen1, gen2, etc. are functions that generate input values for property. Some generate integers, some generate chars, some generate strings, and so on.
for_all will accept a function with arbitrary inputs (any number of arguments, any types of arguments). for_all will run the generators, creating test values to pass to the property function. For example, the property is_odd is a function with type bool f(int). for_all will use the generates to create 100 test cases. If the property returns false for any of them, for_all will print the offending test case values. Otherwise, for_all will print "SUCCESS".
Thus for_all should use a va_list to access the generators. Once we call the generator functions, how do we pass them to the property function?
If is_odd has the type bool f(int), how would we implement a function apply() that has this syntax:
apply(is_odd, generated_values);
Secondary Issue
See SO.
How can we intelligently print the arbitrary values of a failing test case? A test case may be a single integer, or two characters, or a string, or some combination of the above? We won't know ahead of time whether to use:
printf("%d %d %d\n", some_int, some_int, some_int);
printf("%c\n" a_character);
printf("%s%s\n", a_string, a_struct_requiring_its_own_printf_function);
The C language is a statically-typed language. It does not have the powers of runtime reflection that other languages do. It also does not provide ways to build arbitrary function calls from runtime-provided types. You need to have some way of knowing what the function signature of is_odd is and how many parameter it accepts and what the types of those parameters is. It doesn't even know when it has reached the end of the ... argument list; you need an explicit terminator.
enum function_signature {
typedef bool (*function_returning_bool_accepting_int)(int);
typedef int (*function_generates_int)();
void for_all(function_signature signature, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, signature);
switch (function_signature)
case returns_bool_accepts_int:
function_returning_bool_accepting_int fn = va_arg(ap, function_returning_bool_accepting_int);
function_generates_int generator;
do {
generator = va_arg(ap, function_generates_int);
if (generator) fn(generator());
} while (generator);
... etc ...
Your problem is that QuickCheck was designed to take advantage of JavaScripts high dynamic programmability, something missing from C.
Update If you allow arbitrary function signatures, then you need a way to make it static again, say, by making the caller provide the appropriate adapters.
typedef void (*function_pointer)();
typedef bool (*function_applicator)(function_pointer, function_pointer);
void for_all(function_applicator apply, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, apply);
function_pointer target = va_arg(ap, function_pointer);
function_pointer generator;
do {
generator = va_arg(ap, function_pointer);
if (generator) apply(target, generator);
} while (generator);
// sample caller
typedef bool (*function_returning_bool_accepting_int)(int);
typedef int (*function_returning_int)();
bool apply_one_int(function_pointer target_, function_pointer generator_)
function_returning_bool_accepting_int target = (function_returning_bool_accepting_int)target_;
function_returning_int generator = (function_returning_int)generator_;
return target(generator());
for_all(apply_one_int, is_odd, generated_values1, generated_values2, (function_pointer)0);
i have to use same function for different data types to avoid extra functions and lengthy code.
i am taking (void*) argument in function and want to retrieve back the same datatype that i have sent from main. i.e if int comes from main, i should be able to guess the int datatype from void* of "func". here's sample function...
void func(void* input)
if(input is int)
printf("%d", input);
else if (input is char)
printf("%c", input);
else if (input is struct)
//do somthing;
and the main is:
int main()
int q=1;
char w='c';
return 0;
When a function argument is declared as a void * then any type information is not available to the function. C does not provide a way to inspect a void * variable to determine it real type.
This means that when a function such as you describe with a void * argument is being used with multiple types then the argument must include some kind of annotation or indication as to the type.
One standard way is to use a struct which contains a type indicator followed by a union of all the various types supported.
typedef struct {
unsigned short usType;
union {
int iValue;
float fValue;
} U;
} MyVoidType;
Another way is to use a void * argument for the thing to be processed by the function with a second argument indicating the type.
func(void *pItem, unsigned short usType)
switch (usType) {
case 1:
ItemType1 *pItem1 = pItem;
// do things with pItem1
// other cases for other types
This is similar to the problems that can be experienced when using the varargs variable arguments functionality. With varargs the compile knows there are additional arguments however their type is not checked because the type information for the other arguments are not part of the function definition/declaration. The printf() family of output functions provides a work around to this with the format specifiers which the functions use to determine the type of an argument and from that how to format the value to print the argument.
There are problems with this approach because there is a need to maintain the annotation or indication with the actual data item and to make sure that any new types are supported with the appropriate changes in switch statements. It also ends up causing a problem with the compile now being unable to do argument checking for you.
So what I have also done is something like the following. In a file I have a single function that handles all the various types I want to handle. This function is then wrapped in multiple versions with the appropriate typed arguments which do nothing more than call the single function with the proper annotation.
static short funcmain(void *pItem, unsigned short usType)
switch (usType) {
case 1:
ItemType1 *pItem1 = pItem;
// do things with pItem1
// other case statements
short funcType1 (ItemType1 *pItem)
return funcmain (pItem, 1);
short funcType2 (ItemType2 *pItem)
return funcmain (pItem, 2);
I'm porting the QuickCheck unit test framework to C (see the working code at GitHub). The syntax will be:
for_all(property, gen1, gen2, gen3 ...);
Where property is a function to test, for example bool is_odd(int). gen1, gen2, etc. are functions that generate input values for property. Some generate integers, some generate chars, some generate strings, and so on.
for_all will accept a function with arbitrary inputs (any number of arguments, any types of arguments). for_all will run the generators, creating test values to pass to the property function. For example, the property is_odd is a function with type bool f(int). for_all will use the generates to create 100 test cases. If the property returns false for any of them, for_all will print the offending test case values. Otherwise, for_all will print "SUCCESS".
Thus for_all should use a va_list to access the generators. Once we call the generator functions, how do we pass them to the property function?
If is_odd has the type bool f(int), how would we implement a function apply() that has this syntax:
apply(is_odd, generated_values);
Secondary Issue
See SO.
How can we intelligently print the arbitrary values of a failing test case? A test case may be a single integer, or two characters, or a string, or some combination of the above? We won't know ahead of time whether to use:
printf("%d %d %d\n", some_int, some_int, some_int);
printf("%c\n" a_character);
printf("%s%s\n", a_string, a_struct_requiring_its_own_printf_function);
The C language is a statically-typed language. It does not have the powers of runtime reflection that other languages do. It also does not provide ways to build arbitrary function calls from runtime-provided types. You need to have some way of knowing what the function signature of is_odd is and how many parameter it accepts and what the types of those parameters is. It doesn't even know when it has reached the end of the ... argument list; you need an explicit terminator.
enum function_signature {
typedef bool (*function_returning_bool_accepting_int)(int);
typedef int (*function_generates_int)();
void for_all(function_signature signature, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, signature);
switch (function_signature)
case returns_bool_accepts_int:
function_returning_bool_accepting_int fn = va_arg(ap, function_returning_bool_accepting_int);
function_generates_int generator;
do {
generator = va_arg(ap, function_generates_int);
if (generator) fn(generator());
} while (generator);
... etc ...
Your problem is that QuickCheck was designed to take advantage of JavaScripts high dynamic programmability, something missing from C.
Update If you allow arbitrary function signatures, then you need a way to make it static again, say, by making the caller provide the appropriate adapters.
typedef void (*function_pointer)();
typedef bool (*function_applicator)(function_pointer, function_pointer);
void for_all(function_applicator apply, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, apply);
function_pointer target = va_arg(ap, function_pointer);
function_pointer generator;
do {
generator = va_arg(ap, function_pointer);
if (generator) apply(target, generator);
} while (generator);
// sample caller
typedef bool (*function_returning_bool_accepting_int)(int);
typedef int (*function_returning_int)();
bool apply_one_int(function_pointer target_, function_pointer generator_)
function_returning_bool_accepting_int target = (function_returning_bool_accepting_int)target_;
function_returning_int generator = (function_returning_int)generator_;
return target(generator());
for_all(apply_one_int, is_odd, generated_values1, generated_values2, (function_pointer)0);
I have a 3rd party function with signature:
int secretfoo(int numargs, ...);
I can call it directly, but what I really want is wrap it with my function that adds some extra arguments to it.
Assume simple case of integers: I want calls secretfoo(2, 10, 20) to be translated as this: when I see argument 10 to duplicate it and make the call: secretfoo(3, 10, 10, 20). I want to do it in wrapper:
int foowrapper(int numargs, ...);
This wrapper analyze argumetns and call secretfoo as described above.
Can this be done in portably with va_list / va_arg etc.? Any other way?
There is no portable way to manipulate the arguments in a variable argument list directly, because it is highly platform dependent how such arguments are passed into the function. And on most hardware architectures, there is absolutely no way to insert additional arguments in the middle or the end of the list.
If there is a practical upper limit to the number of arguments, then it could be done by extracting all the arguments to foowrapper and 'manually' building the new argument list for the call to secretfoo.
The code would look something like this:
int foowrapper(int numarg, ...)
va_list args
int newargs[numarg*2]; /* worst case allocation */
int numnewargs = 0;
/* Extract the arguments */
va_start(numarg, args);
for (int i=0; i<numarg; i++)
newargs[numnewargs++] = va_arg(args, int);
/* duplicate value 10 as you encounter it */
if (newargs[numnewargs-1] == 10)
newargs[numnewargs++] = 10;
/* Forward to the secretfoo function */
switch (numnewargs)
case 0: return secretfoo(0);
case 1: return secretfoo(1, newargs[0]);
case 2: return secretfoo(2, newargs[0], newargs[1]);
/* etc... */
I'm afraid it can't be done portably. stdarg.h "defines four macros" (latest C standard draft): va_start, va_end, va_arg and va_copy. None of these can be used to convert a va_list back to a variable number of values, other than one-by-one.
Your third party library should have supplied a function vsecretfoo(int, va_list), like the standard library does for these cases (vprintf, etc.).
I've declared many functions in one driver, and am passing the pointers to the functions to another driver in a list with the node format:
struct node
char def_prototype[256]; //example:(int (*)(wchar, int, int))
void *def_function;
Is there a way to typecast def_function to the prototype given in def_prototype?
Currently I'm using simple switch and strcmp, but I wanted to generalize it if possible.
PS: I know that casting between void pointer and function pointer is unsafe (as mentioned in various places in SO), but desperate times call for desperate measures and I have taken lot of care.
Sorry for the lack in clarity. I want to actually call the function (not just cast it), making a function pointer at runtime based on the char[] provided.
Since I'm working at the kernel level (windows driver), I don't have access to much resources, so, I'm sticking to my current implementation (with some changes to kill back-doors). Thanks to all for your help.
ISO-C does not allow casting between function and data pointers, ie you should use a void (*)(void) instead of a void * to hold your function.
That aside, YeenFei is correct in his assertion that there is no general platform-independant solution, meaning the best you can do in C itself is to supply a list of supported signatures.
You should implement your own encoding scheme instead of using plain C prototypes. It's common to use a string where each char represents a function argument (and the first one the return value); a function of type int (*)(wchar, int, int) for example could have the signature "iwii".
Signature lookup tables can then be easily built using bsearch() and strcmp(); here's a complete example:
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
static int cmp(const void *key, const void *element)
return strcmp(key, *(const char * const *)element);
static _Bool dispatch(const char *sig, void (*func)(void), void *retval, ...)
// supported signatures; must be ordered according to strcmp()
static const char * const SIGS[] = { "iii", "v", "vi" };
const char * const *match = bsearch(
sig, SIGS, sizeof SIGS / sizeof *SIGS, sizeof *SIGS, cmp);
if(!match) return 0;
va_list args;
va_start(args, retval);
switch(match - SIGS)
case 0: { // iii
int a1 = va_arg(args, int);
int a2 = va_arg(args, int);
int rv = ((int (*)(int, int))func)(a1, a2);
if(retval) memcpy(retval, &rv, sizeof rv);
case 1: { // v
case 2: { // vi
int a1 = va_arg(args, int);
((void (*)(int))func)(a1);
return 1;
// example code:
static int add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int main(void)
int sum;
dispatch("iii", (void (*)(void))add, &sum, 3, 4);
printf("%i", sum);
return 0;
unless you want to mess with assembly thunking (pushing data onto stack before jumping, etc), there is better way other than doing some switch case.
if the destination function is finite and known, why not create a lookup table (map<string, functor>) for it ?
A good implementation of similar ideas is libffi. This implements the gory details of declaring and calling functions with arbitrary calling conventions and signatures. It is (surprisingly) platform portable, and known to work on Linux and Windows out of the box.
An example of its use is the Lua extension library alien. That demonstrates calling arbitrary functions declared at runtime and adapting from native Lua types to the types required for the calling conventions. The specific Lua binding won't be useful to you, but it serves as a complete working example of how and why one might actually use libffi.
Since C has no runtime type information, there is absolutely no need to do a dynamic cast as you are considering. Just pass the pointer and if everything fits, it will work. If the pointer doesn't point to a function with the right signature, there is no way to fix it.
There are basically two solutions:
Go to the assembly level and parse the prototype string there and put the arguments you find in the prototype there where the other function will expect them.
Make a long list of all supported prototypes and compare the current one with the list. When you find a match, you can make the typecast as needed. The most common structure for this test would ba an if-else ladder.
How do I approach a function echo_tpl that can take 1 parameter of type int or string ,and print it out?
C doesn't have templates. I think the best you could do is to use an union or to have the functions have different names. The latter way of having different names is the quasi-standard method of doing it (for instance fabs fabsf fabsl, also heavily used by OpenGL which also accounts for the fact C can't overload functions)
void echo_tpl_s(char const *string) { /* ... */ }
void echo_tpl_i(int number) { /* ... */ }
int main(void) {
echo_tpl_s("Hello world");
If there is a lot of common code, you may decide to factor it out in separate functions
void echo_tpl_s(char const *string) {
printf("%s", string);
void echo_tpl_i(int number) {
printf("%d", number);
Or you can take the union way, which will have the function names be equal but instead blow up the parameter type with meta informations.
enum Type {
struct Value {
enum Type type;
union {
int number;
char const *string;
} u;
void echo_tpl(struct Value value) {
switch(value.type) {
case Number: printf("%d", value.u.number); break;
case String: printf("%s", value.u.string); break;
int main(void) {
echo_tpl((struct Value) {
.type = String,
.u.string = "Hello world"
The union way is particular well-suited if you want to store the value somewhere and then execute the print function without caring what value type you pass to it. In C89 you would need to create the value separately since it doesn't have compound literals
int main(void) {
struct Value value;
value.type = String;
value.u.string = "Hello world";
It's a good idea to create functions for that, though
struct Value stringval(char const *string) {
struct Value value;
value.type = String;
value.u.string = string;
return value;
struct Value numberval(int number) {
struct Value value;
value.type = Number;
value.u.number = number;
return value;
int main(void) {
echo_tpl(stringval("Hello world!"));
Some compilers may provide extensions for writing such things. For instance Clang provides function overloading in C.
void echo_tpl(int value) __attribute__((overloadable)) {
printf("%d", value);
void echo_tpl(char const *value) __attribute__((overloadable)) {
printf("%s", value);
This solves the call-side of the function not to depend on the type. On the definition side, you still have to write the code twice. That's mainly because (as another answer explains) C doesn't have type-generic output functions. Of course if you use this feature, your code becomes nonportable.
The traditional way to translate templates to C is using the preprocessor. I'd do it something like this:
// this creates each template "instance"
#define ECHO_TPL_IMPLEMENT(t) void echo_tpl_##t(t param){\
/* this is where you write your function that uses param */ \
// this calls the specific template instance
#define ECHO_TPL(t, val) echo_tpl_##t(val)
// as i wrote it, the function only accepts a 1 word parameter type
// so for simplicity, i'm defining char* to be string
typedef char *string;
// i implement the function for the types int and string
ECHO_TPL_IMPLEMENT(int) // creates echo_tpl_int
ECHO_TPL_IMPLEMENT(string) // creates echo_tpl_string
// then i just call them and let the preprocessor handle it
ECHO_TPL(string, "meep"); // will call echo_tpl_string
ECHO_TPL(int, 10); // will call echo_tpl_int
This is how the original C++ compilers handled templates, only they had (and still do to this day) more complex type mangling rules, where I just assumed types are 1 word and if they aren't, you'll have to typedef them.
edit: Note that I left the function empty. This is indeed how you write "templated functions" in C, but I cant really write the parameter like you asked because C doesn't have a type-independent file writing api. printf and write require information about the actual type (through the %d or %s and through the length in bytes of what to write respectively), and we don't have that.
Also note that this applies to C++ too. You can't use the C api to write to a file from a template either, you can only really use cout (or the boost format alternative or something similar). You'll have to think what you want to do with the actual function.
Late, but worth adding to this that as of the C11 standard, C now has some very limited support for overloading by using _Generic expressions, that select the right result expression at compile-time based on the type of an input. Nothing like templates but they can answer this old question like this:
#define echo_tpl(X) _Generic((X), int: echo_tpl_i, \
char *: echo_tpl_s)(X)
void echo_tpl_s(char const *string) { /* ... */ }
void echo_tpl_i(int number) { /* ... */ }
int main(void) {
echo_tpl("Hello world");
You still have to define the function implementations using separate names as you would in C99, but you can define a macro with the C++-ish name that inserts a _Generic expression at every point of use, in order to choose the right version for that call site, without making the function user think about the argument type.
It seemingly takes forever for C standards to be fully adopted and I have no idea which compilers implement this feature, but it will become widespread sooner if more people go forth and use it!
template <typename T>
void echo_tpl(const T& t) { std::cout << t; }
EDIT: I didn't spot the c tag. The above answer only works with C++.