ComboBox not changing when bound value of SelectedItem changes - silverlight

I have a ComboBox that has its ItemSource and SelectedItem properties bound to a view model. And I have the following block of code that is the callback for a data query against a DomainContext:
/// <summary>
/// Stores (readonly) - Stores available for ship to store.
/// </summary>
public ObservableCollection<StoreEntity> Stores
get { return _stores; }
private set { _stores = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Stores"); }
/// <summary>
/// SelectedStore - Currently selected store.
/// </summary>
public StoreEntity SelectedStore
get { return _selectedStore; }
set { _selectedStore = value; RaisePropertyChanged("SelectedStore"); }
/// <summary>
/// When stores are completely loaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a_loadOperations"></param>
protected void OnStoresLoaded(LoadOperation<StoreEntity> a_loadOperations)
SelectedStore = a_loadOperations.Entities.FirstOrDefault();
In this example, Stores is a ObservableCollection<StoreEntity> (AddRange is an extention method) and is bound to ItemSource, and SelectedStore is a StoreEntity and is bound to SelectedItem.
The problem here is that the ComboBox is not changing its selection to reflect the change in SelectedItem.
I've even tried the following, though I think that a_loadOperation.Entities is already a realized set:
/// <summary>
/// When stores are completely loaded.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="a_loadOperations"></param>
protected void OnStoresLoaded(LoadOperation<StoreEntity> a_loadOperations)
var entities = a_loadOperations.Entities.ToArray();
SelectedStore = entities.First();

If you are trying to get a change to your viewmodel (specifically the SelectedStore property) to be reflected in your combo box, you could:
Confirm the binding worked. Check it was set up properly in the XAML, and check the Output window to see if there is a message saying the Binding failed
Confirm your DataContext is set properly (it probably is since you are getting the combo box `ItemsSource` from `Stores`
Subscribe to your PropertyChanged event and confirm that it is being raised when the property changes
If that doesn't work, it may be a bug with the ComboBox. I have seen cases where the order of specifying the properties in XAML makes the difference (ex: you should set ItemsSource first and SelectedItem second). I have also seen a binding fail until I added Mode=TwoWay (even though in your example you are trying to get the binding to update from your view model to your UI). Try confirming that your ComboBox XAML is like this:
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Stores}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedStore, Mode=TwoWay}" />
Order shouldn't matter since XAML is declarative, but I have personally seen it matter with ComboBoxes in Silverlight.

I had SelectedItem bound to Stores instead of SelectedStore. Ooops!


How To Accommodate ItemsSource and Items

Controls such as the ListBox have an ItemsSource property which you can bind to
<ListBox x:Name="ListBoxColours" ItemsSource="{Binding Colours}" />
It also has an Items property however, which can be used to add items in the code behind
I'm creating a CustomControl which has a ListBox in. I've exposed the ItemSource in my control to allow the user to bind the items to a property in their ViewModel.
ItemsSource="{Binding ItemsSource, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=local:TextBoxComboControl}}"
SelectionMode="Single" />
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
"ItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(TextBoxComboControl), new PropertyMetadata(default(IEnumerable)));
public IEnumerable ItemsSource
get { return (IEnumerable) GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
<local:TextBoxComboControl ItemsSource="{Binding Colours}" />
I would like to add the ability for a user to add items in the code behind as well though, incase they don't want to use a binding. I was wondering how the ItemSource / Items properties interact with eachother. In order to allow them to use either peoprty, I would have to bind the ListBox items to both properties within my control.
The ListBox derives from Selector which derives from ItemsControl .
If you look at the source code to ItemsControl:,54366ee76d2f1106
You can see:
/// <summary>
/// ItemsSource specifies a collection used to generate the content of
/// this control. This provides a simple way to use exactly one collection
/// as the source of content for this control.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Any existing contents of the Items collection is replaced when this
/// property is set. The Items collection will be made ReadOnly and FixedSize.
/// When ItemsSource is in use, setting this property to null will remove
/// the collection and restore use to Items (which will be an empty ItemCollection).
/// When ItemsSource is not in use, the value of this property is null, and
/// setting it to null has no effect.
/// </remarks>
[Bindable(true), CustomCategory("Content")]
public IEnumerable ItemsSource
get { return Items.ItemsSource; }
if (value == null)
SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value);
If you look at the Items property which is of type ItemsCollection ... it can be in one of two modes (ItemsSource mode or "direct" mode).
/// <summary>
/// ItemCollection will contain items shaped as strings, objects, xml nodes,
/// elements, as well as other collections. (It will not promote elements from
/// contained collections; to "flatten" contained collections, assign a
/// <seealso cref="System.Windows.Data.CompositeCollection"/> to
/// the ItemsSource property on the ItemsControl.)
/// A <seealso cref="System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl"/> uses the data
/// in the ItemCollection to generate its content according to its ItemTemplate.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When first created, ItemCollection is in an uninitialized state, neither
/// ItemsSource-mode nor direct-mode. It will hold settings like SortDescriptions and Filter
/// until the mode is determined, then assign the settings to the active view.
/// When uninitialized, calls to the list-modifying members will put the
/// ItemCollection in direct mode, and setting the ItemsSource will put the
/// ItemCollection in ItemsSource mode.
/// </remarks>
There's an internal member called _isUsingItemsSource which gets set/cleared to track which mode it is in - this makes various method/properties behave differently depending on the mode.
"Items" are accessed via a CollectionView (which is kept in the _collectionView member) - this either points to an InnerItemCollectionView which wraps access to the direct items , or a CollectionView created with CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultCollectionView when SetItemsSource is called due to an "itemssource" being set.
You are most probably deriving from Control so you need to provide the similar behaviour. Maybe you can derive from ItemsControl to gain that behaviour....depends on your control of course if that is suitable.

Breakpoint (and extra code) not being hit in set block of data-bound property, though property value is being updated

I am using a custom control derived from a listbox, but with added features. One of the key features is the addition of a bindable SelectedItems property on the control, so the view model can keep track of the multiple selections made in the control. The binding does work - when you select items in the control, the view model's property is updated. However, I would like to add INotifyDataErrorInfo validation to the view model, so I implemented the interface and added a call to my validation method in the set block of the data-bound property in the viewmodel. For some reason that set block is never being called, even though I am updating the control in the view, and am verifying that the view model's property value is actually being changed correctly to match the control.
I know that when I use binding with standard WPF controls, such as a TextBox, the set block of the source (view model) property is called when the target (view) property changes. Is there a reason it wouldn't be called here?
The custom control I am using is found here. This is my property on the viewmodel (I have the console output there just to ensure the code isn't being called):
private ObservableCollection<Car> _testListSelections;
public ObservableCollection<Car> testListSelections
return _testListSelections;
Console.WriteLine("Value changed.");
_testListSelections = value;
This is my XAML (note that I didn't need to use Mode=TwoWay here as I am using an ObservableCollection, but I did try specifying Mode=TwoWay and the set block still didn't get hit):
<src:MultiComboBox SelectionMode="Multiple"
ItemsSource="{Binding testList}"
SelectedItems="{Binding testListSelections, ValidatesOnNotifyDataErrors=True}"/>
This is the SelectedItems property on the custom control (the author overrode the base read-only SelectedItems property in order to allow binding):
/// <summary>
/// The SelectedItems dependency property. Access to the values of the items that are
/// selected in the selectedItems box. If SelectionMode is Single, this property returns an array
/// of length one.
/// </summary>
public static new readonly DependencyProperty SelectedItemsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SelectedItems", typeof(IList), typeof(BindableListBox),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
(d, e) =>
// When the property changes, update the selected values in the selectedItems box.
(d as BindableListBox).SetSelectedItemsNew(e.NewValue as IList);
/// <summary>
/// Get or set the selected items.
/// </summary>
public new IList SelectedItems
return GetValue(SelectedItemsProperty) as IList;
set { SetValue(SelectedItemsProperty, value); }
You should perform the validation in the OnCollectionChanged event of the list.
The SelectedItems list should be set only once, and then changes are made to the same list.
You can then check if the operation is Add, Remove or Reset, and perform validation accordingly.

How to implement Master-Detail with Multi-Selection in WPF?

I plan to create a typical Master-Detail scenario, i.e. a collection of items displayed in a ListView via DataBinding to an ICollectionView, and details about the selected item in a separate group of controls (TextBoxes, NumUpDowns...).
No problem so far, actually I have already implemented a pretty similar scenario in an older project. However, it should be possible to select multiple items in the ListView and get the appropriate shared values displayed in the detail view. This means, if all selected items have the same value for a property, this value should be displayed in the detail view. If they do not share the same value, the corresponding control should provide some visual clue for the user indicating this, and no value should be displayed (or an "undefined" state in a CheckBox for example). Now, if the user edits the value, this change should be applied to all selected items.
Further requirements are:
MVVM compatibility (i.e. not too much code-behind)
Extendability (new properties/types can be added later on)
Does anyone have experience with such a scenario? Actually, I think this should be a very common scenario. However, I could not find any details on that topic anywhere.
PS: In the older project mentioned above, I had a solution using a subclass of the ViewModel which handles the special case of multi-selection. It checked all selected items for equality and returned the appropriate values. However, this approach had some drawbacks and somehow seemed like a hack because (besides other smelly things) it was necessary to break the synchronization between the ListView and the detail view and handle it manually.
In your ViewModel, create a property that will bind to your ListView's SelectedItems.
Create another property that will represent the details object of your selected items.
The details section (in the XAML) is binding to this details property (in the ViewModel).
Every time selected items collection is modified (setter/CollectionChanged event), you need to update your details object as well (that will iterate through the relevant properties and decide if they're of the same value or not).
Once a property in the details object is modified, you need to iterate back on your selected items collection and make the relevant changes on them.
That's it.
Hope it helps
I am running into this same exact issue.
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem = "True" only keeps the CurrentItem in sync (the last item you selected without holding ctrl or shift).
Just as you probably have, I have searched the internet far and wide for an answer and never came up with one. My scenario has a 3 tier Master>Detail>Detail binding, where each tier is bound to it's own ListBox.
I've rigged up something that works for the time being.
For my Master>Detail>Detail tiers I created an individual CollectionViewSource for each tier and set that CollectionViewSource.Source to the appropriate entity object. On the MasterView bound ListBox's SelectionChanged Event I performed a filter on the MasterView.View to retrieve objects where the Master Primary Key = Detail Foreign Key.
It's sloppy, but if you have found a better way to get this done, I'd love to hear it.
I have used an approach similar to the one suggested by Captain. I have created one property in my ViewModel which represents multiple items (i.e. all selected items). In the property get- and set-accessors I have used the following methods to determine/set the shared values of/for all items. This approach does not use any reflection, but uses delegates in the form of lambda expressions which makes it pretty fast.
As an overview, this is my basic design:
public class MyMultiSelectionViewModel
private List<MyItemType> m_selectedItems = new List<MyItemType>();
public void UpdateSelectedItems(IList<MyItemType> selectedItems)
m_selectedItems = selectedItems;
this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.MyProperty1);
this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.MyProperty2);
// and so on for all relevant properties
// properties using SharedValueHelper (see example below)
The properties look like this:
public string Name
return SharedValueHelper.GetSharedValue<MyItemType, string>(m_selectedItems, (item) => item.Name, String.Empty);
SharedValueHelper.SetSharedValue<MyItemType, string>(m_selectedItems, (item, newValue) => item.Name = newValue, value);
this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.Name);
And the code for the SharedValueHelper class looks like this:
/// <summary>
/// This static class provides some methods which can be used to
/// retrieve a <i>shared value</i> for a list of items. Shared value
/// means a value which represents a common property value for all
/// items. If all items have the same property value, this value is
/// the shared value. If they do not, a specified <i>non-shared value</i>
/// is used.
/// </summary>
public static class SharedValueHelper
#region Methods
#region GetSharedValue<TItem, TProperty>(IList<TItem> items, Func<TItem, TProperty> getPropertyDelegate, TProperty nonSharedValue)
/// <summary>
/// Gets a value for a certain property which represents a
/// <i>shared</i> value for all <typeparamref name="TItem"/>
/// instances in <paramref name="items"/>.<br/>
/// This means, if all wrapped <typeparamref name="TItem"/> instances
/// have the same value for the specific property, this value will
/// be returned. If the values differ, <paramref name="nonSharedValue"/>
/// will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TItem">The type of the items for which a shared
/// property value is requested.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the property for which
/// a shared value is requested.</typeparam>
/// <param name="items">The collection of <typeparamref name="TItem"/>
/// instances for which a shared value is requested.</param>
/// <param name="getPropertyDelegate">A delegate which returns the
/// property value for the requested property. This is used, so that
/// reflection can be avoided for performance reasons. The easiest way
/// is to provide a lambda expression like this:<br/>
/// <code>(item) => item.MyProperty</code><br/>
/// This expression will simply return the value of the
/// <c>MyProperty</c> property of the passed item.</param>
/// <param name="nonSharedValue">The value which should be returned if
/// the values are not equal for all items.</param>
/// <returns>If all <typeparamref name="TItem"/> instances have
/// the same value for the specific property, this value will
/// be returned. If the values differ, <paramref name="nonSharedValue"/>
/// will be returned.</returns>
public static TProperty GetSharedValue<TItem, TProperty>(IList<TItem> items, Func<TItem, TProperty> getPropertyDelegate, TProperty nonSharedValue)
if (items == null || items.Count == 0)
return nonSharedValue;
TProperty sharedValue = getPropertyDelegate(items[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < items.Count; i++)
TItem currentItem = items[i];
TProperty currentValue = getPropertyDelegate(currentItem);
if (!sharedValue.Equals(currentValue))
return nonSharedValue;
return sharedValue;
#region SetSharedValue<TItem, TProperty>(IList<TItem> a_items, Action<TItem, TProperty> a_setPropertyDelegate, TProperty a_newValue)
/// <summary>
/// Sets the same value for all <typeparamref name="TItem"/>
/// instances in <paramref name="a_items"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TItem">The type of the items for which a shared
/// property value is requested.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the property for which
/// a shared value is requested.</typeparam>
/// <param name="items">The collection of <typeparamref name="TItem"/>
/// instances for which a shared value should be set.</param>
/// <param name="setPropertyDelegate">A delegate which sets the
/// property value for the requested property. This is used, so that
/// reflection can be avoided for performance reasons. The easiest way
/// is to provide a lambda expression like this:<br/>
/// <code>(item, newValue) => item.MyProperty = newValue</code><br/>
/// This expression will simply set the value of the
/// <c>MyProperty</c> property of the passed item to <c>newValue</c>.</param>
/// <param name="newValue">The new value for the property.</param>
public static void SetSharedValue<TItem, TProperty>(IList<TItem> items, Action<TItem, TProperty> setPropertyDelegate, TProperty newValue)
if (items == null || items.Count == 0)
foreach (TItem item in items)
setPropertyDelegate(item, newValue);
catch (Exception ex)
// log/error message here

wpf ComboBox Async binding to items source problem

i have a mvvm app that the main window is a tab control.
i use the itemssource to bind items to the combo box,
everything works fine until i go to another tab and for some reason the selected item of the combo box getting the null value, any ideas ?
the binding is twoway updatesource onpropertychanged and the property is type of observablecollection
I had same problem before. And the solution is that make sure Itemsource attribute of comboBox in XAML has not been declared before SelectedValue attribute. It should work then.
It is just necessary to work on a ObservableCollection and to load only as AddRange (not use 'Add')
When we load the data as:
foreach (object item in items)
MyList.Add(item); // Where MyList is a ObservableCollection
Then after adding of the first element the ObservableCollection call OnCollectionChanged.
Then the ComboBox will try to select the SelectedValue and return 'null' when can't find this element.
It can solve a problem:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel
/// <summary>
/// Represents a dynamic data collection that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
public class ObservableCollectionEx<T> : ObservableCollection<T>
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of T) class.
/// </summary>
public ObservableCollectionEx()
: base() { }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection(Of T) class that contains elements copied from the specified collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="collection">collection: The collection from which the elements are copied.</param>
/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">The collection parameter cannot be null.</exception>
public ObservableCollectionEx(IEnumerable<T> collection)
: base(collection) { }
/// <summary>
/// Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the ObservableCollection(Of T).
/// </summary>
public void AddRange(IEnumerable<T> collection)
// Add the items directly to the inner collection
foreach (var data in collection)
// Now raise the changed events
this.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Count"));
this.OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Item[]"));
this.OnCollectionChanged(new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs(NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset));
I have an mvvm app with almost exactly the same scenario. The main window has a tab control. There is a tab containing a combobox. The combobox itemsource is bound to an IList (in the view model) and the Selected value is bound to a property in the view model implementing INotifyPropertyChanged.
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding AllowedJudges}"
SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedJudge, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" >
When selecting another tab, the view model's property bound to the SelectedValue mysteriously gets set to null. I'm able to handle it by not allowing the SelectedValue-bound property to be set to null:
public Judge SelectedJudge
get { return selectedJudge; }
if(selectedJudge==value || value==null) return;
selectedJudge = value;
However, it's not clear to me why a tab pane becoming invisible implies a value in a combobox there becomes deselected....
If for some Reason the BindingSource of the ItemsSource does no longer contain the SeletedItem (because it's re-initialized or whatever), then the SelectedItem can be reset to default, i.e. null.
From your example I can't tell why this should happen, but that maybe because you just missed adding some more environmental code.
It`s may be problem of your viewmodel ierarchy.
For example, if both ends of your Binding are dependency properties and ownertype property is not tied to a particular class (for example, set the parent class), this dependency property will be used by all the inheritors together. Bad design

Editable ComboBox

I want to create editable combo box with the following properties:
Bind the text property to my data model.
The data model may override the changes in the GUI, even in Selection changed. E.g. I can choose from 1, 2, 3 I choose 2, but some component down under changes it to 3.
Update the data model on the following events:
Selection Changed
Lose focus
Enter pressed (should behave the same as lost focus).
I've been able to create such control, but it's pretty ugly (using many hacks) and I hoped there's a simpler way…
Thanks in advance
Ok, I here's what I've done, and its not that ugly:
/// <summary>
/// Editable combo box which updates the data model on the following:
/// 1. Select## Heading ##ion changed
/// 2. Lost focus
/// 3. Enter or Return pressed
/// In order for this to work, the EditableComboBox requires the follows, when binding:
/// The data model value should be bounded to the Text property of the ComboBox
/// The binding expression UpdateSourceTrigger property should be set to LostFocus
/// e.g. in XAML:
/// <PmsEditableComboBox Text="{Binding Path=MyValue, UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}"
/// ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyMenu}"/>
/// </summary>
public class PmsEditableComboBox : ComboBox
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PmsEditableComboBox"/> class.
/// </summary>
public PmsEditableComboBox()
: base()
// When TextSearch enabled we'll get some unwanted behaviour when typing
// (i.e. the content is taken from the DropDown instead from the text)
IsTextSearchEnabled = false;
IsEditable = true;
/// <summary>
/// Use KeyUp and not KeyDown because when the DropDown is opened and Enter is pressed
/// We'll get only KeyUp event
/// </summary>
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)
// Update binding source on Enter
if (e.Key == Key.Return || e.Key == Key.Enter)
/// <summary>
/// The Text property binding will be updated when selection changes
/// </summary>
protected override void OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Updates the data source.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateDataSource()
BindingExpression expression = GetBindingExpression(ComboBox.TextProperty);
if (expression != null)
The simplest way to do this is to use the UpdateSourceTrigger property on the binding. You may not be able to match your current behavior exactly, but you may find that it is comparable.
The UpdateSourceTrigger property controls when the target of the binding updates the source. Different WPF controls have different default values for this property when bound.
Here are your options:
UpdateSourceTrigger.Default = Allow target control to determine UpdateSourceTrigger mode.
UpdateSourceTrigger.Explicit = Only update source when someone calls BindingExpression.UpdateSource();
UpdateSourceTrigger.LostFocus = Automatically update binding source whenever the target looses focus. This way a change can be completed, and then the binding is updated after the user moves on.
UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged = Whenever the DependencyProperty on the target changes values the source is updated immediatly. Most UserControls do not default to this property because it requires more binding updates (can be a performance issue).
