Database access in C - c

I am developing an application completely written in C. I have to save data permanently somewhere. I tried file storage but I feel its really a primitive manner to do the job and I don't want to save my sensitive data in a simple text file. How can i save my data and access it back in an easy manner? I come from JavaScript background and would prefer something like jsons. I will be happy with something like postgreSQL also. Give me some suggestions. I am using gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3.

sqlite seems to meet your requirements.
SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine. Unlike most other SQL
databases, SQLite does not have a separate server process. SQLite
reads and writes directly to ordinary disk files. A complete SQL
database with multiple tables, indices, triggers, and views, is
contained in a single disk file. The database file format is
cross-platform - you can freely copy a database between 32-bit and
64-bit systems or between big-endian and little-endian architectures.
These features make SQLite a popular choice as an Application File
Format. Think of SQLite not as a replacement for Oracle but as a
replacement for fopen()
Check out the quickstart
libpq is the C application programmer's interface to PostgreSQL. libpq is a set of library functions that allow client programs to pass queries to the PostgreSQL backend server and to receive the results of these queries.

I would recommend SQLite. I think it is a great way of storing local data.
There are C library bindings, and its API is quite simple.
Its main advantage is that all you need is the library. You don't need a complex database server setup (as you would with PostgreSQL). Also, its footprint is quite small (it's also used a lot in mobile development world {iOS, android, others}).
Its drawback is that it doesn't handle concurrency that well. But if it is a local, simple, single-threaded application, then I guess it won't be a problem.
MySQL embedded or BerkeleyDB are other options you might want to take a look at.

SQLite is a lightweight database. This page describes the C language interface:
SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world. The source code for SQLite is in the public domain.

SQLite is a popular choice because it's light-weight and speedy. It also offers a C/C++ interface (including a bunch of other languages).

Everyone else has already mentioned SQLite, so I'll counter with dbm:
It's not quite as fancy as SQLite (e.g, it's not a full SQL database), but it's often easier to work with from C, as it requires less setup.


Creating custom SQL data source using standard protocol

I have a custom data source (an inhouse system) which I would like to access as a standard data source. I am looking for a solution to provide standard SQL-like accessors so that the data source can be used from different report engines, Excel, MS access, maybe standard web frontends and off-the-shelf data management tool. In other words, I would like off-the-shelf support for ODBC, JDBC and whatnot, without having to implement support for all these drivers myself.
What I have been doing so far
I have successfully used the SQLite virtual table mechanism to provide access to the data source using a standard SQLite driver. SQLite will take care of the SQL query parsing, table metadata translation (provided by my extension) and manage the SQL parts that my data source does not support (aggregates, complex joins and updates, etc).
However, what I don't get with SQLite is network support. SQLite is an embedded database engine which works very well with my data source, but although it has ODBC and JDBC support, it has no wire protocol. Embedding my custom data source in the client process is not an option, since the data source has very strict runtime restrictions (among other restrictions).
What I am considering
1. Networked SQLite
The obvious solution is to look at if it is possible to network the SQLite data source. However, the network options does not seem well supported, especially not with client drivers (i.e. not at all).
2. MySQL storage engine
I have been looking at replacing the SQLite virtual table driver with a MySQL storage engine (30 minutes of reading API specs gives me a gut feeling the APIs are quite similar). I have three concerns:
Process control. My data source is a system which wants to manage its own processes. I would prefer to be the one responsible for service provisioning.
Running the whole MySQL server looks like overkill from an IT adminstration point of view. An embedded networked server would suffice. I already got the network server (it's already a web service process).
Licensing. MySQL looks like GPL or expensive. I did not find anything conclusive on what license requirements this setup would force me into.
3. Mimicking a known network protocol
I have been looking into mimicking "known" protocols such as MySQL wire protocol or MSSQL (freeTDS is a good source). However the amount of readily available solutions look scarce, and I might have to roll my own if I go down this path, which is probably a lot of work.
I am looking for other options on how to do this. Right now, I am investigating if it is possible to choose #2 and use an interface between my data source and the storage engine (e.g. 0mq or some network protocol). I believe it is doable, but I am very interested in easier solutions. Has anyone out there done something similar (with success)?

Databases in offline software?

I'm primarily a web developer, currently learning C and planning on going into C++ in a year or so when I feel absolutely confident with C (Note: I'm not saying I'll be a master at C, just that I'll understand it in a fair amount of depth and will retain it properly rather than forgetting it when I see a new language).
My question is, how are offline/networked applications written with database functionality? I've built many-a database driven website in PHP and MySQL and would like to know how to use databases with my C projects - a lot of the applications I have the desire to write rely more on content management rather than processing data as such. What database formats are available to me? What should I be looking at to build a simple contact database for example?
Thanks in advance.
I'd suggest SQLite for file-based database. Mongo is pretty awesome too if you run it locally but it is still networked.
For a small application SQLLite might be a good option for you - it is part of your application and not dependant on other software but as a database is fairly weak (No triggers, no stored procedures afaik).
If you are looking for something more substantial (especially when it involves multiple users) you should be looking for MySQL or SQLServer. These can be accessed directly from their respective API's or via some kindof common mediator such as ODBC.
Your question is really very open, much application software depends on relational database technology at some level but the OS and the required task ussually dictate the best choices.
Going the SQL route with offline applications in C is not straightforward. Whereas the database storage brings in advantages, in terms of reliability e.g., it adds conversion steps during the save/load of your data, simply by using SQL.
The question is why would you want to create SQL commands as character strings to load/save the data that is treated as binary in your program, and that you can store as binary directly in your system local storage? It costs!
On the other side, if you already know SQL well, then you'll only have to learn about an (there are several) API to access a database (SQLite, MySQL ...) from C to get started.

File based storage system

Anyone know of a commercially available file based storage system that meets the following requirements:
Should not require installation
Should provide APIs to read and write onto the storage system, preferably .net APIs
Paid/Free (either way it should be supported)
Should be fast and efficient
Basically I am looking for something with database like functionality with the least footprint.
Take a look at Sqlite. It has become the standard solution for a file based database solution - it's even built in to the iPhone, Firefox and many other high profile software/devices.
My Google-fu gave me this simple tutorial of using Sqlite with .net: sqlite-on-dotnet-in-3-mins
Try MongoDB it's a file based document database. Installing it is done by copying it's files and it has a C# driver to read/write data from it.
Here are some thoughts about your question.
The "file based storage system" means "data base" in this context.
Some comments by requirements.
2.1. The first requirement "Should not require installation" means "Embedded database".
2.2. The second requirement "Should provide APIs to read and write ..." is natural for all databases. They all have such API.
2.3. The third requirement "Should be fast and efficient" is a really interesting thing. Here is one of the links by this issue with a lot of useful information Comparison of relational database management systems.
And, finally if you are looking for "something with database like functionality with the least footprint" the basic choice will be SQLite.
It is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. There is no set up procedure to initialize it before using it. Databases need minimal or no administration. There is no need to maintain a separate server process dedicated to SQLite. It stores an entire database in a single, ordinary native file that can reside anywhere in a directory of the native file system. Any user who has a permission to read the file can read anything from the database.

Which embedded database to use in a Delphi application?

I am creating a desktop app in Delphi and plan to use an embedded database. I've started the project using SQlite3 with the DISQLite3 library. It works but documentation seems a bit light. I recently found Firebird (yes I've been out of Windows for a while) and it seems to have some compelling features and support.
What are some pros and cons of each embedded db? Size is important as well as support and resources. What have you used and why?
I'm using Firebird 2.1 Embedded and I'm quite happy with it.I like the fact that the database size is practically unlimited (tested with > 4 GB databases and it works) and that the database file is compatible with the Firebird Server so I can use standard tools for database management and inspection. Distribution consists of dropping few files in your exe folder.
Simultaneous access from multiple programs is not supported but simultaneous access from multiple threads is (as long as you ensure that only one 'connect' operation is in progress at any given moment).
I have used SQlite3 for a lot of projects (but from C/C++ and Objective-C). It's extremely small -- no dependencies whatsoever -- database is in a single file.
It's the db of choice for Mac developers because it's directly supported by CoreData and on the iPhone -- so there is a big user base (not to mention all of the other users).
I've been using SQLite (via DISQLite3) in FeedDemon for several months, and I highly recommend it - it has been extremely fast and stable. As Javier said, the docs for the library may be thin, but the docs for SQLite itself are very good.
I've used DBISAM on a number of projects. It is completely embedded without even a need for an external DLL. Unlike the others you listed it is commercial. A lot of great features though and very well documented and supported. The have a successor to it that I haven't tried yet though.
Let's see, quick comparison:
dynamic typing in the database
cross-platform files
runs on Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.
public domain
supports transactions
relies on file system security, does not include own security
Firebird embedded:
strong typing in the database
not all SQL datatypes are supported
cross-platform files
Firebird embedded only runs on Windows
Files from Firebird embedded are in the same format as the full server version
Files from Firebird embedded can be copied to a non-Windows server for use
available under a modified MPL ("what's ours is ours and must remain free, what's yours is yours and you don't have to release it")
supports transactions, triggers, etc.
MySQL embedded:
support for SQL features depends on file format
(IIRC) cross-platform files
GPL unless you pay royalties
runs on Windows, Linux, Mac
incredibly popular with the open source crowd
Even embedded databases have their strengths and weaknesses. You'll need to weigh those strengths and weaknesses against what you're doing to decide.
Firebird embedded is our #1 choice because with no code changes, a single user Delphi app with embedded database can be migrated to a multi-user server based deployment without sacrificing any of the high end features (such as stored procedures, triggers, views, etc.). And its a TRUE free database and doesn't GPL your code in the process.
Strongly recommend to use AnyDAC when working with Databases and Delphi - then you can choose to target FB or SQLite seamlessingly.
My preference would be for FB for embedded apps.
I use Sybase's Advantage Database Server, but I'm also the R&D Manager, so this post is biased. :)
We have native Delphi TTable and TQuery components for both WIN32 VCL and VCL.NET. Direct table access in addition to SQL support makes Advantage unique among many of the other Delphi offerings. Advantage supports large tables (only limited by the number of records, 2 billion) and has a free local engine, which is nice for development PCs and for small customer sites that don't require client/server functionality. Switch to client/server with a single connection property, no other changes.
We have a ton of clients so accessing the data outside of Delphi is also very easy (.NET data provider, ODBC, OLE DB, PHP, Perl, JDBC, etc).
Main Product Web Site:
Developer's Web Site:
It really depends what you need. For single-user applications, Firebird Embedded or SQLite are probably best choices (and price is right). On the other end, if you need support for large number of multiple users, you should probably use regular Firebird instead of Embedded version (server is simple to install so you won't have much problems here).
And if you need something in between, for a moderate multi-user application, one of flat databases would be better. I found that ComponentAce's Absolute Database better choice for my needs than DBISAM, NexusDB or VistaDB.
It leaves relatively small footprint (no DLLs), it's a single-file db (a must for me), supports Unicode, BLOB compression, crypting, and technical limits seem impressing for a flat database. Moreover, support was good in few occasions when I needed it.
For cons, I have noticed it doesn't support nested transactions, but other than that, I had no problems.
As for size, nothing beats SQLite.
when you refer about lack of documentation, i guess it's doc for DISQLite3. The SQLite docs are quite complete
Take a look at NexusDB. Have used very successfully in the past.
The problem with (embedded) firebird is, that the database cannot reside on a network drive. Also, it is difficult to have a database on a read only drive (CD/DVD).
For some hacks around these limitations see the Delphi Wiki:
NexusDB offers the full range from embedded, to full client/server / remote. Also SQL2003 compliant, I believe. I'm using it on a few projects, and am very pleased so far, and the fact that it can work in such a wide range of "scales" is a big plus (not having to learn another DB for scaled-up apps, etc).
Look at this embedded database comparison:, it can be helpful. Most of abovementioned products are presented there: Advantage, DBISAM, Firebird, MS SQL Server, and much more: Accuracer, Apollo, ElevateDB, NexusDB, TurboDB.
I am partial to Component Ace's Absolute DB. Although a commercial product ($), it is solid, easy to use, small footprint and well documented. If you are looking for a huge multi-user application, this is not the way to go, but if your multi-user needs are light (or non-existent) this is a solid option.
I'm using SQL Server Express and the ADO components. Works great. You can run the SQL Server Express install with commandline to hide the complexities from the users. You can also distribute a database that you load by filename. There are millions of SQL server users so solutions to any problems are easily found in the intertubes :-)
I did a websearch to find a fast database package for my Delphi Application. I wanted it to be completely contained in the executable with no external DLLs or libraries required. I originally found Accuracer by AidAim. They had posted how fast their database was and even gave comparisons with other similar packages to “prove” their point.
I wanted to believe their claims but I thought I’d search the web a bit more to find timings of other packages. I was very surprised to find a post at the Delphi discussion forums where a person asked what database to use, and there were 14 different suggestions. One of the responders had done his own timing comparisons and had found Accuracer to be quite slow compared to several others, which Accuracer had (conveniently) left out of their own comparison page.
The post, plus additional followup web research by me, led me to lean toward DISQLite3, a product based on the Open Source SQLite program, but with enhancements to work in Delphi very quickly, with very small overhead, and with command-based calls - which I like. It is actively under development and will soon have an official Delphi 2009 version, although apparently the current version will work under D2009.
Addenum: DISQLite3 Version 2.0.0, released Nov 17, supports D2009.
I know MS access is a comparatively crap db (and expect to be shot down in flames here), but if only small data is needed it may have advantages if ms office is used anyway. For me it was a way to store program data with more flexibility than csv files which is a common approach for scientific code.
You can create an access db from delphi code without having ms office installed using ado & odbc driver (might be necesary to have an initial .accdb file without tables to copy from then populate, I can't remember this detail. not sure licensing situation doing this.
The .accdb extension can be changed to something else & the file password protected (to a limited degree) so its not immediately obvious to users its access if that's desired.
I know a few commercial developers do this method & copied it myself. Found it easier to setup than sqlite, but maybe because I'd already used ado & access in the past.
I have used ScimoreDB. It has its quirks as they give it royalty free and it has its quirks in data types and with some installation issues. This was on a C# project.
If embedded is an absolute must, look at DBISAM.
kbMemTable is a good candidate. Runs in memory, fast, multi-threadding. Used to be free.
I have used DBISAM and kbMemTable on different occasions.
What I like about DBISAM is that it has great features, and is usually very reliable. I have used it in large databases, full-text search, read-only mode, CGIs and many other situations.
It is fairly large compared to kbMemTable or SQLite based components, though. And you can't have a single file per database (or even table) - depending on the situation, that is a major disadvantage.
kbMemTable is tiny and it's great for small amounts of data. Since it runs in memory, it has to be a small amount of data, of course.
One other option I've taken on a couple of my desktop apps is dumping the data directly from/to my object hierarchy using TWriter/TReader. This is by far that smallest option, and is absurdly fast compared to using a database. The data files are tiny, too.
It has all kinds of drawbacks, though - you have to code versioning in if you might want to ever add/change fields, unless it's in-memory it is even more complicated, no multi-user support at all, etc.
Firebird embedded is our #1 choice as well. And the suite Unified Interbase v2.0 with it. A great and stable solution!
I have a database that I have to record 5 field data for every 20 sec for 10 days.. 3 field are integer , 1 field is double ( time ) and 1 field is string[5].
I am still using Delphi6 srv2 because of my components. Newer delphi versions are terrible at components that I have to spend thousands of dollars of money to rebuild my component library. Therefor delphi 6 is still best for real commertial applications that never version of delphis give many problems. At many points such as USB or comport readings so on... they release newer ones before previous versions never sit on market.
I have setup a code with Delphi6 what appends 43200 records at a table for test because I will deploy the table in application while it has 43200 records. I will shown all the data on DBChart.
Test result is below databases filled the tables by insert command with 43200 records
Dbisam = 34 sec,
ElevateDb = 11 sec,
AbsoluteDB = 45 sec,
SQLlite = 32 Minute,
Firebird = 12 min,
MSSQL12 localDB = 28 Minute,
Easy table = 8 minute,
BDE = Blocked ,
I havent tested oracle , blackfish , sysbase, nexsusDb etc.. but it seems they will also very slow. I have connected with DBChart and only elevateDb and absoluteDB has loaded 43200 records on DBchart in exceptable time such as 7~10 secs. Other all taken minutes. So slower databases always needs coding tricks to succeed in some real jobs..
I have tested their search speed as well by locate command that unfortunatly the server based databases are always slower in.
MSSQL and SQLLite3 are extremely difficult to manage in to delphi that they made me very tired.
These are my test results
At the end I decided to use AbsoluteDB, Dbisam and Elevate. I have thrown the rest off the PC .
Elevate software doesnt support recno function that requires extra codes at runtime to manage. This makes the database slower Other bug is with Elevate software is autoinc fields. There is no way to reset it . Therefore I have not chosen the Elevat software even it is the fastest database. They say many good functions but how many of them we use it in fact . They just left the most important functions not supported but fixed many many unnecessary functions. and it seems since 8 years there is no any advantage either.
If you want to see with your own eye pls just try and see..
I am thinking between two now absolute DB or DBisam4
Firebird all the way. Does pretty well everything and so far version 2.1 is very solid.
FireBird offers the opportunity to scale up to multi-users sometime down the line, or if you need concurrency (if your application goes multi-threaded).
SQLite is quite unrivaled if you only need single-user access, no other database comes close to it on any aspect, be it performance, convenience, SQL support or stability.
Firebird is really awsome and has a small footprint so you can use embedded
and it can be scaled upward for many users
and does unicode faily well
I use devart components with delphi 2009
and FIB plus for delphi 6/7 (their version for 2009 and unicode is not ready yet too bad)
Hmmm, no one has recommended the BDE - I wonder why that is ;-)
BlackFishSQL is another possibility, although I haven't tested in depth as yet.
when it comes to embedded databases the first question is : is it multiuser ?
Actually,who needs a database that does not allow multiple connections (read&write) to it ?
I have tried (intensly) all mentioned databases and found only one that actually functions the way it should. And that is Accuracer.
The only pity with accuracer is that its a three man band and chronic lack of proper support. It also is mainly static in development as we have seen no real features in years.Not surprising since only one person actually develops it. It seems they are living on old fame. Users praise reflect that (usually 10 years old comments).
For a single user experience I would recommend Absolute Database.
As for major players I would recommend SQL Server from Microsoft. Oracle has become a bloatware and is slowly dying out.
what is nice in accuracer is that their embedded database functions just like full blown server. It locks only current record if its in use while the rest functions normally. Nice database. Pity only it is stagnant.

Shared File Database Suggestion

I would like to build and deploy a database application for Windows based systems, but need to live within the following constraints:
Cannot run as a server (i.e., have open ports);
Must be able to share database files with other instances of the program (running on other machines);
Must not require a DBA for maintenance;
No additional cost for run-time license.
In addition, the following are nice to have "features":
Zero-install (e.g., no registry entries, no need to put files in \Windows\..., etc.);
"Reasonable" performance (yes, that's vague);
"Reasonable" file size limitations (at least 1GB per table/file--just in case).
I've seen this question
Embedded Database for .net that can run off a network
but it doesn't quite answer it for me.
I have seen the VistaDB site, but while it looks promising, I have no personal experience with it.
I have also looked at SQLite, and while it seems good enough for Goggle, I (again) have no personal experience with it.
I would love to use a Java based solution because it's cross-platform (even though my main target is Windows, I'd like to be flexible) and WebStart is a really nice way to distribute software, but the most commonly used DBs (Derby and hsqldb) won't support shared access.
I know that I'm not the only one who's trying/tried to do this, so I'm hoping I could get some advice.
I'd go with SQLite. There are SQLite bindings for everything, and it's very widely used as a embedded database for a large number of applications.
I use SQLite at work and one thing that you should keep in mind is that its file based and uses a file lock for managing concurrent connections. It is not a great solution when you have multiple users trying to use the database at the same time. SQLite is however a great database for one user application, its fast, has a small foot print and has a thriving community built around it.
If you've got VStudio sitting around, how about SQL Server 3.5 Compact edition? MSSQL running in-proc.
