Does Expression Blend and Visual Studio Render WPF Controls Differently - wpf

In my WPF App, I have designed the Form using Expression Blend. To my surprise, the rendering is quite different when I load the solution using Visual Studio 2008. What is even more surprising, when I run the application, the resulting UI is different from the rendering done by both VS and Blend. Though I have not provided by XAML code, but in general is this a known Issue?

This is most definitely a known issue. Visual Studio uses what's known as the Cider designer to render WPF code. It most definitely renders XAML differently from Blend. Cider in VS2008 is pretty terrible, but gets much better in 2010 (but is still pretty terrible compared to Blend). One of the main differences between Cider and Blend is that Cider will read the code behind file (*.xaml.cs) while Blend will completely ignore it. Another notable difference is that Cider doesn't really understand things like Visual States and Blend SDK Behaviors (especially when you mix the two) while Blend completely understands them.
If you're constructing your view classes where you set your DataContext in XAML and then provide design time data (using Blend or a view model locator), you'll find that there are very few differences between Blend and how something actually looks at runtime.


When to use Blend for a WPF developer?

I'm a WPF developer and use VS Pro 2012 everyday for UI adjusting and coding. I installed Blend for Visual Studio but I never used it (just launched it by accident several times).
I'm afraid that I missed something by not using Blend. If I did miss something, what is it then?
Blend lets you design WPF UI, create controls and determine their behaviors visually (by UI), and Visual studio lets you do that programatically.
There is nothing you can do in blend, that you can't do in visual studio.
It is a tool for people who are less comfortable using code, and more comfortable using a cool UI to create custom controls and behaviors and design thier UI
In Visual Studio 2012 and later, the WPF UI designer is Blend; it's actually loaded in the background and accessed through out-of-process COM interfaces. This is part of the reason its behavior can be a bit bizarre at times, why you get messages about being able to edit the XAML while the design surface is loading.
If you're used to VS form builders you're going to be fine with Visual Studio.

First dabble in WPF using VS2010 and Expression

I am looking at using WPF for the GUI side of an upcoming project.
I know I have a huge decision to make on WPF vs. Win forms, but before I can make that decision I want to have a play around with a few simple WPF programs.
I have read a few posts online that say Visual Studio (2008 at the time of the post) lacked somewhat in editing the XAML and they recommended using MS Expression?
Questions are:-
I have VS2010, Has this fixed the lacklustre XAML editing present in VS2008?
Which product in Expression studio is used instead to edit the XAML?
Is the idea that you build the code side of the WPF in VS and Build up the XAML in Expression the copy the generated XAML into VS?
Any suggestions/tips on combining Expression and VS2010 would be appreciated.
Kind Regards
VS2010 has a much better enviroment for supporting XAML compared to VS2008 (in VS2008 it really was not the greatest experience) - so it would be possible to play around with some basic projects straight in VS2010...
Expression Blend really shows it power when you get into animations and transitions etc (Expression Blend to me would be the starting space in the Expression suite once you had covered the basics in VS2010).
The approach I would take is to get basic exposure in a tool/ide you are used to like VS2010, and then go through some of the Blend examples/tutorials that are available off the Expression Website to then take it to the next level.
The things that got me sold on WPF/Silverlight were databinding, separation of concerns using the MVVM pattern and commanding... it just seemed easier than what I was achieving in the winforms arena and cleaner... but it took a while before I was sold on it just because I was used to the winforms way of things and was trying to do WPF but with a Winforms approach.
For basic projects you could build the code and XAML all directly in VS2010. In fact for someone learning XAML for the first time who comes from a code centric perspective, coding XAML directly in VS2010 might be beneficial so that you get used to the basic syntax before you work in a tool like Expression Blend where that can be hidden from the developer.
use VS2010, it has much better intellisense support for XAML (and better support for large solutions >50 projects).
also you dont copy over files between Expression blend and VS2010, both open the same solution work on the same solution (Blend now has support for source contorl as well), you can flip to show the C# in Blend and vice versa in VS2010

XAML editing options

I use Visual Studio 2010 for WPF development of desktop apps. I edit my XAML with the visual editor, often tweaking it manually. My code-behind is C#. I haven't had any particular problems with this arrangement.
What are the advantages of Expression Blend over Visual Studio for editing XAML? Why is Expression Blend so expensive (it's more expensive than I paid for Visual Studio!!) Are there other full-featured XAML editors which are cheaper? (I'm not talking about free ones like kaxaml - those are too limited)
Thanks in advance.
Expression Blend does not come stand alone any longer; it is part of Expression Studio which also provides SketchFlow, Design, and a couple of other tools.
Visual Studio is geared towards the development aspect while Expression Blend is geared towards the design aspect. Building animations and performing binding all within the UI of Expression Blend is possible; not forcing you to modify the XAML by hand. You can however modify the XAML directly within Blend as you can the C# code behind as well.
I typically use Blend to lay out the UI and then make use of Visual Studio for the code behind and tweaking of the XAML. Blend is definitely a nice tool to have within your tool belt and I would recommend you download the trial to get a better understanding on the offering.
I find that the main advantage of Blend is that the UI makes it very, very easy to create complex animations and transitions - really gorgeous user experience things - but you need to spend some time 'learning' Blend to do it. To write the XAML in Visual Studio to create the same effects would be much more difficult - Blend does it much quicker, and you can preview the results instantly. It's not easy (if it's even possible - I've honestly not tried the more demanding stuff) with Visual Studio.

What are the advantages to doing WPF in Expression Blend?

I've been learning WPF and checking out Expression Blend. As far as I can tell, Visual Studio can do everything it can and more. Why do people use Expression Blend? Can it do anything VS cannot?
They say its geared for "designers." What tools does it have for designers that VS doesn't? Couldn't designers just use VS?
There are several things that Expression Blend does better, or is only possible in Blend.
Some of those things are:
DRAWING vector art, paths, etc
Data binding dialogs with properties and complex options
These are just a few. Although these things can be done by hand in XAML, they are sufficiently easier in Blend. If all you want to do is simple layout, then Visual Studio and XAML are fine. If you want to get down and dirty with the UI, then Blend is certainly the tool to use.

Best way for programmers to edit XAML

I was wondering how programmers chose to edit XAML. Most of the programmers I speak to seem to edit the raw XML, but that seems nuts to me since it is such a natural thing for a more visual editor (of course you often have to get down to the raw code ultimately, but isn't there a better way to lay out a grid, or edit a template, or add non c# triggers or manage commands? The one that really set me off was editing a menu -- Visual Studio 1.0 had a better menu editor for C++ than the raw XAML editing experience.)
When I edit .aspx files I use a visual editor much of the time, and then for the raw stuff I get into the html code.
I am aware of Expression Blend, but that seems far more focused on artistic types and GUI experts rather than programmers.
Does anyone have recommendations for a better editor for XAML than VS? Especially so since VS seems to have real nasty problems with XAML editing too, like bugginess and poor performance?
Appreciate your helping this XAML newbie.
I must agree that Blend has the best XAML editor I've tried. While VS2010 has made some significant improvements over 2008, it's not at the same level as Blend, and still feels a little clunky and is prone to freaking-out.
A good option for doing quick and dirty XAML editing is Kaxaml, a small editor which can be thought of as NotePad for XAML. It's fast(er than VS), has syntax-highlighting, auto-completion and an in-editor preview. I find it quite useful to use alongside VS, although it is limited for serious work.
The Visual Studio 2008 visual editor for XAML is still fairly primitive as you've encountered. When it comes down to wanting a true visual editor for XAML files, Blend is your best bet.
Like you, I originally thought Blend was targeted more for designers, but after using it for awhile now, I've found that Blend is clearly the best tool to visually edit XAML files. And since Blend integrates with Visual Studio Team System, you are able to switch between Visual Studio and Blend fairly seamlessly.
I use Blend when I'm doing visual tweaking or setting up Storyboards. I'll sometimes use it when first laying out a window, as well, but I've found that it's often easier to just hand-code the XAML rather than relying on Blend to guess the layout I want. I use Visual Studio when I'm doing XAML editing by hand, as it has better Intellisense and automatic formatting than Blend. I never use the visual editor for WPF in VS.
Part of the challenge here is that XAML layout is much more sophisticated than WinForms, so simple drag and drop doesn't quite cut it anymore. Blend does a pretty good job of guessing what I want, but if I really want to clarify how the visuals should be laid out, it's easier to express by typing the XAML, now that I'm familiar with it.
My typical workflow:
Create the initial layout by entering XAML in Visual Studio for the Grids, StackPanels, DockPanels and what have you that will lay out the window or control. I may also drop in some of the other controls as well, if the layout is simple.
Open up Blend and use it to place smaller controls, edit control properties and create/associate any styles I need. If I need custom control or data templates, I'll create them from Blend and then repeat the VS/Blend process on those templates.
Go back to VS and edit the XAML to set up my designer data context and manually code the data bindings.
Use Blend to verify the look of the finished window or control with the designer data context, tweaking and styling as needed to polish the UI.
I go back and forth a lot, but I'm typically also approaching it from a different mindset with each tool. If I was working with a larger company, I suspect most of what I do in Blend would be handled by a graphical designer, which is I think the intention. I don't mind wearing both hats, though and I've become accustomed to using both tools, as needed.
Visual Studio 2008 isn't the tool to edit WPF window. It falls in error usually if you uses a complex xaml type or some advanced styles.
Visual Studio 2010 has added a lot of new features in editing and specially designer for binding and IntelliSense for xaml too.
Blend is true that is oriented for designers like Microsoft want to sell it but I find it more like the missing feature of the designer of VS.
Blend has an advanced editor for styles and animation and helps a lot to generate.
But Blend lacks terribly in editing raw XAML, it has no IntelliSense at all.
My choice is to use both VS 2010 and Blend specially for styles and animations.
Expression Builder is a good free tool
