SQL Server 2008 R2 "Server Accounts" installation setup question - sql-server

I am installing SQL Server 2008 R2 Web on my Mac (OS X Leopard), running Parallels 6 and Windows 7...
The database will be used for ASP.NET development purposes. I am trying to figure out what Windows Accounts to use for each SQL 2008 Service when prompted by the installation (e.g. SQL Server Agent, SQL Server Database Engine, SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL Server Full-Text Filter Daemon Launcher and SQL Server Browser). If I can simply create a new user account and use it for each service, that is okay, I've seen an example of that here. I guess my concerns are twofold:
Making sure that the accounts I wind up using have the proper
privileges suitable for vs2010 development/debugging.
Making sure that the accounts I wind up using do not pose any security concerns
associated with my mac

Firstly, Windows 7 is not a supported OS for SQL Server Web Edition, so it's unlikely that what you're trying to do will even work. I don't know anything about Parallels, but if it is a similar concept to VMWare then I guess that your Windows 7 installation should behave like any other Windows 7 installation.
Second, the considerations for SQL Server service accounts are well documented, including security issues, and so is the setup required for debugging in Visual Studio.
Finally, and for what it's worth, developing software of any kind in an 'unusual' environment that isn't the same as the environment where the application will be deployed usually leads to problems. It's just much easier and more reliable to develop in a 'native' environment, although I appreciate that if you're doing this as a hobby then you may not be able to have exactly the resources you want. If you're doing this professionally, you should be able to justify the cost of a native development environment.


Deploying Windows application with SQL Server database

I have a WPF project and I will use SQL Server database. The instance of SQL Server IT created for me is SQL Server 13 (2016 standard version) on a remove server. When I’m deploying the application on a client’s computers, what version I need to install there as a prerequisite? Can I deploy SQL Server Express 2016 on a client’s computer and access the remove SQL Server Standard edition? I am looking for a simple solution and for a lighter version I need to install on the user’s computers. I cannot install a full SQL Server on each user.
I have searched the net and a similar question has been asked many times, but I didn’t find a clear answer before. Many people started their SQL Server experience using local type databases, like SQL Server CE or LocalDB. In this case specific DLLs and redistributables must be added with the installation program. It is hard to understand at the beginning, but when an instance of SQL Server is on a remote server, this is a different story. Everything is happening on this remote server. There is no need of any SQL Server instances on a client’s machine. Just a connection string must be added. The adapter or Entity Framework will take care of everything else.

Doing clean install of SQL Server Express

I installed VS 2008, VS 2012 and the community version 2013 along with the matching SQL Servers but never needed the SQL Servers and never checked if they were properly installed.
I recently picked up SQL Server Management Studio and tried to connect to a server.
Unfortunately, it does not detect any local server, even though I have about twenty different entries in programs & apps for SQL Server related stuff including SQL Server 2012 and 2014 Express Localdb, an installation of SQL Server 2008, data-tier app frameworks, native clients, transact SQL, a couple "compact" versions, tools and what's not.
One would think that something in this mess would be recognized as a server, but apparently not so. I had an entry for SQL Server in the start menu with a nice GUI with an install DB option... that requested a server media folder (lord knows which). I tried starting manually one of the many SQL Servers (sqlservr.exe) from the program files folders to no avail (I get a message about a corrupt installation)
My DB experience is pretty much exclusively with MySQL and I am lost with all these applications that look like they should do something but don't.
I would like to have a bare bones installation that works for the following use:
Coding Winform apps with local databases (compatible with Entity Framework)
Allows to distribute the apps with local databases for free (commercial use, small data volume)
Running SQL queries from SQL Server Management Studio
What is the minimum I need for this purpose?
Should I uninstall all the existing SQL Server related programs and make a clean install from a single install file (for instance, would installing the 1.1gb SQL Server 2014 Management Studio Express 64 Bit.exe give me all I need)?
Or if not, is there any way to install a recent version and ignore the underlying mess? (I don't really care for the disk space, I just want this thing to work).
I apologize if this question is a mess but I am pretty confused with this, and I could really use a hand figuring out what's what.

Can a WPF app with .sdf database run on a computer without SQL Server installed

This question may seems a bit silly. The thing is I'm programming a WPF using VS2010, which contains a .sdf database (connection is ADO.NET).
Someone told me that if I use a SQL Server Express database it can be run on any PC even it has no SQL Server installed. But after I tried executing in my virtual machine (win7 & win xp), seems it cannot even start up.
So, can someone brief me, what database do people normally use in developing WPF software? Is it true that my program using a SQL Server database file cannot execute on PC without SQL Server installed?
Much appreciate in advance!
Yes, it can!
SQL Server Compact (that produces and uses .sdf) is the only SQL Server edition that does not require a server to be installed. All its code and logic is contained in the handful of DLL's that you need to include with your application. Just ship your app with those DLL's and you should be fine.
Read more about SQL Server Compact and how to use and deploy it on MSDN.
SQL Server Express (and any of the other editions, like Web, Standard, Developer, Enterprise) on the other hand does require an installation of the SQL Server Express edition - either on that machine, or somewhere in the network where your app runs (remote connections from the network are disabled by default, but can be enabled).

Redistributable local database for windows desktop app

I am getting a little bit confused about the difference of the followings:
SQL Server Express
SQL Server Compact
My requirement is to develop a desktop application that will use basic RDBMS features. I need to package the application and allow the user to install a single distributed package. I don't want the user to install even SQL server express.
In this case, which DB I should use? SQLite is not considered as too much re-coding has to be done.
Thank you.
SQL Server Express is full featured DBMS, with some limitations in terms of database size and resources it is allowed to use. You can see it's limitations (relative to SQL Server) on microsofts site (Features Supported by the Editions of SQL Server 2012)
SQL Server CE is embedded database, meaning that it runs in user mode, it's easy to deploy (requires you to copy just few assemblies), lightweight but fast, can be run by a low privileged user. It's supported by NHibernate. However, has more limitations. To me most notable is that there are problems when you try to have multiple connections to same database. Although MS claims that this is supported, if you try this in Windows 2008 server, you will fail. And what's worse, such use scenario may lead to DB corruption. This means that you will effectively not be able to use some Management tool to update data while your service/website is running. Also, SQL Server Management studio doesn't support SQL CE anymore, so you will have to use a 3rd party tool, like Database.NET. It also does not support subqueries.
localDB, having not used it, sounds like a compromise. It's a standalone database which is executed in user mode (can be used by low privilege user), but must be installed so you will need administrative privileges for that part. Offers set of capabilities of SQL Server Express. It's much larger than SQL CE, and also requires to be installed (unlike CE which is just binary drop in). Shortest overview of this DBMS can be found here.

Hosting Sharepoint and SQL Server off same server

Is it possible to host Sharepoint and SQL Server off the same server for small time testing. Environment would be set up for purely education purposes. Non-production. Thanks.
Yes. We do this also. Works like a charm.
Your best bet would be to use a simple virtual environment (I quiet like VirtualBox) and then run a server operating system on there, install SQL Server (if it is only for testing SQL Server express would be sufficient) and then install SharePoint. When you have installed SharePoint you will be better removing the default web application it adds for you and then adding your own as you will be able to link the new application's database easily to the instance of SQL on your SQL server.
Don't forget that if you are looking at using SharePoint 2010 it all has to be 64bit...
Minimum development environment for sharepoint 2007 webparts
Hope this helps anyway...
It is possible, but SQL server likes to use up all the RAM, making sharepoint really slow, and sometimes with sharepoint 2010 it crashes the web application.
Try to limit how much RAM sql server takes
